endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
Mituna is offline
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MITUNA: See you next time
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
Mituna, why do you keep your hair in your face all the time?
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MITUNA: One- it wont go anywhere else
MITUNA: Two- my face is awful
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
Mituna, can you at least find water?
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MITUNA: The good news is there’s running water
MITUNA: The bad news is that its kinda yellow…
MITUNA: Fuck it, if this kills me it’ll be a relief
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
were just wurried Mituna :c. But you definately have a lot to deal with compared to us- im livin in a nicr government shelter myself with lots of power!
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MITUNA: Well good for you
MITUNA: I’m just a horrible person who has horrible things happen to him
MITUNA: The world is stupid
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
Hey mituna, have you been making sure to take your meds? Or have you been able to find any that you need?
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MITUNA: See this bottle? Empty.MITUNA: See this other bottle? Also fucking empty. Maybe some food crumbsMITUNA: Hospitals kinda shut down after a month of not being able to save anyone
MITUNA: I only keep these to store bits of food. Which I’m also out of.
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
*shrugs* sometimes people throw out good food. Where have you been? Couldnt find power for a while?
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MITUNA: Oh, excuse me for not talking to my two internet fans all the time
MITUNA: I just need to put the end of the world on hold, stop the earthquakes and freak weather, and ignore the starving coyotes.
MITUNA: ….Okay, that was dumb and I’m a horrible person
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
As weird as it is have you try looking in the trash for food? Or maybe under someones bed where they kept a secret stash of cookies or something?
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MITUNA: Why the FUCK would I eat garbage? That’s disgusting, asshole.
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MITUNA: As for a secret bed stash, I already checked.
MITUNA: My life sucks.
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
Mituna is online
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MITUNA: Does anyone know where I can find something to eat? MITUNA: This place is goddammed empty
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
Mituna Captor is offline
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MITUNA: Alright, I gotta go wash my arm now that the blood dried again
MITUNA: And keep it wrapped so they don’t fucking open up FOR THE FIFTH GODDAMNED TIME
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
Mituna, are you feeling okay? You were really upset last time we saw you, and now your arm is all cut up....
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MITUNA: I’m great! King of the world right here!
MITUNA: I’m here to kick ass and play video games
MITUNA: And my games are still charging
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MITUNA: The last few months sucked
MITUNA: This was… nothing. Seriously. Stop asking jesus fuck
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
this is @ whoever, if you were to die tomorrow, and you could do anything today, what would you do?? :-00
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MITUNA: …And find my family
MITUNA: I’m sure they miss me. Who wouldn’t?
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
Athena was the goddess of knowledge and hades was basically a glorified accountant (he counted money and kept track of stuff like that a lot. Ya know, aside from keeping watch over the dead. Big ole goth nerd)
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MITUNA: Alright go Athena. Knowing stuff is cool.
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MITUNA: But Hades just seems like a huge-ass nerd and nerds are lame
MITUNA: Athena could also count as a nerd but accountants are extremely lame
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
speaking of greek gods. have you played god of war??
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MITUNA: The game play was cool and it was fun fighting all the different types of mythical monsters like medusa.
MITUNA: also the gameplay where you bang the girls was fun, especially cause you could do it nonstop. tiTTY. TITTY EVERYWHERE!. Sadly, the sex minigame is off-screen but you still get to see naked chicks
MITUNA: Its also kinda sad because you find out that you killed your own wife and daughter and their ashes are embeded in your skin…..
MITUNA: Overall a great game series. Would reccommend.
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
Athena and hades were geeks
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MITUNA: Explain
MITUNA: I didn’t pay attention in history class
MITUNA: Or world religions
MITUNA: Or whatever the fuck the class was where we might have learned about gods
MITUNA: Actually, I barely paid attention in any classes
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
hey mituna.. at the club.. the music goes.. tunz tunz tunz tunz ((haha... did u see my joke??)) (notice me senpai)
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MITUNA: What was that?
MITUNA: I think I heard a distant, body-less voice misspell UNTZ. Or possibly un-tiss.
MITUNA: A very stupid and annoying voice
MITUNA: Anyone else hear that?
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
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MITUNA: What greek geek gods?
MITUNA: Please tell me exactly which greek gods are/were geeks
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endoftheworldstuck · 7 years
What happened to your arm tuna :?
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MITUNA: Oh, this?
MITUNA: Nothing. Nothing at all.
MITUNA: My arm is completely fine.
MITUNA: 100% good.
MITUNA: I guess I have some cuts that keep reopening because I’m a goddamn clutz
((OOC: This next part is supposed to be tiny, like a whisper, but the theme won’t do it, so just pretend...))
MITUNA: that’s a lie
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