aydylan · 10 years
♬[D Y L A N O'B R I E N ] is now playing Falling For You by The 1975 and it goes a little something like this...
I don’t wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your neck
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aydylan · 10 years
Dude, you shouldn't known something was up when you passed twenty minutes. Note to self: never trust Siri. She's only good when you tell her you love her. 
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It’s pretty safe to say that I’m never counting on Siri to give me directions again. What could have been no more than ten minutes of a drive turned into a thirty minute drive. How does that even happen? As Sweet Brown once said, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.” This has been a PSA from Cameron Dallas. 
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aydylan · 10 years
I think you should be a beauty guru if you still want to become a Youtube millionaire. I think you'd be good at it. 
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I had a day off, so, I decided to explore deep into the world of the best site known to man: Youtube. As a result, I jumped into the world of the Youtube gamers — you know, the ones who like to play horror games and scream at their screens for a living. I spent about four hours watching these and had a really Camila like thought just pop randomly into my head. I realized that these people were unlocking levels and going through checkpoints and actually pursuing a stable career by playing games. I told myself that if they can do it, then I can do it, and possibly become a Youtube millionare in the process — big mistake. I went ahead and downloaded the scariest looking one on the market because I’m an idiot. I think it was called Slender Man but I was too distracted by the cover page to read it correctly. I flipped out during the first five minutes because it turns out that I don’t work well with dark rooms and men without faces. I got through about twenty minutes and I was a goner by the end of it. Those Youtube gamers don’t really get the kind of recognition they deserve for putting themselves through all of that. Now, I’m just going to try and eat some cereal to ease my pain, and I’m sleeping with the light on tonight. 
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aydylan · 10 years
One's a quarter and the others a nickel. Bam. What's my prize?
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What two coins can make 30 cents and one of them isn’t a nickel? You can’t use google either, because that’s cheating. I don’t make the rules.
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aydylan · 10 years
I thought that that was pretty obvious. 
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I’m alive, no worries. 
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aydylan · 10 years
And why exactly do normal people scare you, hm? I don't even think anyone is normal. 
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So today today in the coffee shop I was start just reading my book and a girl walked over and left a note on my table. After a while I looked at it, it read normal people scare me to, she’s my favorite person right now.
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aydylan · 10 years
Dude, I feel you. Whenever Netflix updates and adds another season to a show I need to catch up on, I get really excited and every second that I'm free, I'm most likely watching it. Don't think you have a problem, just think you're invested in some shows. 
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I just realized how dependent on Netflix show updates I am, and Netflix in general. When OITNB season 2 came out I didn’t even move from my computer for like two days, luckily I had no one home to feed but myself. As well as that though, I almost cry when I get a notification that a new season of my favorite show has been added. I think I have a problem. Maybe I need to join a support group or something.
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aydylan · 10 years
I don't trust myself to fall asleep in a bath, too afraid I'll accidentally drown. Plus, I don't fancy baths that much. The idea of laying in a bubble bath sounds divine but I don't actually like doing it and that's probably because I also have the reoccurring thought that I'm sitting in my own dirt. Anyways, enough about that. If your screams were extremely loud, and the neighbor didn't come over to check on you than your neighbors don't have your back.
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I fell asleep in the bath and dreamt that some witch was making soup out of me. So, you can imagine what it was like when I woke up. Let’s hope nobody heard my screams.
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aydylan · 10 years
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aydylan · 10 years
Bubbles formed and vanished in front of Dylan as he breathed under the salty water and once his lungs began to yearn for oxygen he swam to the surface. When his head popped above the seawater, he took a deep breath followed by an exhale before shaking the water out his brown locks. He started rubbing his eyes to get the salt water out and once he felt something grab onto him he nearly jumped in surprise. The brunet removed his hands from his orbs to look forward and to find them land on another set of eyes that belonged to the one and only Vanessa. A small smile stretched across his pink lips as his looked down at her, his eyes sparklingly with excitement like a little kid. Dylan snaked his right arm around her torso to keep her from drifting away, and with his left hand he swept his hair from off of his forehead, making his hair tousled and sticking up in disarray. He laughed at her comment, nodding in agreement. He really didn't think it was going to be this cold. As he felt her shiver, he wrapped both of his arms around her and brought her closer to his frame. "Hey," he said softly, the water causing goosebumps to rise all along his bare chest except for where her arms wrapped around his neck, which was perfectly warm, "we can get out if it's too cold for you. Just say the word and we're by the fire once again, no worries."
