hackettquarrys · 2 years
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lover of mine pt.3/? (part two here)
chris hackett
x counselor!oc
2.4k words
“Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers
Starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters”
warnings: age gap (48/21), camp owner x counselor, language, i think that’s it, doesn’t follow the story exactly/dialogue is different
despite my best efforts, it seemed the majority were in favour of the bonfire. reluctantly, i watched as everyone split into groups, emma and jacob going to the general store to get snacks and beer, nick and abi going to collect firewood, and kaitlyn, dylan, ryan and i stayed behind at the firepit.
dylan was setting up a playlist on his phone, while ryan continued to pester kaitlyn about the ‘hag of hackett’s quarry”, much to her annoyance. everyone returned around the same time, nick and abi returning with some sticks for the fire, and emma and jacob with a wheelbarrow of goodies from the store, setting off some firecrackers as the arrived.
“woah- emma is that a gun?” kaitlyn asked the blonde, who indeed had a shotgun slung over her shoulder.
“it’s not a real gun- it’s just for bears and stuff.” jacob brushed of the brunette’s concern. he began to show off an ancient looking bag of snacks he had found, as kaitlyn confiscated the gun from emma.
“no way- peanut butter butter pops!” nick shouted, clearly a fan of the prize jacob had found. they began to fight over them.
“we’ll shoot for them,” jacob announced, challenging nick.
“you’re on!“ nick accepted, and kaitlyn insisted she referee, as not to leave the two of them alone with a gun, which to be fair was a valid idea. the three of them disappeared into the trees and the rest of us worked to get the fire going. i sighed quietly to myself- trying to figure out how i was gonna get everyone to stay inside tonight; i had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t going to be easy.
once the shooting contest was over and the three participants returned, the fire was large enough to provide a layer of warmth, helping alleviate the chill of the late august breeze.
“i’ve got an idea- let’s play truth or dare,” dylan suggested.
“guys come on, are we in 5th grade?” i asked.
“yeah.. i don’t know-“ abi agreed before she was interrupted.
“you two need to relax- unless you have some super deep secrets you don’t want us finding out,” jacob joked, but he didn’t realize just how true that was.
“yeah, come on. it’ll be fun,” nick suggested, and once again abi seemed to go along with what nick said, and i tried not to hold it against her; i knew how much she liked him and things seemed to be going well with them.
“come on jaiden, you’ve got nothing to hide, i know everything about you,” dylan joked, which he wasn’t wrong. he knew almost everything about me- except for that one tiny little fact that i was sleeping with the camp owner.
“this is stupid, you guys,” ryan concluded. “if mr.hackett said-“
“dude, don’t be lame. turn off the whole ‘dark brooding loner’ act for one night and act that a normal teenager,” jacob, his tone joking enough that i don’t think ryan was too offended by what he said. “and who cares what mr.h said, one bonfire is not gonna kill anyone.”
“alright whatever.” ryan surrendered, leaving me fighting the battle alone. i absentmindedly fiddled with the key chris had given me, twirling the bronze metal between my fingers.
“okay… we can play for a bit but we have to go inside before it gets too dark, okay?” i pleaded.
“okay, party pooper,” dylan teased gently. “we’ll go inside in a little while.” i nodded, but still felt like i was letting chris down. the sun was setting and soon it would be replaced with the moon, and i couldn’t help but worry about chris. he said it was just family stuff, but i had never seen him act so freaked out in the years that i’ve known him.
i just hope he’s okay i thought.
the game of truth or dare started off pretty tame, with everyone asking the basic questions like 'when did you have your first kiss' and stuff like that, and some pretty normal dares too; nothing too crazy yet, besides jacob shotgunning a beer and almost spilling it all over nick. i could tell emma was getting bored, and she suggested a new rule to make the game more exciting in her mind.
“okay guys, how about- from now on you can’t pick the same thing that the person before you picked.” she explained. “so if someone picks dare, whoever’s next has to pick truth.”
“that’s not fair, then you can just target people to make them pick either truth or dare,” jacob said.
“so what- are you chicken? or do you have something to hide?” kaitlyn teased. jacob stayed quiet and the same continued; new rules in place. it was kaitlyns turn to ask someone, and since she had picked truth, that meant whoever she chose was getting a dare. her eyes landed on emma, and the mischievous look in her eye gave me a bad feeling.
“emma- truth or dare,” she smirked. “for formalities sake i have to ask.”
“dare,” emma smiled.
“i dare you- to kiss either jacob or nick.” my heart dropped, having little hope that she would pick jacob and not the guy her best friend was head over heels for. to my disappointment, i was correct, and we all watched as emma started walking towards nick; i couldn’t even describe the look on abi’s face.
“woah- hang on. don’t i get a say in this?” nick asked, raising his hands in front of him. emma rolled her eyes.
“it’s just a game, nick; relax.” nick lowered his hands, and emma pushed her way into his lap, before pressing her lips to his. it went on for what felt like forever, emma clearly wanting to make a show of things to jacob, as she swapped spit with one of his best friends. finally they separated and emma stood up, turning to abi.
“he’s good,” she smirked. abi looked like she was trying not to cry- i wouldn’t have blamed her if she did honestly- before she stood and ran off into the woods. jacob also got up and stormed off, towards the dock off the lodge.
“abi! wait!” i called after her but she ignored me. “what the hell was that?” i demanded, staring daggers at emma.
“what?” she laughed. “it’s just a game, jaiden.”
“when did you become such a bitch?”
“it’s not my turn for a truth, jaiden,” emma shot back, not fazed by my comment at all.
“god i’m such an idiot,” nick muttered. “i fucked up bad.” he stood up, running after abi and calling out to her.
