edenvhs · 4 years
AO3: eden_vhs
Instagram fanpage: eden.vhs
Discord: Eden#6969
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edenvhs · 4 years
Headcanons #2
Widowmaker is Aromantic, due to the incident with Gerard. She’s frightened she’d snap again, losing someone else.
Susie likes the rain and thunderstorms. It helps her calm down.
Mettaton cries in autotune.
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edenvhs · 4 years
Headcanons #1:
Susie plays the drums, but always enjoyed the piano.
Chara and Frisk are both AroAce, and of course Non-Binary.
Sans has a brooklyn accent.
Monster Kid’s parents encourages him to wear a helmet but he doesnt want to look embarrasing in front of Undyne.
Alphys writes fanfictions, and almost got exposed to the entire school because she clicked the wrong file.
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edenvhs · 4 years
Susie: Ey wheres Kris?
Noelle: Alphys said they’re off sick.
Susie: Why though?
Noelle: Moss.
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edenvhs · 4 years
So I decided to send the first chapter of my fanfiction here, since i dont really get that much criticism over on my discord servers, so... Here ya go! I hope you enjoy. Also if you have any names for the fanfic please give me ideas, it will help greatly, thank you!
Strong language ahead, also i tend to write a lot so beware for a good read!
Chapter 1: New Kid [Susie’s Perspective.]
The bell rang in the girls ears, a sound she heard every single day at the exact same time every single day, but yet she ignored that bell on purpose. Being on time was something Susie never did, and never got in trouble for. She’d just look at old Alphys and she’d start sweating. How cowardly. See, Susie wasn’t the type of girl to be messing with. Her height, for starters, was stupidly tall, towering over most teachers at the damned school, and sometimes she has to bend down to get in classes, which would have been embarrassing if she were someone else. But of course, Susie was the bully of the place. No one dared to even step foot anywhere near her. Not even if she was doing something bad, like what she was doing now, which was stealing chalk from the cabinet of another empty classroom. She wasn’t stealing it to write with, oh no, chalk was in fact her favourite snack to have. Especially the strawberry ones. So she took one, and bit it in half, concealing the box in her front trouser pocket. She sighed, “Suppose it's time to pay that Alphys and her dumb class a visit.” she grumbled, closing the door and trudging along to class. Closer and closer the door came, closer the noise was. “Huh, looks like Alphys here cant keep her classroom quiet. Better teach those twerps a lesson or two about being quiet for ya teacher huh.” she laughed to herself before swinging the door open, and what greeted her was silence, scared staring classmates…
And a new kid.
Huh. “Psssht. Looks like an absolute nerd to me.” she thought, before shooting the new kid a look, before sitting in her seat at the back of the class. The small teacher, standing behind her desk, looked as if she were sweating. “W-well… as I-I was eerr, saying- Um, welcome our new classmate, Noelle Holiday!” Alphys stuttered, clearly still shocked by Susie’s grand entrance. The girl who’s name apparently was Noelle, didn’t seem so shocked, just nervous, looking down at her feet, extremely red in the face. Susie leaned back in her chair, one foot on the desk, raising an eyebrow. “This kid aint gonna survive a day if she even tries talking to me.” Susie muttered to herself, chuckling quietly. “H...Hey everyone..” Noelle squeaked, “Erm, M-my name is Noelle a-and i um, i really like writing. Hope w-we can a-all be friends.” she waved rather awkwardly, as the class, of course other than Susie, said hello back. She just rolled her eyes, averting her eyes elsewhere. Well, there wasn’t much to look at, just poorly plastered walls and white plain ceiling. There were windows but today wasn’t as nice as the last, it was all grey and dreary outside, clouds looming over the city like a blanket. Sounds like it will most likely rain soon.
“Erm, w-why don’t you take the umm e-empty seat next to Susie? I-I heard y-you are great at helping people with their work, so um… perhaps Susie could need some help in the f-future?” Alphys anxiously looked between Noelle and Susie, laughing a little nervously too, gesturing Noelle to walk to her seat. The class quietly muttered between each other, watching Noelle walk towards the desk rather sheepishly, as if she were walking towards literal death itself, though Susie was sometimes compared like that, compared to others. It was something she got used to, something that never really bothered her. Though what did bother her was the fact that Alphys likes to think that Susie wants the kid’s help. She didn’t get a say at all. But she just stared at the girl walk towards the seat, before looking back to the front of the classroom.
