justautumns · 10 years
The festive nature has always created a peaceful surrounding for the young girl. Autumn has been sheltered for all her life, never going out of her social circle which consists of three people, including her mother. Although, parades and festivals always seemed to get her out of her shell. Socializing about the matching bands with the people around her was something she always looked forward to. Until now — Riley wasn't the best company, even the dog was better and she couldn't even communicate with humans. Normally, Autumn would plainly refuse and throw a complete tantrum. Although, the facial expression on his face didn't seem pleased. Then, an idea popped into her head as she squealed once again. "I have an idea, why don't you go home and I'll stay here until it's over." she pleaded, extending her bottom lip to force a pout. She tried to be loveable and appealing as she can. Autumn figured out that she had this effect on Riley, that he couldn't say no to her. Just like most people, she's a manipulating person even though she won't admit to her actions. Autumn whimpered, tugging on his sleeve harshly. He didn't seem to be convinced and she had to go to desperate measures. Crying.
She took a deep breath, filling her mind with terrible thoughts that would easily make her cry. Suddenly, she felt tears brimming the corner of her eyes. "Please!" she cried, tears flowing down her cheeks. Autumn could tell she was drawing attention towards herself, she could feel most eyes on her. It took everything in her power to not smile through the tears, Autumn knew that he didn't like public attention if it didn't had to do anything with his business. "I can stop any time, you know." she whispered, smirking slightly then returned to crying loudly. This can go either way, he'll drag her home against her will or he'll let her stay. She didn't want to take any chances so without a word, she ran off in the other direction.
Autumn fought against the crowd, tears still flooding her vision. Finally, she was outside the crowd as she wiped her tears. Autumn looked around for a place to be alone when she spotted an empty curb. Autumn approached the curb and dusted it off before sitting down. "Let the guilt sink in." she spoke quietly, leaning back against a wall.
anything can happen || autumn & riley
Riley Rivers was about a one hundred and fifty percent sure that he would never ever get used to that high-pitched dramatic squeal. It made him cringe from time to time, however if he wasn’t so keen and drastically stubborn on maintaining is rough exterior, he may have found it cute. The way her tone raised substantially and her gaze lit up. She was like a young child. “No,” Riley objected easily. He wasn’t taking that thing into his house, it didn’t even look like a real dog, it resembled what he believed looked like an overgrown rat. “Not happening,” he insisted once more, lips pressed firmly together in an attempt to portray his most serious expression. Something that was becoming increasingly difficult with Autumn’s lighthearted attitude. Obviously it had no impact on the girl as she quickly scooped up the dog into her own arms. Scowling before exhaling a loud groan, making it known that he was unimpressed with the whole of this situation, Riley gritted his teeth.   The last thing he cared about at the moment was wrinkles. Curling his bottom lip bitterly, Riley nodded. “You did, badass,” he rolled his eyes, tone littered with sarcasm. Looking down at the their fingers tightly knit together, Riley slumped his shoulders, letting out a defeated sigh. She was dragging him around like a young child. If anyone he knew spotted him, it would be the end of Riley Rivers and his business. He would be the laughing stock of the entire city. “I don’t like parades, they’re loud and annoying.” He uttered, intent on keeping his features straight. Truth me told, he had never actually been to a parade, not since he was a young child. “Did your brother skip out on teaching you any manners?” Riley scoffed, immediately beginning to feel bad about his brash use of words. It wasn’t her fault, most newcomers to the city were usually bewildered.  The faint sound of Christmas music causing Riley to sulk further, the boy harshly bit down on his tongue, unsure of how much longer he could tolerate this. “Where are yo—” He found himself being cut off by the over affectionate dog attempting to get a taste of his face. She really had to stop doing that, running away so conveniently. His life was on a stake here, literally. Hearing her holler from ahead, Riley shifted his gaze from the puppy—who, in a matter of minutes, Riley had learned to like more than he would ever admit aloud. Catching up to Autumn after carelessly pushing through a group of people packed together like sardines, Riley let out a heavy sigh. Taken aback by the surprise embrace, Riley stared after Autumn, slightly wide-eyed. Definitely too affectionate for her own good. “Really? I had no idea.” He rolled his eyes, a sarcastic smirk brooding over his lips. “Okay, you got to see the parade. I wanna go home now.” He demanded, practically pleading like a  young child. “Please.”  He refused to take no for an answer this time around. 
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justautumns · 10 years
Squealing as loud as she could, Autumn happily clapped her hands together. Right as she was about to stand from her spot, she couldn't resist leaving her new friend behind. Although Autumn fully was aware that Riley wouldn't been keen on having take in a puppy. "Do we have to leave Stella behind? Couldn't we just take her with us then bring her back after?" She asked softy, fiddling with his thumbs as she gave him the best puppy eyes she could pull. Then she started thinking, why does she need to ask him? Sure, she had to follow his house rules but she's nineteen years old. It's not like she's planning on keeping the puppy in the apartment, so he couldn't say no either way. "I'm going take her anyways, she's too adorable and no one else can have her expect me." Autumn huffed, wiggling her hand from his grip. She scooped Stella in her arms, stroking the fur carefully. Autumn could see that Riley was just about done with foolish antics, and that made her smile. "If you keep scowling, you'll get wrinkles. I seen it happen before — trust me, it's not pretty." Autumn sauntered off without a word, leaving him behind. As she exited the building, she realized what she just done.
"Did I just steal a puppy?" She wondered out loud to herself, scratching the back of her neck. "It's not stealing if you're gonna return it, so not technically." Autumn seemed pleased with her answer as she continued walking. She tucked the puppy in one arm, and held Riley's hand in the other. "Aren't you excited for the parade?" Autumn asked, her eyebrows raised. She would never understand him honestly. How was he so bitter about everything? Max basically has the same career, but he's still full of sunshine or so she thought. His words were going in one ear and out the other, she was too focused on her thoughts and the cute puppy that nuzzling into her side. "Your name shouldn't be Riley, it should be Scrooge because you're so like him." Autumn mumbled under her breath. The nineteen year old obviously was joking around but the look on his face didn't seem too pleased.
