j2rules · 10 months
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j2rules · 11 months
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¡First of all I want to say that I don't think they're emotionally detached, I know a lot of people think that shit, but I think those people don't have eyes in their faces. All the nonsense about not being friends anymore and all that shit, I'm not going to accept it on my profile, because it's bullshit. Learn to forgive and leave the past behind friends!
Anyways, answering to @andreafowler66 :
Like I have shown on previous posts they are all the time together, touching each other, and all this precious stuff that J2 always make.
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But the last years I have noticed that they sometimes seem to doubt before making it, not always, another times they touch each other witouth hesitation. But sometimes I feel that they feel insecure of touching each other in front of the camera. And this is so important, In front of the camera, because the stories that fans tell of the Js behind cameras, which I have read or heard, they treat each other like always.
For example:
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The reason? Well, my opinion I think they realized that they were showing off too much and that it was time to slow down, but you can see how they are trying to resist, especially in Jared, who is more gesturally expressive. It is really sad and at the same time beautiful to see how they attract each other like two planets in orbit but that they refuse to show themselves as they really are together.
I think they are waiting, to their kids grow up, to be themselves, without disturbing their kids life. Remember the children are very cruel and they live in Texas, as Stephen said:
I have nothing against Texas, don't get me wrong. What I want to say is that it is a more conservative, religious country, etc.
Keep in mind Jared's answer for how would be his heaven:
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"Being free to love and support whoever is around me and vice versa"
(So Jared is that your heaven? So you're supposed to be able to do that in life, what's stopping you?)
And All our own: (Radio Company's song)
"I don't want to be the one to say it's wrong
When the heavens open and a new day comes along
I know I would rather be together alone
In a big top circle and a world we can call our own
It's all our own"
(So Jensen is not able to love freely either? SUSPICIOUS)
So yeah, I think they are only trying to be careful, but it's hard for them because they love each other too much.
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Just look at the way they look at each other, for god's sake
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And the other question:
Gen and Jared's vacation. From my point of view they are friends and they have to pretend they are in love. In addition, Gen is an influencer, she needs content for the social media. I think Gen and Jared are great friends, if they weren't she couldn't be his beard, they have been sharing their lives and children for 13 years, they have to be friends and have a good relationship.
I also think that they must have established by contract some points to keep their relationship healthy. A good example would be taking trips together, sharing things like that.
Here is a video of a drunk Gen saying that by contract she has to see Jared at least every two weeks
This is the experience of @takikojou meeting Jared and Gen, so you can understand better my point
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j2rules · 1 year
what the hell... i'm literally crying at this
What would be Jared's and Jensen's perfect heaven?
I wanted to talk about this video because it has some things that I love:
"Being around friends and family and loved ones... Hopefully in the mountains somewhere, maybe skiing"
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"Just being free to love and support everyone around me and vice versa"
Freedom (Definition): the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants).
Wait, last time I checked Jared was married, happily and publicly, why can't he love the way he wants? Isn't he supposed to already do it?
Maybe it has something to do with the way you look at your friend? Like if you want to kiss him in front of everyone? Maybe...
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"You know there's a lot of sort of strife lately, obviously, with everybody...It's a tough spot right now, you know, people loosing their jobs, people being out of work, loosing homes, loosing the ability to mortgage, loosing loved ones...It's becomes such a boiling pot where people want to lash out because they are hurting and that's understandable, they are hurting and that sucks. But I'm always happiest substantially when they just can be let's try and focus on positive because I believe when I focus on the negative I get into the bad place too. So just focus on positive and loving those around you, sounds like heaven"
The covid thing had nothing to do with the heaven thing but he brought it out, I dont know why, but the important part is the last quote. "So just focus on positive and loving those around you, sounds like heaven."
Again he remarks "it sounds like", so he doesn't know what it's like to have that in real life. Suspicious for a man with a perfect marriage.
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"Water park"
They make jokes about Jensen's answer but the important thing in my opinion is the last part of this video.
"The rollercoaster, you know, that moment when you go chichichichi, right there, that's where I want to be, after the clicking, before the drop...Heaven"
Do you know that he had already used the metaphor of the roller coaster? Do you know who his roller coaster is? Yes, Jared, his relationship with Jared.
So if Heaven=roller coaster / Relationship with Jared=roller coaster -> Heaven=Jared
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j2rules · 1 year
Let's analyze this masterpiece!
Jensen singing
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2. Jay appears
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3. After Jay says hello to someone he starts to walk to Jensen. Jensen sings to him while he alerts Jay they are being recorded.
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4. Jay stops walking after Jensen has gestured him they are being recorded
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5. Someone calls Jay
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-Why is Jensen gesturing to Jared pointing at the camera as Jared approaches him? do they have to pretend in front of a camera?
They deserve so much more. They shouldn't have to hide their love. I hate this world
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j2rules · 1 year
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All the convention panels Jared and Jensen had together over the past 12 years ♥ This is for Kylie - Happy Birthday!
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j2rules · 1 year
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Jared: “You’re the only ten I see.”
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Jared: “[Jensen’s] a rock star.”
Jensen: “HE’S a rock star. Look at this guy!”
Again I say-
Find yourself a human who talks to you the way Jared and Jensen talk to each other.
I mean…it’s just…there’s just SO so much…
For example:
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Jensen: “I think you look amazing.”
(in response to Jared’s ‘I’m not feeling so hot’ ❤️)
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Jared (to Jensen, in case that wasn’t obvious): “That one time when you were so handsome, how did you handsome so much?