“should we… go after them?” dylan asked hesitantly.
“i think they probably need to talk about this alone,” ryan suggested. dylan nodded, and we sat in silence for a minute before emma spoke.
“who wants to go next?”
“you really want to keep playing after that?” i asked in disbelief.
“relax, maybe this is the push they needed to actually get together,” kaitlyn suggested. “emma, it’s your turn to ask someone a truth.”
“hmmm- jaiden; have you ever had a crush on dylan?”
“emma you asked me this earlier- no.” i answered. it was the truth. there was never anything romantic between the two of us and there never would be.
“i think you’re lying. i feel like you two definitely hooked up.” kaitlyn confessed.
“no way.”
“ew gross-“ dylan and i spoke at the same time. “no offence.” we said in unison.
“ok stop talking at the same time. i believe you,” emma laughed. “you have to dare someone now.” i thought for a minute, before admitting defeat.
“i don’t have any good ones-“
“i’ve got one-“ emma interrupted. “ryan- i dare you to kiss either kaitlyn or dylan.” i looked at dylan, a worried look on my face, but he surprisingly looked rather aloof. i knew that he secretly had a crush on ryan, but we all knew kaitlyn did too, since she didn’t care to hide it. ryan stood up, looking from kaitlyn to dylan, before making his choice.
he walked up to dylan, and gently pressed his lips to his. i think dylan was surprised, because i saw his shoulders tense, and his eyes widened before fluttering closed. it was nowhere near as explicit and emma’s attack on nick, ryan pulling away after a few seconds, but it was cute. i felt bad for kaitlyn, but she wasn’t really the type to get upset over that kind of thing, and she seemed to just brush it off. a blush remained on dylan’s face as ryan walked back to his seat, but i’m sure if you weren’t sitting directly next to him like i was you wouldn’t have been able to tell, since it was now almost dark out. dylan cleared his throat lightly, and i gently elbowed him in the ribs, sending him a smile, which he returned.
“uh.. who hasn’t had a turn yet?” ryan asked, breaking the silence.
“me!” kaitlyn raised her hand, seeming a little annoyed; whether it was at ryan choosing dylan over her or that fact that she hadn’t been picked yet i wasn’t sure.
i zoned out, not really listening to the game anymore, my mind had wandered back to chris. i hoped he wouldn’t be too mad at me, since i failed to get everyone to stay inside. i also wondered how nick and abi were doing. kaitlyn dared emma to post a stupid photo and leave it up for 24 hours once we got cell service again, and emma’s gaze landed on me once again.
“jaiden- your turn.”
“dylan hasn’t had a turn in a while-“
“well then you can pick him next. truth or dare?”
“you know that i have to pick truth,” i sighed, taking a sip of my beer.
“alright. how long have you been sleeping with mr.hackett?” i nearly spat out my drink.
“woah- what?” kaitlyn asked, her mouth hanging open with shock.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about-“
“oh please, i heard you guys talking in his office earlier- and don’t think i didn’t notice you sneaking out of bed in the middle of the night. i honestly thought you and dylan were sneaking around, but i think i finally figured it out.”
“whatever you think is going on you’re wrong-“
“am i? look me in the eyes and tell me you haven’t been sneaking around with him all summer.”
“i-,” my eyes fell to the ground. shit i thought.
“wait- jaiden you’re not serious-“ kaitlyn asked. i continued to stare at the ground by my feet, unsure of what to do. “he’s like.. old!”
“not cool, emma,” dylan said, shaking his head.
“yeah.” ryan agreed. she scoffed, standing up from where she was sitting.
“whatever, i’m just a bitch anyway, right jaiden?” she asked. i looked up at her. i took a deep breath, refusing to let her get to me. as much as i was panicking about the fact that chris and i had been caught, i wasn’t about to let a teenaged mean-girl bully me.
“you know what emma? i want you to remember this night, as the night that you threw away the only chance at having real friends that you ever had. because maybe you’ve got lots of followers who care what you have to say- but i don’t think that really matters when you just screwed over your best friend just to hurt the only guy who’s ever actually cared about you.” i heard kaitlyn make a noise of disbelief from where she was sitting. emma actually looked a little hurt, before she stormed off towards the lodge.
“damn, jaiden. remind me never to piss you off,” ryan laughed. dylan put an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a comforting side hug. my heart raced as i realized i would have to tell chris that the others knew about us, and i wondered how he would react. this could be bad i thought. what if it ruins the reputation of the camp- if people find out the owner was sleeping with one of the counsellors?
“is it true?” dylan asked softly. i looked at him, tears starting to grow in the corners of my eyes. “i guess i don’t know everything about you after all,” he laughed, and i could tell he was teasing me, trying to cheer me up.
“well, now you-“ i laughed, before i was cut off by the sound of a scream from the woods behind us.
“that sounded like abi,” dylan spoke. kaitlyn picked up the gun that was leaning against the log bench next to her, pointing it towards the trees where the noise had come from. there was a rustling in the woods nearby, and kaitlyn aimed the gun at them.
“should i shoot?” she asked.
“wait, what if it’s nick or abi?” ryan suggested.
“nick… abi?” i called our hesitantly. “jacob?” i asked, thinking maybe emma told him to get lost and he came back. abi ran out of the trees, and i noticed blood on her hands.
“abi, are you bleeding?” i asked, and she shook her head frantically.
“no no- there’s something out there and .. nick- it attacked him- he needs help.”
“okay okay- we’ll get him abi, don’t worry. dylan, ryan, you two go back to the lodge and lock all the doors. kaitlyn, come with me. abi, can you show us where nick is?“
“but-“ dylan started to protest.
