justthrough · 2 years
Kadang suka ngomong sendiri kalo liat orang 'semangatt, kamu hebat masih mau bertahan disituasi yang mungkin ga kamu sukai. kamu sama hebatnya dengan orang hebat manapun di dunia ini. Kadang hidup gak melulu soal perlombaan, tapi soal bagaimana kita menjalankan peran kita dengan sebaik-baiknya. Apapun itu. Jadi semangat terus kan kitanya even di keadaan paling buruk sekalipun. Dan pastinya jadi lebih respect sama semua orang apapun dia. Semua orang sama di mata Tuhan.
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justthrough · 2 years
Orang baik punya masa lalu.
Orang jahat punya masa depan.
Hidup itu tidak selalu tentang apa yang kita pikirkan sekarang.
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-Denny Sumargo
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justthrough · 3 years
“Love yourself as much as you want your soulmate to love you.”
— Elizabeth Daniels
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justthrough · 3 years
Today, someone may feel terrible way.. angry, dissapointed, sad, stressed, down, crazy, mad very very bad and nothing even a piece of good things cross in your mind.. I said, very very terrible way... Worst at all..
If you ever feel like that, i mean trully feel like the bad things mind came to your mind. Your choice is just two.
One : take your anger out terribly bad.
Two : be patient until you vent it slowly and do it when you alone.
Hmm, i think everybody choose option number 2 ... Niceee, you are a great and kind of a strong, beautiful, handsome (?) people..
Everybody want to be and want to person like that.. So you are just succesfully fulfill their wish!! whether it's for the good or the bad thing. They said you're such a nice people, maybe another one said you're weak, can be arranged, plain, stupid (?) but over all they considered you are good and nice people..
I said life, I said reality.. It is true. !! They said Nice but.... Great but... Good but... and perfect but..... Ect.
So lets talk about option number 1. You may find people talk worst about you, you are bad, you are grumpy, cruel, crazy (?), ugly at all, and something like that.. Problem? I think nope. I said again. Nope.
People didn't really get angry in a long time. They just need a time, and...................... Someone to talk about. We are human. We are social creatures. Of course God always in our coversation and all too. But, we are human. We need someone to talk to.
I know everybody hide their anger from everyone. They just bury it them and not let anyone know what it is. Wrong! Anger just want to be realesed, again, with someone, anyone.
If anger was burried deep. What the function of anger ? Be communicate, before anger become worst.
I dont know, maybe communicate with your trusted people, or even your enemies and people who belittle or abuse you. Depends on your condition, position or situation.
Not all anger should known but.. Let it known by at least one person in your life.. Dont forget God too.. Pray to him. Everything that happens is always by his will. You will learn right?
Sometimes we dont need 'good' stamp from others. We just need to be 'heard'. If heard doesnt work either (make sure you have communicate) know that only God will not take your feelings for granted. Remember it.
Only God that will not take your feelings for granted. In Al-Qur'an said: ولايزلمون فطيلا which means : and you will not be wronged at all.
So, option number 1 is not bad at all. Always watch your portion of anger. Realived? Yes. Anger? Not again. What if people said you're bad?
No problem. I take my (anger, sad, down, dissapointed, mad, stressed) portion.
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justthrough · 4 years
Death all around u
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justthrough · 5 years
Reason and Instinct
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You know what, sometimes the reason is mostly the weakness that we have. I just knew in some video games I watched yesterday .  There is some quotes which sounds like this
“when everything is a stake, when lives hang in the balance, reason becomes weakness, trust your instict.”
So, in my opinion the quotes is just like i said in my post before. Life is not like a happily ever after stories, sometimes life make us fall like you dont know how to fix or revive to survive.
The thing we often experience in a process “Become an adult” is when your life or your feeling are stake and sometimes you just cant make it hang in the balance. There is one thousand things that make your life out of balance.
But that’s life for human being. Human is not just using instinct but human is thingking and need a reason to take some action.
You feel weak, when you must accept the horrible reality for some reason eventhought your instict just want to give up. You want to cry but for some reason you are not. You want to sleep but for some reason you cant. You want to meet someone and for some reason again you didn’t. You want to hate someone but for some reason you will not hate her or him.
Or even, you want to happy but you are not because you know the reason.
Sometimes reason poisons our mind, make us weak. but what do you want to do? Life is always goes on, we need reason because we need to be weak so we can be stronger. We need reason so our instinct can be directed.
We need reason to guide us. However I know, follow our instinct is good but we life in the earth at the same times with many human around us and the earth is not just turn around you.
So...... lets love the reason, and also trust your instinct too.
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