daikyou-blog · 11 years
Okay, I'll see you soon. :)
[text to Ba]
Hey! Congrats on finishing up all your finals, I’m sure you did great. Do you want to get something to eat tonight?
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daikyou-blog · 11 years
Great! Do you want to meet somewhere or come over and then we'll go out?
[text to Ba]
Hey! Congrats on finishing up all your finals, I’m sure you did great. Do you want to get something to eat tonight?
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daikyou-blog · 11 years
[text to Ba]
Hey! Congrats on finishing up all your finals, I'm sure you did great. Do you want to get something to eat tonight?
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
[Facebook Relationship Status Change]
Daqiao is in a relationship with Xiahou Ba.
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
Halloween costumes or ideas under the cut so it's not lost in the Skype chat. :3
Bao Sanniang: Sexy Cat
Benkei: Crayola Crayon
Cai Wenji: Belle
Cao Cao: Pegasus
Cao Pi: Seto Kaiba
Cao Rui: Mokuba Kaiba
Da Ji: Sexy Witch
Daqiao: Aerith Gainsborough (to match Xiahou Ba or Xiaoqiao)
Ginchiyo Tachibana: Female!Thor
Himiko: Rainbow Brite
Keiji Maeda: Pyramid Head
Kunoichi: Pinkie Pie
Liu Bei: Captain America
Lu Bu: Toronto Batman
Ma Dai: Hawkeye (to match Wang Yi)
Ma Yunlu: Sigyn (to match Motonari Mori)
Magoichi Saika: Gambit
Masanori Fukushima: Groose
Motonari Mori: Loki (to match Ma Yunlu)
Nagamasa Azai: Skyward Sword!Link (to match Oichi)
No: Catwoman
Nobunaga Oda: Batman
Oichi: Skyward Sword!Zelda (to match Nagamasa)
Ranmaru Mori: Sexy Robin
Sun Ce: Dante
Sun Quan: Fenris (to match Zhou Tai)
Wang Yi: Black Window (to match Ma Dai)
Wang Yuanji: Sailor Moon
Xiahou Ba: Cloud Strife (to match Daqiao)
Xiahou Dun: Tony Stark
Xiaoqiao: Yuffie Kisaragi
Yukimura Sanada: Leon Kennedy
Zhang Liao: James Mason (daughter being Cheryl Mason)
Zhou Tai: Dragunov / Male!Hawke (second to match with Sun Quan)
Zhou Taiji: Jessica Rabbit
Zhou Yu: Vincent Valentine
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
Daqiao stood in front of her closet, wearing the sweatpants and tank top she threw on as soon as she got out of the shower. She had finished doing her hair a few minutes ago, but she still needed to pick out her outfit. She grabbed a few different skirts and tops and moved over to her mirror, holding up different combinations. She sighed after a moment and started to head back to her closet. None of the outfits she thought would be nice seemed to work in her mind for this date.
She stopped mid-step. Was that what this was; a date? She hadn't given it much thought earlier since she hung out with Sun Quan a lot, but he was like her older brother. So this was different. She did like Xiahou Ba, and they hadn't seen each other in a while, the thought of going on a date with him was a pleasant one.
The dancer quickly turned her attention back to the task at hand. Choosing an outfit for tonight. If she didn't do this, date or not, it won't happen. She returned the skirts and tops to their rightful places and then pushed them down the bar. A few more articles of clothing were pushed aside before she came upon a red dress. She had only worn it once before, for her 21st birthday, and then it had been put in her closet, waiting for the next outing that she would wear it. It seemed that that night had finally come.
Daqiao removed her temporary outfit before taking the dress off its hangar. She slipped the dress on and stood in front of her mirror again as she buttoned it. Pleased with how her outfit looked, she moved into her bathroom. Brushing on a little bit of makeup, she was finished getting ready.
She moved out into the other room and walked over to the bowl that served as Fisheye's home. She smiled at the little fish inside before moving to grab the betta's food, dropping some in before moving over to the kitchen area and washing her hands.
Shortly after she was done, there was a knock at the door. Daqiao made her way over to the door and looked through the peephole. She wasn't surprised that Xiahou Ba was on the other side, but it never hurt to check. She picked up her keys off the table nearby and opened the door, greeting her friend with a smile.
