hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
finally finished moving blogs ——> @hachichimitsu
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
im currently in the process of moving blogs, i havent followed anyone including my mutuals yet in my new one bc im organizing a linktree and all that so don’t be alarmed lmao. if you see the name change or my new account, dont mind it for now since it aint ready yet 🧎‍♀️
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
Let's talk about rabbi Cartman
Or, to be more precise, here are some thoughts regarding his fixation with Abraham. 
AO3 tags: Cartman & Judaism, Cartman/Abraham (unrequited), Judaism (obviously), meta, midrash, Character Study - freeform
[special thanks to sn33z3s and allymumu for enabling my rambling and their invaluable feedback]
Keep reading
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
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Starting up the SPxAdidas Tumblr thread that @behind-the-blow has so graciously suggested! Just look at how beautiful they are!!👀🤩👏 And talk about the level of detail...I love those jacket flaps in the front!😄
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
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[ Metalocalypse Best Of Moments With: ]
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
cartman in s25e5, after kenny gets mad at the teenagers: i've never seen kenny like this!
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
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a stanky kissing doodle 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
i agree with you that they would be good fathers, but what kind of good dads would they be? personally, my headcanon is that kyle is pretty strict and overprotective (*cough* not unlike shelia *cough*) while stan is more lenient with them. i understand those was basic as fuck, so i could like to hear yours if you’re willing to. regardless, i’m hope you and everyone else has a splendid day/afternoon/night~
I spent a few days sitting on this ask and trying to think of a few more details about exactly what kind of dads they would be, but I think you're pretty spot on! Regardless of what kind of parent Stan is, I think that it's a safe bet to say Kyle is going to end up pretty close to Sheila 2.0 - though I think you could really make a case for whether he's calmer or even more overbearing depending on how the rest of his life goes.
Kyle would probably be a lot like Sheila in the sense that his overarching goal is to protect his kids from harm, and that he really feels a passionate need to drive his own moral values into his kids - and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but in the process it kind of stifles the kid, as Sheila's obviously shown to Kyle. However, Sheila is in general a great mom, and I have no doubts that Kyle would be a great dad! His paternal/fraternal instinct is insanely strong, and he really takes to parenting/taking care of kids like a fish to water - and in Help, My Teenager Hates Me!, he's the only kid to really seek out alternative solutions when his parenting style doesn't work. When faced with trouble, he's willing to admit defeat in the regard that he's willing to try alternative solutions, and he does so quicker than Sheila - Sheila eventually gives in after seeing the consequences of her actions in the movie, but it definitely takes a little longer. That obviously isn't a completely accurate vision of Sheila's parenting skills - that's only one instance, and an instance where she had much more of a (albeit a semi unreasonable) reason to fear for Kyle's safety/health - but I think it's definitely notable that Kyle's learning that skill quicker than his mother did, probably as a result of her being so stubborn in admitting that she's wrong. However, I think Kyle would be more 'strict' than Sheila in other ways - I imagine him having a pretty strict vetting process for his kids' friends, following how much Cartman put him through as kids, and you just know that would drive any kid insane and probably drive them towards less healthy friendships. However, even if he’d be strict about friendships, Kyle’s love for his kids really is unconditional - like Sheila, I think he’d be very accepting about the things that are important to them, and he wouldn’t be afraid to express that. 
In general, though, I think Kyle would be amazingly solid, whether as a single dad, with someone else, or with Stan. He's got the drive to protect his kids, and that drive is one of the things that makes Sheila one of the best parents in the show - not that she has a ton to compare to, but her desire to keep Kyle safe always shines through, and Kyle always knows it. I think Kyle and his own kids could butt heads similarly to how him and Sheila do so on the show, but I also think that being married to Stan in this situation would help him parenting-wise - Stan's equally as protective (I can actually imagine him being more in some situations, or at least there's a sharper contrast between how he behaves normally and how he behaves in situations were protectiveness is really warranted), but expresses it in a way that can seem less overbearing, and I imagine he'd be able to help diffuse arguments in a way that Gerald generally fails to do.
