jadeninablog-blog · 5 years
conclusion and overall thoughts
Over the past five weeks I have been developing healthy habits to last a lifetime. Each and everyday for the duration of this project, I tried my best to walk 8,000 steps, drink 8 glasses, and sleep 8 hours. While it was difficult at first, I finally persevered and managed to develop good habits. I learned a myriad of different skills, including blogging, and time management. I’ve managed to better myself physically and mentally. In closing, if anyone is looking for a new passion project, try this!
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jadeninablog-blog · 5 years
week four & five
As week four comes to a close, I must write about my successes and downfalls. In stark contrast the the previous weeks, I was able to reach most of my healthy goals. One area that I didn’t do well on this week was staying hydrated. On some of the days, I forgot to drink even four glasses. I’ve also noticed that I actually start breaking out more this week. Could the instagram self-care threads be right? On my last blog post, I wrote a day by day outlook on the week. I noticed that said format was harsh on the eyes and I’m going to try something new this time.
TLDR: I reached more goals than the previous week, didn’t drink as much water, skin started breaking out more
Week five is the final week of my 20Time project. I’m both excited and upset for it to end. Over this past week, I feel that I accomplished what I had set out to do. I fixed my sleep schedule, regularly sleeping and waking earlier than I had ever before. My hydration still could use more work, but I am hoping to fix that in the New Year. My step-count goal is still getting there. In the summer, I hope to reach over 10,000 steps a day. All in all, these two weeks were much better than the last. I’m feeling more energized throughout the day, and my skin is clearing up. Be sure to stay tuned for a conclusion post very soon!
TLDR: Very much better than all of my weeks. Drank OK amounts of water. Sleeping schedule is great. Almost reaching my step counts.
Thanks for taking your time to read this.
See you next time,
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jadeninablog-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
As the month of November comes to a close, I must write my fortnightly blog entry for my 20Time project. The following is a detailed run-through of weeks two and three.
Week Two was the first week of trying to reach my healthy goals and suffice to say, it was quite difficult.
On the first day, I woke up at around 8. I drank 8 cups of water, slept 8 hours and 50 minutes, and walked a mere 5,364 steps. Something notable is that I had the hiccups multiple times that day. I think it’s because of all the water I’d been drinking. I went to sleep at 10:45pm.
The second day was a little better. I woke up at 7:50am, and I felt well rested. Usually in the morning I stay in bed as long as possible but that day, I woke up and I was ready to start my morning. I drank only 7 cups of water. My step count was 6,786. I fell asleep at 11:15pm.
I was starting to begin a routine on day three. I woke up at 7:45am and went downstairs immediately. I drank a total of 6 cups and walked a total of 7,780 steps. That night, I went to sleep at 11:30pm.
When I woke up at 7:30 on the fourth morning, I was excited to see the golden hour! Usually I don’t wake up early enough to see the miracle that is the golden hour, but I was lucky enough to catch it. It was beautiful. I drank a total of 7 glasses of water. I walked 4,922 steps. I went to bed at 10:30pm.
I slept extra long that night, because it was a P.A day. I woke up at 9:00am. I went Black Friday shopping with my dad. I drank only 6 glasses of water and walked only 3835 steps. I slept at 12:00am. I broke my routine of sleeping early.
Saturday morning came and I woke up at 8:00am. I drank 6 glasses of water and walked 2,217 steps. That night I also went to sleep at 12:00am.
I woke up at 9:30, drank 8 glasses of water, and walked a pathetic 545 steps. I went to bed at 12:00am.
Week three was a little better and I managed to reach some of my step goals, unlike the previous week.
I woke up quite late after school had started at 9:30am. This shows that bad habits are easily formed but they’re hard to break. I drank 9 glasses and walked only 4,991 steps. I went to sleep at 11:30pm.
I woke up earlier this morning at 7:30am. I drank 8 glasses of water and walked 8,530. This would be the first time I reached my step goal of 8,000. I slept at 11:30pm again.
I woke up at 8:00am, and I drank 9 glasses of water. I reached my step goal again today and walked an astounding 8,625 steps. I slept earlier that night at 10:30pm.
I woke up at 7:30 and drank 8 cups of water. I walked 4,731 steps and slept at 11:00pm.
Again, I woke up at 7:30. I drank 9 cups of water and walked a total of 5,932 steps. I slept later at 11:30pm.
Saturday morning! I had the pleasure to wake up at 9:30am. I drank only 7 cups of water but walked an impressive 8,116 steps. I slept VERY late at 1:00am.
I woke up later at 10:30am and drank 8 cups of water. I walked 5,650 steps and slept at 10:30.
All in all, these past two weeks have been a challenge. I haven’t consistently hit my step goals and in the next two weeks I will strive to hit them. Perhaps I will walk on my treadmill while watching Netflix.
(image is my journal!)
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jadeninablog-blog · 6 years
week one
Hello friends! Today is the end of week one of my 20Time project. My goals for this week were to complete my blog, get the hang of using Tumblr, and complete my bullet journal to track my progress. 
I definitely wouldn’t consider my blog complete. In the future, I might change the theme into something more aesthetically pleasing. Let me know if you know any good themes or good theme artists! 
As for getting the hang of using Tumblr, I’ve learned the basics of how to get around the site. I tried to find the app on my phone but it apparently got removed from the app store the day I tried to find it. Very inconvenient. 
Bullet journalling is a new place for me. I’ve tried and failed to do it previously. With the help of some friends, I finally finished my sleep, step, and hydration journal. Expect to see that in the future! 
Thanks everyone for reading. I hope to see you next Sunday!! 😊
- Jaden
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jadeninablog-blog · 6 years
Having peace, happiness, and healthiness is my definition of beauty. And you can't have any of that without sleep
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jadeninablog-blog · 6 years
Hello friends! Welcome to my blog. I’ll be writing about my journey to a better lifestyle. I’m trying to improve my life by walking 8,000 steps, drinking eight cups of water, and sleeping 8 hours each of every day for the duration of around five weeks. I hope to see you there! 🤩
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