amozon28 · 4 hours
Friend of mine was submitting a job application and discovered that they REQUIRED a photo:
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We’re trying to decide which of these is a better option:
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amozon28 · 5 hours
Bye Sweet Carole is a hand-animated horror game inspired by classic Disney movies.
Wishlist Bye Sweet Carole on Steam
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amozon28 · 5 hours
It makes me so sad how clearly nervous Yang is around Ruby throughout the whole short. She's second guessing everything she says because she's terrified she's going to say or do the wrong thing. How can you know what to say to your loved ones after you've seen them go through what Ruby went through in Volume 9. But she's still trying so damn hard to do her best because Ruby needs her now more than ever.
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amozon28 · 5 hours
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amozon28 · 5 hours
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Cancel student debt http://dlvr.it/T6ND85
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amozon28 · 5 hours
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amozon28 · 5 hours
滑り止めの成形 (;^ω^) テサギョウ? Minucioso
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amozon28 · 5 hours
please say which in the tags!
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amozon28 · 5 hours
Imagine someone struggling with a mental health symptom, like sensory processing disorder, for instance. Now, imagine someone comparing them to an abuser, because, "this abusive person definitely had sensory processing issues imo, because they'd blow up out of nowhere over the tiniest things."
That's what a lot of the stigma against npd feels like.
For one, I think a lot of people don't necessarily understand what a symptom actually is, like with the above example. For another, even if someone actually does have a symptom, it's a whole different issue if they choose to display it in an abusive way--and the same goes for any other symptom in any other disorder.
My grandiose sense of self doesn't mean that I'm going around yelling at retail workers or exploiting people to feed my ego or turning every minor conflict into an emotionally blackmailing pity party. It means I have incredibly high standards for myself that I don't hold anyone else to, and when I inevitably can't measure up to my perfect, flawless, godly self-image, I crash very hard and have to fight back intense urges to punish/hurt myself.
My arrogance doesn't mean that I'm criticizing, cutting down, and silencing others. It means that I feel like I'm the best at everything and am incredibly over-qualified and that I can do anything, which results in me struggling to actually do anything, because if I run into a road block my mind will go "this is boring and not worth my time right now, let's drop it" instead of acknowledging that I just haven't learned how to do it yet, and if I try to learn, my mind goes "no, you already inherently know this better than everyone, so their flawed teachings will only corrupt your natural talent". It means constantly changing goals and dropping hobbies and feeling directionless and passionless because I'm so high above everything that I can't reach anything, and if I try to reach, it inevitably means a long fall and hard crash.
My sensitivity to criticism doesn't mean I harm people who I felt slighted by, or that I refuse to acknowledge and improve on behaviors that may be harmful to others. It means I withdraw from people or groups easily, keeping everyone at arm's length and hiding any part of myself I view as a "flaw". It means I beat myself up over absolutely nothing, and that I deny any perceived weaknesses and let them fester and grow and disrupt my life because I can't bear to acknowledge they exist.
My low empathy doesn't mean that I ignore people if they say I'm doing something that's hurting them, or that I inflict pain on others for fun, or that I refuse to listen to and compromise with loved ones. It means that I grew up surrounded by emotional blackmail and severe second-hand trauma, and to survive, my brain numbed out that part of itself. It means I don't feel much when someone around me is extremely upset, and that I usually prefer that people don't vent to me because I mostly feel vaguely anxious in response, and my urge is to distract the person, not listen or sympathize.
My need for excessive admiration doesn't mean that I threaten or guilt people into giving it to me. It means that my motivation plummets without consistent praise, and that I'm driven to do whatever gets me positive attention, even if it's dangerous or self-destructive. It means I feel lost and hollow and depressed without positive reinforcement, and I struggle to find self-fulfillment in many of my passions.
I don't really know how to end this post, but... I do hope this can help some people understand misconceptions about narcissistic personality disorder.
Also here's a post I wrote about subjective and emotionally-charged wording in the DSM.
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amozon28 · 5 hours
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amozon28 · 5 hours
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amozon28 · 5 hours
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Saw this on a door at work.
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amozon28 · 5 hours
A nonhuman character in heavy makeup: *is very long*
Me: is that you, Doug
The credits: Freaky Creature played by Doug Jones
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amozon28 · 5 hours
They'll be back this summer.
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amozon28 · 5 hours
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amozon28 · 5 hours
putting butter on toasted bread is so good has anyone else tried this shit
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amozon28 · 12 hours
Hey Abigail! I have a question, im sorry if its too unconfortable, but i was watching one of your older, pre transition videos and ended up having a discussion with my dad about how to talk about past-you
I know different trans people that have different opinions on this so i thought id ask you what you prefer
I think the standard practice now is to refer to someone by their correct name and pronouns even when talking about them pre-transition, for example, "When Abigail was at school, she played rugby with the boys," "These videos were made by a trans woman who was in the closet at the time, hence she looks different and calls herself a different name," etc
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