devilthcghts · 2 years
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Mi-Sook perked up as soon as the other started speaking, not minding the sudden conversation having always hated spending too much time on her own. It further helped that the subject matter was something that interested her. “I’ve had one for a couple years now.” She smiled, fondly recalling getting her cat a little after she got her own place so it’d feel a little less lonely. “They make for great company in my opinion.” There were countless nights where Mi-Sook would vent her frustrations to the small fuzzball in her apartment when she felt like she had no one else to talk to after her and Mina grew further apart. “Think you’re going to end up keeping the cat?” With temperatures beginning to cool down in Shrikes, she hoped the poor creature would end up with a warm place to call home.
The prospect of having a cat was a mildly terrifying prospect for Skylar - though she knew to respect them, leaving them to mind their business but that seemed to catch their curiosity and it was an endless cycle. She had been told it was her disinterest that attracted them. “It is one of those orange tabbies. He just... rubbed against my leg. I had never seen him before in my life,” Skylar said, flummoxed at the interaction. “He was still there the next morning when I left for my run.” Though she liked to think she knew a lot, cats and even dogs were a mystery to her. Friendly and immediately trusting of someone they had never met. “I only come home to sleep, so it would not be fair to him.” Taking a small sip of her drink, she gave herself a moment. “What food do you give your cat?”
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devilthcghts · 2 years
Florence bit down on her lower lip, but the smile burst through anyway at the sight of the other, for lack of a better term, squaring up. As if ready to prove right then and there that she wasn’t all talk. She screamed chaotic energy and the redhead absolutely loved it. “I sense you’re just brimming with energy, and don’t even need the help of coffee in the morning to get like this.” The redhead gave her a quick up-down look before asking. “Say, have you ever tried roller derby?” Florence couldn’t help herself if she was met with a potential new asset for the team. But then she got curious. “Actually, how do you like burning off all this fire? My lunch break is coming up and I wouldn’t mind showing off my bowling skills while we grab a slice of greasy pizza.” 
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“People look at me weird when I tell them that being outside and breathing in the peace of nature energizes my spirit because it sounds hippy-dippy but...” A half-shrug was given, figuring her conversation partner likely wouldn’t. “It’s true.” Skylar’s eyebrows perked at the mention of roller derby, imagining the other woman as a hell of a force in the sport. Solid enough to send people flying. “I have not, but tell you what...” Her competitiveness, the idea of being part of a team again, letting out her energy in a sport that took no names - it was a resounding yes for her. “I think I’d be a quick learner,” she responded with a half-cocked grin, eyes gleaming with possibilities. The biggest caveat was her shoulder that hadn’t quite healed and forced her to retire from baseball but she pushed that to the wayside for now. The competitive spirit inside her was jumping was glee - work could definitely wait.  “If you don’t mind getting a little embarrassed -- and by little, I mean a lot, then... oh definitely.”
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devilthcghts · 2 years
a closed starter for @frgdstars​ / lexi hartwood
christ, when did i get so old? skylar pondered to herself, a chocolate chip muffin in one hand and a coffee in the other. the other woman seemed so young, fresh-faced despite her darker look, but she wasn’t going to eat the muffin and wanted to get rid of it. “hey, you,” skylar greeted (for once) with a thin-lipped smile. “apparently you get free things if you’re nice to the barista. weird,” she said dryly as if she didn’t understand why, but she certainly knew. “it is quite a lovely thought but i don’t really do... muffins.”  she held it out like it was a strange thing. “want it?”
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devilthcghts · 2 years
a closed starter for @shrieks​ / donnie olsen
skylar figured donnie had a lot on his mind, all things considered, she’d be amiss to ignore the killers wreaking havoc on the town. everyone knew someone that had been affected and though she kept on friendly terms with a lot of people, she often kept a careful distance in her relationships, giving people small bread crumbs and pushing them away if they got too close. she could be friendly, gregarious, but it was mostly on a superficial basis and she often liked it that way. donnie was no exception of course - they worked together and could shoot the shit when it came to sports. protein shake in hand, she took a long sip from it before speaking. “we are going to shoot some hoops at the arcade after this, deplete the machine of tickets,” she said like it was a demand. she wanted him not to have to think and distract himself with something else, even if for a fleeting moment.
