freebruises · 8 months
lae’zel is moving over to @unsoundnovel !
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freebruises · 8 months
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In that case, I've got just one thing to say.....
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freebruises · 8 months
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freebruises · 8 months
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freebruises · 8 months
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ALT TEXT: Imagine you lack any concept of family, You’re constantly told other races are inferior and only faith in the Revered Queen preserves your people from the traitorous githzerai and brain-eating illithids, You undergo years of hard labor and study and then embark on a perilous illithid hunt. Failure means death, but if you succeed, you’re brought to the Astral, where you are welcomed into a society of people just like yourself.
I’ll say this for Vlaakith: she knows how to build fanatics. But alas, fanatics are good for nothing of lasting consequence. END ALT TEXT.
from mordenkainen’s tome of foes
vlaakith probably knows fanatics just need a soul to consume to still be of some value. whether you’re consumed by an illithid—or by vlaakith…. at least as githyanki, for one brief moment of victory—there was nothing greater or stronger or a more brilliant silver than your shine among stars
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freebruises · 8 months
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She's literally so cool
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freebruises · 8 months
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All together now!
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freebruises · 9 months
@sanguinelf [ ASCEND. CONSUME. OR DIE A SLAVE. ]
In the dark deep of the mountains, just outside of the Shadowlands, ravens rest in the trees, as if they can look within the bubble of its curse---and see where they once called home.
There's a guttural shout from deep within Lae'zel's belly as she plunges her sword deep inside her Illithid training dummy. And then she just starts beating it with her hands, like a sandbag. She kicks it, she slaps it, like a toy, like a girl at school who wouldn't share her lime green gel pens----and screams out strangled cries and grunts and hisses. The head is pulled off and thrown, and still, she keeps beating. She beats into her palms sting and knuckles feel jolted. She beats until the breath thats dragged from her is not from angry sobs but tired exasperation. She screeches, she laughs, she purrs, she howls, she yowls like a kitten left outside over night trying desperately to get home to its Mother. And then she slides down, spent, kneeling in front of the headless Illithid, and feels her brain is more mush than its removed tentacles, even still connected to her neck and shoulders.
Astarion's tent is right next to hers. And so, crouched to the floor, when he looks to her, she notices, and she yaps back.
Without so much as looking in his direction, she says with lips thinned and scowling, eyebrows furrowed, eyes fixed go the ground in front of her, so she doesn't have to face the stars----
"What makes you a slave?"
A question that can be taken a thousand different ways.
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freebruises · 9 months
wyll: dont forget to hydrate!
lae’zel: if you don’t know how to drink water without a fool telling you so, perhaps you deserve the parch of thirst. i hope your head aches. i hope your gums itch. i hope your tongue is sticky and dry in your mouth. madness will come to you, but not to me. be superior to your base human instincts to rot. a soldier must live to fight. will you fight? or are you a coward unworthy of me?
wyll: 😟
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freebruises · 9 months
A starter call, mayhaps?
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freebruises · 9 months
So the githyanki primarily pair up with "training partners"
And sex doesn't just happen behind closed doors, they have absolutely no shame about it, even around children. (In fact, I hc that lae'zel only worries about kissing u in public bc she has soft feelings for u that are unbecoming of the warrior class.)
So like. In truth, I think githyanki sexuality is about testing the limits of ones body and pleasure. They are a hedonistic, pillaging culture that loves structure as well, so its ritual. Its literally like going to the gym and doing reps with a partner
It lasts as long as you can last. Its one of the few hedonistic pursuits githyanki actually finish without getting bored---
Githyanki have a deep culture of "personal projects" and access to all the knowledge stored in the Astral plane, however, they lose their gained proficiencies LITERALLY overnight as an example
---but even then, it's a structured, ordered thing
The githyanki love individuality as long as it stresses dominance and superiority. When it comes to creativity and actual uniquness, sometimes it seems to be more trouble than its worth
Lae'zel can see the beauty in cuddling and proper lovemaking, but it scares her, bc she can't control it, its not something she can measure, its not something that tests anything she wants tested, and it can't be organized
She feels trapped in the weight of your arms and your body heat
She feels small and fragile and like she cannot move without disturbing you---and she finds, for some reason, she does not WANT to disturb you. She doesn't want to test you. She doesn't even want to taste you. She just wants you to be... comfortable? Relaxed? Lazy?
