kittzy2 · 12 hours
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sweet dreams, Leon.
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kittzy2 · 5 days
this is a dream, my friends could be like this but they are as brooken as me LMAO
this is so funny, my birthday is on tuesday and my best friend decided to give me my present early, it's a leon kennedy shirt y'all omg I love it so much! wore it to the mall and everything haha
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kittzy2 · 6 days
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nice advice, bro.
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kittzy2 · 7 days
it's so hard to piece together all the reasons im sad. like i don't know how to explain it, and im too scared to express it.
not my usual post i know, sorry. just needed to get this off my chest.
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kittzy2 · 8 days
reading this while listening to It's On! by KoRn was crazy
RE4 leon x reader. i'm trying to get out of my writer's block, so yeah. infected!leon and infected!reader but no smut. just implied friends or probably more
"Oh, my god," you grabbed your head, "Leon..." A small growl was at the end of your sentence. Everything you saw was almost completely blurry thanks to that dick ass creature who threw up a sort of acid. Despite constantly repeating it, you still didn't understand that the people in this village had bug DNA in them. Your mind wanted to make a list of all the probably insects they were, but you clutched your face and growled even louder. "Fuck." You closed your eyes and your knees gave out into the ground.
Leon hurried to your side, "I'm here. I'm here." His hand was on your shoulder to assure your safety. His other hand gently cleaned away the spit with a rag, the slime was still around your nose and cheeks, but at least it didn't burn anymore. "Thanks." You tried to look at Leon, but he still looked a bit blurry however you could spot his awkward smile. Your eyes narrowed a bit, "Thank you, Leon." You whispered softly. Leon pushed off his side bangs before properly sitting down beside you.
It was just a tiny break from this hell.
Luis just died in your arms thanks to your Major whom you trusted with your entire heart. The Major that caught you how to heal a fellow comrade. Krauser didn't like you like he liked Leon. That stung more than you would like. You liked the praise and you liked the harsh training. You wanted to see that you were worth it and just a lousy weak girl.
But in the end, you were a lousy girl.
You allowed yourself and Leon to get infected. You allowed Luis to die. You were a secondary character in Leon's life story because Krauser didn't even mention you. You weren't Leon. Now, thinking about it, you didn't know why Leon wasn't sent alone because God knew he could've survived without a person covering him from above or her stupid patching abilities.
You were just a girl who was suppose to die. A girl wasn't allowed to train beside Leon.
You were nothing.
Leon slowly looked at you, "Hey, are you okay?" He asked gently. He was treating you like a wounded animal, you wish you could be offended by it, but you knew if he didn't speak to you in that tone. You would think of running off or making an excuse on running off. But all that question made was you slump over.
"I'm tired." You mumbled. "I'm tired of dealing with merchant. I'm tired of chasing around Ashley. I'm so fucking tired." You hugged your legs against your chest. Leon nodded his head, "I can see why." He answered in that same tone of yours.
A small flashback appeared in your mind, you remembered how Leon came back from Krauser's training with cuts and a sore body. That same bitterness came into mind once again. Burning your skull with your useless self.
He has a true reason to be tried while all you had was your sorry ass kicking itself over and over. Begging for pity.
You stayed quiet. Feeling that damn bug, walking around and making her feel worse; Leon's hands cupped each other. You two were alone. Both struggled with an issue neither wanted to talk about, but you knew your issues, so that was enough.
Your finger scratched the inside of your ear.
"I'm," You struggle to even find your own words because every word after that ends with a wall, "I'm sorry." You whispered. Your legs crossed underneath your body, you wanted to say more, but what else there to say. "If I did a better job saving Luis," Your mouth turned dry, "If I," Your fingers squeezed together and repeated hit your chest, "I did a good job as your partner. This wouldn't end like this."
Leon tried to call out your name, but that anger of yours stood more. "I wanted to make myself proud. Make sure I can handle this."
