Amazon, I believe?
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The Teen Titans and their minis
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Still Here, Still Working On Stuff
Just another friendly reminder.
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I guess this is an appropriate enough reblog to remind anyone who might still be paying attention and/or interested that not only is my account not in anyway abandoned, but also I’m still actively working on excessive amounts of fan fiction in various forms.
I greatly apologize for my absence, and I thank those of you that are still around/following me/and perhaps even a little interested in seeing what I’ve been working on.
I’ve admittedly gotten very carried away with a story/world-building, and revamping ideas and such.
I’ll post more about all of that soon.
So yeah, thank you to those of you out there still tuning in or stopping by. You’re awesome.
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Update (For Anyone Who Has Been Paying Attention. Yes, you there in the back.)
My recent lack of overall activity is not from a lack of interest. I’ve just been preoccupied with a (Teen Titans) fanfic I’m currently working on.
As I’m sure many of you can attest, Tumblr can serve as a black hole when it comes to free time in productivity. So, because of this, I’ve pretty much had to avoid direct involvement with said metaphorical devourer of spacetime.
Oddly enough, those of you that I follow can actually take this as a compliment. (Considering that it means I find your blogs to be so enjoyable that they can consistently distract me from one of by main hobbies.)
Fret not, however, because when I return to regular activity I shall come bearing gifts. One of which being a multi-chapter Teen Titans fanfic (you know, for anyone actually interested in such things).
So yeah, stay tuned.
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[Ahem] I mean: Huzzah! This appears to be of a legitimate nature and that greatly pleases me.
(I tried to make this a video post so I could embed the video directly but that option has been disabled by the user who uploaded it on YouTube. So here’s the link.)
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Alright dude, let’s do this.
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Awww yeahhh.%^#@'s gettin' real now! I am so on-board with this discussion.
(Seriously though, getting to finally have a full discussion about this is practically my equivalent of taking hard drugs. — The good kind, y’know like moon dust.)
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Part Two: The OPS Room and the top section of Titans Tower
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Part Three: The Overall Structure Of Titans Tower
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Tower Layout/Blueprint discussion below. Interesting stuff! ^_^
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I love how this just keeps going!
(Haha, this is great. Half of what you're saying is stuff I was going to address in my 'Part Four'. Looks like we're on the same page in some regards. And I love that you're using color-coded circles on your posts because I already have some posts of my own that I've color coded but was waiting to post.)
(Also, this post might be a little disjointed. My main goal is to share all of the information I've gathered. I haven't written anything to tie all of it together yet. I'll probably do that next. -- I'll also include the screenshots I color-coded the other day but haven't had a chance to finish yet.
Titans Tower Rooftop:
Their wording in that video was tricky, but they say that the stairwell leads to an elevator that leads to the rest of the Tower. From what I can tell from some screenshot is that those are stairwells. The video confirms that the roof has no elevator access, and that the elevator only goes up to the main floor in the top section of Titans Tower. The rest is accessed through various stairwells. I had to listen to the commentary a few times to catch that, but he's saying the stairwell runs along the elevator shaft on it's way down to the Lobby. It's not actually confirming that the elevator runs to the rooftop.
So what you're seeing are stairwells and, according to the video and some screenshots, there is a main stairwell that those two both lead to, and then that main stairwell leads all the way down to the Lobby of Titans Tower.
Since you mentioned this blueprint:
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The problem is that since it's isometric, it's attempting to show three dimensions two-dimensionally. I'll elaborate more on this in a second, but just keep in mind that the elevator entrance they're showing is coming out at the TOP of the image, but that's actually just the back of the OPS Room. Since this screenshot was taken mid-video, that person standing at what looks like the floor of the OPS Room is actually still moving downward, so that's slightly misleading.
You also wanted some other screenshots of the roof. So there are these:
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In the screenshot above, the Titans are standing on the basketball/volleyball court.
In the screenshot below -- which is from the exact same scene -- Starfire can be seen standing in front of one of the meditation area.
