anon-141 · 1 month
sometimes i wish he would love me in a way that didn’t make me feel like a burden
maybe he loves me in a way i don’t understand
i want him to make me understand so that i don’t feel like i’m his last option
maybe he doesn’t love me at all
maybe i really am his last resort
maybe i’m just convenient for him right now
maybe i really am a burden to talk to
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anon-141 · 1 month
show me your thorns
let me hold you
as your thorns pierce my skin I wonder how I felt before the constant hurt of clinging to you
of healing you
of having your thorns stuck in me
before the wounds from your thorns came
before the constant running of warm, thick blood down my body
before convincing myself that the warmth is coming from you, rather than the pain you caused
first poem of the blog that is very short and not proofread (did it in a couple minutes cuz emotions are hard) so nobody judge but constructive criticism is very much welcome!
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anon-141 · 1 month
hi hello to anyone that comes across this!! i’m not really sure how to start this but i pretty much made this account to be able to get my thoughts out. i thought maybe reddit would be a better place but man is that place daunting i swear. i write things sometimes (poems usually) but everything is pretty much unfiltered and worked on within the span of 5 minutes never to be touched again lol. also might just be a ranting blog of sorts at times because what better to use a platform for? anyways this account will basically just be my journey through my life cuz it’s looking a little rough right now if i do say so myself so follow along if you’d like and send me questions if you have them 🫶
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