And there was the second bell, meaning class had officially started. Another dumb wasted day full of pointless shitty lessons, which obviously, Susie was gonna—as always—do absolutely nothing in. Waiting for the bell for lunchtime. Until then, she would lean against the wall on her chair and wait, listening to rain which began to gradually patter softly against the window.
And there it was, eventually it came around, and everyone walked out of their seats and into the cafeteria to eat, except Susie of course. She stomped along to the empty classroom again, as she usually did. It was peaceful there, oddly enough. Even brutes like her liked the peace and quiet sometimes. She shut the door, and walked to the old teacher's seat. She always found it weird that teachers got better seats than the students, even though students would do all the work. Surely the students were better than them? Susie liked to think that, that she was better than everyone else, because she is in her mind. Everyone was just pebbles beneath her feet. No one gave a shit and/or was scared shitless of her, so why should she care about those fools? She sighed again, sitting on the windowsill, watching the rain. It was nice, to be honest. Soothing. Rain was her favourite weather, besides thunderstorms. Just sitting there, listening to something for once. She was never angry during those times, she was calmed by the soft pitter patter against the windows and on the concrete roads. Sometimes, she’d sneak outside to sit in the rain at night. She’d gain attention just sitting there, with no hood on in the rain, but did she care? No, of course not. So she sat, looking rather bored watching the grey clouds slowly move across the skyline.
That is until the door opened, and the petite figure of the new kid, Noelle stepped in the classroom, shyly shuffling on her feet.
Susie exhaled heavily in annoyance, standing up, looking at the girl. “So. You’re the new kid, huh.” Walking over to a desk near Noelle, leaning against it. “A-are you supposed to be here..?” Noelle mumbled, still looking down. Susie angrily replied with, “No. Why does it matter, twerp?” folding her arms. “What, ya gonna run to old Alphys and tell of me, squirt? Now listen here, she ain’t gonna do shit, and you. YOU ain’t gonna do shit either, capiche?” she walked over, standing directly in front of her, looking down at her in annoyance and anger. “Got anything to say, huh?” she tilted her head, watching Noelle’s cheeks flare, her body scrunch up and shake in fear. Suddenly, Susie got closer, muttering, “I know you don’t know me, and trust me, you should be glad ya don’t but…” her hand grabbed Noelle by her checkered jumper and slammed her against the door. Susie’s piercing yellow eyes looked down at Noelle, full of vexation, growling:
“Quiet People PISS me off.”
“And do you know what..” she chuckled, “You are really pushin’ your luck here. Not even a yelp, huh? I give ya a week kid, and you’re outta this place.” Susie noticed Noelle’s teary eyes, shaky body and very red and embarrassed face and loosened up a little, letting go of the girl. “You’re lucky that I actually do have a heart and didn’t bite your face off.” she backed away, turning around and opening a box of chalk and picking out a blue piece of chalk, biting it in half. “Just get outta my sight squirt. Don’t even try coming in here ever again, ya got that?” she grunted. After a few seconds, she heard the door shut, and no Noelle in sight. Susie sighed. sitting on the desk, staring at her hands. Even though she was an emotionless brute of a girl, she did feel bad for the new kids. They were fresh meat, easy to pick on, needing to be taught lessons. But that kid didn’t even fight back. Didn’t even yelp in fear, just bottled her feelings inside. What, did she think she was better than her? Psht. There was no way in hell. But for a few moments Susie felt confused, the kid seemed odd, seemed different. She didn’t know what it was. Just… A gut feeling. Perhaps she shouldn’t have done that—No. She should have. She disturbed her, right? Ghn..
Jolting her back to reality was the bell, indicating the last lessons of the day would begin, then it was time to head back home, the same thing she did everyday. Great. She snarled at the ringing sound, banging the empty classroom door open, disturbing some younger kids who were making their way across the opposite way Susie was heading. Back to class.
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edenvhs · 4 years
Yes 100% yes please
please REBLOG this post if you write fanfic for Undertale and/or Deltarune and would be interested in a support group discord server
do NOT touch this post if you ship abusive shit or support people who do
please reblog instead of just liking this post so it gets around and I can get a more accurate reading of interest for this! thank you!
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