I’m rewatching DAYS these days and I’ve come to the episode this is related to.
This time, I’m watching the drama with my mom. I think it’s been a while since she saw me cry because of a piece of work. (This is, still, a masterpiece to me.)
I think I come back to DAYS because Dongkyung… I think I relate to her more that I thought. She’s easier to relate to that I thought, because she is so complex. I guess I’ve always wanted to be as complex and understood at the same time.
Myulmang was made for humanity, but why does it feel that he was made only for her? He wasn’t, but the moment he chose not to ignore his overflowing love for her, he became the being that could love her right. He knows how all humans think, he knows what they are to do, yet he can’t know those simple things when it is Dongkyung’s case, one, and he has never been an entity who can listen to people’s true feelings, two.
I guess I come back to DAYS because I wish I was loved the way Dongkyung is.
I’ve never been terminally ill, so I can’t possibly know what it is to choose between those abstract and concrete things: love, life, doom and death. I have never had to choose whether I should forgive or forget.
I have, however, been so ill I wish I was gone. And I’ve been so desperate I’ve wished for everything to go to hell, for everything to doom themselves. Still, to this day, there are days I wish I was gone because the physical pain is too much to bare. What a hypocritical idea. As if I didn’t have my own family and friends. As if being gone was easy.
But then again, I’m no Dongkyung, who has come to have Doom itself love her. Maybe that is because I haven’t learned to love doom.
One thing about Doom At Your Service
See, I have fallen in love with this drama way too much, and I like writing summaries and reviews, but I am going to get a bit personal, here.
DAYS is a masterpiece, I've said it before. The lines are poetic, the camerawork gets dreamy, sometimes, and the effects give that sense of fantasy that the world Myulmang lives in has.
Getting into Dongkyung's shoes seems too hard to do, unless you're terminally ill. I've never been a patient about to die because of an illness, but I did talk to my grandfather before he passed away. In fact, I was the one who took care of him when he had to stay home and eat from a tube. Being a terminally ill patient sucks. Having cancer sucks. And it infuriates people who just want to know when they will die, when you don't answer them. Would my grandfather had chosen to stay painless until he died? He would've said, no, I'm sure. Because although he would've died in peace, he would've died knowing he had cancer. And who was he, to die in a painless way when others had the same condition he had? But that was him.
I can't possibly think from my grandpa's perspective, but I do know I cried him a lot, just not physically. I still do, since I never showed my feelings at their fullest. And here is where I understand Dongkyung.
Dongkyung has always felt the need of hiding herself and her feelings. She wouldn't be able to bare herself if she were to make the ones she loves suffer, so she hides that she has cancer and, as soon as she has an opportunity not to show her pain, she takes it. She gets this opportunity because she wanted the world to end.
There is no need to talk about the contract Myulmang and Dongkyung have. It is there, it is what they chose. Why would love have anything to do with this?
Love, such a big word. Such a weird noun, even a weirder verb. When the contract gets tricky, you want to use it to your advantage, but how does loving someone so they die fall into the narrative? It is absurd. That is the exact same reason it takes so much -although, thinking about it now it doesn't seem so long- for them to truly admit their feelings -or even have said feelings. Dongkyung, loving Myulmang, has, ironically, called to her own doom. Why would she want to kill her loved one? It's better not to love. So she goes to an isolated place not to love. But you can't control feelings, they come and they go. Just, what is she thinking? I'm mad at her, why would she do something so stupid?
And then, I realized I do the same. Whenever it is too hard, I keep it to myself, I shut myself in, and blame myself for everything. I must find the answer, I must solve this on my own. It happened when I was in high school, it happened when I came home straight from uni, it happened every single time I was going through a rough path. So how could I not understand? I was being such a hypocrite.
Even if I am so in love that I could forget I am about to die, if I were to choose if I can go through all of this again, would I? Or would I choose to forget what I know, so my loved ones don't suffer? So my beloved could keep living -or existing- without me?
