amellwardened · 5 years
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amellwardened · 5 years
“Why, thank you! That is an aspect of myself that I take pride in,” Atlas responded, putting a hand to his chest, tone equal in sarcasm but lacking in malice. On the contrary, he seemed more amused than anything else. Despite his position as a figurehead, he had absolutely no qualms about what Cat had just done. He really, really disliked the more snide and prideful of nobles, and, quite frankly, they deserve what comes to them. Especially when they decide to flaunt their wealth in public. Seriously, the gall! He snorted quietly at Cat’s following comment, “Oh, they’ll make a splash alright. Just not the kind he’s clearly wanting,” he spoke low as to avoid being heard by prying ears, “I can’t believe he chose rubies of all things, too. They don’t even match his eyes.” Then, he made a ‘tsk tsk’ noise and shook his head.
‘ and rightfully so, my friend. ’ if atlas really has heard anything, he doesn’t seem very distraught about it. it was probably smooth sailing from here. hopefully. provided that her travelling companion doesn’t blow their cover. she’s never been one to actually partake in the action of thievery, but encouraging she is very used to. that man certainly won’t miss some pocket coin. 
the more he talks, the more she decides that she likes this gentleman. after letting out a laugh that more resembles an exhale, cat matches his volume. ‘ only someone obnoxiously wealthy would buy gems that don’t match their eyes. purely done to flaunt his wealth and can’t attribute it to personal aesthetic. it’s quite sloppy, really. ’ 
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amellwardened · 5 years
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amellwardened · 5 years
i love those pins that pin.terest suggests for cat’s board that are like ‘WOULD YOU KILL TO SAVE A LIFE?’ and cat’s like ‘i have a kill count of over 1300′
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amellwardened · 5 years
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 ‘ your name is river, right ? ’ she asks, setting down a bundle of herbs on the closest table. originally, cat had come over to ask if the other woman could make her as many health potions as she could with the elfroot that cat had collected. oghren had been chugging them down just as quickly as he drank down a good mead, even with anders’ healing. upon a better view she’d realized that she recognized her. vigil’s keep was turning into a kinloch hold reunion. her voice lowers with the next words, although the room is relatively empty. ‘ we were in the circle together. ’ 
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amellwardened · 5 years
@amellwardened liked for a starter!
“Thank you for coming to help us. It means a lot,” she said with a smile.
‘ of course. the world can’t be on the edge of destruction without me meddling in the middle somewhere. i would not allow it. ’ it’s said without a teasing tone, though she means it completely. ‘ how are you holding up ? ’ 
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amellwardened · 5 years
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as of rn i am at a friend’s house but this is a STARTER/PLOTTING CALL. i really wanna get some threads going so i would love 2 do some plotting and/or send out some starters. plz smash the like button on this post if that’s something u would be interested in !
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amellwardened · 5 years
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LILY JAMES as Debora in BABY DRIVER (2017) dir. Edgar Wright
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amellwardened · 5 years
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                                                                EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG.
independent & selective inquisitor lavellan. cried over by mac :* 
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amellwardened · 5 years
protector / protectee starters
“no. you can’t go, it’s too dangerous.”
“it’s not dangerous. i’ll be fine.”
“i’m not going to let anything happen to you.” 
“you can’t keep me safe from everything.”
“just be careful.” 
“i’m always careful.”
“you’re going to get yourself hurt.”
“i won’t get hurt, i promise.”
“i won’t let them hurt you.”
“you can’t save me from this.”
“please try and stay out of trouble.”
“if anything happened to you…” 
“i’m not sure how to keep you safe.”
“i’m not going to let you out of my sight.”
“this is the only way to keep you safe.”
“you can’t keep an eye on me twenty four seven.”
“everywhere you go, i go.”
“it’s not your job to protect me.”
“it’s my job to protect you.”
“don’t worry, i’ve got you.”
“no one will hurt you as long as i’m breathing.”
“you don’t understand how dangerous this is.”
“please come back in one piece.”
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amellwardened · 5 years
Repost & bold what is applicable to your muse(s). Enjoy!
THE LADY - heart[h] fire (september)
soft linens. red wine. kindhearted. patient. the cooing of a waking infant. looking through open windows toward a better tomorrow. a handful of daisies. the scent of roses. leaves on the wind. telling the truth your friend needs to hear. emboldened words after dark. honor and duty. skin touching skin. strawberry-colored lips. the odds leaning in favor of disaster. strong family ties. a coat of arms upon a tower shield. strength beyond words. tendrils of light around your fingers. knitting by the fireplace.
THE LORD - first seed (march)
brisk air on a spring morning. dew upon blades of thick grass. polished steel. the smell of wet earth. a white stag in your path. the twang of resentment at the mention of that name. learning through experience. pride. sacks of seed. drinking alone. diminishing trust of others. visionary. gold trim, gold leaf, and a gold scepter. the cry of an eagle. quills, ink, and parchment. leading the way. able to take a hit. getting the last word. socialite. dreams of leaving a legacy.
THE STEED - mid year (june)
a cloud of dust on the horizon. careful. taming the beast. hoof-beats. mounting tensions. causing a stir. pools of clear water. quick-thinker. danger averse. sand between your toes. the open plains. empyrean blue. letting your hair down to brush. trusting. sunflowers. freshly baked goods. strawberry lemonade. needing guidance. comfortable in group settings. physically fit.
