kepharel · 18 days
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remastered the MS paint doodle on my phone this time. they may be the only angel left in heaven who still understands god's plan but he will defend the earth until it kills them both
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kepharel · 27 days
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pebbles gaming
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kepharel · 29 days
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my angel oc that i gave up putting clothes on so theyre naked also i had no room for their halo (imagine an omega symbol behind his head?)
but theyre a guardian of earth and is kind of in love with everything but was punished for treachery after humanity exploded and died and took the entire earth with them because that was supposedly his fault for not protecting it well enough (as well as the rest of his group (principalities) and the guardian angels but they kind of died with humanity waaa) and was forced to stay in heaven as i guess a servant to higher ranks to remind them of Gods Will until they managed to go back to earth and is now trying to rebuild ecosystems and cries about it sometimes because he liked humanity and is constantly surrounded by everything they built whether good or bad but alas another mass extinction event is always inevitable and they just have to get through it like all the others (sad). his official OC profile outfit is his armor that he wore while confined to heaven which isnt super effective because they have minimal combat ability but also a chest harness and collar because i enjoy swag and having fun. however he will generally wear clothes that he finds in the abandoned human cities because world-ending consumerism has minor benefits for angels who like to roam. yoshi is going to turn me into an egg now
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kepharel · 3 months
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kepharel · 3 months
🧠 !!
🧠: what do you like most about the OC? for dean. uhhh his fashion mostly. he wears a lot of feminine fashion and prefers skirts over pants plus i really want his coat that he wears which is a dark pink tartan overcoat. like the long ones. pretty cool ...
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kepharel · 3 months
💼, 🎯?
💼: what do they do for a living? for ray. he works in a library putting books on shelves. if he stayed long enough he would probably become head librarian. he's in law school (after dropping out once) hoping to become a lawyer, but he won't. he never will. he doesn't know
🎯: what do they do best? for kinoulton. damn i don't even know ... bros dead. but he was a drummer in a hardcore band and he was extremely good at it, so i would say he's best at hitting drums really fast. or more like he's good at making mistakes seem like they were improv that actually worked
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kepharel · 5 months
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Kuromi inspired fit ʚɞ
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kepharel · 5 months
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kepharel · 5 months
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kepharel · 5 months
digital time capsule for ocs
This is a fun little idea I had, to make a digital time capsule of your ocs that you will not open until a year or later! The idea is to make and gather various media that pertains to your original character and store it away in a folder or drive, and you can’t look at it until at least a year has passed. That way you can see how much your OC has grown and developed over the year(s)!
Here are some ideas for what you can store in the digital time capsule:
most recent artwork of the oc (I would recommend making a new one if you can)
moodboards representing your oc
poems that remind you of your oc, or poems about them that you have written yourself
screenshots of nice comments people have given you about your ocs
drawings or photos of your oc’s favorite objects and possessions
color palettes that remind you of your oc (I like to use the website coolors)
links to songs that remind you of your oc (or songs you wrote for them!)
a doodle page for your oc
anything else you can think of!
there aren’t really any rules for this project, you can do it however you want. but if you need some guidance, here are some tips and suggestions for getting started with your time capsule:
put the date of when you completed your time capsule in the name of the main folder
if you’re making a single capsule for multiple ocs, make different subfolders for each oc. Or you can make separate capsules for each oc
have backups of your capsule somewhere, like on a cloud drive or flash drive, in case something happens to the original
set a reminder on your phone or computer for when you want to open your time capsule
remember to be creative, and more importantly, have fun!
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kepharel · 5 months
donut, brain?
🧠: what do you like most about the OC? their connection to the earth. due to Autistic Tendencies i am obsessed with nature and the universe like it makes my entire body hurt so i like putting that onto an OC. they have the spirit of the earth inside them (literally) but don't find out until way later and he just loves the universe so much and wants to sob and wail about it and accidentally walks into the sea at midnight and almost dies about it one time
🍩: who is your OCs arch-nemesis or rival? they don't have one honestly but they are a chronic "blame everyone else" kind of person and ends up disliking a lot of people for problems they didn't cause. the burden of being an outsider
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kepharel · 5 months
okay so out of curiosity bc i saw a post about it and it got me interested
All of these are being used as general terms for simplicity's sake, but I'm genuinely fascinated to see!
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kepharel · 5 months
I just think it’s romantic to be possessive over someone’s death. No one gets to kill you but me. I want to hold you as you die. Your last breath should mingle with mine. I want your blood on my hands because I’m the one that spilled it.
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kepharel · 5 months
do NOT put me in the club they will find out that i am a parody of the human form. they will know i am a mimicry of themsevles made of string and tin and if icrawl out of the club more human than before then they themselves will feel they have lost something
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kepharel · 5 months
character playlists always should have the following:
song that is pretty accurate to the character’s story
song that doesn’t fit the character at all but i was thinking about them while listening to it on loop
song that has one or two lines accurate to the character’s story
song that just kind of is the character’s vibe
song that i desperately wish they would listen to because i personally like it
song that fits the character so well that it’s scary
unsure why this song is in the playlist but it’s so ingrained in my mind as 'part of the playlist' that it would feel weird to remove it
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kepharel · 5 months
which oc would you say was your ‘oc of the year’? (because you made them this year, they had the most development this year, or you just feel like it)
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kepharel · 6 months
hold on i wanna see something...
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