Autumn was about to add to her point when she heard faded christmas music coming from the street ahead of them. "That must be the parade, hold Stella for a second." Without a word, she handed the puppy to Riley who didn't seem pleased. Then she took off, ignoring his words. As she turned the corner, she was greeted with a crowd of people rushing to get a better view of the wonderful floats. Autumn squealed, bolting off to the front. She carelessly pushed through the crowd before finally getting to the front. "Riley?" Autumn called out, scanning the crowd. When she spotted him, Autumn quickly left her spot to go meet halfway. "You're missing everything, it's so beautiful and I just so happy that you came here with me." Autumn rambled, grinning from ear to ear. Without warning, she quickly gave him a hug. "I'm affectionate when I'm happy." Autumn shrugged, shoving her hands in her pockets.
anything can happen || autumn & riley
Feeling nauseous under the constant movement of Autumn, Riley tipped his head back letting out a loud groan. Arms tightly crossed across his chest, Riley pressed his lips firmly together, unimpressed with Autumn’s observations of him. “I don’t,” he scoffed, turning to look at his reflection in a nearby shop. Any normal human being would be upset if they’d been cock-blocked and barfed on in the same night. The buzz of the liquor in his stomach slowly beginning to wear off, Riley sighed weakly. He was well aware that Autumn had won this battle, and knowing Riley’s tendency to give into polite, cute girls, she would most likely be winning whatever the future held in store for them. He had a rough appearance, it came with his choice of ‘career’ but he wasn’t heartless, and saying no to the doe eyed girl would be exactly that—at least, that’s what Riley would keep telling himself. “No,” Riley responded flatly. It wasn’t fun, he wanted to go home, he wanted to sleep through the night and the massive hangover that was awaiting him in the morning. “Autum—” He stopped, brows raised at the girl as she played with his lips. There really was no winning this battle.  "You’re not going to start crying," he rolled his eyes, giving his head a shake as he aimlessly followed the girl. "Ugh," he groaned once more, this one far more agitated than the last. "Fine." He agreed quickly, in an attempt to keep the girl from breaking out into a fit of tears. The last thing they really needed at that moment was any unwanted attention. Following the female into the animal shelter, Riley exhaled a long sigh, bringing his hands to cover his ears as Autumn let out a loud squeal. "Do you really have to be so loud?" He nagged, holding onto a nearby wall for support. Slowly moving over to the girl, as she looked over the dog, Riley turned to look towards Autumn impartially. He really wasn’t buy this. The cute act, it needed to end before he pulled out his hair. Max owed him his life, Riley would make sure of it. "Yeah, yeah…" Riley droned, swishing his head side to side, showing o care for the puppy in her hand. Sure it was cute, but with his vision still blurred under the intoxicant, he could barely tell the difference between a rat and what Autumn claimed to be a puppy in her hands. Sputtering a cough as the dog licked over the side of his face, Riley bit down on his tongue in an attempt to keep himself from slurring forward any unwanted obscene language, although the more time he spent with Autumn, the harder that became.  "Twenty one," he corrected, gaze lingering over his snapback on her head. She was lucky she had looks on her side or Riley would have departed long ago, taking his hat with him. Everyone knew that Riley’s snapbacks and hair were not to be meddled with; he took them too seriously for his own good. "A parade?" He repeated, pondering over the question. Parade meant people, lots of them and in all honesty it was the last thing Riley wanted to deal with at that moment but judging by the expression on the girl’s face, she wasn’t taking no for an answer. "O—Okay." He said, slouching forward as he gave her a shrug, forging a frown on his face, before running his hand over his hair. "Keep the hat, looks good on you." Riley complimented, sighing heavily before knitting his hand with hers once again. "Don’t get lost within the people, alright?" He raised his brow, motioning towards the door. "Lead the way, Princess." He mumbled, looking towards Autumn.
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justautumns · 10 years
Autumn was beyond suprised, meaning she growing on him. Autumn was one step closer to becoming friends with him, she wasn’t going to let herself down. “You know who you remind me?” she asked, adjusting the snapback as well as grabbing his wrist. “Scrooge from the Christmas Carol.” Autumn snickered, pulling him along. Autumn had no idea where they were heading, but she knew they would be just fine. Autumn sqeauled, spying an animal shelter that was open. “First stop, the animal shelter.” Without another word spoken, she struggled with dragging him towards the shelter. Who doesn’t love animals? “Riley, let’s go!” Autumn huffed, tugging him forward. Then, Autumn harshly tugged causing both of them to fall. Autumn ached, rolling on her side. She leaned over, and grabbed the snapback before ruffling his hair. “Wasn’t that fun? We turned something horrible into something fun.” Autumn claimed, giggling while dusting herself off. She noticed his frown and placed her fingers on his lips, streaching them so his frown would forcefully turn into a smile.
Autumn laughed, removing her fingers from his face. Then, she stood up from her previous position and held out her hand. “You might as well take it, or I’ll start crying.” Autumn smirked. Autumn was finding a newfound confidence, she could contorl him by embrassing him. But she wouldn’t dare do that, not on purpose at least.  Autumn wouldn’t do that to him, unless he made her very angry. Autumn swung their hands as they walked towards the shelter. With her free hand, she opened the double doors. “Warning, I might - is that a puppy?” Autumn sqeauled loudly, releasing his hand and racing towards the puppy. She scooped the puppy into her hands, softy stroking his fur. Autumn adored animals as much as anyone else, they were her company when no one else was. “I’m going to call you, Stella.” Autumn talked in a baby voice, as the puppy licked the side of her face. Autumn gestured Riley to come beside her, cooing at the puppy’s adoreness. Autumn completely awe as Stella licked the side of his face. “She likes you. Or he does, I’m never good at telling genders.” Autumn shrugged looking at Riley.
