Today’s the day. The day you help save the internet from being ruined.
Yes, you are, and we’re ready to help you.
(Long story short: The FCC is about to make a critical decision as to whether or not internet service providers have to treat all traffic equally. If they choose wrong, then the internet where anyone can start a website for any reason at all, the internet that’s been so momentous, funny, weird, and surprising—that internet could cease to exist. Here’s your chance to preserve a beautiful thing.)
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when ur tryin to tell a story but people talk over you
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Let’s Play Minecraft - A gif for every episode     —-> Episode 60: King Ryan 
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I always wanted to be a murderer.
Ray Narvaez Jr. Surgeon Simulator 2014 (On Tina’s channel)
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OOC: TBH, tho, I really am just gonna keep reposting that open thread thing that I wrote a couple of days ago, but I'll post some gifs on the side from the tag and stuff.
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Still Alive and Breathing
Running…running…running… Feet slamming the unforgiving asphalt… Lungs sucking in toxic, painful breaths… Sharp, stabbing pains shocked through his sides… His legs burned like they were on a grill. Yet, still, he repeated that mantra through his head. Faster…faster! Can’t let them catch you. Can’t let them know. Have to hide. Quick. Hide!
Ray’s entire body was slick with sweat. He could feel it trickling down his back. The dry heat didn’t help either. The humidity weighed down on him like a thick molasses. He was exhausted. Mentally drained. Scared out of his mind. Paranoid. A week, he’d been running. If he got rest, it was only for an hour at most before he had to run again. Sleep was a privilege that went ungranted.
He slid around a corner of an alley, almost nearly slamming right into the brick wall. His hands shook. If he was caught here…it’d almost certainly be over. Ray prayed, to God, Ala, Buddha- any god out there that would listen. He needed to live. He’d never felt such a strong need to survive before, but, now, he had a purpose. A purpose that went beyond killing others.
Finally, after hours, days, of running, Ray didn’t have any more juice left in him. And it didn’t look like any god was going to help him now, no matter how hard he prayed. He was trapped in a dead end. Ray collapsed onto his knees, his whole body shaking with the amount of stress he’d put on himself for the past week. His chest heaved with air that it’d deserved- not that he’d have air for much longer.
Reluctantly, he let out a soft chuckle. It grew into a barking laughter, hearty and somewhat maniacal. End of the line, huh…? Thought I’d get a happy ending… He turned around to face his executors. “You were right all along. I couldn’t run or hide from you guys. Not forever. But, hey. I tried, didn’t I?”
Then it all went black.
A week later, a broadcast appeared on the local Austin news. The headline read as follows- MISSING: RAY NARVAEZ JR. LAST SEEN 2 WEEKS AGO.
(NOTE: Feel free to reply. This will inevitably be a turning point for this blog. Ray is STILL alive. It’s just a matter of finding him and returning him back home. Safe.)
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Still Alive and Breathing
Running…running…running… Feet slamming the unforgiving asphalt… Lungs sucking in toxic, painful breaths… Sharp, stabbing pains shocked through his sides… His legs burned like they were on a grill. Yet, still, he repeated that mantra through his head. Faster…faster! Can’t let them catch you. Can’t let them know. Have to hide. Quick. Hide!
Ray’s entire body was slick with sweat. He could feel it trickling down his back. The dry heat didn’t help either. The humidity weighed down on him like a thick molasses. He was exhausted. Mentally drained. Scared out of his mind. Paranoid. A week, he’d been running. If he got rest, it was only for an hour at most before he had to run again. Sleep was a privilege that went ungranted.
He slid around a corner of an alley, almost nearly slamming right into the brick wall. His hands shook. If he was caught here…it’d almost certainly be over. Ray prayed, to God, Ala, Buddha- any god out there that would listen. He needed to live. He’d never felt such a strong need to survive before, but, now, he had a purpose. A purpose that went beyond killing others.