"Handling this doesn't make it easier for me either." Leon remarked quickly. You nodded your head, "Well, you are Leon S. Kennedy. The president's favorite agent and everyone's favorite rookie." You mumbled annoyed.
"Seriously?" He scratched the back of his head, "You are just," Leon looked around the empty section of the castle they cleared out, "Jealous of me?"
"Well, I'm not." Leon folded his right leg and let his left leg stretched out. "I hate my life. I'm given a responsibility I never wanted. Krauser just saw me as his younger version of himself." Leon ruffled his blond locks of hair. "And that dick turned evil. That's fun." His head tilted a tiny bit towards you. Leon squeezed his thigh.
"Well, I'm nothing compared to you." You mumbled. "They don't even bother remembering my name." You recalled how everyone knew Leon's name, but Krauser being behind of this made more sense. "I'm just..." Your flashbacks betrayed you when Luis looked at you.
He smiled at you.
He saw you.
"I don't know who I am." Like it or not, you wanted praise for your achievements. Before Leon could answer or even you to hate yourself- Leon and you feel even more to the ground. The bug was picking more inside of you, running around and making itself a space. "Leon!" You cried out weakly. Your hand stretched out to get his hand. He grabbed your hand tightly with his.
The pain was running throughout the body. The black veins around your body were growing around your arms. You felt the burn with every inch. The veins crawled up. Up your neck and slowly up your face. You grabbed Leon's hand tighter, desperately trying to find peace and hope in this situation.
What will happen once the plagas effects them? Will they be mindless creatures every once in a while crying out 'Las Plagas' or muttering about the Lord Saddler?
Your stomach was gnawing at itself, bubbles of acid raised inside of your body. The damn bug was biting and biting. Controlling your stupid nervous system. You couldn't speak. It was grunts. Whines. Your body twitched over and over as the bug clawed and clawed. Your hand squeezed his tightly, your nails clawed and drew out his blood from his forearm.
Leon growled with pain, his arms instinctively twitched to hold you, but his own bugs was making his body hurt yet he tried to protect. His arms wrapped around your body, holding your clawing arm against his chest. Both of your body twitched over and and over. Clashing against each other. Who knows how long it lasted? It could've been days. Seconds. Weeks.
But once it ended, Leon and you were in that small silence. His arms around your waist. You let out a small sob, and your forehead rested on his chest. No matter the situation, blood and wounds always tied you two together. Leon's hand gently held your cheek, it was silent a moment as he comforted you with his touch. Like it or not. You were his partner and you loved it.
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kittzy2 · 8 days
Love your artstyle!! I’ve always wondered where the merchant went, I think it would be funny when their escaping from the island if you just look over and see the merchant on a jet ski
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Possibly, though personally I'm also a fan of the following alternatives
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kittzy2 · 9 days
HAIII!!! I saw that ur requests r open!! Can u write a death island x gn!reader where the reader squeezes his cheeks n' it's all fluffy n' cute? I feel like behind all that muscle is baby fat that's just MEANT to be squeezed - 🐰
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It Only Takes Half A Bottle of Whiskey
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DI!Leon x GN!Reader
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“Details of the mission coincide with the objectives laid down to consider this mission a success and therefore, I would like to consider this case closed and marked successful. Congratulations to our very own agents Kennedy and L/N.”
The room erupted in claps, lips spreading into relieved smiles. The last mission was not easy, many undertakings taken in order to see the mission to its success and one of the many measures taken was a false marriage between you and Leon, complete with a wedding and wedding bands, as well as expertly fabricated marriage certificates in order to pass as ordinary newly-weds who had normal jobs as IT technicians. The entire ordeal took almost 2 years, which seems plenty to the average person but an incredibly short notice to agents assigned on this demanding commission. Despite the mission being over, you two still had to uphold the married couple facade and keep working on the IT company before drafting letters of resignation in order to not rouse any suspicions with the people who had grown to know and be familiar with you and Leon. One of the procedures involved coming home together holding hands as you passed through the exit, getting in the same car, living under one roof, and retiring in the same bed.