“no- no buts. i told all of you that we had to stay inside and now look what happened. i hope your game of truth or dare was worth it. now go.” i ordered, looking at everyone, as it wasn’t really dylan’s fault. he nodded before turning and walking towards the lodge, ryan following right behind him. abi led the way through the forest, kaitlyn close next to her with the gun at the ready in case whatever attacked nick was still out here. jacob and i walked close behind them, until we came across nick, who had a nasty wound in his shoulder, his shirt soaked with blood.
“did you see what attacked him?” i asked, untying the flannel shirt from around my waist and using it to try to stop the bleeding. he groaned as i applied pressure to it.
“n..no it was too fast,” abi stuttered.
“it’s okay, let’s just get him inside. abi, can you help me?” i asked, gently helping nick up from one side as abi nodded and helped him on the other side.
we should’ve just stayed in the lodge.
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hackettquarrys · 2 years
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304 notes · View notes
hackettquarrys · 2 years
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lover of mine pt.2/? (part one here)
chris hackett
x counselor!oc
4.5k words
“I never knew
You could hold moonlight in your hands
'Til the night I held you”
warnings: age gap (48/21), camp owner x counselor, language, i think that’s it, doesn’t follow the story exactly/dialogue is different
chris hackett and i had been sneaking around for most of the summer. of course we had had the conversation / doubts about if it was a good idea, but in the end the feelings between us got to be to strong to not act on them.
i had gotten to hacketts quarry about a month before the other counsellors, to help get everything set up for when camp opened. since i was out of school, i was able to be there early to help mr.h last year and he asked me if i would be able to again this year. mr.hackett wasted no time putting me to work, the two of us dusting and cleaning the cabins so they would be ready for the kids/counsellors to sleep in.
as i finished putting fresh bedding on the last of this cabins bunks, i sighed, pushing my hair back out of my face. my back ached from bending to dust impossible to reach corners and from climbing up to dress the top bunks with fresh linens. thankfully we only had a few cabins left to prepare- but it felt like we had been at it for days; when in reality it had only been a few hours.
“i really appreciate you helping out, jaiden,” mr.hackett spoke as he dumped the swept up contents of the dust pan into the garbage bin.
“of course! i’m always happy to help my favourite camp owner,” i said genuinely. he raised an eyebrow.
“number one huh? is it a long list?” he asked, causing me to laugh.
“no, only you. hackett’s quarry has always been like a second home to me,” i beamed.
“that means a lot- that’s all i want for you and the other kids,” he smiled, but i felt a strange feeling in my chest; something i couldn’t identify at the time. why did it bother me that he technically called me a kid?
i watched as mr.h turned to gather the cleaning supplies to start heading to the next cabin, and i picked up the backer of sheets and blankets before following him out the door and down the steps. my eyes landed on the radio hut, and i called ahead to mr.hackett.
“hey, can i turn on some music?” i asked. he seemed to think about it for a minute, considering the request. “pleeeeease,” i begged.
“as long as it’s camp appropriate- i don’t see why not,” he answered, setting the supplies down on the step outside the next cabin as i caught up to him.
“eee! thank you!” i handed him the basket of linens and ran off towards the radio hut just up the hill behind the cabins. i went inside and connected my phone to the sound system - mr.h had let me keep it with me for now since camp hadn’t officially started yet. i turned on a playlist and adjusted the volume outputting through the speakers outside the building, just so it was loud enough that we’d be able to hear it in the cabins but so we would still be able to hear eachother talk.
walking back over to the last cabin, i joined up with mr.h who had already started cleaning inside. the two of us didn’t say anything for a few minutes, a comfortable silence filling the room as we both tried to get this last cabin done so we could go relax. as the next song came on, mr.hackett broke the silence.
play song
“hey- i like this song,” mr.h said. “did you make this playlist or did dj dylan?”
“i did.” i smiled as i continued to dust.
“you’ve got good taste, jay.” he complimented, and i felt a different kind of flutter in my chest- a good one this time.
“you know- i was almost named layla after this song.” i said.
“really?” it’s a great song but i think jaiden suits you way better.” he seemed to blush a little. “i think my parents were gonna name me dwight - glad they landed on chris instead.”
“chris suits you better as well. i’m just used to calling you mr.h,” i laughed.
“you don’t have to call me mr.h when no one’s here- i mean you can if you want but-“ he seemed… nervous?
“ok.” he stopped stammering and finished the last bit of sweeping, emptying the dust pan into the bin one last time before announcing that we were done. we headed back to the lodge after i grabbed my phone from the radio hut, hurrying back to the cabin to meet up with mr- chris. i grabbed the now empty laundry basket, before following behind chris in the direction of the lodge. i caught up to him, my steps falling in line with his.
“it’s so pretty out here at this time of year- when everything is blooming and fresh,” i observed the greenery surrounding the path, flowers decorating the ground and tall trees providing shade in the june afternoon heat. when chris didn’t reply right away, i turned to look at him. i hadn’t noticed that he had slowed down and was now a few feet behind me. he seemed distracted, like he had been staring at something. “chris?” his first name still felt foreign coming out of my mouth, but nonetheless- i found myself liking the way it sounded.
“y- yeah, it’s really pretty,” he mumbled, but it still seemed like his mind was otherwise occupied. had he been staring at… me? i thought, before shaking my head. surely not- that’s would be ridiculous.
so why did it feel like a tiny part of my wished that he had been?
hanging out with chris so much was really starting confirm what i had feared to be true; i was falling for him, and fast. my crush on the camp owner seemed to progress at a rapid pace, to the point that i often felt butterflies just from being near him. on more than one occasion i caught myself staring at him longer than i should. not helping me keep my feelings under control was the fact that occasionally, his leg would brush against mine when he sat next to me; and worse was that i couldn’t tell if chris was doing it intentionally. one night, not fully awake, i rested my head on his shoulder as we sat on the couch watching a movie, and to my surprise he didn’t react. when i woke up to the credits of the movie, i realized what had happened, and sat up, apologizing softly, a blush rising on my face. at least he didn’t push me away? i thought to myself, but i still couldn’t tell what chris was thinking; deciding surely he would always just see me as a counsellor and nothing more.
