fallenwhumpee · 3 days
Poor leader 😭😭😭😭
Absolutely LOVE the devastation though! And the fact that right hand is both worried for and terrified of them. 😈
Lovely as always!
Nice to see you anon!
I won't lie, I loved to make them both horrified and worried 😈
Thank you <3
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fallenwhumpee · 4 days
Me: writing an emotionally intense scene where even a stoic character gets to express their emotions
Also me: stunned and unable to form a coherent sentence after getting nice comments
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fallenwhumpee · 4 days
• Part 8 • Part 9 • Part 10 • Masterlist •
Warnings: Panic attack(?), hospital settings.
Leader couldn't breathe. They couldn't breathe as Doctor went on and on about how they used Leader's trust, Leader's... Leader's emotions. Which would have been hidden if it wasn't for their desperate need for something to lean on.
They wanted to cry. Cry and shout and maybe beat up something, just... just anything to get rid of this feeling of dirt over their skin, under their nails and in the air they tried to draw in.
It was wrong. Leader never wanted to just get the emotions out of their chest like that. They always had been able to shut those down, and not being able to do that now felt like another slap to their face.
But the feverish feeling sticking to them ever since their stubborn attempt to train was now suffocating them. So they ran away. They didn't wish to be seen like this, and they couldn't stand being in the same room with the reason for their suffering.
Stumbling through the hallways, Leader's heart hammered in their chest, each beat echoing painfully in their ears. Their breath came in short, ragged gasps, catching in their throat as if the air itself was too thick to inhale, coughs wrecking the posture they tried to hold. The walls seemed to close in around them, the lights overhead too bright, blurring and merging into each other.
Leader's hands shook violently, trying to grasp the freezing metal wall as they leaned heavily against it, trying to find some stability. Their vision blurred further, dark edges creeping into their sight. They had to stop, had to breathe, but each breath was a battle against the tightness in their chest, against the feeling of betrayal that choked them more than the literal lack of air because of the coughing fit they were stuck in.
They slid down against the wall, pulling their knees to their chest, trying to get themselves together and stop their feelings, but of course, they failed that too.
The cool surface of the floor did little to ease the heat radiating off their body, the fever burning through their skin and thoughts.
How many missions failed because of their interactions with Doctor? Because of their asks for help in analysing strategies? How many times did they fail just because of Doctor? How many times did Doctor just send their team into a trap?
The thoughts flipped their stomach. Squeezing their eyes shut, they wished it only to stop. They couldn't handle everything spiralling out of their control.
They chuckled, the sound mixed with their coughs. There who they really were, a crumbling imitation of a leader no one listened, weak and betrayed not only by someone they trusted, but by their own body and mind too.
Between coughs, their desperate gasps for air turned into choked sobs, each one tearing at their raw throat. They clutched at their chest, the pain radiating through their body like a wildfire. The air felt heavy, like shards of glass cutting into their chest with every breath. Panic consumed them, dragging them deeper into the abyss of their own despair.
And then, mercifully, everything faded to black. They didn't know how long passed before they could breathe again, but when they did, they were feeling terrible. Crying themselves to sleep didn't make them feel better. This was the first and the last time they were doing it.
They took some time before opening their eyes. Their head throbbed distantly, their forehead cool. They didn't remember raising their head from their knees, so the absence of their head over their joints was unsettling. The back of their head was not against the coldness of the wall, too.
Before they could grasp what was going on, they coughed violently, their chest aching with the motion. The ache wasn't sharp. None of their pain was like before. All dull, as if...
Leader opened their eyes into a hospital room, the harsh fluorescent lights of the hospital room blinding them for a moment. Blinking away the haze of confusion, they tried to piece together what had happened.
"What were you thinking?" Mentor's voice was laced with frustration as they stormed over to Leader's bedside.
Leader flinched, their movements restricted. They looked down and saw the soft restrains, a mask hanging loose on their neck and a few IVs.
"I wasn't thinking," Leader breathed out, their voice hoarse. They coughed again, their strength failing them again. They saw no point in lying. They were at the bottom of the sea of shame already.
Mentor stood and put on the oxygen mask over their face. "You scared me."
Leader couldn't help but frown. Mentor and scared in the same sentence was like a hallucination. Maybe they passed out on the floor and were now dreaming...
Mentor's concerned expression cut through Leader's foggy mind. They couldn't remember a time they had seen Mentor look so genuinely worried.
"But not only me. What have you done to your second in command to make him so worried for you and scared of you at the same time?"
"They tried to sneak up on me in the dark. Your training happened to be too well even if I'm not at my best." Leader croaked, forming a sentence taking embarrassingly long with how often they stop to gather their breaths.
"Somehow they seem genuinely concerned about you. But knowing your... messed up dynamics, it shouldn't supposed to be this way. Do you have any idea about why they are acting like that?
Leader shook their head.
"What about we begin from the start? Why were they so prejudiced to you in the beginning anyway?"
"Look where me opening up led us." Leader forced out. It was not a good idea to show and share what they felt. It was against their training in the first place, and it didn't end with anything else than pain and misery.
"You were right, Mentor. On the first day of my training. Emotions were only problems that I needed to get rid of."
Mentor sighed, shifting in their place uncomfortably. "I know it's hard, but shutting yourself off from others won't make the pain go away. It'll only isolate you further."
Leader's shoulders tensed at Mentor's words, a mixture of frustration bleeding into their posture and tune. "It won't change anything then," they murmured, their voice barely audible beneath the hum of machinery.
"My training failed to erase your emotions, I'm glad it failed. And I won't let you do it to yourself." Mentor sighed. They continued after a moment of silence. Leader didn't look at them. "You know what? You should get some rest and clear your head."
Mentor turned to leave the room, pausing at the doorway to glance back at Leader one last time. "I will come back tomorrow," they murmured tiredly before stepping out into the corridor, leaving Leader to their thoughts.