Autumn gently placed Stella onto the ground, she leaned her head onto Riley’s arm. There was a comfortable silence, something unusaul. “How old are you anyways? I’ll guess, are you twenty-three or just twenty?” Autumn asked, twirling a loose strand. Although his personaitly was hard to get used to, she had to admit he was a very attractive person. He even reminded her of David Beckham, that soccer player. “Where should we go next? I heard there’s a parade going on soon, can we stop there next?” Autumn asked, tugging on his sleeve using her puppy eyes. “I know we have thirty minutes but I really want to go.” Autumn spoke softy, adjusting the snapback.
anything can happen || autumn & riley
  Coffee? Coffee? Autumn was lucky that Riley hadn’t left her to fend for herself in the dark night. He did not chase around girls—not to fuck and definitely not to take care of but seeing as Autumn had clearly acquainted herself with Riley’s promise to Maxwell, the female was intent on taking full advantage of her newly found caretaker. “I do not need a coffee,” Riley growled through gritted teeth, fisting at the cloth of his loosely hung sweats. He was going to have muster up and sign of patience in his body. “What the fu—” Riley reached out in an attempt to snatch his stolen snapback, but instead just ended up crossing his arms tightly across his chest. Everyone knew Riley Rivers had two rules, 1. not to touch the snapbacks on his head, 2. not to touch his hair under the snapback. “I do have hair, not a rainforest of it like yours but it’s here.” He hissed, rolling his eyes before tucking his hands into the deepened pockets of his sweatpants. Well, at least she looked cute in the hat. Jumping up slightly at the sound of the female’s high pitched squeal—was she dying? Riley widened his eyes, brows perked at the female. “No, no.” The male shook his head, holding hand on in refusal. “I really don’t need you to do that.”  Frown pasted on his face, Riley glanced at the female, clearly unimpressed with whatever it was she going on about. “Yes!” He exclaimed, in response to her question. “It’s time to go home and sleep!” He perked falsely, letting out a tired groan at the end of his sentence. He had not signed up for this, in fact the second he spoke to Maxwell, he was going to get himself out of this. Breath hitching slightly as the girl fell into his lap, Riley pressed his lips firmly together, clearing his throat in a polite attempt to push Autumn away with using any bodily strength. “Trust me, it’s fine. I’m more than knowledgeable. I got a B in geography.” He spoke reassuringly, nodding weakly. He didn’t do ‘exploration’, at least not when it involved him having to navigate the city on foot while being slightly hammered. In all honesty, Riley didn’t want adventures, he wanted Autumn to do her thing while he did his. The whole plan was to not make friends with the female, and before he’d know it, she’d be back with her brother and Riley would be free to fuck whoever he wanted in the comfort of his own bedroom, without vomit covering his feet. Staring blankly at the pleading expression on her face—she was making this a lot more difficult than necessary with the way her lips joined together in creating another cute pout. Riley was known to give into the needs of cute female’s and from the looks of it, Autumn was going to be no special exception.  "What?" Riley asked, confounded by her sudden upbeat momentum. He couldn’t keep up with her, not when all he wanted to do was sleep long enough to passover the killer hangover that would hit him in the morning. Sitting across the female, arms pressed across his chest, Riley slouched his shoulders, Autumn’s words were going in through one ear and out the other. He didn’t really take much of anything the girl said seriously, seeing as she hadn’t even been able to go to the cafe across the street without Riley’s company. Gaze following the female, Riley snickered softly, he gave her about ten seconds before she turned back and decided she couldn’t do it. One, two, three…shit. She was serious. She was actually fucking serious. Practically bouncing out of his seat, Riley let out another groan, this was loud enough to attract disturbed looks in his direction. Grunting carelessly, Riley dragged his feet in Autumn’s direction. “Fine, fine. You win.” He stated, voice dull. “But you have thirty minutes. We’re going home after that, understand?” It was more of a statement than a question and if the female disagreed, Riley would have no problem throwing her over his shoulder and dragging her home if he had to. 
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justautumns · 10 years
Autumn could hear footsteps coming towards the booth, however her eyes were still closed. Autumn opened her eyes to see a rather unpleased Riley, she patted the seat beside her, gesturing to sit with her. “Somebody needs a coffee, probably one with extra sugars.” She teased, sipping from her warm frappucino which was delivered before he even came. His attitude was completely boring to the young nineteen year old, he lived in one of the most exciting places on earth and his life was utterly bland. All he does is the same boring routine, involving sexual acts with woman and selling drugs. Autumn hummed under her breath, stirring her frappucino with her straw. “You’re so boring, all you do is act grumpy all the time. Riley, you live in Calaforina. Don’t you ever want to explore for once or even get out of that stuffy apartment?” Autumn expressed, raising an eyebrow. Being bland wasn’t her, she’s been sheltered for half of her life. Autumn doesn’t need to be sheltered for ten more years. Autumn eyed his snapback before snatching it from his head and onto hers. “I don’t get why you wear this. Aren’t you suppose to have hair or something?” Autumn questioned, adjusting the hat. Clueless. All her life, she’s been completely clueless. Autumn is a nineteen year old girl who’s still a virgin, something she’s not proud of. But she can’t help the fact that she’s hasn’t been exposed to the world yet. Suddenly, an idea popped in her head like a lightbulb. Autumn squealed in happiness, clapping her hands. “I’m going to make your life inserting. You’ll thank later, don’t worry.” Autumn gulped the last of her drink before moving closer to Riley. To be honest, Autumn was an affectionate person and whenever you enjoy it or not, you can’t do anything about the situation.
It was super obvious that Riley needed a good solid friend. This whole living situation would be so much easier if they were friends or at least could tolerate each other. All she wanted to do is turn that frown upside down and maybe work on his foul language in public places. Autumn giggled into her hands, swinging her feet under the table. “Do you know what time it is?” Autumn asked, clearly knowing the answer. She didn’t even wait for a reply before shooting up from her seat and bursting out loud, “Adventure time!” Autumn claimed, jumping up and down before she felt dizzy again. Autumn accidentally sat in his lap, her cheeks became rosy. “Sorry, anyways we’re going to have a super fun adventure and have more knowledge about the great state we know live in.” Autumn said proudly, crossing her arms across her chest. Honestly, this was one of the greatest idea she ever had. If they could bond well together and maybe reveal some dark secrets, everything will go uphill from here. Autumn could just picture them now being good friends and such, life would be great. Autumn could tell by his expressions that he wasn’t quite keyed on the idea so far. Autumn thought for a second, then pulled out her best puppy face. “Please, can you just forget the party and hang out with me instead? I’ll cry if you don’t and I can get annoying when I cry.” Autumn warned, pouting her bottom lip.