As soon as you two get home, you rush over to collapse on the couch with a loud exhale before taking the glasses off of your face and setting them beside you. You recline your head and run a hand through your hair, eyes shut as you try to block out the noises of the world. Leon removes his dress shoes and walks around the duplex in his black socks, his shoes in one hand and your shoes in the other as he returns them to the shoe cabinet before walking back to the couch and sitting beside you. He takes your glasses and sets them down at the coffee table in front of you and takes his seat, letting out a loud sigh of his own as he gets the remote and turns the TV on to a cooking channel. Shrugging his jacket off, he turns his head to observe you for a moment only to see your eyes staring into the white ceiling of the dim living room.
“You tired?” He asks as he folds his jacket and places it on the arm of the couch, too tired to get up and place them in the bedroom or think of changing into loungewear. You nod, sitting back up as you wipe a hand across your face before reaching to get your glasses and put them back on.
“I need a drink after all that shit,” you groan as you undo one more button of your button-up. Leon hums and turns his attention back to the chef cutting the carrots, which is short-lived as he tilts it again to face you.
“I’ll help you to bed, how’s that sound? It’s better than alcohol.”
“Help me to bed after I have a nice, cold, glass of double-black whiskey.”
With that, you get up from the couch and walk up to the alcohol cabinet to get the glass. As you open the cabinet, you feel a warmth press against your back and see a strong arm reach up for 2 glasses. Leon closes the cabinet door with his free hand and sets two glasses down. His action scared you for a little bit since he walked with virtually no noise and you only felt his presence when his muscled front pressed against you, effectively trapping you in if he planned on hurting you but thank god he didn’t. He takes a jug of apple juice and pours it into his glass instead of the whiskey, which you aren’t too surprised about; he’s been 3 months sober. You just stare at him, admiring the way his arms looked amazing with crisp white sleeves rolled up until his elbows, a hand resting on the marble as he takes the glass and drinks the juice. He raises an eyebrow when he spots you staring in his peripheral, setting the glass down with a small clink against the kitchen counter.
“Like what you see?” He asks with a lazy grin and a wink. You turn your attention back to the glass he set in front of you, staring at it so intensely you would have shattered the glass with the daggers you were shooting with your tired eyes.
“You wish,” you retort as you pour the dark liquid into the glass and toss in a block or two of ice before taking a swig and feeling the liquid burn its way into your system despite the coldness that the ice offered. You hear Leon softly chuckle before having another drink of his fruit juice, his soft gaze watching over you as you take sips and loud sighs after you swallow the amber liquid. You take the tall bottle and your heavy-bottomed whiskey glass and sit down on the wooden floors, placing them down beside you. You take another swig and look at Leon, patting the space beside you.
“Sit,” you say.
“You’re saying that like I’m a dog,” your ‘husband’ responds.
“C’mere, boy! C’mere!” You teasingly say in a higher pitched voice, clapping with both your hands to beckon him to sit beside you.
Leon rolls his eyes but sits beside you, propping one knee up to rest his hand on as he looks at your glass.
“Good boy,” you say with a sly grin.
“Okay you’re a freak,” he says as he jokingly begins to sit up again but not before your free hand shoots up to grasp at his wrist.
“Okay, I’m sorry I won’t do that.”
“Please? Please? C’mon Leon, don’t be boring.”
You smile and chuckle softly as he sits back down beside you, knuckles occasionally brushing against each other. You two sit in complete silence, the silence interrupted only by the sounds of breathing and sighs. Your gaze fell on the gold band wrapped around the base of your ring fingers, studying the way the light reflected off of the smooth surface. Eventually, your gaze flitted to Leon’s right ring finger to admire his own ring.
“It looks damn good on him,” you thought to yourself. “Damn, marriage is a good look for you, Kennedy.”