Alone in the dimly lit hospital room, Leader let out a shaky breath, feeling the weight of their own emotions pressing down on them. They didn't need these burdens disguised as emotions on top of everything.
With a heavy sigh, they allowed themselves to sink into the hospital bed, the softness of the mattress a foreign but welcome relief.
Thank you @porschethemermaid for proofreading <3
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fallenwhumpee · 14 days
AAAAA LEADER!!! COME ONNNN MY MAN DFJDFGK at least they finally got their wound tended to :(( props to healer for trying ksdjfsd the drawing too? leader having notions of what would happen if caretaker were still alive? i bet that they've spent ages wondering what their life would be like if caretaker was still around, how they would get along with everyone, how there would be someone for them...
also, yeah, i too accidentally whump my characters when trying to comfort them. hallmarks of the trade, i suppose lol
amazing delivery again, lea!!
:D anon
Well, I did try. It's the characters' fault to be so whumpable (Is that a word? If not, I petition to make it one.) And I can't write fluff, really, since when i do, it just sounds slushy to me if it's not served with hurt, at least to me.
Yup! At least they won't have to worry about bleeding out or getting an infection anymore. And the healer will feel less guilty.
My brain wanted more angst, so it decided leader needed more reminders about caretaker besides healer's very familiar fretting mode and the shield. A torture from one's own hand. And of course they will wonder how everything could turn out, because of course leader would worry less if the only figure they trusted with their loved ones' lives was alive and defending them. And maybe they'd be happy, like before, which is nothing but a distant dream in the moment.
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fallenwhumpee · 18 days
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Super boop back to you :) Please have part two <3
• Part 1 • Part 2 • Masterlist •
Warnings: Nightmares, blood.
For once, Healer was free to do as they wished after a battle. There were no injured from their team, nearly no one to bury, and only a few of the villagers hurt mildly that was taken care of by the other healers on the field.
But somehow, they couldn't enjoy the celebration.
Sighing at the campfire warming their face, they wished they hadn't felt this way. They had won, with almost no casuality under some finest generals of their kingdom, but it felt off. Healer was missing something very important.
Standing up slowly, they began wandering in the crowd, checking everyone. Their focus was mostly on their own team, though. Just as Leader promised, all of them were in good shape. And some in good mood enough to join the small chorus that was beginning to form.
Healer wasn't one to stay spectator to those. Before, they would be running to celebrate the victory after patching up the last soldier, but that day, they felt like a stranger to the fun. They were sure this wasn't what Leader felt while—
Oh. Perhaps what bothered them was the fact that Leader didn't come and watch the others with their usual subtle but proud smile. Healer was too used to those hidden glances that they were now feeling the absence of it.
Healer couldn't understand what held Leader back this time. This was probably one of their best battles in their career, something to be celebrated at least until the sunrise.
Despite the growing unease inside them, they didn't visit Leader again. The celebrations calmed down, loud cheers turned to silent chatter until Healer felt the need to check up on Leader.
Quickly but silently, Healer marched to Leader's tent. There was a very dim light flickering. It made Healer hesitate. They would hate to disturb Leader's sleep, but shadows were moving inside.
Peeking their head in, Healer was greeted with the sight of Leader tossing and turning, eyes closed. A piece of parchment was on top of the shield in the cormer, a foreign face halfly drawn on it.
Healer looked back to Leader again. They were frowning and muttering in their sleep, body tense. It looked like Leader was having a dream— a nightmare.
"Leader?" Healer called. They didn't want to startle Leader, simply to connect them back to reality. They stepped further into the tent but then swore with a loud clank. Their leg knocked over the neatly stacked armour.
Leader woke up with a jolt, reaching to their sword before meeting with Healer's guilty gaze, the sudden deep and raging breaths filling the silence. Healer didn't move from their place not to trigger any furter response. They simply took in Leader's unusual messy appearance, from hair to the environment. Then, Leader relaxed their grip on the swords hilt slowly. Healer hadn't even noticed that.
Healer turned the valve of the gas lamp, revealing the messy scene before them even more clearly. Leader slowly gathered their breaths and composure, sitting up properly.
More than the unusual sight, a string of blood on Leader's slightly exposed shoulder shook Healer.
"Sorry," Leader began as they wiped their face. "Must've fallen asleep. Is there something wrong?"
Healer stared for a moment. Healer was an idiot. But not as much as Leader. "Yes. Yes, something is wrong. Show me your shoulder. Now."
"There's nothing to show. Healer, go get some rest." Leader almost hissed.
"I'm not leaving until I see that shoulder," Healer insisted, their voice firm. They stood with arms crossed and didn't talk for a while.
Reluctantly, Leader yielded, lowering their guard with a sigh. Healer quickly knelt next to them, carefully removing the bloodsoaked bandages.
The wound was deeper than Healer had anticipated, and they couldn't suppress a gasp of concern at the sight, the wound flesh and still oozing blood despite looking like it had been a while. While the cut was clean, edges of the wound were irritated by the fabric— was that cloth fabric? What was Leader thinking?
"This needs proper treatment," Healer murmured, their fingers tracing the edges of the injury with gentle precision. "You're lucky you didn't aggravate it further."
Leader remained silent, their gaze fixed on the ground as Healer checked it again before leaving to get some supplies. Leader's behaviour was... odd. Concerning.
"Sorry," Leader breathed out before Healer went out, their voice softer this time. "I didn't mean to snap. It's... It's been a long day.".
Healer only nodded before rushing to their own tent. They quickly grabbed some herbs and bandages. Much to their relief, Leader hadn't moved while Healer was away. They offered a willow bark for Leader to chew on, which Leader refused with a small thanks. Healer sighed before warning Leader and using a damp cloth to clean the wound. They were sure it was painful, but Leader remained silent.
