artistlense · 28 days
Bees and Trees
I saw three things in a tree today. One, I saw a bird's nest with a mamma bird. She was sitting on her nest and watching me as I walked by. I started thinking about how she is so beautiful and it makes me happy she is alive, doing well, and here. I hope her babbies grow up to be big and strong. Second I saw a plastic bag in the tree next to her nest. It was like an artificial out-of-place disappointment. I hate it so much, I would have taken it right out of the tree then but couldn't reach it (seemingly poetic). It seemed like a comparison of the natural nest and the polluted bag as direct as it could be. This made me sad. Thirdly I saw a chubby bee hovering around the wonderful-smelling flowers. Boy do I fucking love bees.
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artistlense · 1 month
Thank you
That. was. beautiful.
As soon as I posted that last message I got up from my computer and went to go grab a glass of water. My dog kept leading me to the door meaning she needed to go to the bathroom. After I put my coat on and put her leash on we headed outside.
It's 11:53. Outside it's a beautiful, clear, dark night out. No clouds, it's all just stars and the night sky. As we turned the corner on my sidewalk I saw the biggest meteor or comet, whatever it was in my entire life. This falling star was so big I saw the linger of the white tail streak across the sky and the red or orange light coming off of it extremely clear.
I just started laughing. Its midnight and I was outside in the dark by myself and just absolutely started smiling, laughing, and grinning like an idiot. I can't believe that just happened. I don't know what that meant all I know is it just happened.
I felt like maybe somewhere out there, some energy, some life, some coincidence I really don't know but something heard me in my own way. I felt such peace after writing my last post. Something in me felt like a puzzle piece clicked and it made sense then that happened.
There is a million reasons or coincidences that could have happened, but I don't care that made me so unbelievably and truly happy. I felt seen in some way, some absurd and perfectly me way. I just looked up at the sky and between grins and laughs I just said thank you into the nothing around me. I am at peace now.
Thank you, I see you too.
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artistlense · 1 month
Evolution and Change
I realized something today. Evolution is truly and simply put the essence of change given to us on display and we see the absolute microscopic version of it every day in our lives. Evolution by literal definition is the change in genetics in a population over time. This is over an incomprehensible amount of time and due to natural selection. This rule came far before us and will be here far after us. That is the scientific definition. However, this rule is so much more than that one scientific definition and explanation can tell us.
We experience evolution ourselves, in our phases of life. You will never get this day back. When this season in your life changes it is gone. Given and taken from you by life. You will never be here in this moment again. Whatever is happening to you right now will pass, whatever moment you are in 10 years from now won't be permanent. Nothing is ever and will ever be concrete, you can never truly master this situation or time before it is gone. Physically or mentally you will grow despite your willingness or protests.
Time forces herself to be felt and seen because there is nothing else to be done. In these moments of life that pass day to day, nature gives us a taste of the heavy burden she bears. Think of the pain of losing something or knowing you can never return to your youth. That is all just a fraction of a fraction of what life and time have experienced. She built from nothingness the first cell, the first fish, the first reptile, the first dinosaur, the first bird, the first person. Each replica living and dying. Changing against but also for her will.
Life is a force, and her force is change. Good or bad. Scary or thrilling. It doesn't matter because it simply is. She is the absolute contradiction. Life is death, life is change and decay but also growth and rebirth. This cycle of absolute and never-ending change will continue forever, her only death being the implosion of the existence of reality, and hell maybe even after.
When we experience life and change, death and decay we are just small, incomprehensibly microscopically small versions of the burden she bears. She, they whatever it is FORCES herself to be felt in these tiny bursts of life because that is all she has to give. When you feel change know you are not alone even if you are, because you are just the after-effect of the force that is everything to us.
We are change, life, death, and every experience that has and will be. All because we are the effects and children of the relationship between life and change.
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artistlense · 2 months
Do you ever just think about the fact that all we are is an organized mass of cells working together that form a collective consciousness of existence in a world of empty space. Yea me too.
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artistlense · 2 years
New Year
Its the New Year, its the time of change and renewal. But why does it feel like another day of the same misery?
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artistlense · 2 years
Pain is weakness leaving the body, so I suppose I just am really weak
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artistlense · 3 years
Mad Hatter
Once there was a Mad Hatter
Who climbed a tall ladder 
See his mind had went scatter 
So he drank the black batter,
Then that Mad Hatter,
So felt his life didn’t matter,
See he jumped off that ladder
Whos’ whole body went splatter
Once there was no longer a Mad Hatter
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