enragedteenager · 6 years
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enragedteenager · 7 years
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enragedteenager · 7 years
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enragedteenager · 7 years
Protesters in Atlanta singing “ Move trump Get out the way ” an iconic moment in American history
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enragedteenager · 7 years
Open Your Eyes
Talking openly about your beliefs can be very hard to do with some people, especially with people of whom you already are on thin ice with. So when the topic of dress code got brought up tonight, it caused an “argumentative discussion”. Everything between that myself and the other people, lets call them Sarah (sorry to my friend Sarah, much love for you), ended up fine and we’re not mad at each other, but our discussion left me thinking about some things. I was basically trying to explain how school dress codes are very demeaning to young girls and let boys off the hook for their actions. I made the point of spaghetti strap tank tops and how one extra fingers width of “sleeve” won’t make a difference in how much shoulder is exposed, as well as mentioning rules placed on girls shorts and how they must go past their fingertips. Of course I don’t think 13 year old girls should be walking around school wearing booty shorts and a sports bra, but I do think that teaching girls that their bodies need to be covered up because it is a “distraction to the boys” is ridiculous and inappropriate in itself. Sexualizing girls at such a young age is creepy, to put it bluntly. Once again, I don’t think that 13 year olds need to be losing their virginity, but middle school age is quite a time for hormones to be active for their first time and kids to be curious. Telling girls that dressing the way they like to dress is inappropriate because of the boys is only hinting more and more that their bodies are soley meant for sex. Putting the thought of boys being so distracted in school only because of the way a girl dresses is telling these girls that they don’t just pick an outfit because they think it looks cute, but because it’ll get the boys to be into her. With all of that being said, girls shouldn’t be taught to cover their skin, rather boys should be taught that it is not okay to sexualize random girls because of the way she is dressed in public.
With my point out in the open, ready to be disputed, Sarah stated her point. She said that boys for hundreds of years have been taught that the female body is something that they can just look at and it is up to the girl to cover herself up. She brought up Adam and Eve (which I don’t believe in organized religion so I didn’t understand that analogy) and how the Bible states that men are greater than women and that men have a right to be looking at whats their in front of their eyes. The BIBLE is what has taught boys this. Well what happened to not affiliating school and religion? If dress codes are based off of boys “just being boys” and thinking that it is okay to sexualize young women, then theres where the fuck up is.
Sarah then agreed with my point, it is gross and inappropriate that boys are taught that it’s tolerable to objectify girls at such a young age. We were on the same page until I said that society needs to do something about this. That dress codes should be less strict and we start teaching young people of both genders that it is not okay under any circumstances objectify someone sexually unless their consent is given. We gave women the right to vote, we ended segregation, we legalized gay marriage, why can't we simply instill a mindset starting at a young age that the human body is just that, another body just like your own. There may be different parts but it’s just another body (and not even trying to heteronormalize, but unfortunately in many school systems talking about homosexuality is taboo). Sarah said that since men have always been able to objectify women in American culture, there is no way to combat that. Sort of saying that boys are automatically born thinking they have a right to look at women as objects, when in reality opinions like that are instilled in you starting at a very young age, post-birth. Opinions aren’t based on genetics like disease or physical traits. If more parents and influencers to children start teaching them that everyone is born equally, and reinstate over time that same idea, eventually we won’t have to be so rigid about silly things like dress code because the idea of exposed shoulders or knee caps won’t distract boys from their school work, rather just keep girls at a comfortable temperature.
With that discussion being over, I keep thinking about how much the millennial generation will be the generation to change the world. Our minds more open than ever, making the world a much safer and enjoyable world to live. It’s going to take time, but eventually we’ll reach equality.
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enragedteenager · 7 years
Of course I posted on my Instagram saying to follow my Tumblr because I’ll be posting all about my political beliefs and everything like that, and I haven’t written since then. So sorry for all like 6 of you who follow me, I have some rants that I’ll be posting today and tomorrow so your timeline will be covered in me!!!!!!
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enragedteenager · 7 years
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Africa, I WIll Fleece You (Jean-Marie Téno, 1992)
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enragedteenager · 7 years
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enragedteenager · 7 years
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Lisa Benson Cartoon from 2017-06-09
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enragedteenager · 7 years
Ladies! Save the little animals!
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enragedteenager · 7 years
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enragedteenager · 7 years
Fuck yes !!
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enragedteenager · 7 years
Honestly tho, @ KKK, why?
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enragedteenager · 7 years
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America: you fucked up.
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enragedteenager · 7 years
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An ad about understanding autism that changes as you move
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enragedteenager · 7 years
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enragedteenager · 7 years
The fact that people are actually mad about this. He's giving a personal antidote it's ridiculous that people are actually mad because a human is sharing an incredible story of his child surviving a life threatening pre-existing condition that he is so grateful to be able to have fixed. He's not bragging because his son is alive, he's sending a message that this shit happens to everyone, and that every parent deserves to see their baby be happy and healthy.
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A man talks about his sick baby. Cries constantly. It’s an uncomfortable video to watch at times. It really is.  A little too raw and emotional for live TV.
At the end, he is relieved his sick baby is OK and hopes other sick babies can be OK. There’s a (subtle) acknowledgement of his status and wealth and we, the viewer, understand his kid got the best treatment possible. (He’s a rich talk show host, after all.) 
But his point is: He doesn’t think it should matter if a sick baby is poor: they should get healthcare. He knows the system is unfair and wants to fix it. He saw all those other families at the children’s hospital and understood they weren’t like him and didn’t have his money.
 And he gets called a snobbish elitist for this. (Um, isn’t what he is saying the opposite of elitism?)
When you realize how deranged, cold-hearted and hypocritical the GOP has gotten. You’d rather call him “a Hollywood liberal” than cope with the truth of what he is saying.
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