"I didn't know you could draw so well," Healer tried. They didn't want the atmosphere to be so tense. "And your figure looks gorgeous. I'd like to meet them if they're single."
For a second, Healer thought they had seen tears in Leader's eyes, but when Leader stared into their soul flatly, there was only an empty look. "You can't meet them," Leader simply said, closing the topic.
Healer had a feeling all of their attempts to make a small talk was destined to end up like that. Lost in thoughts, they forgot to warn Leader as they wrapped the first set of bandages soaked in Healer's own secret formula. They shrugged apologetically at Leader's wince, continuing their work once Leader nodded them.
"You two would be unbearable together if they were alive." Leader muttered in a fond voice, too low to hear if there was any other sound than shift of the fabric.
Healer's blood froze, their hands faltering momentarily before resuming their task. They tried to ignore the comment that wasn't for them to hear, so they changed the topic.
"You didn't break your promise if you didn't come to me because of that. Technically, no one visited me." They mumbled as they took clean bandages.
Leader remained silent for a moment, their gaze fixed on Healer's hand working on their shoulder. Finally, Leader sighed, their shoulders slumping with resignation.
"It's not about the promise," they admitted, with emotions in their voice Healer couldn't dechiper.
"What is it then?" Healer asked gently, failing to mask the tone of genuine concern as they spoke. "You can talk to me, you know."
"I know," Leader replied flatly. "But old habits die hard, I suppose."
Again, an awkward silence took over. Healer could heal wounds, but healing souls? It was beyond them. So they just focused on wrapping the wound, not looking at Leader's face. It was a mistake that they would never forgive themselves for because when they raised their head back, they saw Leader looking at the drawing and... crying. Tears falling silently as Leader stood still.
The sight of their usually composed and authoritative figure crumbling before them was both unexpected and unsettling.
"Leader..." Healer's voice trailed off. They didn't know how to react to this.
After a moment that felt like an eternity, Leader took a deep, shuddering breath and wiped away their tears with the back of their hand. They straightened their posture, as if trying to regain control over their emotions.
"You should really go get some rest, Healer. We will leave tomorrow morning."
"But..." Healer started, trying to form an argument.
"I'll do the same. Thank you for your concern. Its... I appreciate it. Now, if you could just..."
Healer hesitated, torn between respecting Leader's request for privacy and their concern. But ultimately, they knew that leaving Leader alone with their thoughts was not an option.
"Leader," Healer began gently, "I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but you don't have to bear your burdens alone."
Leader's expression softened, a flicker of grief crossing their features before they masked it first with a smile but after with their usual stoicism. "Thank you, Healer," they said softly, their voice tinged with exhaustion. "It' selfishly, I know, but some burdens are only mine to bear."
Healer could only sigh as a response and leave after exchanging goodnights quietly.
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fallenwhumpee · 19 days
medieval!!!!! leader!!!!! whump!!!!!!! such a good treat to wake up to aosidfjlkfdj
poor leader: they don't really have anyone anymore, especially not since caretaker is gone!! and them having their old shield is just- agh sdfjkdf like the line "i hate doing your job"??? it's just?? so good?? isjdk
AND AND NOBODY GETTING HURT BUT LEADER??? LIKE YEAH HEALER NOBODY WENT TO YOU BUT THAT DOESN'T ALWAYS MEAN THAT NOBODY IS HURT!!! someone at the very least get leader some proper bandages to wrap them in (and maybe a blanket while you're at it)
i also really love the battle sequence like i love the way it's written ajssdfh
tysm for writing!! very much enjoyed <333
:D anon
Yup, medieval leader whump. Leader whump goes well with everything you know? (No,this is absolutely not biased. im definitely not hyperfixated on it ever since i liked whump)
Well, the peak doesn't have much place for the others. And it's cold and hard to stay on when you try to look down or help the others get there. You see, Leader had tried that with Caretaker before, and it didn't end well.
That talking to Caretaker part was me trying to add something to soften the mood. It instead made everything crumble down. But I'm proud of how it turned out. Gives me a strange feeling of happiness and heaviness at the same time. I hope it was like that for the readers, too.
How else was it supposed to turn out? I couldn't see any more realistic scenerio than Leader being the only one getting hurt. (Ignoring inevitable losses and mistakes in battle for the sake of fiction)
Don't fault Healer. Truly. It's common sense that you visit someone with knowledge when you're hurt. Leader just keeps choosing to ignore that.
Glad to serve :) I'm coming with part two, where I will be going against my nature and trying to write comfort because of the lovely tags I've gotten from a mutual, and now this reaction.
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fallenwhumpee · 20 days
• Part 1 • Part 2 • Masterlist •
Warnings: Medieval settings, blood, battlefield, dissociation.
"We are not taking that mission!" Healer shouted to Leader, their head stretched back to stare at Leader. "We don't take missions in villages. And this won't be an exception."
"Like it or not," Leader towered over them, putting a hand to their chest to stop them from getting closer. "We don't have any choice in that. We can't abandon our lands to the enemy. We will fight."
Leader watched as the anger got more intense in Healer's eyes.
"You will send us to slaughter! You know we don't do well in the missions involving civilians. The team..."
"No one will visit you after this." Leader cut sharply. "I promise. I won't let my team pull their usual stunts."
"You can't just stop them from taking a blow for some random stranger."
"Have more faith in me. When did I get us into something we can't handle?" Leader tried again. They needed Healer to see their point.
Healer looked at them for one more moment before sighing and averting their eyes. "But I'm not patching anyone after this."
"That's the spirit. Now pack up. We're leaving with the lunch."
Healer nodded, leaving Leader alone. Leader made their way to their room in the guild's barracks. They closed the door behind them slowly, letting their shoulders drop.
