Hi everybody.
So I wanted to let you guys know I’m putting this blog on a semi-hiatus for now. My other muses are screaming at me, and I can’t seem to find my Geoff muse anywhere. Plus I have college stuff to worry about, and tumblr is being slow enough already. If you need me, I’ll be on littleluciaholmes and magicwomanwithabox. ily guys and I'm sorry I'm so awful at multi-tasking! *hugs*
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(ノ⊙ヮ⊙)ノ — SENPAI
(ノ◕‿◕)ノ— I love your blog
(●﹏●✿) — I don’t talk to you, but stalk enjoying your blog from a distance
( ╹◡╹) — Want to be friends
(¬_¬) — Hate/Jealous of you/blog
(✖╭╮✖) — Dead to me
(≧▽≦) — You give me feels
(●ω●✿) — A starter, maybe?
✧*:・゚Send me one! ✧*:・゚
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| Human!furniturelock | Edward the Desk Conrad the Laptop Krushnic the Riding Crop Westwood the Suit Rif the Sniper Rifle Hamish the Sweater Royal the Scarf Milford the Belstaff Bartholomew the Deerstalker Prudence the Violin Sandy the Skull James the Magnifying Glass Geoff the Armchair Haru the Nightstand Bella the Umbrella Shezza the Armchair
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Our characters have just accidentally killed someone! What do we do now?
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Geoff sniffed, his eyebrows furrowing in anger and confusion. "Wha... Why would you say that?! You tried to take him away from me, a-and now you suggest... That I stay?!"
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"I didn’t do anything. He fell in love with me. I promise I’m taking good care of him - if it bothers you so much, why don’t you simply stay with us?"
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Geoff couldn't take the way Mary spoke to him. He didn't really know what he expected when he broke into the Watson's flat to confront her. Actually, he expected to have strangled her by now, or thrown her out. But for some strange reason, he couldn't bring himself to do it. He just stood there, fists clenched, body shaking. Nonetheless, he lowered his voice to a hiss, ot wanting to wake the sleeping child. "There's no way John would ever have left if you hadn't hypnotised him. That's the only explanation for any of this." He felt tears brimming his eyes, but he ignored them, trying to stay strong.
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"… … . so help me if you wake the baby with your shouting. I just got her to sleep." She seethed, immediately retracting with her tiny, new daughter nestled in her arms. "I’m not trying to take him away from anyone, and I don’t appreciate you accusing me of doing so. I love John Watson more than my entire being - and it isn’t wise to threaten me."
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"Damn straight, you don't!" Geoff was getting angrier by the minute. The more Mary spoke, the more his blood boiled. "I'm sick of you are your lies, I'm sick of you trying to take him away from me, and I'm sure as hell sick of you fucking existing in the same breathing space as him! I'm done waiting for him to see what an awful excuse for a human being you are, so back off now before I make you!"
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"… . witchcraft?" Mary arched a brow. "I know I don’t deserve him; it’s a thought I consider every day when I wake up next to him. "I love him.”
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Geoff stopped to take a breath after the song ended. He wasn't used to feeling tired, but there was something about it that he liked. He felt active, like all this movement was doing really good things to his body.
He turned around casually only to find Haru in the doorway, giggling at him. Honestly, he was way too hyperactive to be embarressed. He beamed at xer, running over and grabbing xer hands. "Hey, come on! It's really fun!" He dragged xer out into the middle of the room as another song came on. It was AVICII's "Wake Me Up", a thrilling beat, though not as strong as the last one. Perfect for a swing dance.
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Haru moved xer way downstairs after the pop music ended up blasting at 10%  volume.  It literally shook the floor of the flat, so obviously the nightstand wanted to know what was going on.  Walking down to the main sitting room, where the music was still louder, xe couldn’t quite believe xer eyes.
Geoff what the fuck are you doing
The nightstand dissolved into a fit of laughter that was lost into the blasting music, and after a while the strange sight seemed a bit more normal.  After all, the armchair looked like he was having the time of his life, and Haru didn’t want to disturb.
Nevertheless, xe stood happily in the doorway, bouncing to the beat and purely content to watch him do… honestly Haru didn’t even know what that was. 
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OOC:  Mun this is the most golden idea ever okay.  Just fml that is so cute.  Storm is a dummy and doesn’t have any gifs of Aimee dancing, no matter where I look but I think this random person looks a bit like her?  Well the coloring is weird so I guess it’s the thought…
Rambling, hate when I ramble.
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"How dare you take him away from me with your... Your bloody witchcraft! You don't deserve him, you know that? And you sure as hell don't care about him as much as I do!"
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"How dare you assume that I don’t love John."
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Geoff shrugged again, not sure how to respond. "Well, I've never really done anything for Valentine's Day before... I haven't really thought about it, to be honest."