Note: we could never even begin to actually cover the sheer mind-blowing number of times the Js have called each other handsome, beautiful, good looking, etc. etc. Just search those words on my page and you’ll have somewhat of an idea!
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Jensen: “I love you. You look fantastic.”
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Jared: “Only one pretty dude in my world.”
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Even though it’s not a verbal example, I absolutely have to include the adorable-ness of this moment (about the most important things to come from SPN…each other…like….😭❤️).
Edit: that’s Misha’s hand on the far left as he awkwardly tries to be part of the interaction. LOL.
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Jared calling Jensen a DILF (Dad I’d like to fuck).
Tehe 😏
ANNNND finally…
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Jensen calling Jared ‘this hot chick’. 💕
The hot chick wave, though!!!
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j2rules · 1 year
this is a list of 100% true things jared and jensen said to/about each other:
“this guy is smoking hot. i can’t play his brother.” [x]
“i don’t kiss jensen… in public.” [x] 
“he screams really loud.” [x]
“i love you.” - “i love you too.” [x]
“sing it, daddy!” [x]
“it’s he and i - all day, all night.” [x]
“kiss me.” [x]
“honey, i’m home.” - “yes, you are. come here, you sexy thing.” [x]
“i missed your musk.” [x]
“i miss your musk.” [x]
“you are MY thor.” [x]
“i need you here. i need you. I NEED YOU.” [x]
“i like to pause it when jensen takes his shirt off.” [x]
“i love jensen.” [x]
fan: “i fell in love with jensen in ‘dark angel’.” - “didn’t we all.” [x]
“i love him.” [x]
“he’ll be a part of my life for the rest of my life.” [x]
“can you tie my tie?” [x]
“i wanna be the beast.” - “congratulations, i guess that makes me the beauty.” [x]
“i can’t do this without you.” [x]
“he’ll give massages a lot of the time when i get tense.” - “he gets tense a lot.” [x]
“so, i jerk off jensen onto the ground. and then give him a shot to the face?” [x]
“sometimes i’m like, “in my trailer, now!” [x]
“maybe we’ll both just say “screw it!” and he and i will just open a bar somehwere.“ [x]
“jensen’s got a big old crush on me.” [x]
“why don’t you take a picture of me?” [x]
“i can’t tell you how excited i am to be filmed by you, jensen.” [x]
“i still think we need, at some point, during one of the shows, just you and me, in our boxers, playing cards in a laundromat.” [x]
fan: “if you have to choose a character to play on spn besides sam and dean, who would you chose?” - “i would play ruby because she gets to hook up with sam. and you, jensen?” - “probably ruby because she gets to-” [x]
i’ve never been more attracted to your torso. [x]
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j2rules · 1 year
Have we become too loud?
A conversation with some friends prompted me to speak out about a matter that’s been keeping me quiet for a while now. I think some of us, myself included, have become callously outspoken about our beliefs. I wonder if this general sense of outrage is the result of such a lovely era ending and another, a much less pleasant one, beginning. Are we still trying to get used to this new normal while grasping at the remains of Austin era that we still have? 
We’re celebrating the smallest of victories now, which is not a bad thing in itself. The other side of the coin is that we’re also nitpicking details apart. What used to be quite an easy story to follow has gone back to being a messy false narrative that needs to be deconstructed so it can be understood. It’s disappointing to see them take three steps back. I really do get frustrated by how things are - I’m not immune to this stuff either.
However, I don’t think we’re doing a great service to the J’s when we’re repeatedly pointing out the flaws in their bearding. What if we’re giving the PR forces some free tips instead? 
For example, how much talk do you think Jared’s strained face in “coupley” pictures with G can bear before he’s bullied into applying his blinding grin? He could fake it, just like I’m sure you can give the camera your best smile when the situation calls for it, but he doesn’t. If we keep pointing this out in masses, how long do you think it will take before he receives some strong advice from PR?
I get it. I really do. Seeing him like that enforces our beliefs, and while supporting the J’s shouldn’t be about how we (the fans) feel, we all have egos and we want to be right. Rubbing our thoughts and observations in everyone else’s faces continuously just doesn’t seem like a helpful strategy to me. Shaking the closet of two men who are probably contract-bound to it doesn’t feel like such a good idea right now, especially since they seem to be in the process of enforcing it. 
Does a happy medium even exist? Is there a way we can show our love and support without being mildly threatening? How can we tell them that we see them while not challenging the narrative that they’re pushing? 
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j2rules · 1 year
Lana Del Rey wallpapers
they're made by me so plz credit if you repost
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j2rules · 1 year
Feel your heartbeat.
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Too intimate for just best friends don't you think?
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j2rules · 1 year
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Jen smiles like a 15 y/o girl.
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j2rules · 1 year
me too
and if there's not, we'd build one by ourselves
I wanna know if there's a J2 tinhat discord server 🥺
I really wanna join in😭
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j2rules · 1 year
"But I have whiskey from Jensen Ackles."
and more than that .
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j2rules · 1 year
Jensen Ackles&Jared Padalecki
Wallpapers made by me
do not repost on other platform
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sweet babies❤️
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j2rules · 1 year
some RNR computer wallpapers made by me
DO NOT REPOST on other platform
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j2rules · 1 year
DO NOT REPOST on other platform
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j2rules · 1 year
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J2 | Toronto 2022
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