"I don't know what should I do," they admitted to the haunting heaviness hovering over them. A moment later, the familiar bone deep feeling of loneliness washed over them, and they had to lean on their desk to stay standing as their strength drained from their body for a moment.
"I can't  keep going on like this." They muttered to themselves  after it. This was getting beyond their control.
Stopping their thoughts to save their sanity, straightening their stance slowly. They walked over their wardrobe and pulled out a large shield, their sword and armour. They couldn't help but stare at them for a moment before starting to get dressed. The armour over their skin was the only thing that made them feel secure in those days. The only thing they felt like they belonged to.
Not their team.
Despite loving them dearly - and being loved back - Leader was not a part of the team. They were the sword and the shield between them and the enemy, but not a part of it. It was just according to the regulations. Leader couldn't afford to be among the people they were sworn to protect. It never ended well.
Slowly pulling the straps and locking the metal pieces into each other, Leader abandoned thinking altogether. A moment of peace was needed, and they found it relaxing just to do something and not think. They only left their helmet out, putting their long sword to its sheath on their back, placing the very large shield over it. Making sure it's secure, they packed two set of clothes and some water. They were ready to depart.
But their eyes lingered in the big room, checking it for a last time. Their bed was tidy, so the other... They averted their eyes. They forgot nothing. There was no need to torment themselves more.
Stepping out of the suffocating room, Leader felt heaviness linger over them for one more second, but they smiled when they saw their team and ignored the feeling.
"We are ready to depart." Right Hand walked a step forward. "Briefed about the mission. The place looks good for defence. I don't understand why they need reinforcements there."
"They need replacements. And I've heard it's nearing the end. The enemy is giving up. Just need some more pushing."
Leader walked past the team after glancing at everyone, the smile on their face not faltering despite the emptiness pulling their mouth down. They got into their house with one move, the shield messing with their balance a little. It was vast, even for Leader. They had never understood how...
No. Leader wasn't hoping to think about them. Leader had to keep their head there and then. They simply turned to the horizon and rode the horse.
"The battle will be already going on when we arrive," Leader said after they covered a significant distance. "I want you to stay close and work as one unit. You will just hold the defence until another order, either from the general leading the battle or from me. I need you to fight as long as you can, in the other words, do not try something idiotic because none of you will be useful if you're dead."
That gained some chuckles but also nods. Good. Leader needed them to stay alive and well. They made a promise, after all.
The rest of the ride was silent on Leader's part, listening to their comrades and keeping an eye on everything. They only slowed down once they reached the narrow gate, the last lights of sun already departed, leaving them in dark. The battle sounds began to give Leader goosebumps. They felt their heartbeat match with the distant clatter of metal and shouts, their hand instinctively reaching their sword.
The team hid the horses, getting ready to dive into the battle. Without a word, Leader drew their sword, the weight of it familiar in their grip. They blew out a breath and scanned the scene before them. Their focus shifted to their team.
"Stay close," they felt the need to warn.
Without further orders, the team advanced. The disgusting smell of blood-soaked soil once again filled their lungs, the ground beneath them shook. There was nothing, nothing that could distract them from doing what was right. They would not attack, never attack, but they also wouldn't hold back their sword raised to protect.
When Leader's blade met the enemy's for the first time, their focus was absolute, every movement precise and calculated. The clash of metal, the cries of the soldiers, and the roar of battle filled the air, a chaotic symphony that set their heart racing. They moved with a single-minded purpose, their sword an extension of their will, their body.
When their body caught up with their mind, they shifted their focus. Their limbs moved with the will to survive, while they could finally take off their mind from... all of that.
Their eyes found their team, which was holding themselves very well without any help. But Leader could see the telltale signs. Very few civilians were left on battlefield, but their team was already making a safe circle for them, but not as careful as Leader would like.
Still, Leader trusted their team. They trusted and went on, avenging their sword with swift motions. Their one eye was still on their team, and they could see the enemy finding more and more openings.
It was the last straw when they saw Teammate nearly dropped their sword under pressure.
"I hate doing your job," they muttered to the air, taking out their shield. They gripped the shield tightly, their focus shifting entirely to the task at hand. With practised precision, they positioned themselves between their team and the enemy, using the shield to deflect blows and create openings for counterattacks.
Blow after blow made Leader falter, their arms getting heavier from carrying the large shield with one and their heavy sword with the other. Still, they kept their footing as the shield absorbed blow after blow.
When the shield was slammed to their chest by another shield, Leader's breath were knocked out of their lungs, a crack sound lost in the loud clash of two sturdy metal. Leader gasped and relieved the pressure by stepping aside, the motion causing them to lose balance but gain some space. They swung their sword, managing to get under the armour of the enemy general— but also being the victim of the same move.
Their shoulder was stinging, the pain sharp and fresh and distracting, but Leader knew they couldn't afford that. They lunged forward, ignoring the strain they put to their shoulder as the pain only became another chaos in the background.
If it was in more friendlier terms, Leader could enjoy the fight with someone even to their strength, but on the battlefield, it only meant danger. A threat to get rid of. As Leader's sword clashed against their opponent's, their focus narrowed. They couldn't afford to be distracted against such opponent. With swift and calculated movements, they parried and struck, each blow getting harder to maintain.
Despite the burning pain in their shoulder, Leader pressed on, their movements fueled by adrenaline and the instinct to survive. With a final, decisive strike, they brought down their opponent, the clash of metal not banging in their ears for the first time as their sword cut the flesh.
With a weary sigh, Leader glanced around at the scene of the battlefield. The enemy forces were retreating, and the villagers were slowly emerging from their hiding places, cautiously reclaiming their homes. Their team, though battered and worn, stood strong beside Leader, thankfully without any injuries. Years of practised efficiency guiding them, they set up a small camp for their remaining, prioritizing the healing tents and such before finally setting up one for themselves.