He absent-mindedly fidgeted with his ring, tilting and adjusting it; that’s what he always did when he was deep in thought or bored. You noticed it became a habit as soon as you two had to wear these rings everywhere, even on side missions. Although he could remove it when you two were in your own home, he chose to keep it on which you followed suit since it only felt right.
The whiskey soon started tasting like water and now you were down to unbuttoning the second button of your work shirt. It was a little harder to keep your head up now and your lids were threatening to close. You leaned your head on Leon’s shoulder, not missing how you felt him tense up despite your inebriated condition.
“Leon, ’m sleepy.”
He looked at you, seeing how the whiskey caused your cheeks and ears to burn pink like a Fuji apple. Your lids were droopy and your eyes were glossy, an obvious sign that you were drunk and done for tonight. He chuckles softly as he adjusts you so he could carry you to your shared room.
“I’m fine, Leon.” you confidently slur as he lifted your frame up and out of the kitchen.
“Nope, you’re not. We’re going to bed now.”
“C’monnn… I can handle my… liquor like a champ...”
Leon gave you a stern look before setting you down on your side of the bed before making a quick trip back to the kitchen to fetch you a glass of water and pills to take. Despite the frequent jokes he made to make you feel a lot more comfortable in his presence, you would be lying if you didn’t enjoy this authoritative side of him outside of the field. He comes back and sets them on your bedside table, making it near enough without making the water prone to spilling due to your uncoordinated state.
“Anything else you need?” He almost slipped up and called you ‘honey’.
Since it would prove to be too difficult to get you cleaned up right now, he settled on finding a basin and a rag to wash you with. After asking your permission, he removed your garments before wiping you down to let yourself feel a little more clean before a proper bath in the morning and dressed you in a clean shirt and sleep shorts before freshening himself up to get in bed with you and calling it a night. After a few minutes, he got on his side of the bed but still kept some distance so you wouldn’t feel like your privacy was being invaded. He shifted, moving as gently as he could so the mattress wouldn’t move along with him and disrupt your sleep. He finally managed to lay on his side, his arms crossed and his eyes shut but he still kept his ears active. He suddenly remembered something and opened his eyes again; he turned around and glanced at you.
“Good night,” he said.
Normally, he’d add a sappy nickname like “sweetheart” or “honey” at the end to make his husband act feel more natural for him but he decided not to this night since he felt weird. Weird in a way that if he said it, he’d jump out of bed and dive out of a window and plummet into a pool of pink and red heart balloons while glitter bombs went off around him. He knew what he felt but he didn’t want to give it a name and properly label it; he wasn’t even sure if you saw him the same way he saw you. When you didn’t give any kind of response, he turned around and sat up to look at you through the dark, the white streetlights being the only source of light beaming in through gray curtains. He inched closer to see you and placed a finger just underneath your nostrils, hoping to feel a soft gust of warm air be expelled. When he felt that, he placed a finger on the pulse point of your neck before concluding that you really are fine, just deeply asleep.
He chuckles to himself, smiling softly as he extends a hand to brush some hair away from your forehead. Before he can stop himself, that small gesture turns into him adjusting the duvet so you wouldn’t sweat under warm bundles of fabric sometime in the night. Now, he’s trapped in your arms when you quickly extend your arms above you and yanked him down to your body. All while your eyes were still shut.
He could easily escape and retreat back to his side of the bed and really call it a night this time but he doesn’t. He decides to stay like that for a bit and he knows why but then again, he doesn’t want to name the reason.
“Y’think you’re so slick, Kennedy,” you groggily mumble. His head is pressed against your chest, his arms extended from his side in an awkward position, and he subconsciously holds a breath in.
“Jus’ tell me if you wanna cuddle,” you slur. “I know y’wanna coz I wanna too.”