Stan, I think, is a little (less? more? I typed out less originally but then wrote even more for him lol) complicated parenting-wise - though that doesn't mean he's any less of a good parent. Stan would be less likely to create a divide between himself and his kids when they're 8-12 and finally discovering themselves, which is when Kyle would probably have a hard time realizing that his kids are growing up - but he could be more likely to have a difficult time when they're teenagers. Stan really wants to know that his hard work is being appreciated - that, like in the teenagers episode, his kid is actually doing something to prove that his parenting is working - and I can imagine him being a little bitter and adopting the 'fine I'll go f/ck myself' mindset when his teenagers start becoming naturally distant. Kyle's rational enough to realize that just trying and trying to bond might not be enough, and there are different ways to address issues at different stages of life (cue the teenager book), but I think Stan wouldn't understand this at first, even though he obviously underwent that significant life change at a younger age than Kyle did (YGO/Ass Burgers). I think he'd eventually get the hang of it though - and when he realizes that teenagers being unappreciative assholes is just a natural part of life, he'd be able to adapt to bond more effectively with them. His experience with depression at a young age would probably actually help him with this - I think he'd be more likely to be the parent that the kids turn to when they want a good cry, or when they have something deeply personal that they want to share. Kyle is adored and trusted by the kids, but Stan's a better listener, and if you just want to sit on your dad's lap and tell him about the sh/tty kid in your class without having your dad threaten to go in and kill them, Stan's your guy. Stan's more relaxed parenting style requires a little more maturity in the kids, and that's probably one of the places where Stan and Kyle clash - Kyle, subconsciously or not, wants to keep his kids under his wing for as long as possible, while Stan wants them to leave the nest and flourish into unique individuals. Neither of these are bad things, and it's already been shown that the two of them function really well when acting as parents together. They would probably temper out each other's less effective parenting styles, and I have no doubt they'd be able to raise some really sweet, well adjusted kids.
Thank you for the ask!! I could talk about style parenting forever. I hope you're having a good day too!! <3
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
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in love with the idea of them falling asleep on top of each other after putting the kids to bed 😴💙💚
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
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@phantomchill Nice!! Honestly, I initially typed him as an ISTJ because I’ve seen a good share of ISTJ Craig meta, but upon rewatching “Put It Down” and analyzing his behavior, ISTP makes waaaaay more sense. Like I couldn’t believe I thought this dude was a Te user when his inferior Fe traits and mannerisms are like the core aspect of his personality 😭😭 Watching “Put It Down”, it was really easy to see why Tweek’s Fi and Craig’s Ti were at odds with each other, but it’s sweet how Craig sort of uses his Fe (albeit awkwardly) to help Tweek out of his Ne-Te loop. Like DJDJFJDJC I still eat that moment up to this day 😳
And you’re so right! All of Craig’s funny one-liners and moments screams Inferior Fe! Like this GIF is just so funny skdkekfkdk Craig really doesn’t give a damn
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And aww thanks! I really do try to make them as simple and easy to understand as much as possible! What are your MBTI takes on the characters? I kinda wanna compare them hehe >:3c
*sighs* i was wrong. kenny is an estp. 🧎‍♀️
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
Have you seen other sp blogs’ big MBTI analyses for the characters? If not would you like to see some? I know 2 blogs that have done so
Hello! I’ve seen a fair share of MBTI analyses with South Park around these parts, but I’m interested in the blogs you have in store. I’d love to know them! :)
By the way, happy birthday!! 🎉
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
I havent been well ever since I heard "Stan is the Shinjification of Eren" from @hachichimitsu
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
I havent been well ever since I heard "Stan is the Shinjification of Eren" from @hachichimitsu
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
DJFJDJCJDJCJD i legit got that from this comment on stan’s personality database page and i too haven’t been the same ever since 💀💀
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I havent been well ever since I heard "Stan is the Shinjification of Eren" from @hachichimitsu
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
kyle and stan became good in sync parents so fast here… how can you possibly think that they aren’t married and parenting the hell out of those post covid kids
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