You bet that, although it is selfish, I would choose to forget. Because I wouldn't think my love is worth someone else's eternity. Losing me should not bring doom to the world. Losing my beloved shouldn't bring it, either.
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But if my two beloved dramas from tvn ended, what am I supposed to do with my life?
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My Roommate is the Love of my Life
I love MRIAG. A lot. I like that TVN showed me this drama at the time it aired, as if they knew I needed more cute scenes, laughter and romance. I like that MRIAG didn't make me suffer so much, because my heart is very weak. I wouldn't be able to take a heartbreak.
I usually dislike when characters keep things to themselves, but I see where Wooyeo is coming from when he is not able to tell Dam that he is ought to disappear. Did he not try enough so he could become a human? He could've sworn his love for Dam was unbreakable. Was it not the reason to become human?
He tries his best to spend time with Dam, since time is money. That 'money' has never been precious to him. So he skips school, takes her out to eat, walks around with her..., and she is so pretty, so amazing..., he would do anything for her. They come once again to that point in which he tells her to ask for a wish, but she is hesitant about it. The last time she made a wish, he disappeared. She doesn't want that to happen again. He feels a burden and, when Dam trips, he is not able to control his powers. He is sent away.
Fear. That is what crosses Wooyeo's eyes.
Dam is confused.
Wooyeo had gone with Dam to see her brother before, when he was suffering from a slump. She introduced him as her boyfriend, even when Dan couldn't believe his sister, and Wooyeo caused a great first impression, with his archery skills. He did that so Dam didn't go home, but now he tells her to stay with her brother. She wonders if she did something wrong, yet Wooyeo tells her it is not like that.
There is a moment in which you know things are about to explode. When Shin Wooyeo visits Yang Hyesun, it is not to fight with her or tell her one of his usual intellectual insults. She knows what is about to come, but she can't accept it. Wooyeo? The gumiho who has lived for a thousand years? The being who has walked the earth in order to become human? About to disappear into thin air?
Lee Dam is not aware of it all, but she definitely knows there's something wrong. The frame she holds with her shows a disappearing Wooyeo.
Now, the next sequence is a bit rushed in my head: Dam calls her beloved gumiho, who answers the call. She knows it all. She runs. There is a truck coming all the way that she's running to. Wooyeo hears the situation. This time, his powers are as precise as he would have wanted them to be. The truck doesn't hit Dam. She doesn't have a single scratch on her body. On the other hand, an injured Shin Wooyeo lays on the floor, searching with her eyes for her: Dam.
We see a bit into Wooyeo's thoughts. We see Dam's worried face, we see into the way a non-human saw humanity for the first time when he met the one who taught him love.
"Perhaps I knew from the beginning. That you would change my destiny. That you would bring meaning into my meaningless and worthless life."
Shin Wooyeo was a gumiho. He was a mere animal. Bu he had learned how to yearn for Dam from the moment he understood he loved her. It was her love, so pure and undemanding, so patient and understanding, that had made him want to become a human, once and for all. And he had sacrificed his life, because it was supposed to end anyway, for her. Would it have any meaning, to wait to disappear in a world where there was no Dam? A world in which Dam wouldn't be able to smile? A world that wouldn't have her essence and presence would be a cold, empty, lifeless place. The world deserved better. The world deserves Dam.
And so, he dissipates. Wooyeo, the fox, has vanished.
She finds herself crying at his house, reading the letter he wrote. And so, Dam, the human, needs to learn about grief.
Hyesun finds herself in the equation when Dami sees her pictures with Wooyeo: he still appears in every picture she has, in every moment she remembers. Hyesun is the one to dry her tears, the one with a mission.
Gumihos keep the bead they once had on their insides. Powerful as they are, those cursed beads can be a gift, too. Wooyeo had asked Hyesun to use the bead to erase Dam's memories.
Dam doesn't want to. As long as she misses Wooyeo, she will be missing the many good memories they made together. She would be missing the love of her life. It is okay to wait, it is okay to be miserable now. She knows she was happy then.