And those are traits she just can't see in herself. And doesn't want to!
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freebruises · 9 months
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freebruises · 9 months
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freebruises · 9 months
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Angry alien gf
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freebruises · 9 months
lae’zel is the true girlboss of bg3 bc she truly and utterly believes in going to whole planets and stripping them for parts, and i know thats like yeah yeah yeah its star wars orcs or whatever but like no, its interesting to me bc they were slaves for forever, freed themselves, and now believe so much in their individual culture they are willing to destroy others culture for despots bc their individuality and their culture matters “more” and is “better” which is like, a fascinating position to think about real life evils from
the githyanki actually have an incredibly rich culture and have a whole sizable caste of merchants and artisans and thats why the armor is so beautiful, they have art and poetry etc
but also they just couldn’t give less of a shit damn or fuck about other cultures even as they pillage their planets
which i find interesting! especially bc. lae’zel grows to care for these people who. are basically just fancy curtains to her
im forever thinking about lae’zel and like. her calling human noses “decadent.”
this culture of consumption to the point where the imperialists greatest sin to the ppl she rules is not destroying other peoples planets—but consuming the souls of HER OWN people she promises “more” to
even the savior of the githyanki ppl who frees them from slavery its like. u guys love individuality so much? and u still hate everyone else and the mindflayers? once u stop fighting each other ull just put another despot in place and start killing everyone again?
if lae’zel goes back, she’ll still be one of the only ppl who cares about faerun. n of course no culture is a monolith. but when ALL YOU KNOW IS UR OWN PPL N KILLING OTHERS…. how r u supposed to appreciate other cultures. i find that very interesting
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freebruises · 9 months
Lae’zel’s eyes alight for a moment—a furious recognition. It itches beneath the skin, nerves pinched and sore and crawling, the tingle and scratch of grime within her veins—a thick oozing ache of a thousand pinpricks that can’t be washed out.
Her Lady—Shar, Vlaakith. Suicide missions. No matter the truth of her Queen, Lae’zel knows her own truth. She knows where she stands. She knows how she feels. She knows what is right.
The stars will always belong to the Gith. Every plane—every Celestial Body—every God the pretty, perfect, too-rich, melt-in-your-mouth, buttered biscuit pucks of Faerun’s court of ladies worship—exists only so one day the Githyanki can claim it, scalp it, string its hair into satin and silk like pretty pale pink lady’s pearls to lounge around the Tears in in between conquests.
She would decorate her armor with Shar’s teeth. She would fasten Shar’s eyes like rubies adorning the silver of her armor. The stars and all the planes—they are simply decoration, gold and warm bodies to make cold, red, and dead.
That is what Lae’zel believes. She will never doubt the superiority of her people and their place in the world. Just as she will never deny the beauty of the splendors of other worlds—why else, she knows, would the Gith need to claim them?
She swoops, darting, swirling around her in a violent dance, with teeth bared. And yet she does not touch her, the way she did not touch Shadowheart when she held that knife to her throat.
She didn’t beg for her life, then, So why does she feel like she’s begging, now…?
“Chk. If I am a fool, teach me. I am not stupid. I know your language, I am learning your customs. Allow me to know you. I will not be lesser than istik.”
“Can you tell me? What do you really want! What do you believe? You have no memories, but you have your own mind.”
“I am my own person beyond my Lady. Who are you, beyond yours?”
continued from here / @freebruises
the cleric balks at her githyanki companion's words, heartbeat fluttering in her chest and up her throat as if it means to choke the breath out of her.   'would you have me be happy with you?'   lae'zel had said … and what if she would? is that what she wants, buried deep down underneath all of that ire and rage and ache? perhaps that is what the warrior wants as well, eyes brimming with emotion despite   THE  HARSH  UNDERCURRENT   of her words. shadowheart stands stock - still, her shoulders tense,  jaw clenched. she's wound so tight she's bound to snap, but … something about the way lae'zel speaks has the   fight  seeping  out   of her, the very marrow of her bones weary with exhaustion.   'i hardly think my lady approves of even me, not anymore,'   she bites out, harsh, bitter. why else would the mother superior send her out on what was doubtlessly a suicide mission? why else would she not yet be a dark justiciar, still a novice where her peers had far long ago climbed the ranks in the house of grief? she snarls, imagines slitting   [ that  proud  throat ]   of lae'zel's. the image flickers in her mind, and then it is instead lae'zel on top of her, sword pressed so close to the half - elf's neck that she can feel   the  cool  sting   of steel. 