You pull him off of you and lay him back down on his side of the bed, frozen in shock and baffled at how things have taken for a turn. He lays still and watches you silently with wide eyes, observing you. You crawl near him and stare at him at the side… well, an excuse of a stare since your lids were drooping and you couldn’t seem to get your eyes to focus nicely on him. You sat up and placed a hand on his stubbly cheek, gently rubbing on the bristly cheek with a soft thumb. He tensed at the delicate feel of your hands on his face, handling it with so much care as if he’s a fragile piece of artwork. A pop of color spreads on his cheeks and the tips of his ears as you look him in the eyes as if you’re trying to count all the specks of gray he didn’t know his eyes had while trying to fish out a well-hidden feeling within his weary soul.
“Ow!” Leon yelps when you suddenly pinch a cheek of his just as his eyes were about to close and savor the wholesomeness of the moment. “What’d you do that for?!”
“Y’ve got… puffy cheeks. I love that in a man.”
“Puffy cheeks?”
You give his cheek a poke before pinching them again, this time much softer than the first since we voiced out his discomfort. You continue poking and pinching the skin bristly with coarse hairs, occasionally squishing them together to make his lips puckered up. He relaxes eventually, letting you knead and feel his face. He probably had more wrinkles on his face than most men his age do and he knows he doesn’t have the best skin ever and he’s thankful that you’re drunk enough to not notice the blemishes on his face. He wants to let his hands rest on your waist and just let you do your thing but he decides against it; you’re drunk and you aren’t in the clearest headspace right now. Although his intentions with wanting to perch his hand on your waist is nothing sexual, he still doesn’t want to proceed with that.
“Gosh, your spouse after me is going to be sooo lucky,” you mumble. “You’re so sweet, kind, sexy as fuck… you’re also intimidating sometimes but you’re like a teddy bear.”
“Teddy bear, huh?”
“A teddy bear with… a teddy bear strapped with guns, bullets, and knives.”
“A teddy bear that can’t get through airport security, basically.”
His response makes you laugh a little louder than it should have, a hand falling to your chest and you throw your head back. Leon didn’t think his joke was that funny until you laughed and chortled, grinning and beaming like it’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard. Maybe it didn’t matter anymore if no one else laughed at his lame jokes as long as you did. And what did you mean “spouse after me”? Would he be able to find someone else after your “marriage” is dissolved? He fears that he wouldn’t love as truthfully and wholly as he does with you, that his soul would always look for you in the people he’d see. What if he wants his spouse to be you, even after this mission? “Agent L/N” is for everyone to praise but at the end of the day, Y/N will be his to love. You adjust yourself and nearly plop on his side, tucked underneath his arm with one hand still on his face. Slowly, you grow drowsier as sleep pulls you deep in its embrace.
“Just… for yawn tonight,” you softly whisper while safely tucked into his side.
“You can… forget this, if you want.” Another yawn before you totally fall asleep again.
“Gosh, that hangover is going to kill you tomorrow.” Leon whispers as he adjusts the sheets over your sleeping frame again.
He shifts in the bed, making sure the arm you’re laying on is still; he wants to move it around and get circulation back in that arm again but he’d deal with a purple arm in the morning if it meant giving you a nice rest before the alcohol in your system hits you like a train tomorrow. He gazes at the ring on his hand one last time and feels a surge of joy and pride in his heart, hoping that you feel the same when you look at your own ring.