The pair bobbed inside the water, the waves jerking them. Dylan could feel Vanessa's legs skim his own every few seconds under the water, and he never loosened his grip around her waist. The male would clench his jaw every time a cold wind would breeze past and make him colder and although his body was slowly adapting to the temperature, it was still cold. Dylan looked at Vanessa, and he moved his hand from her waist so that he could bring it up and move her wet hair behind her ear. He offered her a small smile, before saying, "I'm pretty sure I can't feel my toes," which was followed by a laugh. It was true — Dylan could hardly feel them under the frigid water and he thought about all the little fishes swimming around them right now. "We should probably get out," he suggested, hooking a finger over his shoulder to point in the direction where everything was sat on the sandy floor. "I have a spare sweatshirt in my truck if you need it" he informed her, with a smirk. 
bonfire ϟ dylan + vanessa
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aydylan · 10 years
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Dylan being an adorable little puppy at Alpha Con
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aydylan · 10 years
Oh, that makes a lot more sense. I was a little confused there. If we could actually meet fictional character in real life though, that'd be rad. 
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I met Ansel, the guy who played him!
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aydylan · 10 years
I've witnessed some people looking at their reflection in a car window before myself and it makes me laugh every time. What if I don't want to call you tonight, Nina? What then? 
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You should sit back, break out the popcorn and relax because it’s story time. So the other day I was chilling in my car, waiting outside the store for my friend because I didn’t feel like getting up and going in with her. And don’t you dare say you haven’t felt that way before because then you’re a liar. Moving on, so I was sitting in my car and this girl walks up and I think she’s going to say something to me but instead she just starts looking at her reflection, making this hilarious pouty face and fixing her hair in my window. My car windows are tinted by the way so she couldn’t see that I was in the car and so I decided to embarrass her by rolling down the window and saying something because I was bored. So that’s what I did and you know what she did? She asked if I had a spare lip-gloss that she could borrow without any shame. Me not thinking as always dug through my purse without hesitation and handed her my favorite lip gloss like she was one of my good friends. She proceeded to put in on, still looking at her reflection in my window and then walked off. I was pretty mad when I finally realized that she took my lip-gloss ten minutes later but then I remembered that it was half empty and I needed a new one anyway. Note to self: never talk to people who look at their reflection in your car window because they’ll take your lip-gloss. And I’m just gonna’ throw this out there for those that I haven’t met yet — I’m Nina, but you can call me tonight. This is usually when I try to wink but it just looks like there’s something wrong with me. 
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aydylan · 10 years
Brownies are more of my kind of food. Actually scratch that. Anything with chocolate. Sure Doritos are always good to snack on but I wouldn't consider them the best. 
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Dorito’s are the best kind of food.
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aydylan · 10 years
Isn't he a fictional character? How exactly did you meet a fictional character? 
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So funny story, I had a breakdown when I met Augustus Waters today.
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aydylan · 10 years
Taco Bell is really good. Too good actually. I've been trying to eat it only once a month but that never works. Their tacos keep bringing me back. It's not good. 
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It’s days like this that make me really appreciate all that I have been given. So, thank you Taco Bell for making me realize that after you graced me with those glorious tacos.
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aydylan · 10 years
I think you handled that pretty well actually seeing at it was hate. Kudos to you, pal. 
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So today I was stood in the shop and this girl came up to me and said, “I saw you in orange is the new black, I loved you so much, but now I hate you,” and my response was “Cool” I don’t do well with people
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