“no worries- maybe i’ve been working you too hard lately. head to bed, jaybird, i’ll see you in the morning.” he said, turning off the television. i got up, a blanket wrapped around my shoulders- had chris put that over me? i thought.
“goodnight chris,” i called from the bottom of the stairs. until the camp opened, i had been sleeping in one of the rooms upstairs in the lodge, rather than in a cabin all by myself.
“goodnight jaiden.”
~~~ 3 weeks later ~~~
i sat up straight in bed, the roaring thunder pulling me out of a restless sleep. flashes of lightning lit up the room through the cracks between the curtains. after tossing and turning for what felt like hours, i finally gave up on sleeping. i shivered, getting out of bed and sliding a sweater over my torso. the wooden floor of the lodge creaked under my bare feet as i walked down the hallway, and descended the stairs to the main floor of the building. i grabbed a blanket out of the basket next to the couch before sitting down, pulling my legs close to my chest to keep warm. for the time of year that it was, it was quite cold tonight, and i thought to myself that i wished i had put on socks or pants rather than the shorts i had on under my sweater.
i sat on the sofa, the room illuminated only by a small lamp on the end table next to the other sofa, for a few minutes before i saw a shadow in the corner of the room, near the other staircase. i squinted, trying to make out what it was as the figure got closer, before i realized it was just mr.hackett.
“hey,” his voice was gentle, and a little deeper than usual since he had been asleep. “can’t sleep?” i shook my head, pulling the blanket i had tighter around my shoulders. he sat next to me, and i couldn’t help but notice that once again, he was just close enough that his leg was touching mine. we talked for a few minutes; about the day and what work had to be done tomorrow, before a huge crack of thunder made me jump, instinctively moving closer to him. i was going to move away, but mr.h pulled me closer, until my head was resting on his shoulder. unlike the last time when it had happened by accident, this time it was intentional. i relaxed into him, his arm holding me close. “you’re okay.” i relaxed, the rhythm of his heartbeat quickly lulling me to sleep.
the sunlight of daybreak beamed through the window, waking me up. as i regained consciousness, i felt the unfamiliar feeling of someone’s arms around me. taking in my current surroundings, i realized that chris and i were laying on the couch together. a lot of thoughts raced through my head but the most prominent one was how peaceful he looked when he slept, his chest rising and falling slowly with each breath. i smiled, trying not to move around to much as not to wake him up, but his eyes fluttered open despite my best efforts. he also took a second to register that we were still in the living room; and that we had been asleep together.
“hey…” he mumbled. in case he was uncomfortable, i freed myself from his grip and sat up at the end of the couch, allowing him to sit up as well.
“hey.” i replied. “uh…thank you. for- you know..”
“yeah i .. i mean. you’re welcome, i’m sorry if-“
“no it’s okay-“ i paused. “mr.h?”
“is there..” i started, but i decided not to ask. “nevermind. i’m gonna make coffee-“ i stood up and turned to head towards the kitchen.
“jaiden,” i stopped, turning around to look at him, my eyes meeting his. “are you okay?”
“y..yeah i- i’m fine.” i scratched at my arm absentmindedly. “are you okay?” a smile spread across his face, and he laughed lightly.
“yeah, i’m okay. im sorry if- if i made you uncomfortable at all-“
“what? no i- mr.hackett...”
“jaiden, how many times have i told you that you can call me chris?”
“see - that’s what i mean, i-“ i sighed. “ is there something going on here or am i .. am i imagining things.” a strange look crossed his face, his brows furrowing slightly and his mouth twitching up at the corner. his expression dropped again as he spoke.
“by something you mean…” he asked hesitantly. i walked back around to the couch, and sat down, turning my body to face him.
“i mean- none of the other counsellors call you chris, and none of the other counsellors…” i sighed, before deciding just to spit it out. “you’ve never looked at any of the other counsellors the way that you look at me.” mr. hackett- chris pulled his gaze away from mine, before i continued. “and they don’t look at you the way that i do.”
“jaiden.. i- you know we shouldn’t do this.” he looked at me again. i nodded slightly.
“you don’t- “
“of course i want to jay, but you and i both know it’s probably a bad idea. the other counsellors- what would they think? your parents? and god- my kids are older than you jaiden,” he had stood up and was pacing around the room. “what would i tell them? and what do you want with me anyway? you’re kind, and you’re smart and caring. you’re so..so free spirited and- why would you want anything to do with me?” he said.
“i’m sorry. i wasn’t thinking about caleb and kaylee. maybe you’re right.” i shook my head, more to myself for bringing any of this up in the first place. chris stopped pacing and turned to look at me.
“hey, you haven’t done anything wrong,” he said, his voice softer now as he sat next to me on the couch again, and i found myself having to fight the urge to move closer.
“neither have you. but chris, would it really be so wrong? tell me that you don’t feel something between us because i thought i was imagining it all this time but i know now that i’m not-“
“you’re not crazy but jaiden- i can’t do this to you. there’s.. there’s things about me that you don’t know; that i can’t tell you,” his hand rested on my knee before he realized and went to move it, but i placed my smaller hand on top of his before he could.
“whatever it is you can tell me-“
“i appreciate that, but no; i can’t,” he laughed dryly. “jaiden i wish more than anything that i could but i can’t. i’m not… i’m not the person you think i am.” i was completely shocked. chris had never sounded so serious before. i squeezed his hand gently.