Before a thousand years have passed,
Before you grow more than nine tails.
If you manage to learn to be patient,
To love,
And to eventually find a reason to live...
If someone who desperately wishes you to live is waiting,
You will turn into a human.
Wooyeo is able to hear Dam's crying from the numb place he is in. Is he able to hear her say she prefers to remember her love?
Darkness. And then, another day comes.
He is there, waiting for her to look at him.
Wooyeo is there, and Dam is just a look away.
A human is there, waiting for his love to see him.
Before a thousand years have passed,
Before you grow more than nine tails.
If you manage to learn to be patient,
To love,
And to eventually find a reason to live...
If someone who desperately wishes you to live is waiting,
You will turn into a human.
They hug. They kiss. They are there for the other.
Hyesun feels it, too. She was a Gumiho until five years ago, she still has some of its magic in her. She breaks into crying, and hugs Jaejin when he comes to her. He is not dead. Her old friend is alive, as a human.
I love to see Wooyeo and Hyesun interacting with each other. I find their dynamic a siblings situation, always bickering around, always caring about the other in their very own way. Hyesun cried him, and Wooyeo considered her to be the only being he could trust to ask for a favor. Their dynamic, and Dam, give me the feels. And then, of course, they change it all when Dam calls Wooyeo "oppa" once again. They are all lovey-dovey, cute and sugary, all over the other. And Hyesun is sick of it, because Jaejin is nowhere to be found. Our main couple takes a walk.
What I like about male gumiho stories is that they never forget to put the usual female gumihos into the narrative. Hyesun is a cute character, despite being an ex-gumiho, who is supposed to be seductive. She is cute, shy, clumsy and innocent. And she tells Jaejin her secret, who doesn't really care about it, because why would he care if his girlfriend was a gumiho? She doesn't mind that he is a very sensitive guy, and she likes him at least a portion of the amount of love he feels towards her. And she wants to wait for him even when he has to go to the military service. The situation is just funny and ridiculous, because these two are the silliest, cutest characters out there.
A few couples are born, though. Seonwoo's sister wants to date Dam's brother after he gets back her stolen objects, and Dam's friend, Sookyeong, suddenly gets in a red-thready-situation with their senior, Jungseok.
We see our main couple once again, sitting down, looking at the sky. They look at each other.
"You were supposed to keep the marble, not fall in love with the owner."
"You were supposed to steal my energy, not my heart."
They look at each other, Wooyeo suggests to go home. Dam agrees.
A red thread connects their pinky fingers.
And I know that even when life is filled with happy and sad moments, sometimes life can be a romantic comedy.
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My first language happens to be Spanish so if any of y’all speaks Spanish and wants me to post in Spanish, too, feel free to ask anytime.
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I know that the mountain spirit probably just wants Wooyeo to become human quickly but CAN HE STOP DOING THAT TO DAM? Poor Dam is on the damned floor being told that she can’t like her Shin Wooyeo because she has a forced destiny on her. That’s violence, too, Mr. Spirit.
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Mom, I’m crying over a Korean man who’s 14 years older than me cause he’s too cute.
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Let’s have a recollections of the drama through listening to OST highlight medley.
WE LOVE YOU Myul Mang 💞  Tak Dong Kyung  😭
Video source ©뮤직앤뉴(MUSIC&NEW)
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I No Longer Bring Doom
Alternative title:
If you could ask for a life-changing wish, what would you wish for? Because I’d choose to be with you
It’s been a while since I watched a final episode that made me smile from start to end. DAYS’s 16th episode did exactly that. I smiled like the fool this drama made me become. This will probably be long. Please bare with me and know that you have my permission to laugh at me during this.
Myulmang, or should I say Saram?, has come to stay. On a rainy day, he can get sick, like any other human, but he doesn’t mind getting wet from the rain, if Dongkyung wants to hug him. He has missed her so, so much. And she has missed him, too. It’s not like a little rain will keep her from embracing the person she has missed for so long.