He’s a tough cookie, hard to crack. Almost reminds of her of her very own brother, no wonder why they’re friends. Autumn huffed, turning her back towards him. “I’m not going to talk to you, starting now.” Autumn zipped her lips, fiddling with her nails. Unlike some who would seduce to get their needs, she uses guilt and cuteness. You couldn’t deny the fact that’s she absolutely adore able, Autumn uses that to her advantage. Although, normally she would respect his decision and go home, but she couldn’t be with drunken people or she might faint once again. Autumn decided enough was enough, she stood from her spot and walked away from the booth. “I’m leaving, you can follow me if you want. If not, you’ll either see me on the news when they find my dead body or at your apartment, where you’ll find my body.” She grumbled, without a word strutting out of the cafe alone.
anything can happen || autumn & riley
Oh, thank God. Riley wasn’t going to prison and he wasn’t going to have his ass kicked, not that he would allow Maxwell to kick his ass but if the situation could be avoided, then Riley would do his best to do exactly that. He was a laid back businessman, he wanted to sell his shit, make money and live a good life, any faltering in-between was not appreciated. Groaning in annoyance at Autumn’s giggles, Riley shook his head. She probably thought he was some sort of a giant teddybear now, the thought made Riley cringe. “Fresh air?” He repeated, he was beginning to do that a lot, repeat Autumn’s words in order to properly digest them. However with the alcohol still sloshing in his stomach, the ability to tell stupid from alright was still restrained. “O-Okay,” he said with a small shrug, “Just don’t like accidentally trip over the balcony or something,” he called after her playfully but in all seriousness, he really was concerned; the girl had mistaken liquor for apple juice from here on out, anything was possible. Watching her walk off into the distance, he pressed his lips firmly together, fingers kneading at his closed eyes. 
Lifting himself from the wooden floor underneath him, Riley reached over to grasp to the whitened wall in an attempt to steady himself. Room slightly spinning around him but for the large part settled, the male gnawed down on the raw pink skin of his lower lip, trudging out the apartment. It was like in the last forty minutes that he had been trapped with Autumn, everyone around him had continued on with whatever it was they were doing. Head lightly throbbing, the male grunted at a nearby female beckoning him to come join her. He wanted to sleep. Riley was a temperamental person, he only did things if he wanted, if he wasn’t in the mood — say like right now, not even sex could deter his train of emotion. “Move,” the boy insisted, slipping through a circle of people, the snapback on his head suddenly feeling burdensome. He just wanted to sleep, the liquor was churning and his head was aching. “How was playing nurse?” Riley’s gaze shot up, falling to Aria, his nose scrunching immediately. “Fuck you,” the male muttered under his breath, flopping down onto the couch next to her. “You could have if she hadn’t gone ahead and ruined it,” the female said with a brash shrug. “How about this, I’ll let you have a second go if you put on a cute little nurse costume for me?” She jeered, pouting at Riley.  "How about…I’ll have some pity on you and your drunken ass if you shut up, if not, I wouldn’t hesitate in throwing you out." Riley shot back, smirk on his face as he pulled himself to his feet once more. He didn’t have the patience for Aria’s endless banter. Shuffling over to the kitchen, in search for another bottle of beer, the male reached into his back pocket. Pulling out the phone, Riley’s eyes widened at a missed call from Autumn. Right, Autumn. Where the hell was she anyway? Hadn’t she just gone out for fresh air on the balcony? Bringing the phone up to his ear, the male quickly listened to the voicemail, stomach bubbling as he did so. Fuck. This girl was going to be the death of him. That or she was literally going to have him scrambling all over the city for her. "Bullshit," he muttered under his breath, briskly walking towards the door, and closing it behind him. At this point, Riley wasn’t sure if he was panicking or if the thought of Autumn being kidnapped was just beginning to sound appealing. He was a good liar, he could muse up something regarding her leaving to Australia in order to pursue college or something of the sort.  Stepping out in the lukewarm Californian breeze, Riley looked from one side of the other, before rapidly jogging across the street—head puddled with a million excuses explaining the girl’s imminent death or disappearance. “Autumn!” Riley exclaimed, stepping into the small cafe. “Have you seen a girl? Around this tall, long hair, kinda annoying but like cute in an irritating way?” He rambled, heart beginning to race. Okay, so maybe he did care if the girl was kidnapped. “You mean, her?” The female behind the register gestured behind him. Turning on his heel, Riley lulled his head back, exhaling loudly. “That’s the one,” he said through gritted teeth, looking over his shoulder to throw the female a forced smile. “What the fuck?” The boy demanded, it was a call for answers. “I thought you were fucking dead or something.” He continued, raising his brows impatiently for an answer.
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justautumns · 10 years
By this point of the night, Riley was already panicking (which was an odd site, seeing as the boy never panicked), heart racing uncontrollably as he muttered an endless list of curses under his liquored breath. “C’mon, c’mon…,” he groaned, giving Autumn another shake, this one hastier than the previous. She wasn’t dead and really, Riley wasn’t in the situation to allow the girl her sweet ass time as she awakened from what Riley prayed was just a temporary slumber caused by unfamiliar liquor. Feeling the girl shuffle slowly in his lap, Riley exhaled a deep sigh of relief. “Thank God,” the boy muttered reassuringly, hand rubbing at Autumn’s arm until he felt the girl’s hand crawling over his crotch. “Fuck,” Riley groaned, biting down on his lip uncomfortably as he wriggled underneath her, her fingers riding across him. Eyes coming to a slow close, the boy nipped down on his tongue, inhaling and exhaling soft sighs in an attempt to keep himself collected, although if this situation didn’t come to an right now, the male was nearing his collapsing point. “Autumn…,” Riley voiced weakly, swallowing the nervous lump in his throat, his eyes trailing down to locate her hand on his groin. 
The booze in him causing Riley to slightly jump back as the female in his lap squealed in terror, the male let out an agitated grunt, palms coming up to his face to rub at his tired eyes before sliding down his face back into his lap once again. Well at least he could thank his penis for traumatizing the girl back to life. “It’s fine?” He shook his head, in an attempt to sound as convincing as possible, although he could feel a small humoured laugh hanging at the tip of his mouth. Swallowing back once more, this time to rid himself of the terrible temptation to throw his head back in a fit of drunken laughter at the girl’s almost charming chastity. Slightly taken aback by her accusations yet finding them amusing at the same time, Riley raised his brow at the girl, as if to say come again. “You’re at a party, with grown people, babe. This isn’t tea time with Maxwell.” He said softly, words emerging from his lips slowly, taking time to ensure that the female clearly understood everything and anything he was saying. “Why don’t you just sit down?” Riley slurred, leaning forward to reach for the female but falling shy, as he lulled forward, before regaining his posture.  "Thanks to me?" Riley repeated, a look of disbelief crossing over him. "What the fuck did I do?" He spoke, agitated with the female once again. What the hell had he been thinking agreeing to this bullshit. The major perk of living on his own had been the lack of crap he had to take from other people but now, with Autumn in the picture that was no longer the case. The mention of ‘police’ causing Riley to awaken once more out of his drunken rut, the male ran his hand over his snapback, before adjusting is slightly. Falling the floor, he crawled over to Autumn’s side, a look of slight disgust crossing him as he peered at her tearful expression; it was a foreign sight to him just as being remotely comforting was an unfamiliar trait to the male. "…Li-Listen," the male stuttered, attempting to bring his usual voice down a few notches until it resembled somewhat of a questionable coo. "It’s fine," he discoursed, hesitantly reaching forward to place a comforting hand on Autumn’s shoulder, he had seen it done in movies and if it looked as easy as it did on television, Riley would be able to do this. "Shit happens," the boy said with a shrug, letting out a drunken groan. "Shit always happens…," Riley droned, giving the female’s shoulder a tight squeeze.
