alicelufenia · 5 hours
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Oh to receive faint praise from Minthara 💜 it would fix me I just know it
EDIT: Just so there's no confusion, the first option is meant to be in reference to individuals bonding over *shared* trauma. Wish I could update the phrasing to something like "bonding over trauma" now since there is apparently a medical term of the same name that refers to abusive relationships, but polls are locked once posted...
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alicelufenia · 5 hours
I'm curious if you know of how the other casting classes, like Bards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks are seen in Loth-sworn societies? If it's mentioned at all.
Oh, this is a really interesting topic! 😃 There are some information on drow bards, sorcerers and warlocks in Drow of the Underdark (3.5e) - I find especially the concept of drow bard totally awesome.
🕷️ Drow Bards - surfacers often do not realize that drow have an ancient bardic tradition, "one that transforms the traveling entertainer, trickster, and storyteller of the surface into one of the most horrific taskmasters and assassins of the Underdark".
Drow bards are somewhat uncommon in drow societies and they often do not travel the world, but usually connect themselves to some noble House, join a theatrical troupe or become employees in various city locations for artistic performances.
Performing can be deadly dangerous to a drow bard, especially since drow tastes are notoriously fickle - bards who fail to amuse their clients sometimes find themselves a part of the next performance: "disappointed audiences are not shy about taking out their frustrations on those who fail to provide suitable entertainment. The fatality rate among performers is high."
Many drow bards study various means of death-dealing, including the use of poisons, and are skilled spies and assassins. Sornafein, patron of Matron Mother Z'hindia Melarn from Menzoberranzan, was a bard - he was known to kill his rivals with strings of his instruments.
Drow artists in general are considered "even more decadent than typical members of their race".
🕷️ Deathsinger is a specific type of a bard, unique to drow culture. Deathsingers are rare and they combine their bardic skills with necromancy - they are able, for example, to control the dead through their songs.
🕷️ Drow Sorcerers - their position in drow societies is usually similar to that of drow wizards and arcane spellcasters in general. "Wizards and sorcerers are found in nearly equal numbers among the drow (...) and sorcerous talent runs strong through the chaotic and inherently magical drow."
🕷️ Drow Warlocks - "warlocks are not unknown among the drow, but they are seen as something of an oddity. The race's affinity with and connection to the Lower Planes is too great for them to not exhibit some sort of taint from beyond, and demonbinders are among the most common examples found."
Drow warlocks have "strong links to the Abyss and to Lolth, but those ties more directly bind them to Lolth's servants - her demons - than to the Spider Queen herself."
Also, I just found a curious thing about female drow warlocks:
If powers of a female drow warlock come from bargains with (or descent from) demons associated with Lolth, she can be considered blessed by the Spider Queen. If such a female meets all the other priesthood requirements, she can have the status of a priestess, even though she is technically an arcane spellcaster.
Apparently, this is one exception to the rule that all drow priestesses must be divine spellcasters. Such "warlock priestessess" are rare, though. They are also expected to serve the church and the noble houses rather than to run them.
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alicelufenia · 6 hours
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Know the camp rules!
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alicelufenia · 7 hours
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alicelufenia · 8 hours
I really really hate how most art of transfems is just a cis girl with a cock or the most cis passing/adjacent body type ever.
Yeah, girlies like that do exist, but you know what there is so much more of?
Fat transfems, "clocky" transfems, transfems early on in or without hrt, transfems who don't "pass", transfems that don't get rid of or ashamed of their "boyish"/"masculine" features.
Not all transfems look like cis women models or twinks with boobs, please understand
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alicelufenia · 8 hours
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alicelufenia · 9 hours
EDIT: Just so there's no confusion, the first option is meant to be in reference to individuals bonding over *shared* trauma. Wish I could update the phrasing to something like "bonding over trauma" now since there is apparently a medical term of the same name that refers to abusive relationships, but polls are locked once posted...
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alicelufenia · 10 hours
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A relationship sheet I made for my durge, Elaerys + a blank for anyone to use c: Feel free to edit this in any way you'd like. There's also a PSD on my twitter (@sunacred) if you need it!
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alicelufenia · 11 hours
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alicelufenia · 11 hours
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Ketheric Thorm
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alicelufenia · 12 hours
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listen i love shadowheart just as much as the next mentally ill teenage girl but
it's so funny how people make fun of gale for falling for tav/durge for just talking to him when she says this to you if you treat her with basic human decency.
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alicelufenia · 13 hours
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Baldur's Gate 3. Shadowheart and Shar
Dark, prickly, naked faith in…
Call out in the middle of the night For when else would I hear you? Fall out in the cold starlight I can save you if you do You will never walk alone You can always reach me You will never ever walk alone Call me Little Sunshine
Commissions are Open!
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alicelufenia · 14 hours
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alicelufenia · 14 hours
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dark justicar shart lol
im romancing her rn and the idea of turning her into a dark justicar is bonkers i love her
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alicelufenia · 15 hours
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Phrasing, Wyll
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alicelufenia · 16 hours
The funniest person I know...
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Text Version:
Wyll: Have you become a good woman?
Minthara: Yes, Wyll. I am a paragon of virtue. I volunteer at a local orphanage , and rehabilitate wounded owlbear cubs.
Minthara: All so that the children and cubs alike can be moulded to my purpose, raised in my image, and made willing to die in my name.
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alicelufenia · 17 hours
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