“chris whatever it is- i know you-“
“you don’t have to tell me what it is, but either way; the chris hackett i know is a good man, who cares about other people, sometimes too much.”
“you’re one to talk,” he laughed, and although he didn’t appear to believe what i was saying, i felt his hand squeezing mine back. “you’re one of the best people i’ve ever met.” my eyes met his again, and i felt warmth inside. chris hackett was a warm person, i realized. his hands, his eyes, the sound of his laugh; they were all warm.
“chris, if we both want this, why can’t we just see what happens-“
“i’ll hurt you-“
“you won’t. i know you.” i moved closer to him “you could never hurt me.”
~~~ present ~~~
“what are you thinking about?” chris asked, breaking me out of my daydream. i smiled.
“that morning, after the storm,” i answered honestly. he smiled to himself, before noticing the time on his watch.
“oh, crap, i gotta go,” he stood up from his desk, before stopping, thinking for a moment before grabbing something from his desk drawer.
“are you okay, chris?” i asked, as he walked over to me and stopped just inches in front of me. my hands instinctively went to his chest, and his arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head.
“yeah, i just.. family stuff to deal with, you know?” he mumbled, squeezing me tighter before he pulled back. “i need you to keep this safe, do not lose it, okay?” he said, looking into my eyes. i nodded expectantly. he opened his hand to reveal and old key, the antique kind that was bronze in colour with a long stem, with a brown chord tied to it, creating a necklace.
“what is it for?” i asked, turning around so chris could fasten it around my neck. he moved my hair to the side and tied the chord, as i fiddled with the key.
“…i- i just need you to keep it safe. just promise me that you won’t lose it?” i turned back to face him and tiptoed to place a kiss on his lips. he pulled me closer and kissed me deeply, taking me by surprise.
“i promise,” i spoke, after we pulled away, thinking that chris was being a little strange, but to be honest he had been acting a little off since the van wouldn’t start. “chris are you sure you’re okay?” i asked, concern evident in my voice.
“yes, i promise i’m okay. now go back to the rest of them out there before they think somethings up and i’ll see you tomorrow morning. and remember-“
“make sure that everyone stays in the lodge, i know.”
“thanks, jaiden,” he smiled, kissing me one more time before shooing me out the door.
tucking the key necklace under my shirt, i reached the bottom of the staircase, when emma approached me seemingly out of nowhere, but i was still distracted thinking about how strange chris had been acting i probably just didn’t notice her standing in the main room of the lodge.
“hey, you okay?” she asked, and i couldn’t tell if she was sincere or not; not sure if she was teasing or if that was just her regular voice, it was hard to tell the difference with her sometimes.
“yeah.. why?” i brushed her off. of the other counsellors, emma was probably the one i was the least fond of. we just never got that close over the summer; but i didn’t have an actual issue with her or anything, besides all of us being annoying with the drama between her an jacob.
“i don’t know, i thought maybe mr.h was yelling at you or something.”
“why would he be yelling at me?” i laughed.
“i don’t know, we were all trying to guess why he called you in there,” she said, causing my heart to thump in my chest, before realizing there was no possible way anyone could have seen chris and i in his office.
“he just wanted to go over a few things, since we’re staying an extra night and he won’t be here.”
“did he put you in charge or something?” she teased, and i rolled my eyes playfully.
“no, come on emma you know i never want to be the boss of any of you guys just because i’m older.” we had reached the bottom of the steps outside but the time we finished talking, and i realized everyone was gone. “uhh where did everyone go?” i asked, panicking a little.
“relax, jaiden,” emma laughed at the concern in my voice. “you worry too much. ryan and dylan are inside, trying to find a phone charger. nick and abi went on a little hike together and kaitlyn was off taking some pictures or something. and you and me are here.”
“and jacob?” i asked, noticing that she didn’t mention him. it wasn’t that i wanted to bring up a sore subject, but i wanted to have everyone accounted for if i was ever gonna get them to stay inside. she rolled her eyes at me.
“who cares- let’s go have fun! it’s our last night here!” she threw an arm over my shoulder, dragging me along with her who knows where. “do you think you’ll come back next summer?” emma asked me. i thought about it, and realized that i hadn’t really thought about the fact that i would have to go home- which meant leaving hacketts quarry and chris behind.
“i- yeah. i’ll probably come back,” i mumbled, my head spinning as i thought about the possibility of not seeing chris until next summer. emma noticed my shift in behaviour.
“are you sure you’re okay? did mr.hackett say something to you?”
“what- no… i guess it just didn’t really sink in that i might not see you guys ever again until just now.” again, technically not a lie, but the person i would miss most probably wasn’t who emma thought i meant.
“hey it’s okay! maybe we’ll all come back next summer and laugh about when the van wouldn’t start.” she giggled. “i know we didn’t always get along, jaiden, but i am gonna miss you. and you and dylan are basically attached at the hip, of course you’re gonna see him again.”
i had never heard emma be so sincere, and it honestly did make me feel better for a minute, but even if what she said was true it didn’t change the fact that i would be leaving my boyfriend behind when i left.
“thanks emma. i’m gonna miss you too.” i said, and to my surprise i think i actually meant it. we walked through the trees for a few minutes, down a little trail that i knew looked back to the other side of the lodge. i watched as emma, happy to have her phone back, vlogged about what she was doing, and what she had been up to for her to post later for her followers to watch, telling them about all of us. she signed off, sliding her phone into her back pocket before turning to me.
“you and dylan- was that ever a thing?” she asked. i laughed a little.
“no- he’s like my brother.”