Leader slid in without being noticed, a small basin of hot water on their hands. They didn't want to join the celebration outside when they felt so dirty after the battle, and they didn't have the strength to do so. Placing the basin next to their makeshift bed, they took of their armour, pain throbbing with their every move. They ripped the thicker set clothes they brought with them, soaking them with hot water and slowly but tightly wrapping their shoulder. They then wore the other set, hiding the handmade bandages. They didn't look terrible, at least.
Taking the remaining fabric, Leader begun cleaning their armour, the simple and repetitive motion calming their breaths and relaxing their muscles. While tending to their armor for what felt like an eternity, Leader's thoughts were empty, as if the cloth and water could wash away all of their problems. They set aside the cloth foe a moment before they took the shield, the metal gleaming faintly in the dim light of the small gas lamp, the blood over it turning to a dark coloir. They sighed heavily, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling.
They could wash their armour, their sword sloppily, but they could never think of doing that to the shield. Not their shield, the shield, that once belonged to Leader's dear friend, Caretaker. Leader smiled at the imaginary of Caretaker freaking over the possibility of their shield getting Rusty, but Leader's smile soon turned bitter. Caretaker would be freaking out, only if they had been alive...
Just as they were about to pick the cloth again, a voice broke through the silence of the tent.
Leader glanced up to see Healer standing at the entrance, their expression a mix of concern and hesitation.
"Yes?" Leader replied, their voice as flat as ever.
Healer stepped inside, their eyes scanning Leader's weary form. "I... I wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have questioned your judgment earlier. I understand now that you were doing what you thought was best for everyone, and I should've teusted you not to pick up a mission that may compromise the team. You were right on your promise. No one from our team visited me tonight."
Leader stated Healer for a moment, progressing the words. "It's alright," they assured. "I'm just glad that this ended well."
Healer nodded, smiling with relief. "I also wanted to invite you to join the celebrations outside. The villagers are grateful for our help, and they want to thank us."
Leader shook their head slowly. "I appreciate the invitation, but I think I'll pass.."
Healer's expression fell slightly, but they nodded understandingly. "I... Okay... Just know that you're always welcome if you change your mind."
"Thank you," Leader smiled softly. I'll keep that in mind."
With a final nod, Healer left the tent, leaving Leader alone with their thoughts once again. With not much left to do, Leader cleaned the shield while listening yo the celebrations and ignoring their thought before curling up into their bed, the lively chatter outside serving as the lullaby to defend Leader's mind feom nightmarish memories.
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fallenwhumpee · 25 days
Tis I, :D anon, bearing gifts >:)) i remember you mentioning you liked mentor/mentee relationships, so :D enjoy!!
They looked almost serene under the starlight. If you could ignore the wailing sirens and acrid smoke coiling in the streets below them, that was.
"Are you quite finished with your tantrum?"
They turned to face him, a curious tilt to their head. "Is that what we're calling this?"
He grit his teeth. "It is what it is. Come back, and perhaps we can overlook this... transgression."
They hummed, turning away. "No. No, I don't think I will."
A scream from below rings out through the night. His former apprentice only laughs.
"You were always the one telling me I was too soft."
"I didn't mean for you to go around and massacre everyone in sight!"
"I didn't think you cared about that. Or anything at all, for that matter."
"Of course I care!" The admission was out of his mouth before he could stop it. "Dammnit-- I've always cared! If that's what this is about--"
"No. No, I don't think it is," they interrupted softly. "Not anymore, anyway.
"I'm done with your weak resistance. You always called me soft, but it wasn't like you were any better. The way you preached change and did nothing. This? This gets actual change. This building was violating several health codes, and forced workers to work in unsafe conditions. Now they'll have to fix it.
"It's not about how much I hate you anymore. It's about how much better more I'm getting done now."
"You're going to expose us all!"
"I'm not affiliated with you lot anymore." They shrugged casually, flicking a stray piece of ash off their coat. "Anyway, I'm off. Got some other things to burn. Actual change to make."
He scrambled after them. "Wait, you can't just-!"
But they were already gone.
This has been sitting in my notes app for a while so 😭 anyway hope you like it :))
Yes yes yes I loved this!
First... I love how it doesn't work. How Mentor is now what Whumpee needs, but it's too late, while Whumpee needs the guidance they don't need Mentor. Not after everything.
Then there's the hypocrisy. How many times whumpee was told that they had to do unethical things for the better? At least whumpee now doesn't act like an attack dog of someone. They are doing this with their own mind, for the good. Probably while burning down everything, Whumpee thought they were doing the right thing, punishing the wrong.
Whumpee looks so done with everything. They are just bordering detachment and only working with an (impaired) logic. But Whumpee makes it work, and they get more progress from the attempts before them, so they don't see this as a bad thing.
It'll come all crashing down when Whumpee realise they are becoming like the people they despised so much.
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fallenwhumpee · 29 days
• Part 8 • Part 9 • Part 10 • Masterlist •
Warnings: Guilt.
Leader looked bad. They had gotten worse since Mentor dropped them to their quarters. The worn down expression was already so foreign on the face they were used to see like a statue. Mentor couldn't help but frown at the dark circles on Leader's eyes, pale skin dry and hair tied tightly, possibly to hide the dampness of it.
"You didn't have to come this quick." Mentor tried their luck. If it was before, they would be greeted with a shy smile on a childish face. Now, Leader's gaze only met theirs with hollow eyes.
"I just want to get over with it as soon as possible," Leader answered, not even looking at Mentor's eyes. Mentor hesitated. They knew Leader wasn't supposed to walk around like this. And Mentor knew this whole orderal was putting too much pressure on Leader.
With one last look at Leader, Mentor sighed and led the way to one of the interrogation rooms. Leader trailed off after them, and Mentor could hear the irregular step sounds, sometimes too soft and sometimes too hard as if Leader was stumbling. But every time Mentor looked back, they saw a composed figure. Only a small frown on Leader's face was not fitting the usual stone faced look, indicating that they weren't fully alright.