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NOTE - Before I update y'all with stuff going on in my life rn, I just wanna thank 🐰 anon for this request, I hope you liked it <3 OKAY. So I was gone for almost a month because so much happened in the time that I wasn't posting much-- I passed an entrance exam to a school I will transfer to after this year is over (I'm still in the process of passing requirements), I decided to start a Chris Redfield mochiposting IG account, I got lost in another town with my classmate while walking to a groupmate's house (a man was following us both but luckily nothing bad happened to us), I got sick twice in a row in a single month (1st time: screamed too much during a sports fest, did not drink water bc there was no water around the place; 2nd time: I was running low on sleep and did not have time for a break bc of the things I was doing), I had two infections in two different systems in my body (the same time as I got sick in the aforementioned stuff :3), and had my first ever sleepover at my BFF's house (slept at 4am cb we were eating and cooking so much while watching Demon Slayer). I also nosebled while watching filmvxq's (on TT) edit (the one w Take My Breath Away as the audio) and got really lightheaded... this isn't the first time btw <33 I also nosebled over a Vergil edit and I don't know how I keep doing this <33 My neck hurts so much and I have a crippling sushi addiction. SPEAKING OF SUSHI (what I'm about to say next has no relation), I got this TikTok about tubifex worms in a dirty sewer just before I took a bath and I was so disgusted, I was fighting for my life trying not to think about the worms while I was drenched in water. Also, my grades release next Friday and I hope those grades are somewhat sexy bro I can't go to another school with the nastiest math grade... I'm very number stupid... NEWAYS, that's all and thank you for reading my fics!!!! I <33333 UUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!
The dividers are made by @cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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kittzy2 · 12 days
hes just perfect I CANT———😭😭😩
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kittzy2 · 13 days
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I trained you well... Leon.
That you did, Major. That you did.
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kittzy2 · 13 days
feeling inspired so....
Okay, I really think LeonRe2R it would be a guy who would have a German Shepherd or some breed of that type of dog, idk, just something.
Because, imagining that the whole Raccoon City incident didn't happen and he's still working as a cop — in my head that would make sense !
But in RE4R he would be a cat person, because— IT SIMPLY REFLECTS HIS WHOLE PERSONALITY
like, something like an orange or black cat
but if we were talking about Leon RE4R living a life with !reader! like, if !reader! lived in a shared apartment with Leon and if !reader! didn't work for the government I think he would have a dog like a big and protective but still affectionate one - like a Golden or a Collie ! like, imagine - he would want to protect his partner at all times, and going on a mission would make him worry.
So whenever he has to leave, 5 in the fucking morning , he sees your sleeping form on the bed, curled up in the blankets, mouth open, while sleeping heavily as Leon went out on another mission to know how long it would last, placing a soft, affectionate kiss on your forehead and admiring you again before turning away, walking out the door before seeing the dog like a guard dog standing at the door, as if waiting for Leon to say goodbye to the dog. Chest puffed out and sly, head raised and looking at Leon as he speaks to protect his lover and the house while he is away, and with a coffee and a calm smile Leon walked out the door, and in the same second missing how bearable his life had become with his lover.
..... in the end Leon became a dog person anyway 😭😭😭😞
this was just a blurb and a little scenario that I imagined and wanted to share;)
(Sorry for any writing errors, my native language is not English.)
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kittzy2 · 13 days
inspired by the scene with the chain.. MY CONTENT IS SO DUBIOUS…😭😭😭
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108 notes · View notes
kittzy2 · 15 days
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kittzy2 · 16 days
...i have no words for this work of art
like tumblr writers has SO much potential.
I was dead, and then you came (back).
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Leon S. Kennedy x Gn!reader. 0.7k words. Also on a03
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There is no way you’re just human, though. No normal person would let him come back. No normal person would choose to act with such kindness, with this tremendous and fervent love.
Leon learned his lesson. You're willing to return to him. He can't help thinking about what a miracle that is.
So, I've been writing so much about this man it is about time I start posting all the delusions. You can blame @navstuffs for this mess since she was the one that encouraged me to keep on writing and start posting. Her fault, tbh.
Content: Fluff, basically him yearning under the excuse of a morning after. Mostly his pov. No use of y/n, some sprinkles of size kink I guess. It's just them being dumb for each other. I guess any older Leon works, though I had Vendetta Leon in mind (but you do you).
Warnings: Leon's mental struggles; some suggestive lines; rough sex mentioned but no smut. STILL, minors do not interact. +18 only. Also I'm not a native English speaker so, apologies for any mistakes.
