hanacarolina · 11 months
Hana Carolina Writing Masterpost
Welcome to my page!
Here's a list of my published stories so far (all available for free):
I wrote this at 19 in Polish, then translated and revised it in my 30s - so proud that this became my first ever publication!
Set in Lodz, Poland, in the 1990s, it's a creepy horror story exploring the atmosphere of a crumbling post-industrial city and the feeling of entrapment it creates. People are as neglected as the stray cats turned nightmarish monsters. Then again, are these creatures even real? Perhaps it's all in your head, there's no threat, and you're making a fuss for no good reason.
Published in Crow & Cross Keys in April 2022, chosen by wonderful and talented Elou Carroll (@keychild on Twitter) - check out her writing too if you have a chance!
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Once Chance in a Million
The end of 2022 was a busy time for me so I started writing very short stories - this one is just 100 words long. This Sci-fi micro about a faulty AI-generated report, was written right before discussions about AI started in earnest. Set at a hospital, and intended as satire, feels a little less fun now.
Published in Everyday Fiction in November 2022, it was my first paid publication (whole $3), and an a gateway to a big, established audience - this journal has existed since 2007 and has a lot of subscribers. However, their page appears to be down.
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We Aced Colonisation
Another 100-word Sci-Fi story, this time about aliens invading the Earth. It was a bit of an experiment - I played with language a bit, trying to write as an alien would, if they've just learnt English.
Published in Issue 3 of The 100 Word Project in February 2023, it got such a warm and supportive welcome from Jay Chesters, the Editor and Designer. You can find the issue here. It's all free to read.
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Winter Blooming Daphne
Daphne Odora is a poisonous shrub, which finds its way to many gardens because of its sweet smell and beautiful flowers. My first published flash fiction was inspired by this plant - I used it to explore the two understandings of death, one symbolised by the cold and impersonal city, where any thoughts about dying are repressed, and the country, where death exists as a part of everyday life.
Published in Five on the Fifth in May 2023, it felt extra special, because I had no success with literary journals before I wrote this. I've submitted Daphne to many publishers and felt like I finally found the right system - submit until you drop. You can find the story here.
My latest publication is a horror story again - the theme is being trapped between ambition and tradition. I was thinking about a twist on a haunted house story and decided that what I have in mind, instead, is a haunted home. This is my first story with a LGBTQ+ main character, and an exercise in compact storytelling - you can trust me that there's a lot squeezed into those 2000 words!
Published by the Chamber Magazine in July 2023, it's my first story which got accepted twice (a shock, considering how these things usually go), because my withdrawal email got lost. What a feeling to receive an acceptance on a publishing day! Here's the story.
Thank you for reading! You can also find me on Twitter.
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