They go to her house, they stay together, she gives him his first meal -or snack?- as a human, they sleep next to the other, staring at each other, as if the other could vanish in any moment. But Saram knows that Dongkyung will be there when they wake up next morning. It’s her the one who is stressed about waking up without him, but he’s in the kitchen, drinking something out of a cup. They hug, because she was too scared he had disappeared, and he understands that she has missed him as much as he has, when he sees the calendar in her wall.
She takes him to work, and takes advantage of him having a car to convince Jooik to let him take her to her appointments. She doesn’t need to go back to work after getting Dalgona’s contract, after all. Also Saram kinda wants to kill Jooik but he can’t do that now, you know? Anyway, Dongkyung, first, calls her brother, but wonders about Saram’s appearance. Will her brother see him as he is? If so, wouldn’t that be a different face from the one he remembers?
We soon discover that our little goddess did her work, and she did it right. Every trace of Saram as Myulmang has been projected so he looks like the very Doom Dongkyung has always seen. How about we try it out? To see if it’s like that for every person who has seen him with her.
Dongkyung asks Saram to take her to a place, where they meet my favorite character, Young Prince. As childish as always, he bickers around with Saram. He clearly remembers him. And he’s not happy with him being his favorite nuna’s boyfriend. At all.
Here is where I had to pause because Seo Inguk and Nam Dareum are SOOOOOO good, and I’m a big Dareum fan since I was a kid (I grew up watching him growing, after all), so I did laugh and cry a lot during this particular scene. Little Young Prince being jealous of Kim Saram and viceversa, Saram telling our Young Prince that he’ll marry Dongkyung before the writer turns 20, our cute writer-turned-idol wondering just HOW did this man realize that he likes his favorite nuna… come on, Mr. Prince, we all knew.
I’m so so so sorry, I love Nam Dareum way too much and having him smiling towards Park Boyoung melted my heart. Also Dareum and Inguk as Young Prince and Myulmang/Saram are my favorite thing. I’m in love.
Let’s keep going.
Before he leaves, Dongkyung asks one favor to the best writer -and idol- Young Prince is. Can he PLEASE do a 1:1 fan meeting for Dalgona? And that’s how Dongkyung gets her to sign.
Saram takes Dongkyung’s hand when walking down the sidewalk.
“It’s not midnight, yet.”
Apparently she can’t get used to him not being Doom. It’s okay, he can now take her hand without having an excuse to grab it.
She takes him to her aunt’s new house, where her husband and nephew are, to welcome him. To welcome Kim Saram. The one who has returned. And they have dinner, together, and wonder if he has settled everything for him to stay in Korea. He has.
And little did we know that the little goddess is more clever than imagined, but we were sure of her love for her children. She’s out there, wearing a school uniform, growing some other plant. And she gave Saram the opportunity to become a doctor: he no longer takes life, he’s able to save them. Humans. The humans he has learned to love, thanks to Dongkyung.
They have a date after he’s done with work. Isn’t that cute? They walk, side by side, and he mentions marriage. This man went through all that, he deserves to know when they’ll get married… right? Or is he too average now? They laugh it off, Dongkyung knows that she’s the average one, after all. Except she isn’t. She has was the one The Doom could hear, see and love. Is there anything average about that? They look at the sunset, and talk about how lonely Myulmang was when they went to the world after its doom. Kim Saram is not lonely, though. And he knows, now, that the little goddess got to love humans so much because she probably once resented and hated them. But humans created her, after all. They created him, too. And now he gets to live with them, next to his favorite one.
“How’s life?”
Dongkyung wants to know.
“It’s nice.”
Saram smiles. They hug each other and walk away.
They have something to do together the next day, though. It’s time to prepare kimchi! With Dongkyung’s aunt, uncle, brother, and… Jina and Mr. Cha???? Who’s now Jina’s boyfriend??? And Dongkyung’s boss. Saram still wants him dead, though. And so the kimchi preparation day begins. With a bit of bickering from the two brothers-in-law Sunkyung has gotten for himself. After finishing, though, they have a dinner altogether. They get chatty, they talk a bit about how they met -not too detailed, though, but it still sounds bad-, you know, with the “she drunk-called me” and “he barged into my house”. Normal. Pretty normal, yeah. Saram finds cute how it’s the second day of Jooik and Jina’s relationship. I find Saram cute.