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devilthcghts · 2 years
a closed starter for @retrocuts​ / character tbd
"so, apparently, i have a cat,” skylar began, bursting out in conversation. not even a greeting toward the other person, just conversation as if they were best friends. she had never been good with silence, and couldn’t sleep without white noise. “you feed these little fuckers scraps once and they come visit your house forever.” though she rolled her eyes at her dilemma, she wasn’t honestly that mad about it. “i come home and it meows at me. it is... strange.” stretching her good arm behind her back, she was trying to loosen up her body before going to the gym. “do you have one?” she inquired, curiosity piqued on her features.
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devilthcghts · 2 years
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loki  could  tell  by  the  stiffness  of  skylar’s  shoulder  that  something  was  injured  –  but  the  extent  of  the  injury  wasn’t  something  she’d  be  able  to  judge  just  by  a  glance.  for  that  reason,  it  wasn’t  definitive  to  her  that  that  was  what  the  oxycodone  was  for.  but  one  thing  was  for  sure,  being  called  sweetheart  by  the  stranger  made  her  uncomfortable  –  the  hair  standing  up  on  the  back  of  her  neck  like  she  had  some  reason  to  be  defensive.  “ don’t  sweetheart  me, ”  she  said  sharply.  whenever  she  was  frustrated,  though  her  words  weren’t  too  harmful,  there  was  a  certain  hint  of  danger  in  her  tone,  as  though  you  might  go  missing  should  you  push  it  too  much  further.  “ i  don’t  know  you,  aside  from  the  fact  you  work  at  a  sports  store.  you  could  be  a  huge  idiot  for  all  i  know.  your  friends  could  be  idiots  too.  it’s  best  to  get  everything  out  in  the  open  -  just  in  case.  i  don’t  even  consider  you  a  person  i  can  trust  yet. ”  she  was  impartial  to  skylar  at  that  point  –  she  might  have  been  an  idiot,  she  might  not  have  been.  loki  didn’t  care  either  way  so  long  as  the  other  woman  behaved.  taking  the  cash,  she  tucked  it  into  her  purse.  “ is  it  your  shoulder ? ”  she  motioned  to  the  injured  shoulder.  “ you  know  –  if  the  medication  doesn’t  work,  there  are  other  ways  to  go  about  it.  if  you  let  me  in  there  i  might  be  able  to  undo  some  of  the  damage  you’ve done…  what.  playing  with  balls ?  emptying  boxes ?  whatever  it  is  you  do  in  there, ”  her  tone  was  still  as  condescending  as  ever.  “ unless  you’re  scared,  that  is.  i’ve  seen  grown  men  faint  at  the  sight  of  a  needle  before,  can  you  believe ? ”
though skylar tried to be on decent terms with everyone because having friends in the right places had its benefits, she couldn’t let this particular instance go. a rare few things annoyed her than being treated like she had nothing between her ears, even if loki had her own reasons for doing so. one of her flaws, she supposed. “don’t treat me like i’m in the fifth grade and we’re good,” she replied just as sharply, thinning her lips into a feigned smirk. granted she was absolutely banking on the fact that money talked. certainly wouldn’t smooth things over - but curry more in her favor, maybe. rolling back her injured shoulder,  skylar had to suck in a breath, reign in her annoyance, not make it so obvious. much as she tried to hide the fact her shoulder was fucked up, minimize the level of pain she was in some days, she should’ve realized it would’ve been a little more noticeable to someone like loki who fixed broken humans for a living. “yes,” she mumbled out stiffly, none-too-enthused. taking a sip from the old-fashioned drink, she pondered how much to tell. she hated talking about herself, avoided the subject as much as she could. “i pitched. it was some bullshit with a roof and ladder, but i’m in physical therapy. it’s fine,” she said, elements of the truth thrown in there. the definition of fine was applied loosely - afterall she was buying pain medication on the black market because her own prescription wasn’t enough. though the incident certainly exacuberated the tear in her rotator cuff, she felt discomfort before and she hadn’t seen a physical therapist in quite some time. it had been over a decade and the bitterness still stewed within her. “i can, actually. i donate. i just don’t need to be opened up when it’s not a hundred percent guarantee and non-surgical methods work.” less that, and more she was terrified of going under.  “and besides, i’m not interested in having my drug dealer play god over my body.”
