huge-guess-early · 29 days
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huge-guess-early · 1 month
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Edit: wow this blew up. i dont have anything to promote but i made a response to the most common replies ive gotten to this as well as my thoughts on the direction the web has been heading. you can read it here if you like <3
[Image ID: A screenshot of the youtube popup that appears if you use an ad blocker. It consists of a title, then three bullet points, then two buttons. It has been modified to read: Going to pee during the ad break violates YouTube's Terms of Service
it looks like you selfishly left the room while our ads were playing. Don't you know that by watching youtube you entered into a contract?
We killed the competition by operating at a loss for a decade. we paid good money to be the only game in town.
now that there are no other options, we can start to make that money back however we like. So turn your webcam on so our advertisers know you're paying attention The two buttons read "let us program your brain" and "foot the bill directly" /.End ID]
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