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Here, again from the same scene, we see the rooftop from a much different angle. Albeit, it's very far away, but it does show us a few things.
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I can definitely see why you thought it was a giant cargo elevator, but it just appears that way. It's actually a massive court for various sports.
(I can get some more screenshots from other episodes to support this, I just don't have them right at the moment.)
And finally, again the same scene, Starfire turns back to the Titans and you can see (on the left) one of the two doors that leads to the stairwell that serves as a roof access.
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There are two of those roof access stairwells on the roof (again, I can get some screenshots of those too, I just don't have them right this moment).
I have an image right here confirming the Titans' heights:
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(You got Cyborg's height right on the dot! Haha. Well done.)
Here's a screenshot of the HIVE standing at the window of the OPS Room after throwing the Titans out:
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In the screenshot below -- same scene -- they've turned but they haven't moved.
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They're standing right here:
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In addition to the above screenshots of the HIVE, I have these screenshots/information that I think also provides more of an idea of the thickness of the Tower:
This is Raven throwing pieces of wall at Slade-Bots:
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I would like to note that the block of material in the screenshot above and the block of material in the screenshot below are two separate blocks. She threw one, and then several feet down the hallway through another. (I just wanted to clarify that because otherwise these screenshots might seem like they're showing the same piece.)
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In the above scene, the Slade-Bots had just left her room, and she used her powers to throw sections of the wall -- supposedly the wall right next to her room -- at them. They are huge. and came from the wall. So, I think the walls are actually extremely thick. -- Again, probably partially a result of the alien-space-material.
And this is a piece -- of part -- of the floor between a hallway in the top section of the Tower and a room directly below:
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(This is roughly about twenty or thirty times the size of Cyborg.)
Also, in regards to the Towers' walls:
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The screenshot above shows what's IN some of the walls. (Once again, I can get some more that show all of the 'machinery' within some of the walls of Titans Tower. Just let me know if you want them.)
Oh, and I'm talking about THIS alien-space-material:
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I mainly posted these screenshots of the spacecraft just to kind of show a general idea of how much material Cyborg really had to work with.
As we can see from these different scenes, not only are the wall of Titans Tower extremely thick, and some of them are also full of various pieces of tech, machinery, etc. Again, it was engineered from the pieces of an alien ship. So it doesn't have a normal design. The Tower itself is less of a building and more of a giant machine, when you really think about it. That's also how the Tower is most likely able to be repaired to quickly and easily. -- In fact, the more I think about it, the more I'm beginning to think that certain sections of the Tower might actually be almost RESHAPE-ABLE, within reason, (if it's built by Cyborg using alien technology, and we see how diverse Cyborg's own body can be and it's built with regular human tech...) but I digress.
I agree with the idea about the supports at the front of the base of Tower not being visible just because of the angle being shown. I think this screenshot pretty much proves that:
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We can see that the supports are literally cut into the rock of the island. That's why they're only visible from one side. They were probably parts of the original ship that were embedded so heavily into the rock that Cyborg just carved them into supports.
Here are a few random screenshots I was able to find in regards to some general areas in the Tower.
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These screenshots can give you a very slight idea of what's behind those two circular doors in the hangar/garage, as well as further scaling for the Hangar/Garage:
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Here is a screenshot of a maintenance passageway under one of the floors (the 'second' floor, technically, I think) in the top section of Titans Tower:
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Note: The passageways like the one shown above were large enough for a giant, mutated Silkie to successfully navigate entire portions of the Tower without being seen.
Now, I'm going to start elaborating on what I think the isometric blueprint is telling us, and where I think the Titans' bedrooms are located within the top of the Tower.
This is a screenshot of the Tower from the front:
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(I have highlighted the estimated locations of the Titans' rooms with their respective colors.)
Here are some images of the OPS Room:
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(I have color-coded each corridor in accordance with where I think they lead, using the respective color that obviously fits each Titan. - White/Black is the bathroom.)
Now, here are some examples of why I think this is true:
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In the above screenshot, we have Jinx coming to the OPS Room directly from Raven's room.