would she submit to lae'zel? would lae'zel be able to give her pain meaning, beyond the pointless suffering and emptiness the dark lady had taught her to covet? the loss which had been inflicted upon her for as long as she could remember, loss which she feels even now, memories   swimming  around  aimlessly   in her mind like dying fish in a tank.   'i am your ally. but i can offer you no more than your goddess. we both know who you’d choose.'  shadowheart shudders, but not because she knows lae'zel's estimate to be true  —  it is because the longer they spend in the shadow cursed lands, the longer she fights side - by - side with   [ this  wickedly  sharp  , ]   wickedly strong githyanki … the more unsure she is of the evil goddess. the more she questions shar,   DOUBT  AND  SHAME   eating away at her spine like maggots.   'you think you know everything. that you've got it all figured out  —  have me all figured out. but you don't. your pride makes you a fine warrior, lae'zel, but it also blinds you. you are as much a fool as any of the rest of us are,' she turns so that her back is facing the other, cheeks flushed red with a confusing swirl of desire and disdain .
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freebruises · 9 months
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the night circus  -  erin morgenstern   sentence starters  change tenses/pronouns as needed !! some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw :  death
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‘we must put effort and energy into anything we wish to change.’
‘you need to understand your limitations so you can over come them.’
‘you want to win, don’t you?’
‘people see what they want to see. and in most cases, what they are told that they see.’
‘people are naïve about such things. and they would rather write them off as evil than attempt to understand them.’
‘an unfortunate truth, but a truth nonetheless.’
‘you’re a magician.’
‘time is a peculiar thing. you’ll learn that eventually.’
‘you need the practice. your control is still lacking.’
‘it is a part of who I was, who I am, and who I will be.’
‘you’re white as a sheet.’
‘it would not have been my choice for her, but a child should not have their choices dictated for them.’
‘follow your dreams. no matter what that father of yours says, or how loudly he might say it. he forgets that he was someone’s dream once, himself.’
‘you are a sensitive person. it is not unusual for sensitive people to be affected by such events.’
‘you did it to yourself, it’s not my fault you cannot undo it.’
‘working with others will only drag you down. these people are not your friends, they are inconsequential.’
‘do you often see things in the stars?’
‘I have a social engagement, and I thought you might join me. you spend too much time in solitude.’
‘I expected the corset unlacing would take place after dinner.’
‘the finest of pleasures are always the unexpected ones.’
‘you are a disappointment. I expected better from you.’
‘it becomes difficult to tell the difference between old friends and old business associates in cases like ours. whether we are the kind of people who make polite conversation to cover shared secrets or something more than that.’
‘are we going to discuss whatever it is you are here to discuss instead of dancing around it? I was never a particularly good dancer.’
‘I feel… not trapped but something like it, and I don’t know what to do about it.’
‘I do not like being left in the dark. I am not particularly fond of believing in impossible things.’
‘I am not usually in the mood to know anything about my future. tonight I am feeling a tiny bit curious.’
‘the future is never set in stone, remember that.’
‘secrets have power. and that power diminishes when they are shared, so they are best kept and kept well.’
‘it was inevitable, perhaps, but not unavoidable.’
‘I prefer to remain unenlightened, to better appreciate the dark.’
‘I do not see as well without her. I do not hear as well without her. I do not feel as well without her.’
‘I would be better off without a hand or a leg than without my sister.’
‘you have seen things that defy belief, have you not?’
‘it is difficult to see a situation for what it is when you are in the midst of it. it is too familiar. too comfortable.’
‘it will come apart. the cracks are beginning to show. sooner or later it is bond to break.’
‘people don’t pay much attention to anything unless you give them reason to.’
‘I see things before they happen.’
‘most of the time I don’t know what things mean until later. sometimes not until it’s too late.’