TAGGED BY (OR SNAGGED FROM): @lyinginwait TAGGING: u know the drill 
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amellwardened · 5 years
" dearest darlingest cousin! " his voice boisterous, perhaps obnoxious to many. outstretched arms of such a bear - like man encompass such a great deal of space, an already imposing figure amplified. he does not waste further time with conversation, scoops the smaller body into a sweeping hug that lifts her feet from the floor. it's crushing, large arms spun around her like a trap. " or should i say, great hero so and so. you're not too busy for a measly champion, are you? " / from gare :'3
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‘ oh ! ’ her own arms had opened and raised in anticipation of the embrace when his voice rang out, but the lift encourages surprised laughter. it’s warm and edging on suffocating captured in his massive frame but given that it’s hawke, she’s feeling particularly sunshine-y. he’s got that aura about him. 
she’s heard all sorts of titles and acclamation’s since anora dubbed her the hero of ferelden years ago, but her nose instinctively scrunches up at garrett’s words. the delighted smile stays on, though. ‘ i suppooose – ’ she drawls. ‘ – that i could find the spare time for you, champion. if only because you’re my favourite cousin. ’
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amellwardened · 5 years
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Val Royeaux
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amellwardened · 5 years
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morrigan , flemeth said it’s my turn with the old god soul
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amellwardened · 5 years
Repost & bold what is applicable to your muse(s). Enjoy!
THE WARRIOR - last seed (august)
amber fields of wheat. hardened metal. the noonday sun. organized shelves. boiling water. stone barracks. carrying wooden crates. washing down a muddy steed. blood across the forehead. a rare cool breeze. the smell of sweat and leather. stubborn anger. honesty and trustworthiness. cracked earth. guiding a knife through a tender cut of meat. black coffee in the afternoon. stepping up when no one else will. lime green. a lounging lioness. perseverance despite all odds.
THE MAGE - rain’s hand (april)
forgetting something mid-sentence. stacks of open books. hot tea on a rainy day. frosted bluegrass. blackened fingertips. loosely tied-up hair. staying up all night to master a new spell. pencil sketches and loose-leaf observations. runed circles on the floor. quick learner. looking up to the stars. obsessive. the smell of ozone, ash, and dew. sprouting saplings. red-throated hummingbirds. curiosity. walking through a misty valley in the morning. untapped potential. creativity.  the spark of innovation. forgotten leftovers. always hungry for more.
THE THIEF - evening star (december)
light hair under a dark hood. best at hide-and-seek. coy smiles. icy stares. indecisive. high expectations of others. blacks and grays. dancing by yourself. seeing your breath on a frigid night. knee-high leather boots. brass buckles and deep pockets. wearing a scarf in any season. the sound of rolling dice. sparkling gemstones. the ace of spades. whiskey with orange & cinnamon. always knows a way out. opportunist. honey on your lips and on your fingers. the jingle of keys.
THE SERPENT - wandering (month varies)
murky water in the rain. undergrowth. nicely folded sheets. the fey. glowing eyes on the water. polyglot. sitting in the warm sun on the hard earth. fated for great terror or terrible greatness. clever. knows their way around. superstitious. a rebellious child. climbing trees. the scamper of rats’ feet. vials of multi-colored liquids. shedding the past to become a new person. sensitive. insightful. able to adapt. born to make a difference.
TAGGED BY (OR SNAGGED FROM): @lyinginwait TAGGING: y’all :^) 
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amellwardened · 5 years
it’s relatively quiet for a night in the bannered mare. it gives her the chance to actually take in most of the tavern’s occupants, unlike most nights where everyone’s primarily focused on the bard or conversing with the companions that arrived with them. most everyone in whiterun is a stranger to caterina, given that she hasn’t been there in years, so the lull in constant chatter makes it easier for her to interact with some of the other few who decided to journey into the warmth of the tavern for the night. she sets her gazes on the argonian, sitting but one chair away. ‘ good evening, ’ cat greets with a smile, angling her body toward him for conversation. 
‘ i was just curious... have you been in whiterun long ? ’ there’s a short pause before she clarifies with, ‘ i ask because i haven’t. ’
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amellwardened · 5 years
Trust– what a tepid word.  Brindleback had been trusted with his Lord’s little girl for twelve years.  The knight had practically raised the toddler to a young teen, taught her everything she knew, and then her childhood was torn away from her after her first bleed. ‘She is fit for tying an alliance and bearing children,’ the Lord told Brindleback.
(And then the Knight would fulfill his duty, protecting the child from every enemy in the end by taking her father Lord’s life–)
The memory tapered off and Brindleback’s tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth.  He took a life and was stripped of a title.  Knight to Wardens, a faction that would disappear into the dark once their duty was done.  And where would that leave him after all this?
Brindleback took a second to shift his thoughts and shoulders, “We both survived a demon’s ritual.  Duncan and the King lay dead.   The Maker has shown no mercy.”
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“I have been made wise by Her that you have a magic hold in this.  I cannot question her clear signs, even for as a confused, damned mess the world is.  She is my mistress now and I give you my blade.  I have no home and only have Her hand to follow, and it points to you.”
‘ i’d like to know what leliana thinks about the Maker’s will. it’s hard to have any inkling of His plan after the events of ostagar. ’ duncan had saved her from potential tranquility, imprisonment, and/or execution and now he’s dead -- betrayed. it’s unfair, she thinks. of course she could’ve died during the ritual, but she didn’t. now she’s one of the three remaining wardens in all of ferelden. how quickly it all crumbled. 
the sudden eviction from the circle, the conscription to the wardens, and the defeat at ostagar is... overwhelming -- but they have a responsibility. they need to push past the pain and personal beliefs because there is something much bigger at stake. she takes a moment to mentally send her thanks to Andraste as it seems like brindleback understands this as well. 
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‘ we are both needed for this fight. my magic is just another tool against the darkspawn. ’ she won’t change his mind about mages in a day. she might not ever. but she’ll try to do what she can. ‘ i hope we will make Her proud. ’
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