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devilthcghts · 2 years
closed  starter  ;  ft.  loki  romanov  +  skylar  baudin.
location  ;  julio’s  bar.
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“ these  –  do  not  give  to  anyone  else,  unless  you  know  they  can  handle  it, ”  loki  said  quietly,  sliding  the  little  bag  over  to  skylar  with  such  nonchalance  that  no-one  would  have  suspected  anything.  she  took  a  sip  of  the  vodka  she’d  ordered  minutes  before,  “ but  it  will  cost  you  double  this  time. it’s  getting  harder  to  be  sneaky about  it. ”  what  she  really  meant  was  that  it  was  getting  harder  to  keep  up  her  own  personal  supply  as  well  as  supply  to  her  large  handful  of  returning  customers.  she  had  no  particular  attachment  to  skylar,  so  if  her  prices  were  too  steep  for  her,  she  wouldn’t  miss  her  business.  ( besides,  then  the  closest  source  would  be  several  towns  over  -  which  was  quite  a  trip. )  whether  skylar  was  like  many  of  the  other  residents  and  used  them  for  pain,  or  whether  she  simply  used  them  recreationally,  it  didn’t  matter  to  loki  so  long  as  she  was  making  some  extra  cash  to  fill  her  apartment  with  unnecessary  luxuries.  “ and  if  anything  shitty  happens  that  involves  these  –  i  don’t  want  to  know  about  it.  too  many  people  now  have  tried  to  blame  me  for  not  being  able  to  control  themselves.  you  know  what  you’re  getting  into. ”
it was easier to say that she had a shoulder injury and minimize the severity ot it -- leave it at that, explain nothing further. skylar hardly wanted to talk about how hard it was to lift her shoulder some days, how steroid injections weren’t always effective, and the possibility of needing surgery was a terrifying prospect. a partial tear of the rotator cuff, they said. one that needed surgical intervention before getting worse. instead she went with nonsurgical methods and a healthy supply of pain medication, even going as far as the black market when her prescription was not enough. breezing it up with her dealer in a bar to keep it inconscipous, skylar liked to think she could play it up with the best of them. a glass of old fashioned in hand, she had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. loki wanting to cover her six, she understood, but the idea of being babied bothered her more. “loki, sweetheart -- i realize we live in a town full of idiots but please do not mistake me for one of them,” she said in an authoriative tone, pulling out a wad of cash from her pocket with the same brand of non-chalance that had been thrown at her. “lucky you, i am feeling generous today. this should cover everything and more. do try to control yourself, hm?”
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devilthcghts · 2 years
There were a lot of things Devin was expecting out of the worker that had come upon her mess, but a question asking after how her day was going wasn’t it. “Oh! Well, yeah, I mean…it’s been kind of a great day,” she shrugged, smile lifting back up at her lips as the cheeriness returned immediately. The woman wasn’t yelling at her, so that seemed like a win in her book. “I had some extra money, so I got to buy some really cool stuff! They had this really cool dragon figure at the store, so I got that. Kinda was a little out of the budget, but whatever I had extra money to buy a gift, which - well. Anyway.” Waving a hand in the air as her train of thought scattered off somewhere else, Devin returned her attention back towards Skylar. 
A bit of a laugh bubbled up in her at the thought that she would be putting all of the balls back where they went. She could put a few back, sure, but time was already running low and she wasn’t about to stick around for this one. Her brows narrowed for a moment, trying to figure out what joke she was missing. “Mm, none of them are stones, so like…can’t really unturn them if they aren’t there, but yeah. Totally, yeah. I can move a few of these back. But then I gotta buy this and roll out of here, there’s a birthday kid waiting for this.”
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Well, this woman sure liked to talk. Skylar stood in place, still as a statue except for her foot tapping against the floor, listening to Devin rattle off words. So many words. People could reveal a lot about themselves just to fill the silence - it unnerved them most of the time. She hardly had to say a word to get information out of people. Her eyes gazed over the mess, facial features locked in place. “You seem like the type to buy for your hobby of one week only to push it away in some storage closet somewhere to maybe get back to it in a year or two,” she said simply, tone monotonous. 