His eyes widened a bit once Sandy's proposal had processed. Oh. Oh. He pointed to his chest awkwardly, simply staring at the former skull for a while. "...Me?"
She shrugged, hopping down and sitting on the floor, “Because it’s valentines day? I dunno.. thought you might be doing something with Brella.. or Haru… or.. I dunno,” She cleared her throat, shifting awkwardly, “I was just wondering— if you were doing nothing— then, uh, maybe you could, possibly, if you want—”
She blushed, “—be my valentine?
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Geoff did his best to put her instructions into action as he slowly let go of the mantle. He wasn't afraid of anything, he was just worried about making a fool of himself in front of Sandy. The two didn't always get along, especially since they both had grudges against each others' "favorite humans", and Geoff usually did all he could to avoid having Sandy laugh at him. Still, he couldn't help but notice how uncharacteristically nice she was being to him.
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"'Kay," he muttered as he began to take one step at a time. Again, his legs felt pretty wobbly, but with some effort it wasn't all that bad. Then he made the horrible mistake of stepping on his own foot, causing him to stumble. So close! He nearly cursed under his breath.
Furniturelock: Human M!A
❝I was human- remember? A skull.❞ She grinned, ❝Look, just don’t think too much, just move. Be fluid. Natural. Be human.❞ Sandy held out her hand to him again, ❝I got you, even if you fall.❞ She promised, glad to be able to move once more; she used to be a dancer, enjoyed running, too. So to be able to do so once more was a godsend, truly. ❝You’ll be fine, I promise.❞
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Geoff was pretty nocturnal. He prefered the night much more than he did the day. During the day he had to deal with a lot of noisy people walking around him, lounging in him, standing on him; Not that he minded the sitting part, that's what he was here for. But he liked relishing the quiet of the night. It was peaceful. He could just exist, and nothing bad could happen to him.
Despite preferring the silence, he actually rather enjoyed the heavy pitter-patter of the rain against the house. The thunder was unexpected, but Geoff thought the low rumbling was actually a bit nice to listen to. He liked nature, looking at it, hearing it. It reminded him of his time at the junk yard. Some would argue being stuck in a pile of trash for a year would have been horrifying, but honestly it was one of his favorite periods of his life. He liked being out in the open air and experiencing.
Of course, if he had to choose between that and serving John Watson, he'd choose John in a heartbeat.
One sound he didn't enjoy very much was the faint wimpering coming from the bedroom. There was really only one person Geoff could think of who could be making that noise. Geoff couldn't just sit there knowing one of his best friends was upset. He felt a strong urge to go check up on xer. So that's exactly what he did.
Quickly morphing into a human, he tip-toed across the kitchen as quietly as possible, careful not to wake anything. He slowly cracked the door open and poked his head in to see Haru shaking and crying on the floor. "Har? Are you okay?" He asked quietly, shutting the door behind him and turning on the light.
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M!A with John-Watsons-Armchair
          Haru was normally fearless, or at least pretended to be.  Not much scared xer, and that was how the nightstand liked it, considering the furniture couldn’t control themselves when they were scared, hurt, or angry.  They would automatically change forms, and that was the part Haru hated most out of her fear of thunderstorms.  Xe had to calm down to change back to the way xe was born.
          In all truth, the nightstand knew it was silly, that thunder wasn’t going to hurt xer, but that didn’t change the way it left Haru shaking, sweating and utterly terrified.  The way it would scare xer stiff, crying.  God xe hated it, just a boom and a flashing light would turn the normally hard-shelled table into a shaking mess, weak.  That’s not how xe wanted it, but xe was just glad nobody else knew about it.
        So naturally, the overly rainy city of London wasn’t ideal for xer.
        The calm night and gentle huffing of even, deep breaths just barely heard filled the air of the flat bedroom.  For once, the flat wasn’t filled with the chaos and hussle that seemed to follow Sherlock Holmes, and so Haru was sound asleep in the orderly room that neither the consulting detective or his blogger had gone in for quite a while.
       That’s when the rain started to fall.  Just a drizzle at first. Soon, pitter pattering and tapping on the windows soon erupted into  pouring rain, and a flash of lightning through the drapes of the windows that was soon followed by a crashing boom loud enough to shake the house.  Haru bolted up, wide eyed and gasping in shock at the sudden and rather rude awakening. Shaking wildly and already crying-though the nightstand hated xeself for it as xe brushed the hair from the now-forced human form’s face, Haru ended up cowering in the corner, sobbing and attempting to stifle them in xer arms.
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Now accepting formal applications to be my valentine.
Name: Age: Height: Location: Interests: Why do you want to be my valentine:
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Males go here
No Gender go here
Reblog if you are a FEMALE rper.
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Reblog if it's ok to tag you in RP ideas I think you might like
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