“mhm- you know everyone who’s ever said that-“
“no, emma. i don’t think i’m his type anyway.” i left it at that; even if i knew who dylan was really interested in, it was not my place to say.
“okay- if you say so,” she teased, but dropped the subject. “come on, let’s go see if we can find the others.” she said grabbing my hand as we approached the lodge and dragging me towards it. we met up with kaitlyn, dylan and ryan who were all standing outside , and jacob joined us not long after. emma glared at him a little, but didn’t say anything.
“guess what these two found it in mr.h’s office,“ she gestured with her shoulder to dylan and ryan.
“wait, why were you guys in mr.hacketts office?” i asked. my heart raced a little- i didn’t think there was anything that would expose us in there- but it was connected to his bedroom, which i may have left a shirt or something in after sneaking into his room on more than one occasion over the summer. when the other counsellors first arrived, we agreed it would be best to slow things down and be distant, as not to be suspicious. as the weeks went by, even though it was risky, we started sneaking around again a little bit, when no one else was around obviously. it wasn’t uncommon for me to find my way to his bed in the middle of the night once the others were asleep. i would just set an alarm to be awake before everyone else, (chris was a morning person so he was usually awake and working pretty early anyway) and either sneak back to my own bed or get a head start on breakfast for when the others woke up.
“we were trying to find a charger for ryan’s phone. did you know mr.h has a whole bunch of security cameras and stuff in a hidden room off his office?” i panicked again, knowing that the door to that room was in chris’ closet, which confirmed that they had been in his room. chris had shown me the camera room once, after i found him exiting it and got curious.
“how would i know if they were hidden dumbass?” i flicked dylan on the forehead. “it’s probably just surveillance cameras or something.” i suggested.
“or mr.h is a creep or something,” emma scoffed. i tried not to react, realizing that without context, having a secret camera room could seem a little wierd.
“where were the cameras looking? in the cabins?” kaitlyn asked. ryan shook his head.
“the woods, a little ways from the lodge.”
“probably just trail cameras,” dylan suggested.
“yeah,” we all agreed, and thankfully the subject was. it was still light out, but i was still trying to figure out how i was going to convince everyone to stay inside.
“oh hey, what did mr.h want to talk to you about? he seemed freaked,” emma asked.
“yeah, is everything okay?” dylan asked.
“everything’s fine, mr.hackett just wanted to go over a couple extra rules for tonight since we weren’t supposed to be here and he won’t be at the lodge tonight.” i explained, which to my credit was the truth; maybe not the whole truth but still. “which reminds me- we all have to be inside before dark tonight and stay inside.”
“i thought when the grown-ups left it meant there were no rules,” nick suggested.
“exactly,” kaitlyn agreed. “that’s no fun.”
“come on guys, i know but i promised mr.h we’d all stay inside the lodge tonight, other than that i don’t think he really cares what we do-“
“yeah because there’s nothing to do in the lodge- all the fun stuff is outside. how’s he even gonna know if we’re not inside if he’s not here?” jacob asked.
“he’s not- unless the teachers pets tell,” emma looked at from me to ryan, who raised his hands in surrender. everyone turned to me, looking at me expectantly.
“guys please, just for one night-“
“exactly, we only have one night left before we never see eachother again- too really want to spent it locked inside the lodge?” kaitlyn protested.
“what if- instead of that- we do something fun; like have a bonfire,” emma suggested sarcastically, her idea being met with laughs of agreement from most of the others.
“guys maybe we should listen to jaiden,” abi spoke, her voice was a little shaky, and i sent her a smile. “i mean, we can watch a movie or something.”
“thanks abi-“
“oh come on abi- it’ll be fun!” nick said. everyone knew that abi had a crush on nick; we just weren’t sure he liked her back. i wasn’t really surprised that abi switched sides as soon as nick was in on it, and i understood.
“guys i promised mr.hackett, now can we please go inside?” i begged, really not wanting to fail the one task chris has trusted me with.
“i thought you said you didn’t want to be the boss of us, jaiden?” emma said, using my words against me tauntingly. i sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration.
“i don’t, but this isn’t my idea, i’m just passing along what mr.h said.”
“guys, maybe mr.h had a good reason for wanting us to stay inside.” ryan suggested. “like maybe there’s bears or something.” i sent him a look as if to say thank you for trying to help, but at this point i had accepted defeat. i just hoped chris wouldn’t be too mad at me for not being able to keep my promise.
“of course you would want to do what he said,” emma scoffed. “we’re gonna do something a lot more fun.”
“strip poker?” nick asked, earning a punch to the arm from kaitlyn.
“no, idiot.” emma laughed. “a bonfire.”
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hackettquarrys · 2 years
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lover of mine
lover of mine pt.1/?
chris hackett
x counselor!oc
2.1k words
“When I take a look at my life
And all of my crimes
You're the only thing that I think I got I right”
warnings: age gap (48/21), camp owner x counselor, language maybe? i think that’s it, doesn’t follow the story exactly/dialogue is different
as i smoothed out the bedding in the last of this rooms bunks, i heard my name being called from the main floor of the lodge.
“jaiden, let’s go!” kaitlyns voice sounded from the doorway. i grabbed my bag, throwing it over my shoulder. taking one last look around the room, i sighed before closing the door behind me and heading downstairs, my hand sliding down the wooden banister as i descended the staircase.
“okay, okay, i’m here,” i laughed, skipping the last few steps with a jump and landing next to her. she shook her head, her short dark hair swinging side to side and she rolled her eyes playfully. “what’s the rush, anyway?” i asked, following behind her out the front door of the main lodge. she scoffed in response.
