askanangelofvalor · 10 months
Also I beat Diablo 4 with a buddy yesterday and had lots of fun.
And it’s cross-platform, meaning I can play it on console. Soooo.
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-whispers- if anyone wants to play…
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askanangelofvalor · 10 months
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Working on a Kyriael redesign. Not TOTALLY happy with it, I’m probably gonna be working on it for a while.
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askanangelofvalor · 10 months
So…Mephisto is literally Lilith’s father, right? Her dad. And the other Evils are described as her aunt and uncles, Leah being listed as her cousin.
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If you could like.
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Please show me on a diagram how exactly he pulled off this biological feat…
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askanangelofvalor · 10 months
I’ve been laying tons of Diablo IV lately, and having fun with it (I really liked III, which was my first experience with it) and I was messing around and came up with a demon OC.
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Her name is Valefar (yes, after the actual demon) and she’s based more on a moth/insect) with a scorpion tail.
No it is EXTREMELY unlikely she’s getting a blog, I have too many as it is. She might be a Discord muse tho.
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
Kyriael often gathers knickknacks from the human world, and has amassed quite a collection. It’s often worthless junk, but once in a while she’ll find something that still works.
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
Kyriael wing floof
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
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Darksiders and Diablo incarnations of Kyriael.
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
Imagine that when angels are startled, their wing feathers poof up.
Now, imagine being in The White City, hanging out in one of the great cathedrals. All is quiet and peaceful, at least until you suddenly let out an explosive sneeze, and every angel in the vicinity just goes
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
"Ah, you return, angel. I hope your hunt was fruitful?"
“It was.” There had been so many souls just…kind of laying around. It had been easy to gather a large number of them, especially since she could fly and reach places that beings on foot couldn’t.
“I got you the souls. What next?”
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
touch starved rp starters
“you are the worst case of touch starvation i’ve ever seen.”
“you made a mistake hugging me because i’m so touch starved i’m not letting go of you now.”
“i’m sorry but can you give a hug i need to remember what human contact feels like.”
“man you know you’re really starved for affection when someone gives you a friendly pat on the back and your knees get all wobbly.”
“so i looked it up and it’s called skin hunger, also known as touch starvation. so i’m going to hug you now and you aren’t going to complain because this has actually been affecting your mental health.”
“no one’s hugged me in years. do you mind if we stay like this a little longer?”
“keep scratching my head. it feels nice and i don’t know the last time someone did that for me.”
“the reason i am acting like a cat right now and why i’m sprawled across your lap is because i can’t remember the last time someone held me like this.”
“my video game spouse called me dear and i started crying please send help.”
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
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⚜️ Indie Angel OC for Darksiders and Diablo
⚜️ About
⚜️ Rules
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
—oh son of a bitch I made a promo image with the old picture of Darksiders!Kyriael
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
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blog  /  individual credits : x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x
‘ when I was five, I burned my hand on the stove my mother never warned me not to touch ‘ ‘ your soul seeks the warmth ’ ‘ tell me again how our ashes were too holy for this universe to taste ’ ‘ you have bitten your tongue so many times it no longer remembers how to bleed ’ ‘ you have an army of words hidden behind your teeth ’ ‘ what a modern fucking tragedy you turned out to be ’ ‘ what do you think the stars wish for then ? ’ ‘ maybe i could have loved you if i’d prayed another way ’ ‘ maybe i could have loved you in any life but ours , now ’ ‘ i found a catalyst for disaster in you ’ ‘ i don’t know if it’s true but i’d like to believe it ’ ‘ i’d like to believe that we exist living a thousand lives , side by side ’ ‘ you would consume me ’ ‘ my organs are tied in knots ’ ‘ my bones are headstones ’ ‘ tell me we’re not still hollow ’ ‘ tell me we’re forgiven ’ ‘ smile with your teeth , darling ’ ‘ do not be afraid to show the world that you would eat it whole ’ ‘ you are the brightest goddamn sun i have ever seen ’ ‘ mention our ghosts , our knotted spines ’ ‘ we are graveyards , reaching , with haunted bones ’ ‘ we endure ’ ‘ this heaviness in my chest , i wanted to give this ache a name ’ ‘ there are no pain receptors in the lungs ’ ‘ with every breath i swallow , i drown ’ ‘ you are in my bones , wherever i go , know — i take you with me ’ ‘ you matter ’ ‘ but for right now , in this very moment , you exist ’ ‘ you don’t have to be , you already are ’ ‘ soulmates aren’t rare , they aren’t ’  ‘ you’ll meet a thousand soulmates , just as you’ll live a thousand lives ’ ‘ knowing them is like being found without ever knowing you were lost ’ ‘ you can’t give your storms to someone else ’ ‘ nothing lasts forever , not even the rain ’ ‘ to be is terrifying and it’s okay to fear ’ ‘ there will be hollow spaces beneath your heart and in your ribs ’ ‘ don’t claw out your throat while waiting for someone else to scream ’ ‘ blood beneath your fingertips isn’t easy to clean ’ ‘ where death becomes , red lips are stained ’ ‘ doomed are we to seek an absolution we will never touch ’ ‘ in some other universe you’re asleep ’ ‘ everyone leaves ’ ‘ the important ones come back ’ ‘ you’re not a ghost , you can’t haunt those that forget you ’ ‘ don’t count your breaths as you cross the street ’ ‘ every moment passes into another until it doesn’t ’ ‘ everything ends and it’s okay ’ ‘ behind every constellation , there is a pathway to another you and i ’ ‘ every star is another story , every night a different sky ’ ‘ we end , to begin again ’ ‘ beyond every somewhere , we still exist ’ ‘ there are a thousand theories , we are only one ’ 
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
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Actually I think I like these tattoos better than the other.
I just wish HeroForge wasn’t bugged for me at the moment because they’re blurry as all hell.
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
Kyriael tentatively took the crystal, and secured it to her belt. “Huh. So it’s that easy?”
Granted, it would likely require killing some demons, but since when wasn’t that her job?
“Alright. Deal. I’ll go out and get some souls, and then we can talk business.”
This would be simple enough, she told herself. All she had to do was explore the ruins and kill demons. Granted, she wasn’t sure about the Angel souls; those were her comrades after all.
“Souls. Of course. You are the Soul Eater, are you not?” Kyriael hummed.
“Alright. So all I have to do is gather souls, and turn them over to you in exchange for your wares? Sounds simple enough.”
The young Angel still had misgivings about this. But she was nowhere near as skilled in battle as her Hellguard brethren. She needed any advantage she could find. Even if it came from a demon, their sworn enemy.
“…uh. So do I just. Pick them up or…?”
Vulgrim’s smile only widened. He did so love it when his reputation preceded him; his monicker did half the explaining for him.
In response to her question, his gauntleted hand opened. A hollow crystal materialized and drifted to her, already equipped to be secured to her belt. 
“This will collect the souls and hold them until you return to me. All you need to do is find them.”
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askanangelofvalor · 3 years
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