jobsystem-blog · 5 years
hey, i’m probably not gonna be on this blog much ftr (it’s complicated but basically im dealing with identity shit)
there is another blog i will be using, so if you want it, lmk!
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
hey, i’m probably not gonna be on this blog much ftr (it’s complicated but basically im dealing with identity shit)
there is another blog i will be using, so if you want it, lmk!
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
hey, i’m probably not gonna be on this blog much ftr (it’s complicated but basically im dealing with identity shit)
there is another blog i will be using, so if you want it, lmk!
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
The following is a call from the Wet-suwet’en nation to participate a new resistance camp in the Spring. For more info, go here.
Likhts’amisyu Spring Construction Camp APRIL 28, 2019 – MAY 18, 2019 The Likhts’amisyu Clan, one of the five clans of the Wet’suwet’en Nation, will soon be asserting their sovereignty by creating a new, permanent land reclamation on their territory. In doing so, they are requesting support with their upcoming Spring Construction Camp, scheduled to begin on April 28th, 2019.
It is important that people realize that this fight is far from over. The events of December and January should be regarded as one phase in a struggle that has been going on for a decade. A new phase of struggle will begin in the Spring of this year, and it may prove to be the decisive one. Part of the strategy is to stymie CGL by blocking them at multiple points. Whereas at the beginning of December, there was one resistance camp on Wet’suwet’en territory, there are now three, and a fourth will be beginning soon. We encourage all committed land defenders to plan to participate in the struggle on Wet’suwet’en territory this Spring and Summer.
The Sovereign Likhts’amisyu Camp benefit from the leadership of two renown warrior chiefs, Smolgelgem and Dsahayl. Smolgelgem (also known as Toghestiy and Warner Naziel) co-founded the Unist’ot’en Camp and has been a driving force in the Wet’suwet’en resistance, and in the indigenous sovereignty movement of Turtle Island. Dsahayl, also a Likhts’amisyu chief, has decades of experience fighting for Wet’suwet’en rights, particularly in regards to fishing and conservation. The two of them are organizing with the full support of their clan behind them.
The new Likhts’amisyu Camp will be strategically located in order to impede the ability of the Coastal GasLink corporation to force their pipeline through Wet’suwet’en land. The chiefs state: “We will be building permanent buildings on our territory in an effort to assert our precolonial rights and jurisdiction on our lands. We will be asking for help from volunteers to assist in fundraising, building a cabin, a kitchen dining and a bunk house, and also the associated outbuildings.
We plan on the Construction Period being between April 28th until May 18th. This initiative will likely start with site prep before April 28, 2019 with site preparation and logistical planning. It will also likely continue after May 18, 2019, with finishing off the construction projects. We are looking for people who have carpentry, electrical, and log construction experience. We are also willing to invite people who have little to no experience with any construction trade skills but who are solid and willing to help out with the construction projects.
This is a great opportunity to learn new skills off of skilled trades people. We also hope to start a large garden on the site for growing food. First Aid skills and Cooking skills are also essential personnel to have at our camp.” We are also requesting help in other areas as well, such as fund-raising. If you would like to offer assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch. For more information, please visit www.likhtsamisyu.com or email [email protected] and/or [email protected].
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
hey, i’m probably not gonna be on this blog much ftr (it’s complicated but basically im dealing with identity shit)
there is another blog i will be using, so if you want it, lmk!
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
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The father of a South Carolina girl who died after a fight in her classroom last week made a public plea Monday for answers about what happened to his daughter.
Ten-year-old Raniya Wright died Wednesday, two days after she was injured when a fight broke out at Forest Hills Elementary School in Walterboro – a town of 5,100 people about an hour’s drive west of Charleston.
A week after the fatal injuries, authorities still haven’t told Raniya’s father exactly what happened or what kind of injuries the fifth-grader suffered.
“I’m here today looking for justice for my daughter,” Jermaine Van Dyke told reporters at a news conference Monday. “I want just to find out what happened, how it happened, and who was involved.”  
What we know about the fight and Raniya’s injuries
Raniya suffered serious injuries when a fight broke out March 25 in her classroom, school officials said. It’s not clear what led to the confrontation.
Officials said they stopped the fight, and Raniya was taken to the school nurse’s station. According to a sheriff’s office incident report, Raniya was unconscious when paramedics arrived and they took her to a nearby hospital. Later she was airlifted to the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, where she died Wednesday.
Colleton County Sheriff’s Office said two fifth-grade students were involved in the fight, which authorities described as a “physical altercation” that did not involve weapons.
Authorities have not said exactly how Raniya was injured, or what kind of injuries she suffered.
Medical University of South Carolina performed Raniya’s autopsy on Friday, but results will not be released for several weeks, said the sheriff’s office and Duffie Stone, the solicitor for the 14th Judicial Circuit in South Carolina.
There have been no arrests, and authorities have not filed any criminal charges in connection with Raniya’s death, the sheriff’s office said. Stone said it was premature to assume there will be any criminal charges filed.
