aphwild · 7 days
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aphwild · 7 days
girls 🫂 their emotional support piece of shitty 2000s media that altered their brain chemistry
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aphwild · 7 days
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153 notes · View notes
aphwild · 7 days
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94 notes · View notes
aphwild · 7 days
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aphwild · 7 days
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aphwild · 1 month
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Yes im late, but it doesnt matter
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aphwild · 2 months
Hetalia World Stars Dubbed: Episode 1
Hetalia is back! Italy is back on his dumb shit. 
(ᶦⁿᵗʳᵒ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵒᵘᵗʳᵒ ᶜᵘᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ) Hetalia Beautiful World Episodes
Other Episodes: (Will be updated with Hyper link as I add them) Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Hetalia World Stars Completed or is it… OVA 1 -Luxembourg Introduction OVA 2 - Christmas OVA 3 - New Years
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aphwild · 2 months
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aphwild · 3 months
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Ever since the 900
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aphwild · 3 months
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battle of agincourt type beat
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aphwild · 3 months
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napoleonic france
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aphwild · 5 months
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calling to join them, the wretched and joyful
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aphwild · 5 months
Why are there so many male helltalia characters now i gotta femme my france for a moment just to remember how to draw women and suit my fancy
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aphwild · 5 months
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she’s everything
he’s just england
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aphwild · 8 months
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🇬🇧🇫🇷 in two moods
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aphwild · 8 months
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Stormy Eyes
The 7-year-old looking boy with boundless energy, stood atop the hill, looking down at the small church where a somber funeral was taking place. In his small hand, Alfred clutched a single flower, a blue daisy. The daisy, a simple tribute to his best friend, Davie. Alfred had returned from London with excitement, eager to share his discoveries and stories, only to discover the devastating news of Davie's passing. His young heart ached, and the weight of grief hung heavily upon him.
Throughout his short life, Alfred had always been a whirlwind of activity, his mind racing from one thought to another, his body in constant motion. His father, Arthur, had observed these tendencies with a watchful eye, understanding that his son's boundless enthusiasm often came with moments of restlessness and broken vases.
As Arthur approached his young son, he saw the boy's restless fidgeting, his hands twisting the flower stem, and his gaze darting in all directions. He knew with how much enthusiasm and excitement Alfred carried and took care of the flower on his long journey to Boston. So, having Alfred bend and break the stem was a certain cause for concern. He recognized his boys fidgeting and what it stood for. An understanding that had developed over years of being Alfred's father and mentor.
"Alfred," Arthur said sternly, yet without a hint of annoyance. His voice carrying the weight of centuries of history and responsibility. Arthur looked down from the hill to the quaint church where a crowd of silhouettes gathered, and with an almost inaudible "Ah." understood the weight of the situation. He looked down at his son, his eyes softened with concern. "I'm sorry lad."
Alfred's response was not in words but in frantic fidgeting. His young mind was trapped in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, rendering him staring down at the destroyed flower stem he seemed to cherish only a few hours before.
Seeing his son's distress, Arthur's concern deepened. He slowly kneeled down, reached out and gently held Alfred's face in his hands, physically anchoring the restless child and forcing their eyes to meet.
"Alfred," Arthur said firmly once again, his voice breaking through the chaos in Alfred's mind. "Focus, my son. You must."
Alfred's tear-filled eyes finally met his father's, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. Arthur could see his son's eyes trying to suppress more tears from welling up. The effort was unsuccessful, because as soon as Alfred took a breath, all the supressed tears fell all at once. Through all that his boy didn't make a single sound.
Arthur's words continued, his voice carrying the weight of wistom obtained by blood and violence. "My boy, your life will be a lonely but fulfilling one. You will meet many people, nations, enemies and friends along the way. Each one will leave a mark on your heart, just as your friend here did." Arthur didn't dare look away at the funeral for the friend he just mentioned in fear of loosing Alfred to his own mind once again.
Arthur's voice almost quivered as he spoke of Alfred's lost friend. "Remember them, Alfred. Remember them all, and carry their memories with you. Your existence, my dear boy, is both a solitary journey and a shared one. You are not alone in this world of nations."
He paused, his grip on Alfred's face unwavering. "Your restless spirit is a part of who you are, Alfred, and it's a gift. Use it to carry the torch for those who have gone before us and for those who will come after. You have the strength within you to focus when it truly matters. Because, my son, when you do, miracles will happen."
He released his son and instead of going back to fidget with the plant, Alfred stood still and kept looking at his father.
As the funeral procession continued below, father and son remained standing on that grassy hill. Arthur's words seemed to echo back and forth in the young boys mind, his ocean eyes finally resembling calm waters. In that moment Arthur was reminded of stormy nights at sea and the calm morning that followed.
He was always good at sailing through the storm.
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