As Autumn’s breathing slowed down, she realized the real problem. She just didn’t fit into his lifestyle. Although the duo had shared one night together, it’s obvious that this wouldn’t be the last of his legendary parties. Autumn didn’t want to repeat the same routine every single time, it would drive her insane. “I guess it’s not your completely your fault.” Autumn admitted, sniffling. Autumn stared at him, watching his unusual reactions. Was he trying to comfort her? The hilarious thought cause her to giggle to herself, he just didn’t seem like the comforting type. Autumn wiped her tears with the sleeve of her sweater, sighing. “I think I’m going to get some fresh air.” Autumn stated, standing from her previous position. “I’ll be back soon, don’t worry about me.” She grinned slightly, leaving the room without another word spoken. Autumn needed time for herself, away from the craziness. The music blasted through the hallways, as she tiptoed into her bedroom. Autumn then became distracted on how beautiful the nighttime in California. She approached the windows, opening the curtains to get a better view. The clear dark night sky was calling her name, as she noticed the shimmering stars. Autumn recognized that she hasn’t properly explore the area, and of she ever would. Autumn made the choice that this was her moment, to adjust to her new found lifestyle. Autumn quickly grabbed her jacket, humming under her breath. Riley probably wouldn’t approve of her going out by herself, but she needed to clear her head. Autumn walked out of her bedroom, bumping into a group of people before she made her way over to the front door. “I’ll be back soon.” Autumn announced, before exiting the apartment.
While waking, Autumn put on her jacket. She moves toward the elevator, carefully pressing the button to go to the bottom floor. Raking her fingers through her hair, Autumn started brainstorming on where she would go. California was a dangerous yet fascinating place to explore, it gave her a thrill. As the doors opened, Autumn stepped inside pressing the button that displayed level one. She was alone in the elevator which calmed her down just a bit. After all the chaotic mess she’s been through, honestly she needed an hour to herself. After a few minutes, once again the doors opened and she exited the elevator and walked out the building . Autumn was greeted with complete darkness, which strangely calmed her down. She felt lonely, feeling tempted to call Riley to join her. But then again, he was probably glad that he didn’t need to deal with her. Autumn came across a cafe right across the building. Shoving her hands into her pockets, she waited for the light to change before crossing the street. Autumn entered the small cafe, realizing she was the only customer. Autumn took out her wallet, taking out a ten dollar bill and approached the counter. “One frappucino, any kind would be fine.” Autumn spoke kindly, handing the money to the lady behind the counter.
Autumn sighed, looking down at her shoes. In her mind, she thought of having some kind of adventure with herself. But in the end, she was lonelier than before. Autumn grabbed her cell phone from her pocket and began dialling Riley’s number. She pressed the phone against her ear, waiting for an answer. “Riley, I need you…to come. It’s important. I’m at the cafe across the building, come when you get this, bye.” Autumn left a voice message, shoving her cell in her pocket. Autumn yawned, walking towards an empty booth near the window. She sat down on the leather seat, leaning her head against the window. Autumn was tired, she’s been through so much tonight and she needed to rest. Although she tricked Riley into coming, it was worth it. Autumn fluttered her eyes shut, waiting for him to come.
anything can happen || autumn & riley
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justautumns · 10 years
Autumn was completely unconscious, she was absolutely mortified. She remembered collapsing onto the floor, hearing people around her panicking. Autumn tried to wake herself up, although it was quite hard to do so. Autumn could feel herself being shaken, causing her head to ache even more. Autumn wasn't used to this party atmosphere, it wasn't her type of enjoyment. Autumn could hear shuffling around and loud voices. Autumn was afraid to wake up only because she didn't want to see Riley's reaction. He already didn't enjoy her company and now that she ruined his night, who know what he'll do? Autumn was a sensitive person - mentally and physically. She couldn't handle such situations, including this one. If she was awake, Autumn would probably end up crying right about now. Autumn was wicked sensitive person towards drinking and drugs, the sight of them makes her shiver. Autumn's experiences with drinking ended horribly, which was one of the reasons that her brother sheltered her in the basement. Autumn's eyes slowly fluttered open, she began groaning to herself. Autumn gently sipped from the water bottle, coughing a bit. "Where am I?" Autumn questioned, pushing loose strands from her face. She couldn't see very well, her vision were quite fuzzy at the moment. Autumn tried looking for a grip to push herself up, her hands sprawled everywhere. Autumn's hands landed on something that felt unfamiliar. Her hands trailed up until she reached a smooth area. "What am I touching?" Autumn trailed off, stroking the strange area. Suddenly, her eyes became clear and she saw where her hands were, her eyes widened and she almost hurl again.
