austinwolfclaw · 1 month
tumblr blog 4/27/24
I wrote this blog a long time ago regarding pro-lifers at a car event. I answered several questions to the best of my ability and today i wanted to shine some light on one of them: ___________
7. What would happen if Roe v. Wade was overturned? The Wikipedia article said, and i QUOTE:
Both supporters and opponents of Roe have sometimes mischaracterized the decision’s effects. For example, a pro-choice claim is that overturning Roe would result in thousands of women per year dying from illegal abortions. A pro-life claim is that the female suicide rate worsened because of Roe. According to FactCheck, neither claim is well-founded.[5]
Overturning a court decision now wouldn't do any good. We both agree. :) ______________ Roe v. Wade DID get overturned by a Supreme Court led by the Trump administration. However, some states adopted laws that protected a woman's right to choose. However some states are trying to make abortion illegal. If you live in any of these states then move to a more woman-friendly state now: ID, ND, SD, MO, IN, KY, TN, WV, AL, MS, AR, LA, OK and TX. The few states that not only passed laws to protect the woman's right choose, but also expanded access, are WA, OR, CA, HI, MN, IL, NY, VT, CT, NJ, and MD. Other states may vary,so please do your research. Start here. https://reproductiverights.org/
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austinwolfclaw · 7 years
I dearly wish that people would view their bodies as they view flowers…
Veins everywhere?
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Skin patches? Birthmarks?
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hella rad~
Scars? Stretch marks?
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Freckles? Moles? Acne scars?
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heckie yeah~
Large? Curvy?
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Small? Thin?
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Don’t have a few pieces?
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handsome as ever~
Feel like you just look weird?
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you’re fantastic looking~
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austinwolfclaw · 8 years
I think it woulda came out better as “This is 100% Bitari bitter vegetable juice from the planet Yargo” and Champa saying “BITARI?!? BITTER!!!!!” Just my opinion. I could be wrong.
The Dragon Ball Super Fansubs Situation (Champa Arc)
Yo everyone!
I want to request something from everyone reading this and also have some info to share. 
First let’s start with some info. So far you might’ve seen DBS with subs coming out early on within 12 hours of RAW. Let’s call those subs V1. Then these subs would get fixes / edit in the next 12 more hours and used to get released as V2. Starting episode 28 DBS has entered Champa arc and this is completely new material unlike the previous 2 arcs where most people had already seen and knew what was gonna happen. This gave room to speed things up by going through subs fast and translating from the audio itself since any small mistakes wouldn’t matter much.
With the new arc this is where things get different. Any “small” mistake can turn out to be a pretty big one in the future and leave everyone confused as to what’s going on. Puns might not get across properly either if things are rushed. For Example:
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The subtitles of episode 29 passed through 3 passes of checking in total. Even after that this little pun got missed. This was a play on “Nigaii” which means bitter. That’s why Champa spits it out later as that fatty likes sweet drinks. I realized this the next day. Although this is a small thing which probably won’t matter but imagine if it was with something big. 
So for that reason episode 30 went through 5 passes in total instead of 3 and in the final 5th pass a big mistake was caught regarding Goku trying to persuade Buu to join their team. 
So with the info over with, here’s my request:
Be patient. If things are getting delayed it’s happening for a reason. I know you might be getting hella tired waiting but trust me, the people working on them are 10 times more tired and are doing their best. Also, avoid the shady subtitles, specially the one’s coming from a guy named Dexter. He doesn’t know Japanese and just writes subs by guessing what’s being said which is obviously completely wrong. There’s also a Dutch group who does it and they too make HUGE mistakes such as inventing a whole new Universe which doesn’t even exist. If they get better in the future or if a new groups shows up who might be awesome, I will let you know but until then just be patient. If you can speak Japanese and wanna help, please contact me. 
I am most active on Twitter and Facebook.
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austinwolfclaw · 9 years
ISIL Jokes!
Did you know that, before they became a terror group, the Islamic State sold burlap satchels out of a traveling caravan?
I believe they were called Daesh* Bags.
*pronounced DAAHsh
What do members of ISIL like to eat? The usual Daesh nosh*
*”Nosh” is British slang for food. We Americans call it chow, or noms.
and finally....
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Do I see ISIL or do I see a bunch of d*cks? (source: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jun/30/isis-dildo-flag-london-pride-cnn )
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austinwolfclaw · 9 years
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On the dance floor!!!!! #spartyon
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austinwolfclaw · 9 years
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Friend's son did this, so I decided to do one as well.
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austinwolfclaw · 9 years
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So sore from work.
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austinwolfclaw · 9 years
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Just chillin
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austinwolfclaw · 9 years
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My new desk, in front of the window (at Home Sweet Home)
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austinwolfclaw · 9 years
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Took this pic using a flash from another camera. (at Main Street Bar and Grill)
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austinwolfclaw · 9 years
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Lé me. From my friend's Facebook feed
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austinwolfclaw · 9 years
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The reason why I never use my tablet camera
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austinwolfclaw · 10 years
I may no longer have a 16gb flash drive.
UPDATE: It's gone forever. Probably sucked up by the vacuum. 10 bucks down the drain. God damn you hewlett-packard for making shoddy equipment.
Last week, I was at the bar. I had some files i wanted to transfer from my 16gb flash drive to my friend's hard drive. Did the job, but he was the one who pulled out the drive. Bad move. Only the cover came off. He pulled the actual drive out and gave it back to me. Or so i thought he did... See, the problem with my drive is the metal part comes off of the plastic sometimes, so you have to grip it TIGHT when pulling out so the metal thing comes out with the plastic. Flash forward one week later. I'm packing up my stuff to go to my other friend's house and I plug in my 16gb flash drive to add a couple more files. It doesn't read. I soon discover the USB drive thingy that lives in the little metal shell is missing. It musta fallen out while my friend (who works at aforementioned bar) was taking out the metal piece last week. You know what? Fuck it, I'm drawing you all a pic. Here it is.
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I'm going back there tonight. Hopefully I can get it back. I forget what's on it...
UPDATE: It's gone forever. Probably sucked up by the vacuum. 10 bucks down the drain. God damn you hewlett-packard for making shoddy equipment.
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austinwolfclaw · 10 years
Top Ten Clever Uses For Emoji
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austinwolfclaw · 10 years
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Lemme take a selfie with a cat. #SELFIE #CrazyCatMan
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austinwolfclaw · 10 years
Guess i should update this, should i?
I've got so many blogs...my first one was a livejournal blog, still active. I've noticed as time goes by, we flock like sheep to the latest greatest thing. So far, that's twitter and Facebook. I have accounts on both those sites.
Mowed my friend's lawn for the first time this year. No yard bags. WTF.
Honey Mustard Chicken is what's for dinner. Never tried it. I'm presuming it will be good.
Karaoke jockey (jockey-ette?) wants me to sing Little Talks with her tonight at the bar. I'm game, though you need to get Phillip Phillips' new song Raging Fire soon.
I think the moment a song "Jumps the Shark", is when someone sings the song as an audition for a chance to sing at a popular fireworks show. Song in question? "Happy" by Pharrell Williams.
Working on a new song, "Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison. New to my repertoire, that is.
"All of Me" by John Legend is currently the #1 song on the Billboard charts. I don't know when the crowd will want me to sing that song.
A friend wants me to sing Moondance. Van Morrison or Michael Booble.....err bubbly.....BOOB LAY! Boobies? Bublé.
OK think that's about it for now. Talk to you later? ~AWC
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austinwolfclaw · 10 years
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Oh snow, why did you have to come back?
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