12th house prominent placements
A part 2 for my 12th house post
Stellium in 12th
May feel a lot of you is "unseen" and valueless. May feel "weightless" and feel ignored in multiple aspects of your life because the planets here influence other houses. So for example: Venus her brings your "unseen or ignored love" to wherever Libra or Taurus is in your chart
Sun or Leo in 12th
You may feel no energy either because it's hard to generate any energy or it's easily depleted. You struggle to feel inspiration. You also may feel very weak and that it's really hard to self-perserve unless you stay in the shadows. You also struggle with gaining insight on yourself and the world around you because you struggle to face anything feeling attacked or ego shock very easily.
Moon or Cancer in 12th
You may feel deeply but at the same time as if those emotions aren't real. You get easily depressed and it can be very hard to recover from anything challenging as you may take it personally or fear you can't handle it. You may dwell in your dark thoughts too much or be emotionally attached to the bad things in life too much.
Rahu in 12th
Hungry drive for spiritual truth but may result in quick relief from that hunger through porn addiction or "self- medicating" like alcoholism and heavy drug use. Which makes it harder to actually handle daily life and find the spirtual truth through living. Obsessed with isolation which could lead to tunnel vision or insanity
Saturn in 12th
Not that bad compared to the other 12th house placements. Saturn always makes you slow down and really look at your flaws whatever house it is. Saturn can make you a little depressed with your short comings but it usually does not allow you to dwell in your own misery here.
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Ascendant, 5th, and 9th
The ascendant and the houses that naturally trine it (5th house and 9th house) all contribute to our personality and our projection forward in life. Anything in these houses can show a talent or a mastery in something
Your first house shows where your main focus here. In my observation; anything here tends to show something you were kind of born with. nature over nurture. Though the older you get the more your personality tendencies develop; for better or for worst. Not ruled by Aries or Mars but does have correlation to these things. Thus, the ascendant can indicate our personal issues we must fight to change
5th house
Shows what inspires you and what you create from that inspiration. Not ruled by Leo or the Sun, though it does correlate with these things implies the 5th house is where we are "burning" (like the sun) and can burn with passion and desire (like romantically or sexually) but also burn others with our self-preservation
9th House
Where we are able to explore the world around us and grow materially and spiritually. It's where we find our spiritual purpose. Considered our most auspicious house. Meaning where we have a lot of good stuff happen to us in life or where we can expect really lucky stuff to happen for us.
The ruling planets of these houses will influence these house but these houses will influence the planets and their positions as well.
These houses are considered trine each other even if they aren't all in the same element and the reason why this specific trilogy of houses is considered important in astrology is because they all work together to show our drive, our self-preservation, and our luck.
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Venus + Mars: Underneath It All
Traditionally mars (in vedic astrology) was not at all associated with lovers, dating, or anything romantic. In fact, mars was notoriously shifty in relationships that that's what mars indicated. Us fighting in relationships.
Only recently have vedic astrologers accepted mars influencing our sexual relationships but only in modern hellenistic is mars considered som indication of what any person attracted to men, find attractive in men.
Now with Venus; it was always seen as the "wife" in men's charts. In modern times for any person attracted to women, that's what most modern astrologers look to venus for. Our "type" in women.
Venus was also seen as the "marriage" planet for everyone (men and women) to some extent (tho men mostly because women had jupiter) even so...even with being assigned this; Venus was still seen as unsatisfactory in relationships.
The thing is that Venus represented the things we desired in the material world but our endless hunger for those things too.
To add salt to any hopless romantc's heart; any planets in 7th house except the planet of lessons; saturn, Was considered undesirable.
So tragic; did we ever have good indication of love?
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12th House
Having a prominent 12th house can indicate someone who struggles with seeing their own short-comings or they are VERY aware of their story comings and then become prone to minimizing their existance and how much value they carry in the world... they will not feeling responsible for their actions and mentally feel inferior. Perhaps, because sometime in their lifetime their choices or actions seemed to have no impact in the trajectory of their lives or during a very hard time event (ex. Childhood)
The issue is that they carry that burden with them and feel that their actions; especially ones that negatively affects others "aren't as bad" because subconsciously they feel others have more control or more power or even that others may plainly just be more lucky/privilege then them.
The truth is bad things happen to everyone and maybe some people are more privileged than others but that doesn't change your ability to influence the world around you no matter how small or big that influence is; you should still take responsibility for your existence and through practicing acting on your good values, you will see how much value you take up in the world.
Sun or Leo in 12th
Moon or Cancer in 12th
Saturn in 12th
Rahu in 12th
Stellium in 12th
above are the placements that may suffer the most with the 12th house struggle but we all have a 12th house (empty or not) Always look at the planet that rules your 12th house as that will influence your 12th house and likewise your 12th house struggle will influence that planet and its placement.
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