godofdexth-blog · 8 years
Lukas frowned slightly at her comment, but moved on; he wasn’t going to question her. “I owe you no politeness; you bumped into me. You are at fault.” He smirked. “Are you always this entitled?”
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“you have no idea how right you are about that,” peggy muttered under her breath, a shake of her head accompanying her inaudible words. “i– i already said i’m sorry, there’s no need to snap at me like that,” she spoke, a slight frown on her face.
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
“Well you obviously don’t know what I do for a living.” He smirked. “And, trust me, I don’t think I’m death. I kill people, yes, but that’s a little extreme. Don’t you think?”
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“Oh no, don’t worry, darling. It’s hard to believe you’re such a powerful thing as death.” she said leaning over his desk
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
“Hunted?” His brow furrowed. “Hunted by what? People have been throwing that word a lot around me lately, and I’m actually quite done with it. So enlighten me, please.” He said simply. Lukas looked at the man, he did look familiar, but he had seen so many faces that honestly many people looked familiar. “You don’t need to look out for me; I’m fine. Thank you, total stranger.” His voice dripping in sarcasm. 
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“I know how it sounds, I do. You think I’m crazy, and I do not blame you. But whether you know it or not, you – we’re being hunted. I know you can handle yourself well, but this is bad.” Although he knows his brother no longer remembers him, his words hurt all the same. He allows himself a brief moment of sadness to fill him, staring at Thantos before he clears his throat, looking away. “I’ll do my best to look out for you, and I know you’ll be careful.” 
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
Lukas raised an eyebrow at the interaction that took place; he found the bet almost amusing. Almost. “You know, a lot of people have been telling me that I should remember this, and remember that, but what exactly is so important about these memories? I feel like I’m doing really well without them, actually.”
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She held her hand out to the other, “That’s 40 bucks I told you just flat out saying it wasn’t going to work.” She chimed as the other grumbled and paid her. She turned her attention back to Lukas, “You’re entitled to your opinion even if we’re right, but seeing how crazy things are getting…It might be better that you don’t remember.” She shrugged counting the money in her hands. 
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
“You too, huh?” He said, looking at the woman. “Well, it’s weird and I really don’t like it. I mean, clearly I am not a God.” He shook his head slightly. 
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“I wouldn’t pay them much mind. A few days ago they told me I was the ancient princess of Crete.” She rolled her eyes. “It’s some trend I think is going around.”
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
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Lukas looked up at the woman that had approached. “Lady, you sound like a crazy person.” He said, a smirk on his face. “I do not need to remember anything, I know exactly who I am. And I would really appreciate you, and others who all seem to have escaped from the same asylum, leaving me the fuck alone.” He sipped his drink. 
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Hecate had overheard the conversation he was having and she was beginning to get annoyed. It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t remember, she knew that, but it didn’t stop her anger from building up somewhat. She turned to look at Thanatos and rolled her eyes. “Yes, dear.” She paused and offered him a fake smile. “You’re death. Actual death. And now would be a fantastic time for you to remember everything,” she paused again. “Because we’re being hunted, Thanatos. So.” 
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
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terminus noun  |  ter·mi·nus  |  \ˈtər-mə-nəs\ 1. a final point in space or time 2. the station or town at the end of a railway or bus route 3. a post or stone marking a boundary
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
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Greek Mythology ► Thanatos, Son of Nyx and twin brother of Hypnos, God of Death.
“I don’t know why everyone makes the grim reaper out to be a bad guy, I mean he’s just taking you to the afterlife, it’s not like he killed you. It’s actually quite nice of him to walk you there, imagine if you had to go alone.”
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
“No, man, I don’t think you do know how this sounds.” He said, rolling his eyes slightly. “God-hate groups?” He furrowed his brows. “Look, I appreciate what you think you’re trying to do. But I am not being hunted.” He hesitated. “I kill people for a living, of course I feel like death sometimes.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t remember you. I don’t know you.”
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Hypnos winces at the denial. “I know how it sounds,” he sighs “Look, I wouldn’t be trying to get you to remember if I wasn’t so concerned about the recent God-hate groups practically hunting us. Just try to remember? The feeling of being death. Or me?” His tone ends hopeful even trying to hide it.
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
“So, you’re saying I’m... death? Like actual death?” Lukas paused. “Forgive me if I think that’s bullshit.”
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
Lukas walked towards the man; he had been tracking a target, and had stumbled across a man sketching. Assuming that the man would be watching his surroundings carefully, he would see where the man had run off to. He approached him, eyes darting around. “Yeah. Have you seen a man,” He raised his hand to gesture height. “This tall, dark hair, looks like like he wears a suit a lot.” 
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Hypnos is concentrating on his drawing, sketching the city, when he hears footsteps coming toward him. He sighs. “Wha–” Hypnos’ mouth snaps shut, eyes widening in recognition. He swallows, crossing his arms defensively. “Hey, what can I do for you?” He isn’t sure who does and does not remember.
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
“Well that’s a bit narcissistic. Are you always this awful, or am I just special?” He said simply. “Don’t. I don’t really have any.” 
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“I can do as I please.”  She said with a yawn.  “I should care about your feelings?  Why?”
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
Lukas raised an eyebrow at the woman. “That seems to be happening quite a lot lately.” He said simply. “Tabitha. Interesting name.” He shrugged. “I’m Lukas.” He added, smiling slightly. 
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She paused a moment realizing it was yet another without their memories. No matter she supposed it would come with time, “My apologies. I think I had you confused with another.” She chimed. “But that can always change. I’m Tabitha.”
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
Lukas stumbled forward as the woman bumped into him. “Well, you should be.” He snapped. “Where did you learn to walk? You look like a new born horse.” His brow furrowed. 
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there she was, stumbling over her own feet, more fragile than she used to be. in a way, it was frustrating. but being surrounded by new sights and new people, it was easy to forget how walking worked. however, this time, she didn’t just trip and fall to the ground. she stumbled into someone, almost falling over due to the movement. “i– i’m sorry.”
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
“I’m sorry?” Lukas turned towards her. “Do I know you?” He frowned slightly at the woman standing before him. 
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“Did you miss me?” She chimed with a bright smile gracing her lips as she sat down next to the other. Clearly in a very good mood which is always in a person or gods best interest.
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
Lukas kissed her passionately, releasing her hands slightly. He moved his hand to grip her thigh, pulling her closer towards it. “This is certainly better than what I had in mind.” He grinned. 
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Eretria let in a deep breath as she could fully breathe again, only before she was stopped by his lips on hers again. HE held her hands tightly and she wrapped her legs around him.
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godofdexth-blog · 8 years
“Do I need a definition for ‘sane’? Surely I would know about my mind?” He questioned. He had wanted to get rid of the woman as soon as possible, but he was rather enjoying watching her get angry at him. It was very entertaining. He threw his head back and laughed. “I guess you’re right. Perhaps don’t kick me in the balls then.” He shrugged his shoulders. “The fact that you have not walked away already shows me that you are far to reckless to be another more than a child.”
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“I’m going to have to get clarification on what the definition of ‘sane’ is to you, cause it may mean different things depending on the person,” Luna quipped, crossing her arms over her chest. His threats didn’t frighten her and she didn’t even dare back down from him, “I don’t think it’ll be that easy handling a gun while you’re writhing on the ground, but then again, what would I know?” Luna rolled her eyes and scoffed, “How am I even acting like a child?”
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