In the screenshot below, we have Raven coming to the OPS Room directly from her room.
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Furthermore, this is a screenshot of the Tower from the rear. (The road you see leading away from the rear of the Tower goes to the Obstacle Course. Whereas the one you can see -- in one of the many screenshots above -- leading away from the front of the Tower goes elsewhere.)
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(Again, with the proposed locations highlighted accordingly.)
Now, here is a screenshot of Starfire blasting her eye-beams at her drapes and out of her window:
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(To clarify: This screenshot is showing the rear of the Tower. -- Meaning that the giant window in the OPS Room overlooking the city is on the other side.)
I have some other examples from within the show where a Titan is heading into or out of the OPS Room in a specific direction (either a Titans' room, to the Lobby, to the roof to meditate, etc.) and they all have matched up with my approximations so far. I won't overload this post with visual examples of everything I'm talking about, but just trust me when I say it's pretty consistent.
[One of the biggest problems I'm having is that a lot of these screenshots have the ANGLE of the image changed but the actual direction of the Tower is the same. I've taken these screenshots directly from various episodes, and the orientation messes up because it was obviously cheaper for the animation studio to just flip a stock image instead of creating a new one. You have to see some of these within the context of their episode to realize which way it's supposed to be 'facing'. It doesn't affect the actual continuity of anything, it just affects the perception of the continuity. That's pretty frustrating, but once you're aware of it you can kind of work around things mentally.]
I think all of the main corridors that lead-off from the OPS Room to each of the Titans' rooms is connected by smaller hallways throughout the Tower. Like the ones we see here:
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As expected, there's more I can post. I'm going to give it a rest right now though. Tell me what you think so far. (Some of the rest of what I have further details the placement of the Towers rooms, and the layout of the hallways. -- While also elaborating on the irritating aspect of trying to convey a three-dimensional image on a two-dimensional format.)
Have fun!
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I...I may have been that anon....
Thank you so much. I just...I randomly sent that message to you on a whim (I wasn't signed into my account) and I am so glad that I did. This was fantastic. It was a perfect, fluffy little oneshot.
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I feel so overwhelming pleased right now that I can't even articulate it accurately.
Just, thank you.
Just Do It
for anon
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She may not have been referring solely to Beast Boy, but I definitely think that was a large part. She was playing off of Raven's insecurities regarding general acceptance from her friends, and considering that Terra had developed a relationship with Beast Boy he obviously liked her a great deal. I'd say it's safe to say that it counts as both an insult towards her friendships in general and her dynamic with Beast Boy.
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Don't worry, you guys will wear down before this flashy thing does.
why the fuck is yacht spelled like that
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This will forever be one of my absolute favorite jokes/scenes from the entire series.
The whole episode was great, but this joke is a crowning moment.
Zinthos comercial. From Teen Titans.
  New Blue Zinthos
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BONUS!- TT/TTG BBRae parallels: Over-friendly arm around her shoulder.
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They're so much like an old married couple that it's amazing.
I also love the other Titans' reactions in the first GIF. Cyborg looks surprised at Beast Boy's audacity, while Robin actually looks scared. Haha. Starfire's not phased though, because she knows what's up.
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I love their relationship.
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Haha, this one is perfect too.
993. Speedy is not naturally red-head. He dyes his hair in order to not look so much like Robin.
submitted by anonymous
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Mine too! I'm right there with ya!
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I like this one a lot, and it's very fitting.
998. Cyborg has no driving license. But nobody ever asked.
submitted by anonymous
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I'm sorry, I'm all about respecting other ships and not forcing my OTP on people...
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...but I would push that button. So. %#$#ING. HARD.
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bring it on
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Part Three: The Overall Structure Of Titans Tower
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Continuing on, that unlabeled blueprint of the Tower is a two-dimensional, straight-on view. It's showing the Tower's framework, supports, and general structure. It's not showing the location of any specific floors or rooms. Essentially, this seems to be the Tower in it's basest design. When you look at it, you'll notice the 'segments' or 'cubes' that make up the Tower.