Skylar had been told by her mother many times that she was as stubborn as a mule, as if she didn’t get that quality from her. Eyes glazed over the mess, the idea of cleaning this up not particularly riveting. “Well, Sarah. You look like a Sarah,” Skylar began, knowing that she would likely be corrected, “I will be the one checking you out over there,” she said, pointing to a nearby empty cash register. “It is going to be awfully hard to check you out and have you roll out of here if I have to clean up your mess. And I like to take my sweet time.”
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devilthcghts · 2 years
location; dick’s sporting goods tagged; @devilthcghts·
Go to the sporting goods store and pick up a gift for your cousin’s birthday party. It should have been such a simple task to complete, but by the time Devin had a wad of cash in hand and had made her way over to the mall, all bets were off. Instead of going right in and getting what they needed, Devin had quickly gotten sidetracked. Four stores later, Devin had spent most of the money her parents had given her for a gift, leaving her with a paltry sum to try and get a decent gift for her cousin’s kid. 
It was getting pretty close to closing at that point, her side adventures eating through the day as she got lost in the aisles of the entertainment superstore. Time, though, held little meaning for Devin and she didn’t notice at all that she was cutting it close. After a bit of browsing and still with no idea what to get the kid, Devin found her way over to an aisle filled with a bunch of cute looking kickballs. They were the cheapest thing she’d found so far, though still a little outside of what budget she had leftover. 
Luckily for Devin, right at the bottom of the pile of kickballs was a box marked down on sale that squeaked in just under the amount of money she had left. Without thinking about it for a second, she grabbed the box and pulled it out, her eyes widening with horror when the realization struck that every other box sitting on top of it was now tumbling down on top of her. The tower of boxes fell with a loud clatter, Devin herself now standing in the middle of the mountain of kickballs. “Well, that didn’t work as planned,” she mumbled to herself, shifting to try and extract herself from the mess.
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Closing shifts meant time in the morning for Skylar to do her errands, enjoy the sights during her run, and give herself time to breathe before she dove head-first into work. Restocking the whole store was part of the closing checklist, ensuring every shelf was up to par and nothing was ever low. She relished in keeping herself busy, doing the most minuscule tasks that even the upper management wouldn’t think of.
In the midst of restocking a nearby shelf when she heard a small thud that turned into multiple thuds, kickballs rolling past her feet, Skylar turned her attention to the other woman standing in the midst of the mess. As ridiculous as this seemed, it wasn’t even the most ridiculous part of the day, and if anything, she found it slightly humorous. The deer in highlights look was the highlight. 
“Oh sweetheart,” Skylar greeted with the faintest hint of a smirk, hurrying to the edge of the kickball mountain. The brunette seemed impressionable, like she was eager to please, and so Skylar would use that to her advantage. “Having a good day, aren’t we?” She inquired, studious eyes burning a hole through the other woman with the goal of making her feel uncomfortable. “You are going to stay here and put all of the balls back where they belong. Leave no stone unturned.”
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devilthcghts · 2 years
“You’re a real charmer, aren’t ya?” Florence gave the other an amused look, grin still in place. She actually found the other’s sarcastic wit entertaining. Enjoyable even. “Oh, yeah. You’re just an open book.” The redhead said, meeting the younger woman’s sarcasm with a bit of her own as she bit down on her lower lip to stifle a chuckle. “Two minutes into this conversation and I already know that you don’t like being bored, like to keep yourself busy, and have excellent taste in company.” She playfully listed off. “Though your appreciation for flowers leaves much to be desired,” she couldn’t help but tease. “But back to your little boredom problem, I happen to be a very effective repellent for that.” 
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“Oh I definitely can be,” Skylar replied, elongating her neck and straightening her shoulders. She preferred to let the confidence speak for herself with actions, walk the walk -- talking about how you were didn’t necessarily make it true. “Only if they’re super cute though.” Curious eyes slowly flickered up and down the other woman. “There are people who say their favorite thing to do is sleeping. I question their sanity,” she responded bemusedly, flummoxed at the idea. It apparently wasn’t normal for someone to be on the go twenty four seven but she dismissed these concerns - afterall she knew nothing else. Calming her mind was an impossible task  so she appreciated meeting someone who could. “Well, I will definitely need to test that for myself. Let me know when you are free and I will make it work.”