Dongkyung’s uncle takes Saram outside to talk about family. They are ought to be there for their family, and live for the members. Even Sunkyung, while we’re at it.
Isn’t it cute? Now Saram doesn’t want to go home when he takes Dongkyung home. She gives him a kiss on his cheek, yet he wants a kiss on the mouth. He doesn’t get it. He’s still happy, though. She smiled for him and hugged him. She also asked him to call her when he gets home. So he does.
She smiles. He called her because she said so.
“You listen well. Now go wash yourself and prepare to bed, then you can call.”
So he does. With that cute face of his. I’m officially dead. Dongkyung is in the middle of writing something when he calls again. He is lying down, when talking to her. She wants to know a few things.
“That time, in the hospital, what thought did you have, that made you hug me?”
That one time he called her name.
I let this moment to remind you of Kim Saram all cute and snuggly rubbing his phone. Let’s proceed.
“I couldn’t hold myself back.”
“You loved me back then.”
“I did.”
“Then, why did you do that then? When you suddenly came to me and said you loved me for the first time.”
“I wouldn’t be able to see you after dissipating. I realized that that time, that’s why. That was too scary.”
Both know that feeling. It’s more scary knowing that they wouldn’t see the other, rather than dying or dissipating.
Myulmang sleeps soundly.
Dongkyung writes their story.
She sees the little goddess in a dream, who wanted to see her smiling, and show her the cosmos she grew. The Myulmang who became Saram. The Doom who became Human. She talks about how the deity lets them do what is for them, because they want to see their humans smile. Like Dongkyung does.
After all, their story has just started.
Working in the hospital, Saram receives his first ‘thank you’. But he’s the thankful one. His patient lived. He no longer brings doom. He also meets Dongkyung’s doctor, who recognizes him as Dongkyung’s boyfriend. And he gets a first act of kindness from a ‘stranger’, who gives him coffee.
Dongkyung kinda runs away when Cha Jooik wants to get the author of “Doom At Your Service”. And I laugh. Cause it’s funny. She meets Saram after work, at Jina’s ex’s café. There, he befriends him. He also officially meets Dongkyung’s ex-coworkers.
They go to Saram’s house. He jokes around, a bit. She plays along. And she sees a shooting star, so she makes a wish, and so does Saram. They don’t tell their wishes to one another, though. He does tell her to marry quickly.
And the drama asks us:
“What is that one wish of your life?”
And I wonder if you would wish, like me, for a life in which we could live every day as the gift it comes to us like, with its ups and downs. Because winter brings spring, night brings a new day, and the cold reminds you of warmth. And even the winter, night and cold, can find a place in your heart, if you know how to love it.
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Soooooooo… hi?
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I love everything about the teaser for episode 16, but can I say that I’m soft for Myulmang’s pose when sleeping? Thank you.
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Butterflies never know that once they’re gone, they bring new life
My dear episode 15 of DAYS:
Thank you.
Love, Ands.
I love how every single cliché that I hate from dramas gets into this story and makes me love it. But let’s start with the way episode 15 starts.
It’s been three months (these damned convenient time jumps we have), but Dongkyung’s tumor is getting smaller with time. And the very first thing the doctor says is that she can now get married, considering how she postponed her wedding. She says she’ll have to push it a little bit more, since her boyfriend really far away.
If only Myulmang could walk next to her…
Not even the little goddess is around.
She then sees Jina, who waits for her so she can take Dongkyung home. They talk here and there. She also kinda gets the proposal of working with Cha Jooik in the company he’s starting, so Jina ends up taking her to his house. When Ms. Tak is heading home, her brother takes her hand, she brushes it off, and they go home. They’re greeted with a homemade dinner, and she tells her aunt and brother how much she wants to work, again.
