dialoversasks ¡ 6 years
♡♡Laito Headcanons [Pre-Relationship]♡♡
♡♡Anonymous said: “The Latio thing was really good. How about before he and his s/o started dating?"♡♡
♡♡Thanks so much, hun! I’m glad you liked them! And I’m more than willing to do this!♡♡
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He’s a secret stalker. His future s/o won’t even know that he goes through their stuff. They also won’t know that they’re followed home every day.
He 100% stole a pair of their underwear. They have no idea, but he has it in his room.
He tries to make them jealous by flirting with other girls in their presence, but that just doesn’t work out.
He slowly begins distancing himself from other girls to make an effort. He hits on them less, sleep with less women. His brothers even take notice.
He’s desperate for them to love him like he loves them. He needs love so desperately.
It’s only when he does cute little things that his future s/o takes notice. He offers to carry their things, brings them little trinkets and gifts. He even gets Kanato to tell him which sweets are the best made.
His future doesn’t notice that their friends have started distancing themselves.
Laito is threatening them. He threatens female friends with nude photos he has and threatens male friends with extreme violence. The guys thought he was joking until he broke one of the guys’ arm.
By the time he asks his future s/o out, they’re completely isolated and desperate to stay with some one.
Of course, Laito promises that he’ll never leave them. Not ever.
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dialoversasks ¡ 6 years
Please! I wanna know that how will both S and M brothers will react if they found a beautiful\cute sketch (not a porn \sexy sketch) of him and his s\o with a sweet quote on it drawn by their s\o.
Shuu: is really thankful but won’t show itReiji: literally starts sobbing out of nowhereLaito: teases you about but secretly keeps it folded neatly in his wallet Kanato: hangs it up on his wall (as long as it has Teddy in it otherwise you’re screwed)Ayato: makes fun of you for it but is really appreciative and likes how you drew him on his good sideSubaru: gets super awkward as he doesn’t know how to express his gratitude Ruki: uses it as a bookmark so he can always think of youYuma, Azusa and Kou: gives you a lot of praise for it (maybe a little bit too much)
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dialoversasks ¡ 6 years
Hi! Can you do a reaction of S and M to their s/o doing break dance? (Sorry for my bad english)
Shu: probs won’t even notice XDReiji: as long as you are doing it outside where you can’t break the furniture he’s coolLaito: “nee, Bitch-Chan, why don’t you ever try that move with me in the bedroom?”Kanato: “stop it you’re scaring Teddy”Ayato: get ready for an EPIC DANCE BATTLESubaru: cheering you on the whole time, hyping you upRuki: same as ShuuKou: so impressed he faintsYuma: tried to get you to fail by distracting youAzusa: is really confused but won’t show it
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dialoversasks ¡ 6 years
Mistakes. You feel like you’ve spent your whole life making them. They all pale in comparison to the situation you’re in now. You stare out of the tall window that separated you from the outside world. The cotton moon shone down upon the land like a blanket. It was somewhat hypnotic. You think about your life before this ‘mistake’. You had your friends, your family, your dog, a bright future. All that shattered the day you came across HIM… Laito Sakamaki.
You remember the day you looked into his bright green eyes. You seemed to be under a magic spell. Drawn into such beauty and wonder. His touch felt like silk, his kiss like a strong blaze that refused to be put out. Laito was everything you could ever want, or so you thought. Laito was a severely damaged individual. He manipulated you, made you think he loved you. He made you feel like you two would last an eternity. That all changed when you found him with some other girl sucking on his neck.
“Ahhh bitch-chan~,” he moaned as he pulled the girl to his body. Your eyes flooded with tears. How could he?! You wanted to smack him. No, you wanted to smack yourself. How could you be so foolish?! You should’ve listened when everyone told you he was a player. You thought you saw a side of him that no one else could. You thought you had connected with him on a deep and personal level.
Clearly, he didn’t feel that way about you. You ran off from the scene, not caring who you bumped into. Your tears fell freely now as you made it into the girls bathroom. Your breathing fast as you choked on the utter pain that filled your body. You fucking hated him. You never wanted to see him ever again.
You sat down in one of the stalls trying to catch your breath when you heard the bathroom door open and shut. “Bitch-chan~,” you heard him taunt. You swallowed hard. You didn’t want him to see you like this. You breathed quietly in hopes he would go away but to your dismay you heard him kick open each stall until he got to the one in which you sat, still as a statue. Praying to whatever god that would listen.
He kicked the door in and you screamed at the top of your lungs. He stood there smiling, “there’s my girl.” Laito walked towards you and you screamed for him to stay away. “I-I never want to see you again! Get away from me!” You stuttered. This seemed to amuse him. “Awww is my little bitch jealous~? Nfufufu don’t worry you’ll feel much better soon.” Then it all went black.
Then, here you were. In this dull room, facing a dull moon, looking forward to a dull life as Laitos captive. Just then, two arms snaked themselves around your waist. Speak of the devil. “Such beauty,” he purred against your neck. You lost all strength to fight him. He ran one hand down your arm, finding your hand and bringing it up to the light of the moon. He wanted to admire the ring that adorned your ring finger.
“My magnificent bride.”
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dialoversasks ¡ 6 years
Ok this might be a bit strange , but what would the boys think of a "hairy" gal? Like legs, arms and nether regions? What would they prefer?
