Promo Time !
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A brand spankin’ new Semi-Selective, Multifandom Multimuse!! 4+ years roleplay experience Fandoms and Verses including Madoka Magica, Fate, Touhou, Made in Abyss and more (yes!! really!!) Featuring an 18+ Mun!! wowie!! Brought into existence by me, The Splendorous Lyra ! That’s Me!!!
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kinda hate to be a buzzkill but uh... hideri isnt trans
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Hello there, Anonymous! Nice to meet you! My name is Hime, I used to run this blog... I say “used” to run this blog- you realise it’s been inactive for, ouhh, a year or so? maybe a year and a half? You did realise this, yes? I literally got the email about this ask, and felt i just had to log back in to answer it (although it took some password resetting, hahaha!) 
Anyways. Thank you for voicing your opinion on this matter, it really really, really means alot to me. And by that i mean, i pretty much couldn’t care less- but I felt i needed to answer this anyway. 
What kind of person do you have to be to send an ask like this, Anon? I was a random stranger on the internet, having fun, i wasn’t causing any harm to anyone, and you sent this? Why, exactly? Have you ever heard of a “head-canon”? it’s when you think of something for a character, that isn’t exactly true canon, but it is to you. I played Hideri as Trans on this blog, because that was how I saw him... But- I said him just there, didn’t I? 
The truth is, I’ve matured a bit, I've moved on, and I’ve changed my outlook. I don’t hold the headcanon of Hideri being trans, (but it’s perfectly valid if people out there do!)  It’s honestly jut senselessly cruel to send an ask like this to someone you don’t know- just to ruin their fun. What was the point? 
Anyway, anyway! I actually have a new blog! It was made THIS YEAR, and i still play it! It’s a multimuse and guess what? I still play Hideri on there! (well, play is a strong word...much to his dismay, his popularity has dropped quite a bit.)
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“And whose fault is that; huh? huh? huh? Mouu, jeez! Make a starter with me already! My loyal fans have been waiting all this time, you know~!” 
So, if you wanna check it out, continue this conversation, or whatever, feel free to hop on over and catch me and hideri on: 
@theabyssalmuses  (it’s a multimuse) 
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A cute little bunny walks up, holding a basket of eggs. She wears a cute winning smile, hoping to catch your attention. "Hi there! I'm Tewi!" she says sweetly. "It's Easter today, and even if you don't celebrate it, I made eggs for the occasion! Please take one! I want to spread the joy, usa!" She offers an egg. Unbeknownst to you, the egg is actually filled with the hottest sauce ever known, and you'll only find out by taking a bite. Heheh, April Fools! (luckyyoukairabbittewi)
Upon seeing the bunny walk up to her, Hideri’s eyes lit up. “Ohh! What a cute outfit you have!” its true, the simple pink dress really is very cute. “hm? you’re offering me a nice egg in these trying times? Ehehe, Thank you so much!” it was a little weird that Hideri was being so sweet, maybe the cuteness of the bunny caught her off guard. “I cant wait to eat it, just lemme finish my drink…Idol’s must stay hydrated, you know?” She took hold of a nearby glass of water, and drank the rest down. 
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“Phwaah! Thats better! Alright, time for a treat…~!” With a big smile, Hideri took a bite out of the egg. “mmm! Tastes Del-” She froze, a horrid realisation dawning on her. “S..spicy! W-way too spicy!” She glanced at her now empty cup of water in horror, and let out a cry of disbelief. “I-i cant believe this! H-how could you!” Poor Hideri… Nice prank, Tewi. 
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[@stile-supreme] April fools day: a great way to play a little prank on co-workers - aka exactly what Kaho was doing to Hideri. Coming up to her friend, she offered the fellow waitress a plate of rabbit-shaped chocolates, with one decorated to look like the idol-waitress herself, her usual cheerful smile present upon her face. "Hideri, I made some chocolates for everyone, would you like to try one?" Little would the idol know that they were made with a spicy chilli chocolate!
“Chocolates for me? Oh, of course i’d love to have some~” They aren’t just for you Hideri. “Hm hm, they look super good! Definitely going to be as sweet as me-!”
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Or so she thought. Hideri picked one up and plopped it into her mouth, giving an absent minded ‘thanks’ to Kaho, almost as if she believed she simply ‘deserved’ these chocolates.  She started chewing, giving a satisfied ‘mmm’ as she did. This did not last long. 
Within seconds her face started going redder and redder as her smile turned downwards into a frown, “H..h..hot! Really Hot! Like, super duper not-nice kind of hot!” Hideri panicked, looking around for a drink to help cool the burning sensation in her mouth. “K-kaho! H-how could you~~!” She cried out, even now, over-dramatic as always. [ @stilesupreme ] 
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“As easy as…Sh…Sharpening a pencil, maybe?” That was something that was at least relatively easy to do, but perhaps not as catchy or memorable as Maika hoped it would be.