What the school district has said
The Colleton County School Board made its first comments about Raniya’s death after a special meeting Thursday to discuss the incident, CNN affiliate WCSC reported.
“Our board and district have received multiple requests for information,” School Board Chairman Tim Mabry said in a prepared statement, according to WCSC.
“Due to the ongoing investigation and student privacy laws, we cannot share specific details at this time.”
The lack of information angered attendees at the news conference and Raniya’s family.
“We’ve been extremely disappointed,” said Mark Peper, an attorney for Raniya’s father.
“We’ve made multiple attempts to contact both law enforcement and the school district. We heard late Friday evening from the attorney for the school district that was brought on board. Unfortunately, he didn’t have many answers.”
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Not good enough, NOT acceptable. A child is dead, what happened? Someone has the answer to this poor father’s questions. They TOO should be charged if a cover-up is what’s going on here.
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
hey, i’m probably not gonna be on this blog much ftr (it’s complicated but basically im dealing with identity shit)
there is another blog i will be using, so if you want it, lmk!
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
Despite what liberals say, an ‘x’ marker on government identification is not a step forward for trans and nonbinary inclusion, it is a creation of a masterlist of trans and/or nonbinary people, it is just another chance to be mistreated and catalogued by a government that does not want us to exist. A true ‘step forward’ for trans and nonbinary inclusion would be the removal of gender markers from all government documentation.
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
not trying to target ppl who don’t know how to socialize but a tip is that “banter” that’s sorta mean isn’t a good way to make friends with someone.
if you and your established friends tease each other, that’s one thing. my friends and I rip on each other all the time. but if you’re not friends with someone already you’re not gonna know what their sore spots are so just going in with a “fun” insult probably won’t land well.
this seems obvious to me but the number of people here who message me something rude or downright mean or call me like “bitch” or “slut” or make fun of me but who are so CLEARLY actually trying to start a conversation and become friends is actually shocking.
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
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I love mary lambert with every cell in my body
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
i just want to thank all those who’ve destroyed me into the person i am today
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
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On Trans Day of Visibility, we lost another Black trans woman, this time in the DC-area. It’s heartbreaking that in a day meant to uplift our humanity and the value of our lives, someone stole Ashanti Carmon’s There aren’t a lot of details yet, but I will update as they are released. Please pray for justice and healing for Ashanti Carmon’s family. #SayHerName
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
the reason 99% of this website has “no terfs” in their descriptions and yet transmisogynist ideas run so rampant is that almost no cis lgb people on this website know actually what transmisogyny is and what terfs actually want.
like you see thousands of those annoying “respect trans women juice” and no actual thinking about what it actually means. and i think that’s partly because of the name we use - trans exclusionary radical feminists. what does being “trans exclusionary” means ? the problem of terfs isn’t that they “exclude” trans women, it’s what they think of trans women.
because… a lot of transmisogynists are trans ! usually some version of afab-non-binary-transmasc-adjacent-lesbian-or-bi. so when you call them terfs, they say they can’t be trans exclusionary, since they are trans. and they also reblog trans women’s donation posts or news about harassment, they usually don’t deny that trans women are women, they also protest the bathroom bill, they also criticize the gender binary system. so everyone cheers, and since terfs don’t do those things, it means they are ok.
but they still adhere to a worldview of “women and trans women”, so to speak. that trans women’s gender are “trans women”. that being a trans woman is in itself a particular position of gender. which means that they don’t include trans women butches when they talk about butches, for example. they don’t include trans women when they talk about women’s problems. trans women have their own problems, their own experience, that is distinct from women.
so, big news ! if you ever, in any case, use the words lesbian, butches, women, etc. and you don’t include trans lesbians, trans butches and trans women in this discussion, then you’re a transmisogynist. that’s it ! saying “no terfs” isn’t enough. you need to include trans women in your worldview, in your feminism, in how you talk about women, all the time, and not only when talking about trans issues. anything else will get you a bunch of crypto-terfs followers.
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
Trump doesn’t seem to realize we use foreign aid to keep countries dependent on us, he doesn’t seem to realize countries being dependent on the US is literally the world order we’ve imposed, and what we’ve attempted to achieve. Like, he seriously fails to understand that America’s hegemony is supplemented by the fact so many countries rely on our imperialist presence and aid. Like, this isn’t us getting fucked over, this aid is them getting fucked over.
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
how depressing that “woman is not a natural category” seems to have gone from being a pretty central pillar of serious feminist thought, or at the very least a highly influential idea that feminists had to contend with, to being almost completely absent, all because these women realised it would interfere with their transmisogyny which they would rather not deal with. and meanwhile they style themselves as if they are actually returning to some mythical golden age of original and true feminism that we have strayed from due to degeneracy i mean the trans cult
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jobsystem-blog · 5 years
we just checked in on the #australia tag after a break and now we remember why we went on the break in the first place.
forever yours,
the tumbeasts
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