Finally, after hours, days, of running, Ray didn’t have any more juice left in him. And it didn’t look like any god was going to help him now, no matter how hard he prayed. He was trapped in a dead end. Ray collapsed onto his knees, his whole body shaking with the amount of stress he’d put on himself for the past week. His chest heaved with air that it’d deserved- not that he’d have air for much longer.
Reluctantly, he let out a soft chuckle. It grew into a barking laughter, hearty and somewhat maniacal. End of the line, huh…? Thought I’d get a happy ending… He turned around to face his executors. “You were right all along. I couldn’t run or hide from you guys. Not forever. But, hey. I tried, didn’t I?”
Then it all went black.
A week later, a broadcast appeared on the local Austin news. The headline read as follows- MISSING: RAY NARVAEZ JR. LAST SEEN 2 WEEKS AGO.
(NOTE: Feel free to reply. This will inevitably be a turning point for this blog. Ray is STILL alive. It’s just a matter of finding him and returning him back home. Safe.)
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i’m laughing reaLLY HARD
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gifs from the video the freaking amazing kingdaume got for me this weekend at PAX. ahhh he’s so cute this makes me so happy!!
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Video Here
Located at: 0:00 - 0:11 & 1:01 - 1:22
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Ray from Achievement Hunter on Rooster Teeth, thank you so much. And he said he’s gonna do whatever it takes to get me to RTX next year (x)
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For those who don’t know who Markiplier is, he’s a popular Youtuber known best for playing video games, mainly horror, and his funny ass attitude! lol He’s kinda like PewdiePie, but a little better. lol
It’s thanks to that guy that I was able to feel more comfortable doing Mun-Videos, and he inspired me to make my own outgoing. lol I highly recommend you watch his videos on YouTube! He is one of the few people to have played AND beaten Five Nights at Freddy’s as well as beating the 7th Night, all AIs on 20!!!
He said that Ray would try to get him to go to RTX 2015!!!! Please God Almighty!!! Please let Markiplier make it to RTX 2015!!!! T 3T
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You can’t work a door but you can fuel a rocket.
Accurate summary of one Mr. Gavin Free
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true friendship
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Still Alive and Breathing
Running…running…running… Feet slamming the unforgiving asphalt… Lungs sucking in toxic, painful breaths… Sharp, stabbing pains shocked through his sides… His legs burned like they were on a grill. Yet, still, he repeated that mantra through his head. Faster…faster! Can’t let them catch you. Can’t let them know. Have to hide. Quick. Hide!
Ray’s entire body was slick with sweat. He could feel it trickling down his back. The dry heat didn’t help either. The humidity weighed down on him like a thick molasses. He was exhausted. Mentally drained. Scared out of his mind. Paranoid. A week, he’d been running. If he got rest, it was only for an hour at most before he had to run again. Sleep was a privilege that went ungranted.
He slid around a corner of an alley, almost nearly slamming right into the brick wall. His hands shook. If he was caught here…it’d almost certainly be over. Ray prayed, to God, Ala, Buddha- any god out there that would listen. He needed to live. He’d never felt such a strong need to survive before, but, now, he had a purpose. A purpose that went beyond killing others.
Finally, after hours, days, of running, Ray didn’t have any more juice left in him. And it didn’t look like any god was going to help him now, no matter how hard he prayed. He was trapped in a dead end. Ray collapsed onto his knees, his whole body shaking with the amount of stress he’d put on himself for the past week. His chest heaved with air that it’d deserved- not that he’d have air for much longer.
Reluctantly, he let out a soft chuckle. It grew into a barking laughter, hearty and somewhat maniacal. End of the line, huh…? Thought I’d get a happy ending… He turned around to face his executors. “You were right all along. I couldn’t run or hide from you guys. Not forever. But, hey. I tried, didn’t I?”
Then it all went black.
A week later, a broadcast appeared on the local Austin news. The headline read as follows- MISSING: RAY NARVAEZ JR. LAST SEEN 2 WEEKS AGO.
(NOTE: Feel free to reply. This will inevitably be a turning point for this blog. Ray is STILL alive. It’s just a matter of finding him and returning him back home. Safe.)
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