When they reached to the door, Mentor opened it and motioned Leader to get in. Mentor then took the door right beside it, knocking before entering. It was a room behind the interrogation toom, with recording equipment and a one wa mirror that allowed then to see inside. Some of the higher ups were already there, but Mentor's eyes caught Big Boss sitting in the darker side of the room, dressed in all black and barely visible.
Mentor gave a subtle nod, which was answered with a gesture for them to keep it silent, and Mentor sat down, giving their all attention to Leader.
Leader took their time sitting down, closing their eyes for a moment. Mentor was sure no one else noticed, but Leader was tense, shoulders rolled back forcefully to imitate their former look, spine straight only because they were leaning back with pressure, and Mentor guessed it was very uncomfortable with broken ribs. Everything was silent for a moment before the door of Leader's room opened, and an officer stepped inside.
The officer didn't spare a look to the mirror and directly sat to the opposite of Leader. They slowly opened their file, taking their time and playing with their pen. "Leader," the officer broke the silence after settling the pen down. "Do you know why you are here?"
"Yes," came Leader's short but solid answer.
"But I won't start with that. Tell me your last mission."
"My last misson was a part of coordinated attack on Whumper's bases. I was instructed to deal with one at the outskirts of the city." Leaded coughed when they stopped, their hand reaching to their chest to ease the pain, probably. Mentor was getting a bad feeling about that. Leader was supposed to be in a warm bed, not in that cold room, being questioned for something out of their control.
"By the intelligence I've been given, I expectedly security. But as my mission progressed, I was caught by two of the guards, brought to Whumper. The intelligence was not correct. The last thing I remember is exploding the base while I and Whumper were still in."
"And later?" The officer asked when Leader stopped for more than a moment. Mentor could see Leader gathering their breaths, but the officer wasn't really patient.
"I woke up one of the agency's temporary medical bases. Doctor and mentor were there." Leader coughed again. Mentor saw Leader's leg holding a rhythm on the floor for a moment before Leader restrained themselves.
"What was the nature of you and Doctor's relationship?" The officer asked, not looking at Leader.
"Doctor has been assigned as my, and later and my team's chief medical officer for years."
"And what about your team?" The officer asked after nodding to Leader's response.
"My team's medical officer is very capable. They hadn't met with Doctor unless it was a neccesariry. Our later visits were also under the same circumstances."
The officer continued probing, asking about various aspects of Leader's interactions with Doctor, the team, and their role within the agency. Despite Leader's efforts to provide concise answers, it was evident that the interrogation was taking a toll on them.
As the interrogation dragged on, Leader's responses grew more tense, and Mentor just couldn't not see the signs.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the officer concluded the interrogation. "Thank you, Leader. We may have further questions for you in the future."
With a nod, Leader rose from their seat, their movements stiff and laboured. Mentor followed suit, offering a brief glance as they exited the room.
Once outside, Mentor pulled Leader aside. They couldn't filter the concern in their tone. "Are you alright?" they asked, unsure. Leader made it clear that they didn't want anything from Mentor.
Leader managed a weak nod. "I'll manage," they replied, their voice strained.
Leader's response had been fixed to 'I'm fine' for too long that hearing this worried Mentor.
Mentor hesitated, wanting to offer more support but unsure of how to proceed. Instead, they simply placed a reassuring hand on Leader's shoulder.
Leader stepped back, making Mentor's hand fall.
"When is Doctor's trial?" Leader asked instead.
"In half an hour. Did you eat anything before coming here?"
"I'm not hungry."
They knew pushing Leader further wouldn't be productive. Instead, they just nodded.
As they made their way to the trial room, Leader remained mostly silent, lost in their own thoughts. Mentor didn't feel any nostalgia with the way Leader quietly trailed after them. It was right the opposite. Mentor felt disgusted that this scene was familiar. Leader was following them with head down, their figure still and expression empty. The only difference was Leader's height. While Mentor could - and regretfully did - tower them before, Leader was a head taller than Mentor now.
Mentor tried to ignore the feeling.
Upon arriving at the trial room, they were ushered inside by the guards. Leader took a seat, their expression unreadable as they waited for the proceedings to begin. Mentor sat beside them, unsure if they could do anything to help Leader.
The room was small, a chair in the middle, a desk at right for five people, and a few seats for viewers.
The waiting time was spent in silence. Mentor wondered what Leader was thinking. In the past few days, Mentor managed to come in terms with Doctor's betrayal. Doctor had been one of their numbered friends, but never more than that. On the other hand, Leader seemed pretty close, and Mentor faulted themselves for that. Mentor had pushed Leader too far that Leader got attached to the smallest gesture of kindness, and now that they were hurt by that, they were refusing any kind of affection.
The door opened, and Doctor was brought in by two armed guards. Mentor was surprised to see them in a good shape— while they had gained a few new bruises, they looked alright. Actually, if they were asked who was 'tortured' between Leader and Doctor, Mentor would be wrong.
Doctor only looked at Leader for a short moment, then just stayed there until the five seats were filled slowly by the higher-ups that watched Leader's interrogation. The one in the middle addressed Doctor, stating the crime and sitting down, giving Doctor one final chance to give an explanation that may soften the agency's look on the matter.
"I don't owe any of you an explanation," Doctor began with a strong voice. "I don't regret my actions towards any of you but one."
Mentor watched Doctor's gaze find Leader, who was only looking to their hands. Doctor sighed when they didn't get a reaction but continued.
"I believed my choices were right. I still believe most of my choices are right, with the exception of the latest ones. I've done the very thing I wanted to end."
Mentor frowned, thinking what was different lately, regarding the enemy's movements, but they couldn't find anything.