Autumn shrieked in surprise, snatching her hand away from his crotch. Autumn grabbed the water bottle harshly, soaking her hands clean."Ew. Ew"Autumn slipped off the bed, and began pacing back and forth. "What kind of party doesn't have apple juice?" Autumn shouted, crossing her arms across her chest. "But instead beer?!" Autumn examined, gesturing with her hands. Autumn's stomach stirred, again she felt woozy. Rubbing her temples, Autumn leaned against the wall trying to catch a breath. Her breathing level wasn't steady at all, she was having a panic attack. Autumn suffered from panic attacks regularly, this wasn't a surprise to her at all. Autumn's breathing became heavy, so she placed an hand over her heart. Autumn slid down the wall, putting her head into her knees and began to weep once again. "This is the most embarrassing night ever, thanks to you." Autumn grumbled through the tears, harshly wiping them away. She knew this was all her fault, but she wasn't going to admit her mistakes to him. "I can call the police on you," Autumn mumbled, fiddling with her thumbs. She was never going to live this down.
anything can happen || autumn & riley
This would be a whole lot easier if everyone surrounding him wasn’t so fucking loud, his feet throbbing over the trembling floor. Everything was spinning and Riley could hardly keep himself balanced for longer than a few seconds. “Huh?” Riley mumbled, gesturing for the girl to repeat herself. However it wasn’t long until he was snapped out of his tanked state of mind by the upchucked hurled over his sneakers. “Fuck!” Riley hissed, hopping back too late. “Shitshitshitshitshitshit.” The boy grouched, his nose scrunching the site of the sludgy liquid sprawled over his brand new shoes. “What the fuck, Aut―” he was cut off by the Autumn’s soft voice mentioning apple juice before she ran off for what Riley hoped was the bathroom. It wasn’t apple juice. Of course it wasn’t apple juice, Riley didn’t even like that shit. She had most likely drank something else, something that had been laced with another form of liquor or worse, drug. Fuck. He didn’t need to deal with this right now. Face flushing a bright shade of pink, Riley looked from one side to another, giving his eyes a roll. “Mind your own fucking business,” he huffed under his breath, grunting at a nearby group of girls giggling wildly at the condition of his shoes.  
Deciding that his life was far more important than a pair of shoes, Riley quickly swallowed back the baby barf building in his throat before slipping out of his sneakers. Seeing as he would probably never clean them and that they would most likely never feel the same, smell the same, or look the same, he’d rather throw them out instead. Slipping out the pair, the male sulked bending over to carefully pick them up by the laces, before heading in Autumn’s direction. Too aware of his surroundings all of a sudden, the made peeked into the bathroom, disposing of his shoes before heading straight towards the female’s room. If Maxwell’s sister had taken the liberty to throw up in her bedroom, Riley would be having a quick talk with the male first thing in the morning. Stomach churning nervously at the sight of the empty room, Riley turned his back heading to the last place he knew, his own room. “Holy fucking shit!” He exclaimed, heart beating out of his chest at the female sprawled over the floor. Eyes darting to Aria sprawled drunkenly on the bed in her suggestive black lingerie, Riley shook his head in denial. This was not happening to him, not right now. There was a hot practically naked girl sprawled back on his bed and another on the floor, not in the way he would have liked her to be. “Okay, fuck.” The boy whispered anxiously under his breath, hands shaky at his side before looking towards Aria. “What the hell happened to her?” Riley inquired, holding the wall for support as he rushed to Autumn’s side, falling to his knees. “Did you fucking kill her?” He whined, drunkenly lulling his head back to mumble a long list of profane words under his breath.  "Are you going to call the ambulance?" The girl asked, rising from the bed so she was now sitting up to look at Riley on the floor an amused expression on her face. "No. No." He repeated, giving his head a shake. "What you need to do is put on your clothes and go home, please.” Riley added the last word in dire need of getting rid of any extra eyes. There was going to be no ambulance because if there was an ambulance, there would be cops and if there would be cops, Riley’s ass would be sitting in jail this time next month. “Out,” the boy shrilled. Okay, he could do this. He’d dealt with sensitive drinkers before. Inhaling a long breath before exhaling, Riley looked down at Autumn, his fingers falling to her neck. Alright, so she wasn’t dead judging my her pulse. “Autumn…,” Riley cooed softly, “Come on, Autumn.” He continued, using his hand to give the female a gentle shake. “Hey, wake up babe. You’re alright. You’re gonna be fine.” He whispered, hands slipping under the female’s body as he scooped her into his own arms. Struggling to lift them the female up, his legs spindly as a result of the alcohol the male quickly jetted himself to his feet, leaning over to gently place the female on the bed. “Come on, Autumn.” He voiced once more, beginning to grow impatient. Eye’s darting around the room, a state of frenzy over taking his body, Riley stumbled towards carton of water bottles placed in the corner. Quickly picking one up in his own hands, the male brought it back to the bed, sitting on the edge as he lifted the female’s head into his own lap bringing the opened water bottle to her mouth. “Come on, come on…,” he whispered, hand gently rubbing at the female’s soft arm.
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justautumns · 10 years
Autumn felt uncomfortable in this situation. Autumn focused more on how painful her stomach was feeling instead of listening to the words coming from Riley's mouth."I don't feel so -" Autumn was interrupted by a wave of vomit coming up from her stomach onto Riley's sneakers. Autumn grasped the counter, feeling dizzy all of the sudden. "You shouldn't have expired juice" Autumn claimed, pushing her loose strands of hair behind her ear. Autumn's stomach felt even worse, so without a word she covered her mouth and dashed down the hallway to the bathroom. Intimately, the poor girl vomited into the toilet ignoring all the people who were in there previously. Again, she felt nauseous and woozy. Autumn gently wiped her mouth, finding the strength to push herself off the floor. Autumn exited the bathroom, stumbling along the way and bumping into drunken people. "You looked trashed. Somebody must of had to many drinks." A voice taunted behind her, causing her to turn around. She faced a group of girls who obviously had no self- respect due to their choice of clothes. Autumn rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest."I'm not trashed, I only drank apple juice." Autumn defended honestly, wiping her mouth with her sleeve. The group of girls snickered, making her feel insecure about herself."You're smashed and you were given the consequences - loser." With that said, the group strutted past her, purposely bumping her shoulder and whispering about her. Autumn could feel her eyes brim with tears, she couldn't believe what she just done. It all made sense - the nauseous feeling, the headache, and the states. She'd witnessed the exact situation with Maxwell a couple of months ago.
