On my way to the first of my last shift rotation before departure. Nerves are really taking hold now. I’m anxious to get on with it as the waiting is just giving my imagination more time to come up with more rubbish scenarios. I keep thinking maybe alone was too bold of me. Maybe I need a heavier sleeping bag. And the list goes on.
The stress of making sure I have everything I need is dier and I know I’ll settle on friday morning when none of it matters anymore as if I’m without it then ill have to make do.
The weather that was looking to be good has as predicted turned to crap, rain all day. I have a feeling it’ll be like that for much of the journey.
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Most recent training adventure on crib goch in the welsh mountains. Great day out with some good company this time too. Weather wasn't on our side but we still had fun.
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Second hiking training session over 3 days in the peak district (one afternoon one full day and one morning) 70km covered.
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First days training in the peak district
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going it alone
Hi guys I’m Dan Pepper,
Yes that is Pepper as in opposite to salt. I have recently set myself the challenge to walk the length of Snowdonia national park. This challenge is called ‘going it alone, so they don’t have to’, and it’s in aid of Macmillan, now before you shut me down assuming that I am asking for money hear me out.
This project is both to raise awareness and money for their cause, so if you can’t give the pennies don’t think that you can’t help, because you can. I don’t know if you know anyone that has had cancer and maybe you don’t, but I’m sure that if you did or do then you will know that it’s no walk in the park… pun intended.
Macmillan not only support the patient by offering care to them, but also the families with counselling. Now this charity has worked with my own family, and helped members through some of the hardest times of our lives. I didn’t even know that they actually offer counsel until last year. I mean, what awesome people right? So I’m sure that we can all agree this is an amazing cause.
Now give me your money. No I’m joking of course, you know what’s just as good, maybe even better than the money? Share this for me. Share this for the person you know who fell ill with this disease, and share this for the people who are yet to fall ill with it. Make sure that they know that help is out there for them, again I will stress this isn’t just the people who are sick. Maybe you have a loved one that’s not well, I can relate to you so much, pick up the phone and call them, they will not make it go away but they will do what they can to help. As long as we keep sharing this, then we get closer to someone who may be in a better financial position, and maybe they will donate, and they will keep someone on the other end of the phone for those people that need them phones answering.
Together we are stronger, but I will go it alone anyway, so that they don’t have to. I hope that you will support this challenge in any way that is feasible for you to do so.
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