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devilthcghts · 2 years
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Ian didn’t like bringing attention to himself that was why he had so many extroverted friends they gladly took the spotlight off of him and in a situation like this he wished he would’ve had someone else there to at least soften the attention on him now that he’d unleashed a Halloween haunt on aisle 11. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just didn’t expect it to do all that,” he admitted though he truthfully hadn’t put much thought into what it might’ve done when he pressed the button. He’d noticed the red lights in it’s eyes but it was silly looking back to assume it’d just omit a red light to scare trick or treaters. “I guess it’s a good product. If it’s able to scare me it’s got to spook at least a few eight year olds,” Ian elaborated using humor as a way to combat his embarrassment. This wouldn’t have scared Ian when he was a kid but a lot had changed since then. Ian wouldn’t be surprised if the children of Shrike were a more fearful bunch with everything happening during their lifetime. 
“If I’m me, I buy the thing just to destroy the thing. Done that once or twice,” Skylar responded with a half-shrug, seemingly non-chalant about the situation. Having played in front of crowds in her short-lived baseball career, she was used to attention on her, relished it in even, but understood not that everyone did and she wanted people she liked to feel comfortable in her presence. She had never been big on the holiday in general, though she enjoyed seeing the creativity in people’s costumes. “Better to scare less guys like you and eight year olds, right?" She inquired with a head tilt. Briefly, she had considered a career in psychology after her freak shoulder injury as she found people utterly fascinating and though she could certainly escalate a situation, she considered herself good at diffusing them too. “Got some free time after this. What about you?”
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devilthcghts · 2 years
The red-haired woman squinted her eyes playfully at the other. “Never underestimate the power of a flower. They can have a strong impact.” Florence said, amused by the younger woman’s reaction to the daisy. “But you did compliment my face so that earned you brownie points.” She teased, joking smile blossoming across her face. “So tell me, what brings you by?” She inquired politely, tilting her head to one side as she gave a curious glance. “Because I’m now doubting you’re here for the floral design workshop.” 
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It would’ve maybe helped her get in good graces faster with the other woman  - but Skylar could barely take care of a cactus, let alone a flower, and had never really been super into them, so faking it would’ve been far too obvious. “Boredom,” Skylar answered simply, “I like to keep myself busy. Find pleasant company.” she continued with the corners of her mouth twitching into a smirk. “Think I found it. Surprisingly, not me. For once.” Her eyes glazed over the floral arrangement. “Oh heavens, am I really that obvious?” She inquired, sarcasm dripping from her voice, afterall she knew she had laid it on a little thick.
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devilthcghts · 2 years
open starter for @shrikestart· location: shrike grocers
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It seemed like overnight fall had crept it’s way into Shrike. The morning was cool enough that Ian found himself in his favorite hoodie again and the article of clothing brought him comfort heading to the grocery store. It was rare for Ian to venture out to the mall by himself but he’d convinced himself this morning that a quick trip to the grocery store would have him in and out of the place before he got the creeps. Ian would never like being back at the mall but now that he was picking up shifts at the arcade again he was getting more comfortable. His basket was already full of the necessities he’d came for. A couple of TV dinners to fill the freezer, a bunch of bananas, and some beer when he stumbled upon the impulse buys. The display of Halloween knickknacks and candy caught his eye. He always associated Halloween and all things spooky with good times and he stopped to give this year’s selection a gander. 
A particularly ghoulish animatronic was particularly intriguing and Ian couldn’t resist testing out the bright red TRY ME button on the spectre’s skeletal hand only for it to erupt to life. “BEEEEEWARE,” it bellowed from it’s voice box while the entire thing rattled to life only to jostle itself off the hanger it was attached to with a loud THWACK. Ian reacted far too slowly to the commotion he caused as he picked up the decoration and press it’s hand to attempt to stop the noise only for it to start a whole different set of moans to play. 