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If you look back and forth between those and the unlabeled blueprint, then you see that while the Tower is symmetrical and uniform, the cubes the Tower's made of aren't 'perfect' cubes. -- They seem to be slightly wider than they are deep and/or tall. Now something about the Tower is that it is absolutely enormous. (The image you linked to Landmark Tower provides an example for some real-world scaling. Which was a nice touch,by the way, very helpful.)
Anyway, the Tower is massive and it needs to have some degree of structural integrity. -- Cartoon or not, there has to be some form of rationale occurring at some point. -- The show might joke around a lot and have physically impossible jokes, but overall it does keep a high degree of consistency outside of those comedy moments. So, with all of that in mind, I'd like to point out the the (roughly) 6x1 grid rectangles on the middle section, and the (roughly) 8x1 grid rectangles on the bottom and top of the top section. I count fifteen total on the Tower's overall structure. These aren't solid steel/concrete/what[-have-you, but they do appear to function primarily as supports for the Tower. There are two main screenshots that lead me to believe this; Partially, from just the way this looks:
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Mainly though, it's because of this:
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This screenshot is from Spellbound when Malchior flies through Raven's ceiling. Her room is confirmed to be on top, because he flies straight through to the roof, but you can see here that there is a lot of material/thickness that he passed through. None of those layers are large enough to be actual floors. -- They're much more like crawlspaces. --  There is a lot of space there though, and a lot of material. This is a big part of what leads me to believe it's for structural significance. (There are some other screenshots similar to this one, from instances where the Tower was under some form of duress, but I don't have them handy.)
Initially, I thought all of that might be a little excessive, or seem like wasted space, but then I realized how large this Tower really was. Also, I definitely think there is some significance to how, when the blueprint shifted from unlabeled to labeled, those rectangles disappeared completely. -- Something that lead me to believe that they aren't representing something that is entirely inside the Tower.
At the very least, at this point, I'm fairly confident that -- for all intents and purposes -- the labeled view is internal while the unlabeled view is external.
Thus concludes 'Part Three'.
'Part Four' coming soon. (I'm sorry man, this just keeps going. I just keep finding more and more information. Feel free to respond to any of this whenever you feel like it at this point.)
[EDIT: Scratch that, I'll end this with 'Part Three' for now. My 'Part Four' would consist on theories of room placement and 'levels', but that can wait until we discuss what I've mentioned so far.]
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[Ahem] I mean: Huzzah! This appears to be of a legitimate nature and that greatly pleases me.
(I tried to make this a video post so I could embed the video directly but that option has been disabled by the user who uploaded it on YouTube. So here’s the link.)
Alright everyone, it took me a little while to post all of this because…uh….because I have a problem I actually decided to see if I could research this and I thought that would be fun...for someone…hopefully.
(Yes, I know this is about an animated television show…yes, yes I know.)
I’d always hoped this blueprint was official but when I first came across it over a year ago I wasn’t able to find any legitimate sources or proof. (This video hadn’t been uploaded back then.)
However, that has changed. This video is part of the 'Inside Titans Tower' special feature on Disc 1 of the Season 2 DVD release of Teen Titans.
That’s right, it’s real. It’s 100% real. (I’ll go ahead and apologize now if I’m the only one who gets this excited. For me though, from both a logistics/fanfic/writing perspective and as a shipper, this is fantastic. Though, to be honest, I think I may be enjoying this more for non-shipper reasons — or at the very least my shipper and non-shipper reasons are on par with each other.)
Now once you’ve watched the video (or if you would just like to skip watching ti) feel free to click the ‘Read More’ divider. (Fair Warning: This becomes rather extensive, more-so than I originally planned.)
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Part Two: The OPS Room and the top section of Titans Tower
These do a pretty good job of clarifying the exact layout of the OPS Room:
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Now here are two blueprints of the OPS Room:
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The commentary specified that the plasma display in this blueprint is 'three hundred sixty inches' which would equal out to thirty feet. Which can help us with the scaling.