In that exact moment, Autumn began to cry.  Autumn quickly walked down the hallway, wiping her tears as she entered a random room. "It's about time, Ri - who are you?" Autumn flickered the light switch, seeing a half naked girl on the bed. Autumn raised an eyebrow, sniffling. Autumn was at a loss for words, she couldn't believe what she was witnessing. The sights of the half naked woman almost cause her to hurl again. "I must have wandered into Riley's room by mistake." Autumn awkwardly trailed off, sitting into the bed. Autumn sniffled once again, trying not to state at the girl beside her. Autumn fiddled with her thumbs while tears dropped from her eyes onto her lap. "If you don't mind, I'm waiting for someone." The girl hissed, crossing her arms. Autumn was in no mood for cooperating with anyone, she just wanted to be alone. "I have a question. Were the drinks on the counter. . beer?" Autumn asked, waiting for a reply. She could feel eyes on her, her appearance was screwed up, she probably looked like a mess. "Of course, what did you think?" She huffed, pulling the blanket over her revealed body. Autumn started to breathe heavily, her lip started trembling. Her eyes widened and her whole body began to quiver. Autumn felt weak and dizzy. All of the sudden, she was on the floor. Autumn had fainted.
anything can happen || autumn & riley
Puzzled and unable to understand anything the female said, Riley shook his head, blinking expressionlessly at Autumn. “Apple juice?” Riley raised his brow. Who the fuck brought apple juice? He didn’t even like that shit, besides the mention of another beverage alone made his stomach slosh. “Ew,” Riley uttered bluntly, as he leaned forward to peek into Autumn’s glass. “Whatever.” Riley sighed, giving the female a shrug. She seemed okay to him, besides how much trouble could she really get into in the four walls of his apartment. “Night, babe.” Riley slurred, giving the girl a quick salute before turning his back to Autumn. Stumbling out of the kitchen, back towards his original seating, Riley grunted, slightly irked by Autumn’s disturbance. He’d signed up to house the girl but he wasn’t a baby sitter. She was old enough to take care of herself and if she wanted a little apple juice then she could do exactly that. Pushing the thought of the female getting herself into any type of trouble out of his head, Riley finally fell back into his seat, head drunkenly lulling to hit the wall behind him. “Where were we…,” the male drawled, hand trailing up the female’s bare thigh. Ashley. Ali. Allison. Fuck. He couldn’t remember anything including the name of the girl climbing into his room. “A-A―” Riley fumbled with his words, looking over to the girl for some sort of assistance. “Aria?” She corrected, letting out a drunken hiccup. “Right,” Riley nodded, pretending as if though he would remember that come sunrise.  Lips hastily pressing against the female, the taste of lip gloss meshing past his own mouth, Riley slipped his fingers past the thin slip of her dress, hands toying with the waistband of her lucid panties. “Your room,” A―whatever urged, her hand tugging on the collar of Riley’s tee. “Shit,” Riley groaned, rolling his eyes. “Fine,” he sighed, hand falling to the small of her back as he gave her a gentle push to her feet before pulling himself up. Gaze cornered to Autumn once again, Riley pressed his lips together the bitter of taste of booze mixed with the questionable taste of the female’s lipgloss making him slightly dizzy. “What the….,” the male trailed off, stomach beginning to feel slightly queasy at the sight of Autumn’s body being pressed to another male’s. Fuck, fuck, fuck. This girl wasn’t going let his dick breathe. “Go ahead, babe. I’ll be there in five, yeah?” Riley nodded, swatting the female’s ass as he watched her prance off towards his bedroom. Moving towards the spot Autumn stood, Riley looked from Maxwell’s sister to the recognizable guy standing across from her. “What the fuck, man?” Riley growled, giving the male a push away from Autumn, his hand finding Autumn’s. “She’s mine, Cart.” Riley hissed, his teeth gritting together as his hand waved the familiar male off with his hand. He had enough authority in this apartment to rid him of situations like this. “Move,” he stated simply to Carter, gaze sharp as it followed him until he was as far away from his friend’s sister as possible. “What the fuck?” Riley grumbled, turning to look at Autumn his hand still tightly wound around hers. “I told you not to come out here, right?” Riley repeated his instructions, slightly frustrated with the female standing across from him. “Jesus, neither you or your brother listen, do you?” he continued, giving Autumn’s arm a drunken pull as he began to move forward. “What?” The boy spat, looking over his shoulder once again the female. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Riley questioned, slightly concerned as the alcohol in his own stomach suddenly beginning to churn. He had not signed up for this.
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justautumns · 10 years
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justautumns · 10 years
Autumn was surprised by all the underage drinking she was witnessing. Autumn wouldn’t think that sharing drugs or drinking was allowed since there are laws against doing such actions. After three or four glasses of the familiar yet strange liquid, Autumn’s stomach started to feel odd. Smoke suddenly crowded around her area, causing her to have fits of coughs. Autumn definitely wasn’t used to this environment. The party was chaotic and raging. It wasn’t her type of speed; she just didn’t like the party atmosphere. Autumn rubbed her temples once again, grabbing another glass in her hands. Then all of the sudden, she noticed Riley whom was stumbling all over the place, causing her to giggle. Autumn gasped at his choice of words, shaking her head as he came forward towards her. “I-I’m drinking apple juice?” Autumn answered, eyeing his appearance. He looked dazed and intoxicated. “I’m leaving soon; I just wanted a beverage to help my headache.” Autumn lied, fiddling with her thumbs. He seemed to accept that answer as he wandered past her; she released a gasp of air. Autumn gulped the liquid down as her throat started stinging.
“Hello, beautiful.” A voice slurred behind her, she slowly turned around now facing a man who’s was completely plastered. Autumn forced a smile upon her lips, sipping the rest of her drink. Autumn tried to ignore the man, focusing her gaze on the girl near Riley. “Don’t ignore me, pretty lady.” The man spoke again, grabbing hold of her arm. Autumn felt goose bumps appearing on her skin, she tried wiggling out of his grasp but he had a strong grip on her. “S-Sorry, I’m just not in the mood for chatting.” Autumn stuttered, feeling frightened at the moment. Autumn had no idea what he wanted with her, although she could tell by his appearance and actions, he wasn’t looking for a friend. The man chuckled, loosening his grip on the brunette enough for her to wiggle her arm out of the grip. “We both have something in common then, I’m not in the mood for chatting either.” He traced his fingertips along her bare arms, staring right at her. “I’m in the mood for something sexual, if you caught my drift.” He added, now twirling a loose strand of her hair. Autumn gulped, faking a smile. She didn’t want to get dragged into this situation and even worse, her stomach was feeling terrible by the second. “I don’t want to get involved with anything sexual, sorry.” Autumn insisted, walking away from the man. “You like playing hard to get, I don’t give up that easily.” With that said, she was yanked back to her original spot, scared out of her mind. 