Disclaimer: I’m not here to tell you about how I think you should treat your body or my personal opinion on the matter. This is just what I personally think the boys reaction to it will be so don’t come for me.
Shuu: Honestly doesn’t give a shit, probably doesn’t shave his pubes either and only shaves his face when he absolutely has to.
Reiji: He is more of a traditional guys so he would think its a must to shave your arms and legs if your hair is prominent or very noticeable but doesn’t really care about pubes.
Laito: I have a headcannon where I think that Laito hates hair and shaves quite frequently (maybe lowkey shaves his legs) so having a s/o would gross him out a bit but wouldn’t want to say anything to spare your feelings if he really cares about you but if he doesn’t he might tease you a bit.
Kanato: Makes a super big deal about it and over exaggerates how gross it really is. Probably would pressure you to shave.
Ayato: Constantly teases you.
Subaru: Likes Shuu he literally couldn’t care less.
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dialoversasks ¡ 6 years
hi! i saw your blog today and wow i love what you write! can i make a ask? i saw that you made a scenario about a molested S/O for the sakamakis, can i ask the same for the mukakis and tsukinamis? thanks
Ruki: Super understanding and caring, would pretty much murder the fucker that hurt them
Kou: I think he wouldn’t really know how to react and would need some support from his brothers in order to properly comfort you.
Yuma: He would have a lot of aggressive fits about how someone hurt his sow. Will torture the shit out of the molester.
Azusa: He would be kind of confused, but seeing you hurt from it would make him sympathetic and caring.
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dialoversasks ¡ 7 years
Do you rp? :3
Yeah, more often than I post,lol. Dm to start one or for the rules I have.
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dialoversasks ¡ 7 years
Tagged On Insta
Name: Maddy
Nicknames: sexy (as like a joke between my guy friends)
o   Gender: Female
o  Star Sign: Gemini Cancer cusp
o   Height: 5′4
o   Sexuality: Hetero
o   Hogwarts House: Griffyndor
o   Favorite Animal: cat
o   Average Hours of Sleep: 5-7
o   Doggie or Kittie Person: I love both but I prefer cats
o   Blankets You Sleep With: a deep emerald comforter 
o   Dream Trip: Paris or Japan
o   Dream Job: actress
o   When I made this Blog: No idea xD
o   Followers: 1,289
o   Why I Made a Tumblr: I really loved Diabolik Lovers so I just made a Tumblr to reblog about it
o   Reasons for the URL: idk
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dialoversasks ¡ 7 years
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dialoversasks ¡ 7 years
does Laito prefer his s/o to have a skinny figure or a curvy one (by curvy I don't necessarily mean fat I mean Marilyn Monroe or Nicki Manaj curvy)
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In my honest opinion, Laito likes his bride with a curvy figure. He is known for loving to take blood from thighs, It is canon that he enjoy thighs the most cause the extra fat from them makes the blood taste better for him, rich. And he is a very cuddly and clingy sleeper, holding his bride tightly when they sleep. I imagine him really loving the extra snuggly-ness from a girl who has a bit meat on her bones. =)
Even my OC Misaki is built that way. Though not every artist I commission draws her curvy enough, she has full hips and thighs and an average bust. But she is self insert of me in real life, so it was natural to make her curvy. 
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dialoversasks ¡ 7 years
Hey Shuu...how was you're day? Because I'm guessing it was better than mine.
Shuu: Well I slept,got teased by Laito, slept until Reiji yelled at me for sleeping too much, slept, oh yeah, did I mention I slept? So your day couldn’t get any worse than mine….
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dialoversasks ¡ 7 years
How would laito cuddle his s/o?
Laito is a HUGE cuddler. Any form of physical touch or cuddling is good with him. Most of his cuddling can usually lead to two ways depending on his mood, one is cutesy lovey dovey cuddling or more dirty cuddling involving the groping of your boobs or ass.
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dialoversasks ¡ 7 years
this gives me life
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dialoversasks ¡ 7 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy~! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity~! 🌼
awww, this is rlly sweet.
1. Being with people, especially when i’m chilling with my friends.
2. hugs
3. macarons  4 life
4. Having fun in general
5. This blog
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dialoversasks ¡ 7 years
Maybe an imagine thingy with swimsuits/bikini? :)
Shuu: A one piece but a sexy one..
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Reiji: A full on wetsuit.
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Laito: A nice sexy bikini. Bonus points for a bohemian style one.
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Kanato: The more frills the better..
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Ayato: A g-string to show off da booty
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Subaru: He is rlly into white bikinis, especially if you’re really tan
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Ruki: A basic one piece 
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Kou: Strapless bikini
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Yuma: A high waist bikini
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Azusa: Ones with cut off sides at the bottom
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dialoversasks ¡ 7 years
Hey. Hey Subaru. *casually sits down* How was your day? *smiles*
umm, it was pretty tranquil. I mostly listen to Kanato’s singing and went to school. I’m planning on going in that garden to visit the roses, wanna come?
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dialoversasks ¡ 7 years
Can i take the scenario where the Shu, Ruki and Reiji s s/n was running away from home but then they catch her, how ll they punish her for this??
Shuu: Probably nothing too serious, maybe even congratulate you made it that far before getting caught.
Reiji: Holy shit, if I would not want to be you….
Ruki: He would probably spank you and lock you in a room for a day. 
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