c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
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Doing bad. Doing so BAD.
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
men just don’t get covered in fake blood like they used too.
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
men should be covered in blood and kissing with tongue. all the time
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
look, i'm sorry to say it, but if you really truly want to see more queer representation in media, you're going to need to be okay with seeing representation that you don't relate to at all. you need to be okay with media that has queer characters but none who share your specific identity. you need to be okay with media that has queer characters who do share your identity but who you find completely unrelatable. this is because you are not the only queer person on the planet and queer people who are not you, including queer people who you share no similarities with besides your queerness, deserve to see themselves represented.
you also need to be okay with media that shows a queer experience that you personally find uncomfortable. it's okay if you hate coming out stories, but other people find them valuable, so they need to exist. it's okay if you're a masc trans guy and you feel uncomfortable seeing femme transmasc characters, but femme transmascs do exist in real life and also deserve to see themselves represented. it's okay if you're uncomfortable with queer stories that involve cheating or abusive/toxic relationships or queer characters who are not good people, but other people find a lot of meaning in those stories, so you need to be okay with the fact that they exist.
please stop calling out creators—particularly queer creators—for writing queer representation that you don't personally relate to. if you want every queer person to be able to feel represented in media and if you want every queer creator to be able to make the stories they want to tell, you're going to have to learn to accept that some stories will feel completely unrelatable to you, and that's okay, and it doesn't mean those stories are "problematic" or "bad representation"
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
The moral of Matilda is that if you’re autistic enough you can destroy your enemies with your mind
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
Petition to the Government of Canada to grant asylum to transgender and non-binary people from any country that has laws hostile to them, including countries historically considered "safe" such as the UK and the USA.
You must be Canadian to sign, but please share
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
History of the Harry Potter goblin problem (as far as I can tell)
Book series by JK Rowling: the goblins are portrayed as fairly neutral and alien rather than evil. They run a bank but otherwise have no antisemitic imagery associated with them. An ill-conceived use of the “race of X’ fantasy trope. The series is very anti-Nazi but doesn’t go too in depth. Rowling describes herself as a leftist with socialist leanings.
Movie adaptations: the goblins now have big hooked noses and they’re evil. The nose thing could potentially be chalked up to fantasy makeup tropes but someone decided to put a big star of David in the bank so that was a whole thing. JK Rowling had no direct involvement in production design but she did approve it, most likely out of ignorance but come on, Joanne. It was a big star of David. Hard to miss.
The greedy hook-nosed goblin trope enters the cultural zeitgeist, showing up in other media like BBC’s Merlin and the Warcraft games.
In spite of her obvious blind spots, JK Rowling maintains progressive public image and becomes known for slamdunking bigots on Twitter.
Fantastic Beasts movies, again written by JK Rowling: a goblin with a massive hooked nose and stereotypical Jewish New Yorker mannerism is played by Jewish actor Ron Perlman. The bad guy’s evil plan includes averting world war II and stopping the holocaust. He is aided by ambiguously Jewish character Tina Goldstein. Getting harder to give JK Rowling the benefit of doubt. If not actively malicious, she’s incredibly insensitive. Around this time, she starts posting terf shit on Twitter, killing what was left of her progressive image. The series ends unfinished and in disgrace.
Hogwarts Legacy: Straight up Nazi propaganda. Developed by an alt right YouTuber. Goblins now kidnap children and blow shofars while trying to fight back against their oppressors. And that’s terrible! JK Rowling has no direct involvement but still makes money off of it, showing how far down the right wing pipeline she’s gone and how shallow and performative her progressive leftist platitudes were this whole time.
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
Hi! This past quarter I took a writing in history class that allowed us to choose the topic of out final research paper. As an avid student of historiography, history of the oppressed, and 2000s emo music, I chose to write mine about race in emo, specifically focusing on three frequently discussed figures, Travie McCoy, Pete Wentz and Ray Toro. In the interest of continuing the conversation about racism in bandom I have uploaded the essay to my newly created substack. The essay is by no means perfect, its very surface level (the assignment had a word limit) and my word is not law, especially as a white person. I have noticed a lot of people (especially people of color) get really dumb asks on here asking for "resources" on racism. I am by no means offering this essay as an anti-racist manifesto, its a research paper not a treatise, but I think it might be helpful for giving some perspective.
All of this is a very long preamble to linking my essay and thanking @thrashbeatles who's zine "Sing it Like the Kids That Are Mean To You" inspired this paper and is quoted extensively (you should go buy it here https://www.birdloaf.com/shop/sing-it-like-the-kids-that-are-mean-to-you-digital-zine)
Very importantly, I am super open to criticism and suggestion. I am happy to update, add, and remove any section that needs improvement. This has been through no sensitivity reading except for my white boomer parents.
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
the baddest baby in the atmosphere !!:>
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
i left my head and my heart on the dance floor ^u^
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
gabe brainrot Owo
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c4nnibalgl0w · 1 year
this kinda sucks but fuck it we ball :3
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