“the rush is i cannot wait to get back to civilization-“
“and to get our cell phones back,” dylan, my best friend, spoke from the other end of the lodge, at the far end of the raised porch we stood on. nick appeared next to him, having exited the door behind dylan.
“exactly,” kaitlyn agreed. i laughed at the two of them, as more of the counsellors joined us, the only few missing were abi and emma, who were still at the cabins, and ryan who was probably sat somewhere by himself listening to a podcast (he never did tell us how he snuck a phone past mr.hackett). kaitlyn and i reached the bottom of the staircase, and i set my bag down on the grass, taking a seat on the steps.
“oh come on guys, was one summer unplugged really that bad?” i teased, although i admittedly missed having my phone too. this was my third summer as a counsellor at hacketts quarry, so i was used to having to ditch technology for a few months, but most of the others were a few years younger than me so maybe they were a little more cellphone dependant than i was. the first summer i worked here it was as a favour for mr.hackett, since my dad had gone to high school with him and he new that they were short on counsellors. i quickly fell in love with the quarry- it had a certain charm to it and i usually liked most of the counsellors i ended up spending the summer with and this year, i had even gotten my best friend dylan a job.
“yes- yes it was that bad” jacob said.
“good news, mate!” nick called, still on the balcony. we looked up to see him holding a phone, that i assume was jacobs. “catch!”
“dude- no!” jacob dove into the grass as nick threw his phone off the balcony, somehow managing to catch it. “not cool dude!” nick raised his hands in surrender, laughing with dylan as they joined us in front of the van that we were packing up to leave. he handed everyone their phones back, and i put mine in my bag.
i saw jacob pacing awkwardly around the front of the vehicle, lightly kicking the dirt with his feet. i looked around and noticed that abi and emma had now joined us, which explained the shift in jacobs mood. i guess he really did fall hard for emma- but she didn’t feel the same. it was a crappy situation for both of them, and now for all of us because we had to deal with jacob being mopey and emma being bitchy about it.
“hey romeo, can you grab the bags from inside?” kaitlyn barked at him; she could be a little insensitive at times. they bickered back and forth a little - jacob bringing up the crush we all could tell that kaitlyn had on ryan, although she didn’t seem to concerned that we had figured it out - before jacob sighed in defeat, heading back inside to get the bags.
“how about you?” kaitlyn turned to me, a mischievous look in her eyes.
“what about me?”
“well who do you have a crush on?” she asked.
“who said i have a crush on anyone?”
“hmm.. i guess you are a little old for any of us,” she teased.
“haha.” i rolled me eyes at her, but i knew she was only joking around and didn’t mean anything by it. after all, it would be a little weird for someone my age to have a crush on one of the teenaged counsellors. that didn’t necessarily mean i didn’t have my eyes on someone else at camp though-
“hey some guys are into older women!” dylan yelled, joining our conversation.
“are you confessing your undying love for me, lenivy?” i asked, dramatically putting a hand to my chest. dylan took my hand in his and got down to one knee.
“why yes, it’s always been you, my love!” he gasped, playing along. the three of us laughed and dylan stood back up, slinging his arms over my shoulders and now clinging onto my back.
“jeez you’re heavy,” i tried pushing him off me, but he continued clinging onto me like a toddler.
“are you trying to kill one of my counsellors, dylan?” a voice called from the front door of the lodge, and i looked up to see mr.hackett smiling at us. dylan let go of me and stuttered awkwardly.
“no sir-“
“good. at least wait until you’re off my property so i don’t have to clean up the body,” mr h joked.
“yes sir,” dylan laughed, relaxing at the lighthearted tone evident in the camp owners voice.
“thanks guys,” i scoffed, pretending to be offended.
“oh come on we’re just joking,” dylan said, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. laughing, emma and kaitlyn ran over and wrapped their arms around me too, successfully stopping all air from getting to me.
“guys, mr h said NOT to kill me,” i pleaded.
“yeah guys, jaiden is the only one who knows the way back to the city,” nick interjected. everyone let go of me and i caught my breath, laughing and thinking about how much i was actually gonna miss these idiots. maybe some of them would come back next summer- usually counsellors didn’t come back for more than one summer, but maybe this time i could convince dylan to at least.
“you kids almost ready to head out?” mr hackett asked, leaning on the railing of the porch. my eyes briefly met his before my attention turned to jacob who spoke, reappearing with the bags from inside.
“yep! just gotta load these and were good to go,” he explained, dropping the bags in the trunk of the van.
“alright, best to get on the road before dark,” mr hackett said.
“mr.h, can i talk to you before we go?” ryan asked, walking up to the rest of the group, his earbud chord dangling around the back of his neck.
“yeah, sure thing,” mr hackett said, motioning with his head for ryan to follow him inside.
“wonder what that’s about,” kaitlyn thought out loud. we all kinda shrugged, finishing up the last bit of packing.
“i’ll move the van around,” jacob offered, sliding into the drivers seat.
“what do you mean it’s not starting?” kaitlyn yelled at jacob, who was now out of the van.
“i mean, the van isn’t starting! what part of that was confusing?”
“well why isn’t it starting?”
“how should i know? nick drove it last,”
“oh, so i broke the van?” nick scoffed.
“guys please-“ i tried to get them to stop arguing but it was no use. the yelling only stopped at the sound of the lodge door slamming in the wind. i turned to see ryan descending the stairs towards us, and mr.hackett stood on the porch once again, looking down at the situation that had developed while he was gone. i gave him a pleading look, and was relieved when his voice called out.
“hey!” he yelled at the group of us, which successfully stopped the conversation and turned the attention to the camp owner. “what’s going on? why’s everyone yelling?” everyone tried to explain at once, 6 voices all talking at once. “hey- hey! one of you- jaiden, what happened?” he asked, looking at me, and i sighed.
