asajjventress-blog · 12 years
Clone Wars 30 Day Challenge: Day 13-Favorite Villain
This one is legitimately difficult for me to work out. From it’s early days to its current seasons, The Clone Wars has always excelled in the villain department. Sure, there are some that aren’t as memorable as others, but overall I think The Clone Wars has really done a good job in making memorable antagonists. 
I mean, if we’re talking about being purely iconic, than Cad Bane will probably take the cake. As I said in my Top Ten Original Characters countdown, Cad Bane is really the first character or villain that made an impression enough to be distinctly Clone Wars. His trademark hat and expert voice acting by Christ Burton really have made Ban a favorite for me, and I love his appearances in the show. He’s also so charismatic at the same time.
If we’re talking about sheer dislike-ability and effectiveness as an actual antagonist than I really think Krell takes the cake. I mean, who didn’t hate this guys guts? And the writers and Dave Fennoy did a great job of making this character all the more unnerving. And yes, Umbara bias sneaks in again.
Yet, again, I really like how Ventress has become a character that really blurs the line between hero and villain. She’s an effective villain, that’s for sure, but I almost feel like she’s transcended that role. She gets on the list anyways because she’s amazing and Nika Futterman kills it.
So that’s it, there are others I’d like to say, but I can honestly ramble for like forever.
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
-slow chuckle-
Well, then today is your lucky day, doctor.
The Sith have a more enlightened view of the Force than the Jedi. We embrace all its aspects, rather than demeaning thier gifts. We, and we alone, know the true power of the Force lies in the Dark Side.
-slow, evil smile-
Interesting. Very. Interesting.
Well, you are currently in the Sith Containment Chambers of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Leonard. Does any of that ring a bell?
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
Really now.
-slow, evil smile-
Interesting. Very. Interesting.
Well, you are currently in the Sith Containment Chambers of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Leonard. Does any of that ring a bell?
imadoctornota answered you:
And what the fuck do YOU want?
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And aren’t you just a ray of fuckin’ sunshine! Names McCoy, Leonard McCoy, and you?
Asajj Ventress. It’s on the fucking door.
You’re no Jedi. -looks him up and down-
What are you doing here?
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
((More questions after the cut.))
1. First thing you wash in the shower? 2. Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? 3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? 4. Do you plan outfits? 5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? 6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red? 7. What would you do if you opened your door and saw a dead body? 8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? 9. Three of your current feelings? 10. What are you craving right now?
Read More
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
imadoctornota answered you:
And what the fuck do YOU want?
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And aren’t you just a ray of fuckin’ sunshine! Names McCoy, Leonard McCoy, and you?
Asajj Ventress. It's on the fucking door.
You're no Jedi. -looks him up and down-
What are you doing here?
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
Send this to the all the nicest people on tumblr. If you receive this message then someone is trying to tell you that they are incredible happy you ever joined tumblr. You are not only running a tumblr worthwhile following, but you are also a totally kind and awesome person. Without you my tumblr experience wouldn’t have been the same.
[[adskhbgaldsjgads WAT]]
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
[[I have a whole list, two really, should I organize it by priority? xDDD]]
OOC: Today is Gif Sunday!
Actually it’s quite random and won’tn happen in any consecutive manner, but I figured I’d extend an off to make anyone here who needs gifs, some gifs.
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I can do plain, or add text. But in an effort to save time and let everyone have a chance, please be as specific as possible, and no more than ten (10) gifs per person, unless perhaps I can fit a gif or two more.
Just send me an ask!
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
you can be religious and still be a shitty person
you can be athiest and still be a shitty person
it doesnt matter what religion or creed you do or do not follow, if you are a shitty person your shittiness will shine through it all
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
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“I think that Obi-Wan feels– and this is the way I play it- that the attraction to the dark side is always going to be a part of Anakin and any other Jedi. But Obi-Wan knows the strength of Anakin and thinks he’ll overcome it.
I don’t think Obi-Wan expected anything that happened in Episodes III to V. I think he was so trusting in Anakin and the Force; he had hope and faith. I really don’t think he expected the dark side to be so heavy and actually take Anakin away from him.” ~ James Arnold Taylor
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
it's interesting how you play the somewhat more unseens side of ventress- that of an extremely conflicted character- on both accounts. wanna elaborate on that?
[[Ah, anon- you touch on one of the most interesting and challenging parts of the character.
Asajj Ventres…
In SW:TCW, for the first, second, and half of the third season, she’s the Queen Bitch of the Sith. And what a fierce little bitch she is. Only Venty would have a part in that show so graphic they actually censored it: there is a scene where she kills a clone by lifting him up, forcechoking him, slams him agianst the wall, then yanks him forward and impales him on her lightsaber as she kisses him.
Queen fucking BITCH of the Sith.
But everyone has a reason for being who they are, and Venty’s are actually pretty tragic. In the EU, it’s a little different than it is in the SW:TCWverse. But both have her lose her master, Ky Narec, the only person who ever gave a damn about her, who trained her as a Jedi and likely loved her as a daughter during his stay on Rattatak, not the nicest planet to begin with, in her middle teens. Of course, tragedy: he dies, and Ventress embarks on a bloodsoaked journey down the Dark Side.
And we see this pattern over and over with her: Ventress finds something to commit to, to work for or believe in, and it either isn’t what she thought it was or it gets ripped away from her. First Ky, then Dooku’s betrayal, finding her family, trying to kill Dooku and failing, and then- the subsequent slaughter of her entire clan, which is squarely on her shoulders.
Everyone that Ventress dares care about has died or been destroyed because of her.
By the end of S4, her entire lifestyle and core motivations are called into question. Her lust for revenge got her family killed. All her previous beliefs have been knocked tail over teakettle and her heart broken, yet again. She’s not stupid: but she is very, very stubborn and very proud, and this is not easy to accept.
Take a beautiful stained glass window. Now shatter it, over and over, glueing back together each time with grief and pain and misery so all the shards are sticking out and razor sharp. Leave it outside in the elements, the cold and the rain and the dirt, until the vibrant colors are covered in grime and scratched and chipped, where hoodlums can find it and have thier way with it. Let that bake in the heat till it’s an armor around it, hardfired and brittle as clay. Dip it in blood. Numb it in hate. scar it with lonliness. Scrawl profanities across the surface.
Now you have a good idea of what Ventress is.
And under all that, somewhere, a tiny sliver of glass sticks out still and catches the light when turned just so, sparkling.
Obi can see that sliver.
That’s what makes him special.
And maybe ObiRess is a cliche: good boy saves bad girl. But it’s more. Ventress’s story is also a story of finding who she is outside of the influence of Dooku or Talzin or ANYONE, all those people who lured her with a cause. It’s a grim tale of a soul too fucking stubborn to roll over and die, though that would be infinitely less painful than living, and a love story, and…
…and maybe, just maybe, redemption, and finding a cause for herself.
She’s such a contradiction: she’s iron but brittle, incredibly powerful but so very broken, cynical and yet the fact that through all of this shit that keeps happening to her, she keeps going, and that takes a fatalistic kind of hope and faith as well.
I have a lot of feels for this character. TT-TT]]
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
((Ventys new gear AWWW YISSSSS))
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manipulativemastermind replied to your post: OOC: UM DID ANYONE SEE THE EXTENDED PREVIEW?!
((I KNOW RIIIIIGHT? /srsly can’t wait for this season))
((I KNEW IT! I mean, it makes total sense, and Sidious then gets to be such a BAMF!))
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
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i’m going to vomit on whoever wrote this
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asajjventress-blog · 12 years
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