anything can happen || autumn & riley
It wasn’t even eleven pm and Riley Rivers was already plastered. He wasn’t quite sure how it’d happened, he hadn’t even invited many people to begin with, maybe a dozen friends, far less than the usual the parties the male was famous for hosting. But half a dozen shots and a few beers later, Riley lay back in the leather couch in his room, a sheepish grin on his face. “Why the fuck is there so much smoke in this place?” He groaned, eye’s shifting as he took a long drag of the joint in-between his fingers, exhaling as he watched a cloud of smoke drift out ahead of him. “I swear to God if you fuckers burn my house down, I’ll find each and every sing―” He paused, interrupted by a fit of coughs leaving his lips, the smoke left behind from his joint scratching against the back of his throat. “Ri!” He heard a high-pitched squeal from his left. Eyes dazed, Riley lulled his head to the side, letting out a muffled groan. “What?” He frowned, looking over at the female to his left. She looked familiar, and even she wasn’t as familiar as Riley thought her to be, by the end of the night the male hoped he could change that. “Let’s go to your room,” she pulled, manicured nails clawing into the bare skin of his arms.  "In a bit, in a bit." The male postponed her offer, waving her off, his eyes following a newly appeared figure into the room, heading towards the kitchen. She looked familiar, actually familiar, not get-familiar-with by the end of the night familiar. "Who is she?" Riley asked, squinting in order to get a better look at the brunette. "How the fuck am I supposed to know, she looks like she walked straight out of a Toys r Us commercial or something," the female next to him hissed, clearly irritated by the lack of attention she was receiving. "Shut up," Riley groaned, giving his head a shake. Giving her a gentle push away from his own body, the male pressed his hand into the couch, struggling to pull himself off his seat. Struggling to keep his balance, Riley slowly steered his way through the hazed smoke. Following the brunettes trail into the kitchen, Riley came to an abrupt pause in the kitchen, stumbling forwards, fingers clenching around a counter just in time to hoist himself straight. "Fuck!" The boy hissed under his breath, eye’s widening as his gaze fell on familiar brunette. Maxwell’s sister. Ali. Alexus. Autumn. Autumn. "Shit, shit, shit." The boy whined, vision sudden becoming all to clear for his liking. "What the fuck are you drinking?" Riley slurred, barely managing to voice a coherent sentence. 
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justautumns · 10 years
anything can happen || autumn & riley
Autumn lay down on the cool, comfortable sheets. Autumn look around at the unfamiliar room surrounded by the tokens of her childhood memories. She spent hours trying to redecorate the room, making the room her own. For three hours straight, Autumn carefully unpacked the photo frames, clothing, and other necessities from the boxes that were sent over early upon her arrival. Autumn found the task rather difficult since her mind was off thinking about her brother, who’s long gone. A part of her realized that he was only trying to protect her, although she couldn't help but think he just couldn't handle her anymore. After three hours, Autumn’s room was finally finished. It wasn't perfect, but at least she had a place to call hers. The room was very calming. Autumn yawned, stretching her arms. It was a stressful day for the young nineteen year old, and she needed to rest. She quickly changed out of her day clothing into her night pajamas, walking across the wooden floor. Autumn slipped under the comfortable blankets, closing her eyes.
Autumn was prepared to slip into a dream world, until she heard music blasting outside the hallway. Groaning to herself, Autumn sat upright on the bed. She knew of this small event, although she didn't think that it would disturb her this much. Autumn slipped out from the blankets, placing her feet into her fuzzy slippers. Autumn opened her bedroom door, greeted with a blast of music. Autumn pushed through the crowd of drunken people, trying to find Riley. Autumn wandered into the kitchen, scanning the mob. Autumn rubbed her temple, eyeing the glass of familiar liquid. “Is this apple juice?” Autumn asked softy, hearing no answer. She knew that this must be apple juice, since there were underage people here.  Autumn grabbed the glass, chugging the beverage down.  
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justautumns · 10 years
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Uh…goodnight then, I guess. 
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justautumns · 10 years
Probably. Once my head hits the pillow, I'll be out like a light. Have a good time, I guess?
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Sounds good. You think you’ll sleep through the night? I’m having a small event at my place in a couple of hours. 
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justautumns · 10 years
Okay? I'm probably going to unpack then after that I'm going to bed. I'm really tired from the plane ride.
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That would probably have a lot more to do with Max’s choice in career than your ability to get killed but…let’s stop talking about your brother, yeah? ―Not anymore, you’re obviously not fifteen and you’re…clearly a young woman. What are your plans tonight? 
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justautumns · 10 years
I suppose I should have backups just in case. I am a big girl. Max is afraid if I'm on my own, I'll get killed when I won't. Fifteen, that's a bit insulting to me. Kidding, of course.
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Good…that’s good. Maybe find a few more places as backup, y’know in case the flower shop doesn’t work out? Nice to know that you’re being proactive or whatever they call it. Nineteen. So you’re a big girl. I thought you were like fifteen with the way Max played out the situation. 
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justautumns · 10 years
I already did, there's this flower shop who's hiring and if I don't get the job I think I might murder someone. Just kidding about the murder part, but yeah. I guess you're right, and nineteen. I'm nineteen years old.
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That’s…interesting. Netflix? Yeah. It’s one of the many perks of the internet. Maybe you could…find a job? Buy yourself a computer, get familiar with the internet. Might be a good way to pass time? ―Sixteen? How old did you say you were at the moment? 
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justautumns · 10 years
He actually did, not even joking. I've been living in a shady basement from age 12 to 17, he wasn't a good guardian but he was a good cook. I did watch some of the Lion King on this website. . . Netflix? I didn't even know how to use the internet until I was sixteen, sad right? O-Okay.
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Sometimes…, keeping your feelings to yourself is a good thing. What? Was your brother hiding you in a shady basement or something? It’s like you’re seeing the light for the first time. That, Autumn is what the internets for. So you can catch up on all the movies your little heart desires. Not to mention there’s a theatre couple blocks from here, if you ever want to go. By the way, don’t worry about money or anything, okay? 
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justautumns · 10 years
Typical Maxwell, always storing in his feelings. I guess you're right, being sheltered for years really takes its hold on someone. I haven't seen The Lion King or Toy Story movies, that's how behind I am on life. 
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Alright. Sounds like a plan, kid. Uh, no. Max doesn’t really tell people much, including me but I’m assuming until he feels a little better. ―Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. It’s good to get out of the protective hold of older siblings sometimes, you can go out and explore your womanhood or whatever. Have fruity drinks at a bar, get a job, see the world for yourself? Might like it, you never know.
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