"We are not here to listen to any of your propaganda," the figure in the middle growled with a voice that made Mentor's blood run cold. "We have already decided your penalty. We only wish to hear information in exchange for reduction."
Doctor considered for a moment. A traitor was always a traitor. Their betrayal to Whumper wouldn't be a surprise to save their own.
"Would my way of gaining intelligence be any of your interest?" Doctor tried with a forced smile.
The figure leaned back, motioning Doctor to continue. Mentor looked at Leader for a moment, and saw them still looking down, but they were now swaying back and forth subtly. Mentor put a hand on top of Leader's, but drew back immediately when Leader winced. Mentor's palm got a little wet from Leader's clammy hands.
"When I was just considered experienced enough to run one of the medical stations by myself, I've gotten a patient. A perfectionist with an ideology. They were aware of the faults of the agency, but they were hopeful. Hopeful of the change that all of you refused so far."
Leader gasped quietly. Mentor was the o ky one who heard. They wanted to tell this was not Leader's fault, but they weren't sure Leader would listen them.
"No one in this world is pure." The figure answered. "Our goal is not being pure. You knew what you were getting into, Doctor. Don't twist what it is."
"I never claimed to have a pure intention either. And selfish of me, I had used the trust I've built over the many years. That's what I regret. I regret that I hurt the only person who had given me hope." Doctor answered back.
"While HQ's medbay was always a source of uncensored information, it was too risky to exploit it to my own means. I had to be careful. But with Leader, it was so easy. They were deprived of guidance and support for so long that they took my offer with little to no hesitation, possibly trusting my experience. With them, I was able to see everything they worked on. And the agency just kept giving work on them, along with overseeing the other team's reports— sometimes even mission plans. The amount of work Leader handled and the importance of it was what I needed. I also had other informants to confirm those and give me more details."
They stopped for a moment, turning to Leader.
"Through the years, Leader had no reason to suspect me with my invaluable help to lift the workload placed on them. And the cruelty of agency pushed them more and more to me, who could just treat them like a human—"
Leader stood absurdly, and by the time Mentor stood after them, the door sound echoed. Mentor rushed after Leader but the hall was empty.
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fallenwhumpee · 1 month
(And yes, more of "a score to settle" would be nice if you want to continue it :D) /nf
:D anon
Noted! Thank you for the ask :D
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fallenwhumpee · 1 month
Oh request time?? I'm fully back in my medieval whump era (my vaguely medieval OCs have been suffering for it, esp the leaders/important figures lmao) and the line "who could you ever protect with your idiocy?" for a knight whumpee has been kicking around my head if you wanna give it a shot!!
I also have some writings I might finally get around to brushing up for you 👀
:D anon
Ooh I can work with that :) and I also love medieval whump just because of the lack of help and, of course, ✨️aesthetics✨️. I may give you some medieval team whump if you'd like. A team of very self-sacrifical idiots and someone desperately trying to hold them together.
And yes, please feed me with your gorgeous writing <3
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fallenwhumpee · 1 month
Dw, Right Hand did come across as having lost all hope! I just really liked how they were trying to convince Leader that Youngest was dead and was effectively being the "professional" for a given value of professional lmao
:D anon
Anyway, would you like some more of it? I've got a three days holiday which I plan to spend one with studying for my exams and one for homework, but I can take some time for writing. I feel in the mood lately (why it always comes when im busy, i dont know), so if you want this or anything else, I can try.
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fallenwhumpee · 1 month
I love the way Leader just doesn't give up even all hope is lost even at their own expense like it's just so hehndjddkfkfkfk and and Youngest!! Actually being alive!!! And the utter lack of hesitation from Leader!!!!! Protective leaders <3333 and the like necessary professionalism from Right Hand ahsbdnnfjfj
Very good food as always!! <3
:D anon
Well, they found what they were looking for. Let's hope they actually find what they were hoping for hehehe. Of course, they are alive. I don't kill my characters off! *looks behind to a few character deaths and open endings* uh oh... not this time, at least.
Of course, they won't hesitate when their little cinnamon roll is in distress. Someone angered a feral mama bear. Does Right Hand look so emotionless? Perhaps that's what bothered me in the piece. I just wanted to make them hopeless and pessimistic, but they turned out detached and flat.
Thank you, Anon! I'm glad you enjoyed it <3
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fallenwhumpee · 1 month
A score to settle
• Masterlist •
Warnings: Presumed dead, grief, kidnapping, gagging, restrains.
Leader wished they had a button to turn off their thoughts. They wished they could silence the screams rolling that it was too late and this was all their fault.
Right Hand peeked in, their face also sour. They looked tired but not as much as Leader. Leader didn't know that, though. They refused to look at the mirror just because they didn't want to face themselves. They just assumed they were looking terrible, considering... everything.
"Any news?" They asked, hoarse. They hadn't talked for hours, being closed in their office and watching the cctvs around. Though they hadn't realised it had been this long. They were too focused, too fixed. A small break would do them good, they didn't want to miss anything because of their focus on bigger things rather than the details.
Right Hand shook their head. They looked like they were going to say something else for a moment, probably a remark about how Leader looked, but kept themselves. Good. Leader was in no mood for jokes. "But we got a call. Demanding you. It's an unknown number and pretty insistent."
Leader raised an eyebrow. "I'm too busy for that," they sighed after considering it for a short moment.
"No," Right Hand looked sure of something for the first time. "You're too obsessed with that. Leader, accept it... Youngest is..." They trailed off for a moment. "It's been a month. They would come back if they were..."
"I'm busy with searching them," Leader bit their tongue to restrain their frustration. "Youngest is strong. They are out there and—"
"Youngest was strong, I know, but that's enough. You have to move on."