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“I’m sure you’re right about that, after all you are already super cute, despite your blatant flaws!” Was that…Supposed to be kind and inspiring towards her friend, because it really doesn’t seem like it. One wonders whether it’s truly an accident, sometimes.
“You’ll be the sweetest of all idols.”
“I am super cute, and i have absolutely no flaws, you're right!” Unfazed by Maika’s...accidental sadism, Hideri continued on- “Sharpening a pencil...easy but...sometimes, classics are best!” Hideri paused dramatically, putting on her most sickly sweet cutesy voice: 
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“Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!”
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Hideri gasped, her smile truly shining with idol-riffic brilliance. “you’ve heard of me?! Oh god, im flattered, really!” She was one full of self confidence, but near one of her celebrity heroes, someone who brings smiles and joy wherever he goes, she was truly in awe.
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“Thank you Guy Fieri! I wont forget this meeting with you!” Truly something that would influence her life for a very long time. God bless Guy Fieri. 
"Eeeeh? Guy Fieri? I-is it really you!?" Television food hero guy Fieri, live in the flesh!? Truly, this is an idol's greatest gift: meeting other celebrities! She'd never admit it to anyone, but Hideri has been a big fan of Guy Fieri for a long long time!
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“It’s me alright!” Guy gave her a brilliant smile. “I’ve heard of you too, you know! You’re such an amazing idol, and someone who the future generations can really look up to!”
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“My words…?” Maika was a little confused by Hideri’s reaction. Had she failed to be sweet yet again and fallen yet deeper into unintentional sadism once more? Surely, this cycle may never truly be broken.
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At this rate, it wasn’t just Hideri that would need help completing such a feat. “T-Thank you, Hideri-chan. Together we might just stand a chance at being as sugary sweet as cake!”
At least she had hope, that must count for something…Right?
Hideri giggled once more, grinning with excitement. “Right Right! Of course we do! with me here, it’ll be as easy as…uhm…” Hideri had to stop to think for a moment, before she continued. “Ehhh, an easy thing, i guess…!” 
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“Whatever the easy thing is; achieving my dreams will be just like it! And because im here its going to be fantaaastiic~!”   She sure is confident. She believes in herself… and you, Maika! 
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( @stilesupreme  Continued From here !)  Hideri gasped, placing a hand on her forehead in an overly dramatic fashion. “Oh Maika...your words sting me so...!”  Ever the drama queen. “But!” Hideri seemed to plunge into thought for a moment. “hmm...” 
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“...we can work on that, Together! Leave it to me!” Hideri took hold of one of Maika’s hands, clasping it tightly. “You’ll be as sweet as strawberry sundae in no time, Maika!” 
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Reblog if you’re a shy mun and want to RP with everyone but tend to hide
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"Let me help you become more charming, Hideri-chan. It will be an adventure we can take together!" {@stilesupreme, Maika}
(( @stilesupreme ))“Ah, Maika? You’re going to help me reach my true potential?”  Hideri grinned brightly, clasping her hands together excitedly. “Ehehe…really Maika, im flattered~” 
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“Still! With you helping me there’s no way that I wont shine!” Hideri paused, smiling sheepishly for a moment. “O-of course! I-i’ll help you shine too! Thats one of the perks of being friends with a future Number One Idol!” 
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Reblog if you’re comfortable with:
Roleplaying with OC’s.
Roleplaying with Crossovers.
Roleplaying with Duplicates.
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If you read the rules and information of a rp page before interaction, can you reblog this, please? I want to see how many do.
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New multimuse roleplay blog for the workers of cafe stile.
9+ Years of experience.
Crossover/OC/Duplicate friendly.
Multiship with chemistry.
Current muses are Maika and Kaho.
Currently a sideblog, may become a main blog if everything works out well.
~Admin M
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Reblog if you’re comfortable with:
Roleplaying with OC’s.
Roleplaying with Crossovers.
Roleplaying with Duplicates.
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“Have i considered...?” Hideri had more to say, as usual, but glancing over at Maika and seeing that trademark glare seemed to shut her up. “Eep-! I-i...you’re right! I-i should of...you know! Considered it more n’ stuff!” 
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“I’ll be more careful for sure next time! An idol like me a-always looks out for their fans, a-after all!” ....Maika is a good friend to Hideri. Thank you, Maika. 
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“Hideri! Don’t encourage the poor girl!!”
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Please reblog this if it is okay to send you memes a few hours after you reblogged them. So timezones/work do not lock out some people of meme fun
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