Also, here is that large hallway that runs along the back of the top section of Titans Tower:
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And here's a larger, slightly more detailed, version of the isometric blueprint of the top section of Titans Tower:
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Something significant that I've learned is that -- despite the fact that the show never actually focuses on it or really addresses it -- the blueprints, commentary, and screenshots don't actually contradict whatsoever. It might seem like they do, but when you really start looking into things you realize otherwise.
Mainly, it seems that the creators weren't very concerned about conveying the specifics of the Tower to the audience, but they were concerned about keeping things canonical among themselves. What we have to do is take the three main sources and mix them together in order to understand the full picture.
Here are some quotes from the commentary:
"A central hallway behind the main door (of the OPS Room) leads off to the back and wings of the Tower."
"Corridors off the Operations Room lead to the Titans' bedrooms."
According to the video, this is the first thing you see when you exit the elevator at the top section of the Tower:
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The OPS Room is directly in front of you, and there are hallways flanking to the left and the right. -- This appears to be the 'central hallway' to which the commentary was referring.
Here are some screenshots of the corridors throughout the wings of the top section of the Tower:
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Here is a blueprint of part of one of the corridors (you can see on the right a secondary stairwell, they connect the two main levels of the top section of Titans Tower):
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Also, here are some screenshots of the some secondary stairwells in the top section of Titans Tower that connect the 'upper' and 'lower' levels' corridors:
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Furthermore, here is a screenshot of the Game Room Cyborg made in 'Overdrive':
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The Game Room was built inside one of those unlabeled, unused squares we see next to the Titans' bedrooms. Turns out those are meant to represent extra rooms that either don't have a specified use, or have such a mild use (like the laundry room) that they didn't bother labeling them. -- Probably because, when building the Tower, they didn't have a set, predestined locations in mind for things as low-key as something like a laundry room.
Now one thing I'd like to comment on is how I'm sure a big question that comes up in general is "Why is Titans Tower so complicatedly designed and seemingly unnecessarily massive?". Well, turns out the Tower was built from the remaining pieces of the Gordanian ship that came to Earth looking for Starfire in the episode "Go!". -- So, that explains a lot. (It also explains how the Tower seems to defy logic/physics somewhat in it's overall massiveness/scale/design.
Speaking of the Tower's massive scale and design, I would like to revisit this blueprint from earlier:
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This blueprint is strictly two-dimensional. It's not isometric like the labeled one, and as a result all way see is the structure and scale of Titans Tower.
I just realized this post has become so large that Tumblr is starting to lag while I'm typing. So, I'm going to post this part right now. I really don't want anything to glitch-up and for any of this information to be lost. Don't worry though, I have more information.
'Part Three' coming soon, hopefully within the next hour.
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[Ahem] I mean: Huzzah! This appears to be of a legitimate nature and that greatly pleases me.
(I tried to make this a video post so I could embed the video directly but that option has been disabled by the user who uploaded it on YouTube. So here’s the link.)
Alright everyone, it took me a little while to post all of this because…uh….because I have a problem I actually decided to see if I could research this and I thought that would be fun...for someone…hopefully.
(Yes, I know this is about an animated television show…yes, yes I know.)
I’d always hoped this blueprint was official but when I first came across it over a year ago I wasn’t able to find any legitimate sources or proof. (This video hadn’t been uploaded back then.)
However, that has changed. This video is part of the 'Inside Titans Tower' special feature on Disc 1 of the Season 2 DVD release of Teen Titans.
That’s right, it’s real. It’s 100% real. (I’ll go ahead and apologize now if I’m the only one who gets this excited. For me though, from both a logistics/fanfic/writing perspective and as a shipper, this is fantastic. Though, to be honest, I think I may be enjoying this more for non-shipper reasons — or at the very least my shipper and non-shipper reasons are on par with each other.)
Now once you’ve watched the video (or if you would just like to skip watching ti) feel free to click the ‘Read More’ divider. (Fair Warning: This becomes rather extensive, more-so than I originally planned.)
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