bobzemovie · 6 years
Update for all 0 of you watching
Okay so its been.... more than a day and some stuff has happened. First, I’ve gotten rid of all of those maps because i am now on a new computer, Yay!  Second, got a new Title (theta) and am now about 6 maps into it, much less than i should have been by now but hey ho i have a few scraps of life that keep on getting in the way so ya know its been a slow burn. thats about it for now
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bobzemovie · 8 years
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how I feel when I think about the future
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bobzemovie · 8 years
Random Headcanon: Chell isn’t silent because of brain damage. She’s just incredibly passive-aggressive.
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bobzemovie · 8 years
15/08/16 Portal 2 Mod Update
Well, right now that whole ‘one chamber per day’ quota is severely over-ambitious, why? Well right now, after 4 days of work on this, I have one working test chamber.
What do I mean by working?
Well, it has the usual for a beginning-level chamber, it’s just the simple “Here’s a cube and a button. You know what to do” test. Really, still working on storyline and the oh-so-kinda-sorta-essential guide for the player. Portal had GLaDOS, Portal 2 had Wheatley, every other large mod had one.... Now for mine...
Really, even if you’re reading this in the future, as long as the mod hasn’t been released alongside a ‘I quit now’ message I will always be accepting requests for testing elements, maps, stories. Oh, and on that note:
Anyone got any good map ideas?
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bobzemovie · 8 years
12/08/16 Portal 2 Mod - First Chamber!
Okay so I think I may have to set a quota for one test chamber a day that I work on this mod. Why? Because it took me the better part of the day to make one. yeah, so I just spent about 5 hours making one little test chamber that doesn’t have an end and still needs one major thing figured out.
This thing?
Well, it has a cube, it has a way of destroying the cube, and it has no way of getting that cube back... this cube is essential to solving it btw.
So now I get to figure out how to make a cube dropper..... yay.... also I need to finish the first ‘chamber’/’room’ I told you about in the last post.... isn’t my life fun....
That’s it for now, Bye!
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bobzemovie · 8 years
11/08/16 Portal 2 Mod Beginning (pt2)
Okay, so read the last update below this to get the general idea.
I’m trying to get as many updates onto this as possible so that I can thoroughly document all of this as I go along.
Right now I have made very minor changes to the corridor section and have completely reworked the second room. Instead of being the beginnings of the dilapidated section I have chosen to give the player some more time in the ‘clean’ part of the facility. What happens instead is that you walk into an office/recreational area which leads to the first test chamber.
A huge problem I have been having today is that whenever I double click a door to edit it it returns to being a solid ‘block’, which would be fine if it didn’t always happen. Right now if I can’t fix it then I will have to completely restart this mod, which will be a pain in the behind and very time consuming.
Okay, so I have fixed the error with the doors. Turns out, like with almost all errors (there’s a lot of them) that just by restarting the Hammer World Editor I can fix it. I have restarted it so many times right now that I’ve lost track. It’s getting ridiculous.
So, I have to restart the entire thing. This time it’s because there was a ‘leak’ (where you don’t seal your map and the outer ‘void’ of non-existence leaks in) and it said that some random chair was leaking out through solid wall..... yup. 
I now get to redo 2 days of work.... before I go to sleep tonight as I’m weird like that.  It’s nearly ten past midnight....
This went well.
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bobzemovie · 8 years
Portal 2 Mod Beginning
So, I am now taking the first steps into modding. Yay.... I think.
This is my first ever mod, it has been worked on for the good part of 4 hours or so, whilst I may have been watching a lot of Netflix and not working hard.
You wake up in a standing-coffin-like-thing in a sterile white room. As soon as you walk out of that room and through a corridor it all changes. Neither room is at all finished and I am just trying to get the ‘feel’ of things to be correct before beauty comes into it.
For 4 hours I’m pretty proud, even if it isn’t much.
[Here is another video with some very small changes made].
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