"Hi, Ba! It's been a while," she said before moving out into the hall, locking the door behind her. She turned back to him. "Shall we go?"
A Wonderful date! (For Daqiao)
This was the first time Ba felt this way. The girl he met in high school was actually going out with him! He was felting a surfeit of the good emotions. After sending his last text, he prepped himself up, got on a nice looking clothes but were still causal. He told his dad he would be home late tonight and got all the money that was needed for the date. He got in his car and was prepared for everything. Nothing could go wrong on a simple task like this, even charming a girl was no effortless task. Suddenly, his phone vibrated; thinking it was Daqiao, he picked it up and his eyes, and brows widen in trepidation.
Number: Anonymous: You’re gonna to pay you little piece of shit turncoat!  Send a few seconds ago 
It was them again. Ba thought he made it pretty clear a year ago that he would no longer associated himself with those people anymore. He regretted that time when he first contacted them; that was when he needed some money for his sport activities and he didn’t want to ask his father for aid. Some people came out and said they were expanding their “horizons.” They offered Ba full payment for the equipment at no cost other than to win his games. He was naive at the time and accepted their offer without any consideration. During his free time, they would call and Ba would accompany them to wherever they went. He acquired certain ………skill sets that he was not proud of. When he reached the age of 19, when they considered him ready, he was told to do one thing. He was so abhorred by it, that he bailed out before he had to go through with it. During which, the hounded him down until he was certain they got rid of him. Those bastards better not ruin this date for him. Even scum liked them had some standards!
Nonetheless, he couldn’t let himself get caught up in such “nostalgic” memories. He gets in his new car and drives his way to Daqiao’s residence. On the way, he stops by Oichi’s flower shop. Knowing how wonderful the fragrance of the roses smelled, he thinks that just a rose rose would suffice in pleasing her. But was it enough? He’s been years since he last saw her and he thought desperately what else to get her. Suddenly, he remembered about the anime Sailor Moon. He went over to the anime store and skimmed through the section with the anime. Did she have all the this stuff? He comes across a box containing the figure called Fisheye; he recalled that name a lot during his time with her and decided to pay it. Ignoring the peculiar glances and just greeting them with a smile, he bought the doll and left the store.
After a few more minutes, he arrived at the Dance Studio. It was rather minuscule but if that’s what all she needed, it was just fine by him. He parked in the lot and headed his way to the door. It seemed so easy at first but now, the trip up the stairs seemed like the most agonizing deed has done; with each step, his heart grew feeble and weak, and his body was shriveling with anxiety. Finally he arrived at the doorway and just stared at it. What was he suppose to do now? He started sweating from the forehead, and the door looked it was on the other side of an impassable chasm. He had to make a decision now. Throwing away his vacillation, he knocked on the door. His only hope at this point was that the door would swing open and she would appear there. Unable to bear it, he closed his eyes. Just hoping at this point was all he could do.
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
That sounds good. See you soon then? :)
Text to Daqiao
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
Okay. And are you sure? You don't have to. And do you want to pick me up or the other way around?
Text to Daqiao
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
Okay. Hmm...Do you want to go bowling and then get something to eat for dinner or vice versa?
Text to Daqiao
Hey, is it possible that you can ……ummm……hang out later?
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
Oh, I'm glad to hear that. ^^ And you know I'd love to! Let me know when so I can see when I can take off work again.
[text to Quan]
Hey, Quan! I just wanted to see how you were feeling. When you’re feeling better we should do something together. :)
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
Sit down with the intention to finish all of Da's relationships and then later do Oichi's.
Instead get bombarded with headcanons for the both of them.
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
Yeah, sure, I don't have work until the day after tomorrow. Did you have anything in mind?
Text to Daqiao
Hey, is it possible that you can ……ummm……hang out later?
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
[text to Quan]
Hey, Quan! I just wanted to see how you were feeling. When you're feeling better we should do something together. :)
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daikyou-blog · 12 years
socesexual replied to your post: Daqiao! Quan says you left you iPad in his car when he dropped you off, so he’s asked me to drop it off. Lemme know when you’re free so I can do that, alright?
Alright, I’ll swing by this evening to deliver it. It’d be earlier but eh, publicist and duty calls.
Okay that's fine. I'll be here.
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