All of these little things, filled with her loved ones, are little pieces of happiness. But there is always a reminder of her love for Myulmang: in the way Jina takes care of Dongkyung and asks about him, in the way Jooik talks about longing, in the way her brother takes her hand when waiting for the light to go green, in the way her aunt wants her to rest, but resting only makes her think of Myulmang.
She wakes up, the next day, at the sound of the alarm. As she opens her door, she finds her apartment connected to Myulmang’s house. He’s there, wondering if she’s not late for work. She’s there, walking towards him, holding him, wondering if it’s not a dream.
“I didn’t come into your dream.”
Myulmang dries her tears, and she rests her head on his shoulder, tears setting on his shirt. A faint sound appears from the background.
She wakes up, tears flowing down her eyes, setting on her pillowcase. It was a dream. Myulmang wasn’t there. She marks the days on her calendar to ‘count the happy days’. Her aunt tells her that, yes, every day is happy.
When she goes outside, she sees roses, like the ones Myulmang once gave her when proposing. She buys one, because it’s never wrong to buy yourself a flower. She goes to meet her ex-coworkers. She goes to work, and meets her new boss, Jooik, and laughs at the office state: way too plain. She goes to meet Jina, so she signs the contract to be under their company, who tells her to write, too. Everyone seems happy to see that Dongkyung can live life happily. And she’s genuinely having fun.
But he’s there, in that rose everyone asks Dongkyung about. So she puts away the roses he once gave her, all withered, and puts the rose she bought to herself.
“Are you living well? I’m just living. Every day is the same.”
She gives herself a little time to talk to the flower, as if he could hear. And she says she’ll keep buying herself flowers as if they were from him.
“That’s how I’ll live. It’s okay to do that, right?”
So she writes. And starts with the title:
어느 날 우리 집 현관으로 멸망이 들어왔다
One Day, Doom Entered My House’s Front Door
Or, you know…
Doom At Your Service
And she writes. About how he can into her door, how he walked towards her, how she saw him, bewitched, and heard him asking her to choose between taking her hand or dying there. With those cold, emotionless eyes. So she held his hand.
She meets Young Prince the next day, who signs with her company just because she’s there. We know how much Young Prince truly appreciates and respects Dongkyung, even though he can be a bit of a child and a jerk. After all, he’s a young writer. But he’s amazed by the story she once told him: he has found what she wrote, and asks her to tell the author not to write a sad ending. He cries a lot, or so he says, and he wouldn’t like to read the story knowing it’ll end as a sad story.
She takes a walk, and is reminded of when the little goddess told her to live, because, after all, there would be a happy ending.
However, in this world, where so many things are disappearing and dissipating every day, Myulmang is everywhere.she imagines herself walking around with him, taking his hand. The world is full of him, filled with him.
She takes her loved ones (Jina, her brother and her aunt) to the restaurant Myulmang once took them in her dream. Her aunt carries the bag she got her, her brother is wearing some sneakers she bought him, and Jina offers to pay. But it’s Dongkyung’s celebration, of spending a day that was full and healthy. And they ask about her boyfriend, and wonder how he is. She says she’ll deliver their messages.
Dongkyung goes to Myulmang’s house. I was amazed to see that she could get in, a place that was supposed not to be reached. If it’s there, and she can go, what does that mean? She enters the house, and lets herself think of him, as she did with the rose. She sees the picture they took together ‘to see from time to time’. She sends him a message, as if he could read it, telling him that she ate with her loved ones, and that they missed him. His phone receives the message, and she opens the chatroom. Her many messages appear, and an unsent message from Myulmang is written in the box.
“You’re happy, right? I trust you are.”
She sends the message to herself. She goes to his room. She lays on his bed. She pictures him next to her. She reaches for him, but he’s not there. So she cries. Because missing people is a nightmare, and longing for them is, too.