‘the past stays on you the way powered sugar stays on your fingers. some people can get rid of it, but it’s still there.’
‘it’s precisely what you do. you enchant. you’re clearly good at it. you have so many people in love with you.’
‘when I was old enough to understand, I promised myself I would not suffer so for anyone.’
‘it will take a great deal more than that charming smile of yours to seduce me.’
‘it is refreshing to be truly honest with someone for a change.’
‘you smile as though you have a secret.’
‘the circumstances may have played out the same way regardless of anything you or I did.’
‘you cannot take away anyone’s free will, that was one of my very first lessons.’
‘just because you could never decide which one of us you were in love with does not make us interchangeable.’
‘I asked you to marry me and you never gave me an answer.’
‘how could I ever be certain if that was a choice you made or one that was made for you?’
‘how many times have you lied to me?’
‘I have never lied. I do not share what I’m not at liberty to say.’
‘I am tired of everyone keeping their secrets so well that they get other people killed.’
‘I refuse to believe you could ever disappoint anyone.’
‘I have spent a great deal of my life struggling to keep myself in control. to know myself inside and out, everything kept in perfect order. I lose that when I’m with you. that frightens me.’
‘it frightens me how much I like it. how tempting it is to lose myself in you. to let go.’
‘I only wanted to be with you. I thought I would ask you to run away with me.’
‘it is likely to make us think that we are not caged. we cannot feel the bars unless we push against them.’
‘this is extremely distracting. I worry what might happen if I lose my concentration.’
‘when all of this is over, I will not let you go so easily. agreed?’
‘I don’t know why yet, but I’m sure you belong with me.’
‘staying here won’t make me happy. it will make you happy because you are insipid and boring, and an insipid and boring life is enough for you.’
‘an insipid and boring life is enough for you. it’s not enough for me. it will never be enough for me.’
‘did you feel as though you had the ground removed from beneath you as well?’
‘I am tired of trying to hold things together that cannot be held. trying to control what can’t be controlled.’
‘I am tired of denying myself what I want for fear of breaking things I cannot fix. they will break no matter what we do.’
‘you can stay away from him, and you can stay away from me.’
‘you should have figured that out by now. you used to be somewhat clever.’
‘stop behaving as if you love that boy. you are above such mundane things.’
‘you are willing to sacrifice me for this. to let me destroy myself just so you can attempt to prove a point.’
‘don’t look at me like that, as if you think I’m inhuman.’
‘should you choose your questions more carefully, you may receive more satisfying answers.’
‘love is fickle and fleeting. it is rarely a solid foundation for decisions to be made upon.’
‘how I can believe that you are honest with me and not with them, when I am the one you have the most reason to deceive?’
‘this is not a tactic to deceive you; do you think me that cruel?’
‘you keep leaving me. you leave me longing for you again and again when I would give anything for you to stay, and it is killing me.’
‘how can you think that I don’t love you? you are everything to me.’
‘you are special. you are beyond this. there is so much more you could accomplish with your talents.’
‘you are too intelligent for this behavior. I expected more of you.’
‘you are letting your emotions trump your power.’
‘I have told you it is not your fault, and there is nothing that could have been done to prevent it. not by you, not by me, not by anyone else.’
‘what’s the use in seeing the future if I can’t do anything to stop it?’
‘you cannot stop things. you can only be prepared for them to happen.’
‘if I have not been completely honest with you, it is only because I know a great deal of things you do not wish to know.’
‘i’m going to ask that you trust me when I tell you I am trying to make things better.’
‘the best we can do right now is take everything as if comes, and not worry ourselves over things that’s have happened, or things that are to come.’
‘we cannot go backward. a great deal is not how it used to be.’
‘I couldn’t tell the difference between what was real and what I wanted to be real.’
‘I couldn’t let you do it. I couldn’t let you go.’
‘you’re not destined or chosen, I wish I could tell you that you were if that would make it easier, but it’s not true.’
‘you’re in the right place at the right time, and you care enough to do what needs to be done. sometimes that’s enough.’
‘you are the strongest person I have ever known. you can hold on for awhile longer, I know you can.’
‘everything fades with time. I am no exception to that rule.’
‘is magic not enough to live for?’
‘I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a dreamer.’
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