Skylar enjoyed the convenience of being able to buy groceries not far from where she worked -- picking up a few necessities before going home. A mix of fruits, veggies, pasta, and tomato sauce filled her basket. She liked to eat healthy as much as she could, keep herself decently in shape, so venturing out of her diet was rare. But she was curious about the Halloween section and so she went. The sight before her, the animatronic falling to the ground, bought out a bemused chuckle. Rolling up the sleeves of her Rockies sweatshirt, she slowly made her way toward the commotion. “You alright there, bud?” She inquired with an eyebrow raise, placing a gentle hand on the man’s shoulder. “I fight inanimate objects on the daily but you certainly hit that with a vengeance.”  Picking up the moaning animatronic, she delicately placed it back on the shelf. “If that little shit was an actual person, they would have a hell of a black eye.”
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devilthcghts · 2 years
Location: outside life rose on open starter @shrikestart
The woman was at the storefront adding some finishing touches to the vibrantly-colored display she’d been working on for the better part of the morning. A rather important task considering visuals were essential in the floral industry, and the display and signage happened to be one of the first things potential customers saw when they walked by the shop. Plus the busiest day of the week was coming up and Florence’s goal was to make it impossible for mall shoppers to walk away empty handed. All she had to do was draw them in, then the quality of the plants would do the rest of the work. After all, flowers were one of the best ways to satisfy one’s senses, both visually and through the amazing fragrances that they offered, so who wouldn’t be enticed by the colorful arrangements? 
“Not bad.” The woman stated, wiping her hands on her apron as she stepped back to admire her creation, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride before she became aware of the other’s presence and turned to them with an easy smile adorning red lips. “Hey, hun! Here,” Florence plucked a single, yellow daisy from one of the flower filled buckets that she’d carried outside to complete her design, and gifted them to her companion for no other reason than- “-to brighten your day.” 
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Skylar had never done well with boredom or keeping herself still in one place -- so it was a common sight to see her pacing around the mall during her breaks. People were predictable, having their favorite store to visit, eating at the same restaurant every time they had their break, but she liked to think of herself as the opposite. A social enigma, she called herself. Never revealing too much about herself while knowing almost everything about the other person. She found herself at the flower shop window, curious about the arrangement and if there was more to it than just looking pretty. An eyebrow was raised at the... compliment, wondering why she needed her day brightened. Something about her face, she supposed. Holding the daisy in-between her fingers, she had no idea what the hell to do with it. “Hun,” Skylar repeated, almost non-chalantly. “If anything, your face brightened up my day more than...” She waved the daisy around dismissively. “This.”
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devilthcghts · 2 years
kylie bunbury, lesbian, cis female + she/her ― hey look, it’s skylar baudin! they’re 33 years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for all of their life, and they’re currently working at dick’s sporting goods. i heard they’re pretty tactless, but i think they’re so analytical at the same time. can they make it out alive?
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* putting it simply - skylar is a baseball gay. write what you know, right? the biggest change is centering her knowledge to 1980s baseball instead of present time. my favorite team didn’t even exist back then. wild.
* as arizona robbins said:
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* she wanted to make it big... ish... as big as she could make it, considering women baseball isn’t a big thing like men’s baseball is. prime hitting tools in a prime position. but sadly she got a freak injury that ended her career before she could hit her prime. how many times can i say prime before it stops sounding like a word?
* baseball was all she knew for so long that she barely knew who she was without it
* struggled for a real long time, like she hit her midlife crisis but in her 20s. kept asking herself... who am i.
* who she is a storm to be reckoned with. someone you never want to mess with. someone who will not simply not rest until her revenge tour is complete. a movie cliche is someone seeing the error of their ways and realizing their skewed morals isn’t worth it to avenge their family/partner. that’s not skylar.
* though she’s mostly closed-off she can be pretty decent with people. speaks in a business casual kind of way. like she’s always on and doesn’t allow herself to let loose.
* except for in the bedroom but we’re keeping it kinda pg in here.
* she’s kinda a gym freak though she does have to watch out for her shoulder. loves to be active. keep herself moving 24/7 even when she’s working.
* dick’s sporting goods isn’t what she considers an ideal job - she’d rather be at a stadium where the action is. like she finds the job just... okay. not in love, but also not in hate. but it helps pays the rent and bills so it’ll do for now.
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devilthcghts · 3 years
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devilthcghts · 4 years
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Fear the Walking Dead - 6x03
185 notes · View notes