bringing this back for ramadan 2023 (started March 23 this year)
Hello hello, hope everyone is doing well :)
Some facts about Ramadan for muslim’s or non-muslim’s:
Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic Hijri Calendar
Muslim’s fast the whole month (this year it starts April 2nd)
Fasting starts at sunrise and ends at sunset (most muslim’s wake up early before sunrise for suhoor, and after sunset they have iftar (breaking their fast= breakfast)
No, we cannot drink water either (no food, drink, gum)
It’s a month where we try to strengthen our relationship with God (Allah) through worshipping, whether that be reading the Quran, increasing duaa, praying more :)
This month, we pray taraweeh, which is 10 prayers after Ishaa max (the last prayer of the day), each prayer is 2 rakaahs (which is basically the prayer steps, but twice). So, 20 rakaahs max, I usually do 8.
Don’t be too harsh on yourself. If you set extreme goals, you might just give up half way
ALSO: exceptions to fasting include women who are on their period, those who may not be able to due to their health, pregnant women, children, travellers. So remember, don’t judge!!
Some muslim’s also try reading the whole quran once in the month: to aid you, try to read 4 pages before or after each salah (prayer).
This month, good deeds are worth more (but so are sins so try your best!)
Finally, if you are not muslim and you’re worried about eating around your muslim friends, most don’t mind! (I know I don’t), but you can always ask!
*I can’t remember more right now, but hope everyone has a blessed Ramadan, if you have questions, send me a message! If you think something I said here was wrong, also let me know!*
-If you have any tips or questions you can also leave them in the comments!!
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got the same thing “ a subject of worship- this is the most iconic answer, for real legends only. you were the most captivating, sexy, and interesting person in your past life. probably Cleopatra or Helen of Troy or something. in your current life, you are still 110% iconic, and smarter than literally everyone. ily <3 “
take my quiz and find out who you really were in a past life!
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are you a solider, a poet, or a king?
"There will come a soldier Who carries a mighty sword He will tear your city down" Righteousness. Strength. Violence. You see a door and break through it. You wonder, sometimes, if anger is the only thing you can feel. Remember : love is passion too. You made your own rules and will follow them to death. You try and forget that there is only one rule, and that it is "FIGHT". You are tired of fighting. You try to forget that, too, and keep going. You dream of quiet. Your love is where you heal. God knows you deserve to. (Really. You deserve to.) 
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a memory I can't erase
we knew each other once. I still see you in everything. you once felt the closest I've ever felt to home. I gave everything I had to prove to you that I was worthy of your love. but sometimes, everything isn't enough. I miss you every day a little more. you knew me better than anyone else. you're a stranger now. I still need you, and maybe I always will. maybe in another life, we could've worked it out. I wish things would have been different. I loved you, god, I loved you so fucking much. and I guess I still do...I guess, I still do.
let me tell you something
(this is a very specific quiz that will either make sense to you, or you will ask yourself "what the fuck was this")
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Anyway if you see this you have to reblog and tag with a delight from ur day -- even the littlest thing counts
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The fact that Mark Cuban can do this is just further proof of how much capatalism is f*cking people over.
Billionaire investor Mark Cuban launched an online pharmacy Thursday that offers more than 100 generic drugs at an affordable price with a goal of being “radically transparent” in its price negotiations with drug companies. 
For example, the leukemia drug imatinib is priced at $47 a month on MCCPDC compared to the $9,657 retail price.
The online pharmacy’s prices for generics factor in a 15% margin on top of actual manufacturer prices and a $3 pharmacist fee, the statement said. 
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hopepotterscribbles · 2 years
what if we were ibuprofriends :)
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hopepotterscribbles · 2 years
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"There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid."
Rest In Peace Robbie Coltrane, thank you for being part of something so special.
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hopepotterscribbles · 2 years
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hopepotterscribbles · 2 years
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hopepotter turned 4 today! [happy birthday to me lol]
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hopepotterscribbles · 2 years
the 5 happy things
Reblog this if you like seeing me on your dash
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hopepotterscribbles · 2 years
Hello please reblog this if you’re okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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hopepotterscribbles · 2 years
does anyone have that unsettling oil painting of a dark window with a sheet leading out into the darkness? it did the rounds on tumblr a while ago and i need itttt
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hopepotterscribbles · 2 years
i made a uquiz! what is your unorthodox love language?
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hopepotterscribbles · 2 years
this is very helpful to know!
things you should know about books and incarceration
I recently started working with a program that sends books to incarcerated people upon request. There are programs like this in many places throughout the US, under names like “Prison Books Project” or “Books to Prisoners.” Here’s some things you should know:
The most requested book, by far, is the English dictionary. The Spanish dictionary is also highly requested, as are GED prep materials, thesauruses, almanacs, and other reference books. If you have anything like that laying around unused, please consider donating.
Prisons are legally required to maintain libraries of legal resources (this falls under one’s right to counsel), but otherwise generally do not fund or maintain libraries, even for basic educational materials. The law libraries are also often filled with irrelevant law texts (e.g. real estate and civil procedures) instead of what prisoners actually need information about: appeals, civil rights, etc.
There are strict requirements on what books can and cannot be received, which vary from prison to prison and even depending on which staff member is processing the shipments. There are a thousand different reasons prison staff can pull a book from a shipment. Individuals, unfamiliar with the complex restrictions, are often unsuccessful at sending books to incarcerated loved ones.
Prison staff often don’t like prison book programs, despite the fact that they reduce recidivism and keep prisoners occupied and out of trouble. Why? Because it makes more work for them in the mail room. Yes, really.
Immigrants are the fastest growing prison population, so we get lots of requests for books in Spanish or English learning materials. Unfortunately, these are less frequently donated, so our selection is slim.
We also get requests for books about sign language, usually from people with Deaf cellmates who have no other way to communicate.
Books about starting businesses, trades, and reintroduction are extremely common from those planning their lives after release. It’s extremely difficult for convicted felons to find work after release.
We also get many requests about psychology or self-help books. A large percentage of our incarcerated population suffer from some mental illness or have loved ones who do.
Many prisoners were not properly supported in their education. We receive letters from low-literacy people who have severe learning disabilities, whose letters are difficult to read because they never learned to write properly. Comic books/manga are common requests from low-literacy people because they can look at the pictures.
Prison book programs are usually not well funded and must ration how often incarcerated people can write us and how often they can request certain types of high-demand books. Volunteers frequently find there are no suitable books to fill a request and buy books with their own money to make sure someone gets what they’ve asked for. Cash donations to prison book programs will go to buying high-demand books such as dictionaries, GED prep, and other basic education texts.
See if you have a program like this in your area, and consider volunteering or donating books or money. There are over 2 million people incarcerated in the US, and giving them access to books is the very least we can do.
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