“the van isn’t starting, there must be something wrong with it,” i explained, causing a concerned look to flash over mr.hacketts face. he hurried down the steps and past me and the rest of the counsellors, approaching the vehicle.
“c’mon, c’mon!” mr.h turned the key in the ignition, but the van still wouldn’t start. “dammit!”
“it’s okay mr.h, we can just stay one more night-“ jacob started to say but mr.hackett interrupted him.
“no, no- it’s better if you guys get out of here tonight,” he said, sort of mumbling to himself after.
“really it’s okay… i mean, what’s one more night- right guys,” dylan agreed.
“yeah,” everyone agreed, but mr.h still looked freaked out.
“everyone…w..wait here- jaiden, i need to talk to you in my office,” mr hackett said, before walking back to the lodge. i followed after him, barely able to keep up with the older man with how fast he was walking. once we reached his office, he held the door open and shut and locked it behind himself once we were both in the room. i watched him as he shut the blinds covering the windows.
“mr.h, what’s going on-“ i started to ask.
“jaiden, i need you to listen to me very carefully ok?” i paused for a second, a little surprised by how serious the tone of his voice was. he stood behind his wooden desk, hands placed on the surface of it as he looked at a framed photograph that from my side of the desk i couldn’t see, but i remembered to be a photo of his kids, caleb and kaylee.
“mr. h-“
“you don’t have to call me that right now jay, no one else is here.” i sighed.
“chris, what are you so worried about?” i asked, waking closer to the desk and putting one of my hands over top of his larger ones atop the desk. “so what if we have to spend one extra night here, what difference does it-“
“i need you to do me a favour,” he spoke, finally looking up from the desk, his usually soft eyes frantically searching mine, as if too make sure i was paying attention. i nodded slightly.
“i need you to make sure that everyone stays inside the lodge tonight. no one leaves, everyone has to stay inside,” he explained, putting extra emphasis on the word inside the second time. my eyebrows knitted together, and chris must have sensed my hesitation because he pulled my hands into his, holding onto me firmly but not enough to hurt me. “please.”
“i don’t understand… why-“
“i can’t explain right now… i.. i promise i will when i can, but just please, please, promise me,”
“okay, i promise i will keep everyone inside the lodge tonight-“
“and lock the doors,”
“and i promise to lock the doors.” only then did his grip on my hands loosen, and i walked around the desk, wrapping my arms around his neck, his arms hesitantly encircling my waist, before holding me tightly. “are you staying here?” i asked, and he pulled away to look at me.
“no, i uh.. i have somewhere i need to be, that’s why i wanted you and the others to be out of here tonight,” he explained vaguely, but i brushed it off since he clearly didn’t want to go into further detail. i new chris well enough that i trusted him; if he said to stay in the lodge there must be a good reason.
“i think we can survive one night without you,” i teased, and he smiled a little.
“is that so?” he teased. i smiled, leaning up on my tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.
“well, i think they can,” i tilted my head in the direction of the window, in the direction of the counsellors outside. “i don’t know if i can.” chris smiled for real now, pulling me closer and leaning down to place a gentle kiss on my forehead.
“oh, i think you’ll be fine. if you get really lonely i’m sure one of the guys would keep you company,” he joked.
“hmm.. they’re not really my type.”
“oh? what is your type?” he asked playfully. i laughed, pressing my lips to his softly. he kissed back, and i smiled before our lips separated.
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hackettquarrys · 2 years
slutty youngest sibling behaviour
Bobby Hackett? More like Booby Hackett. Put them tits away.
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42 notes · View notes
hackettquarrys · 2 years
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🩸Happy strawberry cake day Sheriff Travis…
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hackettquarrys · 2 years
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if this isn’t how the entire the quarry fandom talks about travis hackett
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hackettquarrys · 2 years
Max: I don't think we can manipulate, mansplain, or malewife our way out of this one guys..
Travis, holding up a bat: alright, manslaughter it is then.
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hackettquarrys · 2 years
*an upbeat version of Fly Me To The Moon starts playing*
876 notes · View notes
hackettquarrys · 2 years
I went into The Quarry expecting to like it for its horror but I left with a massive crush on Ted Raimi
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hackettquarrys · 2 years
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Sheriff Hackett commission by @lacteaway. Dedicated to everyone who imagines off-duty Travis in a checked flannel shirt ❤️
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hackettquarrys · 2 years
i told myself i wasn’t gonna fall for travis…
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330 notes · View notes
hackettquarrys · 2 years
i will properly post it on this blog tomorrow but for now i am reblogging it to say that this story will be moving to my new blog instead
lover of mine
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lover of mine pt.1/?
chris hackett (the quarry)
x counselor!oc
2.1k words
“When I take a look at my life
And all of my crimes
You’re the only thing that I think I got I right”
warnings: age gap (48/21), camp owner x counselor, language maybe? i think that’s it, doesn’t follow the story exactly/dialogue is different
Keep reading
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hackettquarrys · 2 years
i’m constantly editing this so it’s a work in progress but i’m very proud of my quarry themed playlist and wanted to share
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hackettquarrys · 2 years
❥ rules (pinned)
this blog is mostly just to have a designated place to express my love for the quarry ♡ talk to me about the game!! send me your thoughts or maybe a request or two!
who i will write for
♡ chris hackett
♡ travis hackett
♡ the counsellors (headcanons only atm)
what i will write
♡ headcanons
♡ short requests for certain characters
i will not write anything involving
x p*dophilia
x r*pe
x self h*rm
i have the right to deny a request at any time if i am uncomfortable writing it, but please ask if you’re not sure and ill let you know if i am okay with something
hackett’s quarry forever!
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