"Don't tell me to move on when even you can't say it!" Leader lost the control of their voice. They breathed and softened their tone, knowing they weren't the only one grieving. It would be unfair to take the anger slowly building inside them out of Right Hand. "Yes, Youngest is probably dead." Leader swallowed. Admitting it made it too close to reality. They cleared their voice, forcing the knot in their throat down. "But I can't stop looking for them, even if only a corpse is waiting for me at the end."
"It's hurting you. I can see that. We all can see that. Leader... this can't go on. You haven't slept for days, and it's for nothing. We went through every single camera, every single place. The police went through everything. There's no trace of them. You won't find any too. Just... just accept that."
Leader looked down. They refused to listen to the reality of the words. They refused to believe Youngest disappeared overnight. Even if the alternative was haunting their day and night. "Fine," they sighed finally, standing up. Their body felt fragile at best, with how less they moved nowadays. Or it was because their vision wasn't so clear after staring at the screen for hours.
But the reason didn't matter. How they felt didn't matter too, as long as Youngest was out there, alone. Alive or dead. It didn't matter until Leader found them.
"Let's see what's all this fuss about, then."
Right Hand let out an unsatisfied grumble, but Leader could hear the grief under it.
Right Hand led them to the meeting room, the rest of the team already there.
"They're here." Right Hand said with a carefully schooled their voice.
"Good." A deep voice talked. It sent chills down to Leader's spine— the feeling was so foreign to them that it almost caused them to freeze. Their usual facade saved them. "Now, I have your dear Youngest."
"What?!" A shout escaped from someone. Leader thought of Medic, but it was actually Right Hand.
"Oh... don't get too excited," the voice chirped. And it disgusted Leader.
"Cut the show." Leader said sharply, to stop Right Hand and to get some end to this thing. They had no patience to deal with one more of those calls. They continued with the same tone. "I don't have much time. Looking for actual proof rather than mere words."
"What about this?"
A fabric shuffle sound came, and a weak squeak came, and it was enough to crush everyone in the room.
"My, my, that's not very nice first words to your team. I'm sure they missed you. Anyway, let's just keep you silent for now."
A muffled no was followed by a grunt and a fabric shift.
"Now, Leader, come and take your precious teammate. And come alone, we have a score to settle."
"Give me the time and location." Leader growled, ignoring the looks from the team. "And I hope you didn't touch Youngest. For your own sake," they muttered to themselves as they turned to the door. They would kill and die for their team, so they didn't really care if it was a trap. It would be worth it if Leader could bring Youngest to home.
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fallenwhumpee · 1 month
So my [tumblr] is broken (what's new) and will not allow me to like the post so screw it I'll do it myself
A ❤ for you, 🐈‍⬛ anon!! I very enjoyed that :))
:D anon
You've got 1 (one) message in your inbox, 🐈‍⬛ anon :)
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fallenwhumpee · 1 month
LEA LEA LEA think about it. A mafia setting. The boss (a doctor) had taken in a child who became the Demon Prodigy and the youngest mafia executive at 15. He's a genius okay. But the boss has abused him, tortured him and had him subjected to such training also using mefical ministrations on him almost on a daily basis. Now this boy takes in another child. He is 17, the child he decided to protect was 15. This right hand (demon prodigy) begged the boss to keep the child alive because he would make a good asset to the mafia and that he would train him himself. So he trains the boy brutally, which makes him land up in the infirmary almost after every session. The prodigy's partner, the boy, everyone think he is so harsh and too brital with him. But boss isn't satisfied and asks him along with his mentee to come to his office. The mentee for the first time sees his brutal, cruel, stoic mentor on his knees bowing submissively. Thr boss takes his prodigy's clothes off, and the mantee sees the scars littering his mentors body. No matter how cruel or harsh, his mentor had never left scars on him. He watched as the boss whipped his mentor. He vould do nothing. The prodigy quietly took everything regardless of feeling the gaze of his mentee on him. He tells him after the punishment session that this should never leave the room and should absolutely not reach his partner's ears.
I know its a lil confusing so here are the characters again
1. Boss also a doctor
2. Demon Prodigy/Mentor/Right hand are the same people.
3. Partner is Demon Prodigy's partner.
4. The mentee is prodigy's mentees.
An🍨 for your thoughts?
~ 🐈‍⬛ <3
No no no don't give me any training whump I love those so much you'll give me ideas :)
Boss knows the limits of the body too well for the prodigy to get a break. Sick? They can go on until their fever became dangerous. Bleeding out? Boss knows that they still have time. Exhausted? Hydrate and continue. Everything will be patched up personally after the training. A neverending cycle of being hurt and treated but never severe enough to compromise them in the field.
Over the years, perhaps the prodigy wanted only one thing from the boss. They hadn't begged for their own, but they readily begged for the life of their mentee. They were desperate to ensure the mentee's survival, maybe because they saw so much of themselves in the mentee, or maybe simply because they didn't want the child to die.
And they kept the child alive with the only way they knew. But they weren't boss, they didn't know the limits too well. At least from experience, they knew what would scar or not. So they tried to train mentee, and they also tried not to mark mentee. Mentee wasn't theirs. Not the way they were boss'.
But as always, the boss wasn't pleased with the prodigy. And boss now had another excuse, mentee, to punch the prodigy. It's not really apparent to mentee until the boss decides that mentee has to learn what happened when one failed to use the given chance.
I have a feeling that mentee will be crying in partners' arms about what's happening to prodigy, which will soften partner's opinion about prodigy. Partner may try to make subtle attempts to soothe prodigy or go confront prodigy directly. In any way, prodigy will feel betrayed by mentee for that.
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fallenwhumpee · 2 months
I am a beast of many things. Subtlety is clearly not one of them /lh
(And I'm glad!! I'm also very happy to get that little Tumblr notif that you've posted as well :D)
:D anon
I hope I'll be able to give more of those notifs in the near future :) but have to study now, so goodnight/day to all of you <3
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