goodtimeswithluigi · 9 days
a redo for a king's birthday
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I did this art last year for his birthday, i love it so much still but i wanted to redo some stuff to fit my current artstyle now. The art under is the one from last year, i miss him dearly. . . happy birthday Technoblade
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Blood for the Blood God
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goodtimeswithluigi · 11 days
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Save me Hideduo... save me...🤎💙
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goodtimeswithluigi · 17 days
I cannot praise Fit enough. He managed to to present us a complete (and emotionally devastating) story over the past year with all odds stacked against him, so many distractions that probably diverted a lot of what he had in mind, but he still managed to work with what he had and gave us complete cinema every single time. Q!Fit's character development has been an absolute marvel to watch, and even though his ending was bleak, it's something he'll still be able to carry with him, along with the goggles of his son, and some dried rose petals in his pockets.
Bravo Fitmc.
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goodtimeswithluigi · 17 days
Fitmc you fucking bastard. That was so heartbreaking watching you try to search for anyone on the island. And the rose you planted.
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goodtimeswithluigi · 26 days
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
When I think of the QSMP, I think of joy. I think of impossible friendships and hysterical laughter, parties, events, music, stupid jokes, families, and home. I think of the bridging of communities and the invaluable memories and all the pure intrigue and excitement it brought out in all of us. And the eggs have been there for all of that. They have been a vital part of the joy and the families and the memories, weaved deeply into the fabric of the server.
It will never be the same without all of them with us. They have always been such a large part of the life breathed into the QSMP. Home is empty without them.
I suppose today was so bittersweet because it felt more like home than it has for a long time. I suppose for a second we felt like we were back there. I think that's why it has hurt so much. The fact that the game wasn't a celebration of the future but instead one last hurrah.
We will miss them dearly, just like we will miss all of the other eggs and players who we lost before them.
until next time.
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goodtimeswithluigi · 26 days
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A big thank you and goodbye <З
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goodtimeswithluigi · 1 month
Do you guys think Madagio is jealous of Madagascar? Like Tio Fabio(Fit) feeds them, pets them, and even sleeps in the same bed as them.
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goodtimeswithluigi · 2 months
Just finished watching the fallout show. The ghoul and Lucy found family, my beloved. I know it's not going to happen, but I would love to see Norm interact with the ghoul.
Norm: Who? *points at Ghoul*
Lucy: This is our new dad.
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goodtimeswithluigi · 2 months
I've been rewatching Fits qsmp vods, and I just got reminded that Ramon canonically is allergic to cinnamon. Like in day 77, Ramon asks for a churro for the quest, which leads to Fit saying, "dont you and cinnamon not mix well, Ramon." Only for Ramon to reply with "I'll die happy."
And later on, when they make the churros, Fit says something about Ramon bursting into hives. So can you imagine Pac taking care of Ramon and being asked if he could make something with cinnamon, which he gladly does since he doesn't know Ramon is allergic. This leads to Pac freaking out while trying to make a healing cream from potions he has while Ramon, who has hives now trying to comfort his pai and saying that Fit/Dad won't be mad.
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goodtimeswithluigi · 2 months
Amazing Art!!!
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'Let's have our last dance together, love' art for a fic by @emiliaexists <З ty, i cried.
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goodtimeswithluigi · 2 months
Look at them goo
you go girl they're here for the vibes
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goodtimeswithluigi · 3 months
Do you guys think Ramon is scared of death. And not in sense of dying himself, since he's very adamant about protecting those he cares about even if he'll get hurt. He even told Fit that he wanted him to aleast having someone just in case he is no longer there. Now I'm not saying Ramon wants to die or isn't scared of dying, but if it meant either him or a loved one, he'd chose the loved one over himself.
Like the eggs only have two lives, and we've seen them die. Which is way Ramon is very protective of Sunny and Empanada since he doesn't want them to meet the same fate as his siblings. His even seen what death does to a person, like how Slime went crazy and started attacking the eggs. And how quick he was to shoot Slime to protect the others. And how Quackity wanted to make a deal with Fit to have Ramon be the only egg standing so him and Fit can split the reward.
Fit was very hesitant about it and even said he wasn't going to do it. Ramon had made Fit promise that he'll protect all the eggs, and if he does die, that Fit doesn't go crazy like Slime.
Now Ramon's first time hearing a player/islander die was when Fit told him about Spreen, which Ramon was very happy that Fit was widowed and that means Fit can find another partner and one that'll actually care and love Fit.
But do you think later on when his left to his thoughts, he realizes that players/islander can be killed permanently. And Fit is very adamant about not dying mainly because he thought he hadn't died yet. Like the only times he knew his dad had died is when Fit himself tells Ramon.
And the prison would be the first time Ramon has seen his dad die. Do you think Ramon sighs in relief when he sees that his dad has respawned. Do you think every time an officer killed his dad, he feared that Fit wasn't going to respawn and that he'll die permanently?
Do you think Tubbo dying made this fear even worse. And when Sunny was able to find a way to bring Tubbo back, do you think Ramon wanted to ask her how she did it, so just in case it happens to Fit, he can bring him back or anyone he cared about.
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goodtimeswithluigi · 3 months
The urge to write Baker owner Fit and Grocey owner Pac is growing. Help, the voices.
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goodtimeswithluigi · 3 months
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goodtimeswithluigi · 3 months
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goodtimeswithluigi · 3 months
Just coming over here to remind everyone
If something happens with a content creator you bought merch from and you can’t support them anymore you DONT have to throw it away. You can…
1. Donate it!
-someone could benefit from an article of clothing. Especially if it has a genuine good design and isn’t just “CREATOR’s NAME AND LOGO”
2. Alter it!
-transform it to fit your personal aesthetic and preferences. If someone still recognizes it you can always act confused and say you found it at goodwill, liked the design, and altered it. Trust me it works.
3. Scrap fabric
-if you like cosplay or just sewing having extra fabric around is nice. You never know what you could do with it
4. Shirt blankets
-there are ton of companies out there that you can cut all your old shirts up, send them off, and d they’ll transform it to wonderful cozy memory blanket.
5. Give it to your dog
-if you believe it’s safe to do so, perhaps bless your dog (or other cuddly beast) with a cozy sweater shirt that reeks of you. If your pet is anything like mine they’ll treasure it, nibble, and snuggle your gift. Or they’ll rip it shreds but hey… you tried (Note: don’t do this your dog is a fabric eater)
Let me know if you know more ways to avoid unneeded waste
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goodtimeswithluigi · 3 months
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Ramon and Dapper seem like the type of kids that throw a bunch of stuff into a bucket and call it a potion but they actually have access to potion ingredients.
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