She leaves, promising to go again, and takes the bus home. It’s raining, and she carries an umbrella. But there’s someone familiar at the bus stop she gets down to. The little goddess, who has received surgery. She has decided to live longer. And it’s all thanks to Dongkyung. She thanks the little goddess for staying alive, and it’s a mutual thing. The little goddess leaves, but Dongkyung offers her umbrella.
“What about you?”
“Me? I can run, because it’s close.”
And the little goddess walks away, until she reaches her garden, where the flower she was taking care of got to live. There, Myulmang meets her, who asks about Dongkyung. The little goddess answers that she’s doing well, but not so well. Today is a happy day, though, so we shouldn’t be sad about that. The little goddess looks at the flower, the one she once told Myulmang that was him.
How could he be a flower, when she told him so many times that he was a butterfly, made for her flowers? Here’s the thing: butterflies don’t know, they never know that once they’re gone, they bring new life. They can become fertilizer for the flowers, and become one with them. So Myulmang is no longer a butterfly. He has given up his existence as a butterfly to help a flower, and became a flower himself. The very first flower the little goddess created.
Myulmang is a human being. His destiny is to live in her garden. As a human.
Although the little goddess didn’t know everything, she knew their destiny was to be happy. So she had hope. She had faith, that they’ll do what it takes to be happy. Even if it meant that Myulmang would no longer be by her side. But it’s okay. Because she will always be there, for her humans.
“So go. She’s waiting for you.”
His eyes have become soft.
“I’m… happy. Because I can see her again.”
“Ive always wanted to see you smiling. I’m okay, note that I’ve seen your smile.”
Before he leaves, she gives him an umbrella. Because it’s raining on the other side.
“Happy birthday.”
And he smiles.
“잘가, 사람아.”
“Goodbye, Human.”
Dongkyung’s day is like any other. She narrates how she smiles, gets mad, and gets bored. She lives a normal day, pays off her student loan, sees her picture with Myulmang, crosses the street, and walks. Because that’s life. She sometimes looks at people, just in case Myulmang is one of them, with another face. Her bus comes, and she gets on it. Rain starts poring, but she’s got not umbrella this time.
Staring at the window, she wishes Myulmang takes her hand if they meet again, even it it’s just for a bit.
The bus stops abruptly.
She can fall.
Someone takes her hand.
It’s Myulmang, whose eyes are soft.
It’s Myulmang, whose hair is black.
It’s Myulmang, whose grip never doubts.
“Did you bring an umbrella? It’s raining outside.”
“What are you?”
“The one who holds your hand.”
And he smiles, tenderly, because his smile is for her, in this new life he got when sacrificing for her without thinking it twice. As a human.
Episode 14: here.
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It is time to watch DAYS’ 15th episode.
Wish me luck.
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I may or may not have recorded myself singing Inguk's soundtrack for DAYS.
It may or may not come out on Monday.
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Okay but imagine the love of your life falling for someone who’s supposed to be meant for them right in front of your eyes. Cruelty.
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Did I watch today’s My Roommate Is A Gumiho episode and then almost cried because both of them love each other so much but that damned senior apparently is her soulmate and now I’m sad? Yes.
Did I laugh because Wooyeo was told that he maybe has sexual desire for Dam? Hell, yes. Kiyong KNOWS how to act, and his face is an international treasure.
Did I want to punch the air when Dam was too sad because Wooyeo was not touching her at all? Of course I did. Poor Dam. Hyeri never disappoints.
Anyway, I know a lot of people like the senior and whatsoever but, come on, NOW that it is known that they’re “meant to be” Dami suddenly likes him better? Don’t make me cry, she didn’t even like him around an episode ago. Don’t do this to her…
Don’t do this to Wooyeo!!ㅠㅠㅠ
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I had never been so scared of a kissing scene but also can I say that Kiyong ROCKS those good-guy-with-bad-guy-tendencies characters? I’m in love.
Also, I did say that I was scared of that kissing scene, but, honestly, that was pretty hot of Kiyong. Not so much of Wooyeo cause he was totally eating her up in a creepy way, but???? Kiyong, sir????
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