“Jay! Is..your element scary? I mean, it’s white hot lightning. A strike is hotter than fire, so..”
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Jay: It’s my element, you know? You’re not scared of your hand just because you can punch hard. It’s gotten me out of a lot of situations, not to mention it’s just rad.
Jay: Anyways, can you repeat what you said about it being hotter than fire? I wanna record it so I can rub it in Kai’s face.
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Hey Lloyd, just wondering for perfectly no reason at all, is Jay still into Starfarer(and Fritz Donnegan)?
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Lloyd: Though Starfarer is still my all time favorite.
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So here's a funny story. I accidentally put my question in a submit post, so please ignore that!!! Anyway, Lloyd, I had a question. I kind of like you...will you go on a date with me? *doki doki*
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Lloyd: I’m aroace, I’m not attracted to anyone. I’m just not into all that stuff. Sorry to disappoint, you seem really sweet but I think we should stay just friends. Thanks for asking a question though! 
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i cant believe ur ask box link message is "owo whats this"
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Jay: Please don’t tell Lloyd he’d make me change it.
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Jay: We've made an askblog by popular demand, I'll be your host- I-I mean, Lloyd and I are hosting it because everyone else was too BORING to join in!
Lloyd: Jay's shortlived tv hosting career aside, we wanted to give the citizens of Ninjago a chance to get to know the masters of lightning and energy. So ask away!
Jay: Hey it wasn't short lived, i had 74 episodes AND a holiday special!
Jay: Wait that makes it worse.
Lloyd: We're ready to answer your questions! 
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