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Leon looks at you in awe. How could he look at you differently? With soft steps you traverse the distance between the bed and the kitchen moving calmly, delicate figure enchanting him.
He licks his lips, amused. He sits on the bed, stretching his arms as he keeps his gaze on you.
“What is it?” you ask once you return to his side, a cup of tea in your hands.
“… You’re breathtaking,” Leon muses, a smirk decorating his mouth.
The cup shakes slightly, obvious signal as to how you feel.
“Always the charmer, Kennedy.”
“No, I mean it,” he replies, piercing blue gaze as tender as a summer sky.
“If you say so,” you sip on your tea, sitting closer to him and he presses his face against your shoulder, eyes closed.
The agent is aware that this is a privilege: a man like him is not bound for the whole spectrum of pleasure, both the carnal dance of two bodies as well as the warm company that now brightens his morning.
You smell sweet still. Even after he spit in your mouth, even after he forced pretty tears from your eyes. No trace of the sweaty musk that should surround you both after such exhausting physical activities from the night before.
You’re magical. More than human, Leon thinks.
When he opens his eyes, he is greeted by the sight of a pinkish love bite on your neck. He fixes his eyes on it, on the oval shape it draws on your skin. Could he do it again? He wants to. Hell, he would beg to mark you like that again. Every mark, every bruise, every trace of tears as evidence that he was there. That he is still here, with you. You’re real. And most importantly, he is there to experience it. To reverence your existence and praise you as you deserve.
The affection in his thoughts must be too loud, as you look at him, a hint of comprehension in your tone.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Leon shakes his head, body moving forward, as if caught on the spot.
“I just… would like to do it again. I mean, like last night. But also maybe not just… sex. If you’re… okay with that,” he explains, trying to sound casual, as if his heart isn’t attempting to break free from his chest, destroying bones and lungs on its way out. As if he wouldn’t fight the biggest horrors in this world with just his bare fists for just the chance of a lifetime with you.
Leon pushed you away once. He won’t make that same mistake twice.
You smile at him, scrunched up nose and the gentlest glimmer in your eyes. No reply comes out of your mouth, but the kiss you offer him is more than enough of an answer for him.
He kisses you again then, trying to process this still. The notion that even after his fears had overcome his whole life, terrorizing his thoughts and destroying his most precious bonds, you’re still willing to try again. To forgive him, to help him build himself up from deep, deep into the ground.
If the soil had buried him and drilled pain deep into his skull, so be it. There was still hope now. He wasn’t a dead man. Not yet. Not as long as he had you.
You chuckle when you both pull apart after the kiss, your bubbly energy making his grey bedroom light up.
Leon wants to add something else. But when he looks into your eyes again, he senses that you understand. And when you cup his cheek, caressing his stubble with heavenly devotion, the teacup long abandoned on the night table, he is more than certain that you know.
There is no way you’re just human, though. No normal person would let him come back. No normal person would choose to act with such kindness, with this tremendous and fervent love.
You look at him in awe, chest burning with yearning. Gaze tasting his pink lips, savouring the pretty eyelashes and the early wrinkles around his eyes.  The display of your feelings must be too strong, since he chuckles, taking your wrist in his hand, kissing your palm.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he teases you.
And when you laugh, his stomach jumping with happiness after so long without being greeted with that divine sound, Leon is finally convinced: there is an angel in front of him.
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If you've made it to the end, thank you. You're now legally required to tell me your thoughts (or not, I'm not a cop) 💜
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kittzy2 · 24 days
meet me in the woods
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summary: dreams of the woods and being someone else | leon kennedy x reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings: the softest angst ever, fighting & sparring, mentions of injuries, language, wanderlust, love confessions, unfortunate situations, slightly forbidden romance, krauser mention (i hate that guy)
notes: 'm where have you been?' 'm when are you coming back?' i'm back. i'm alive. i am free from the shackles of college for three months lawd have MERCY | ao3
The kick to the stomach should’ve been something you expected. You’d been calculating his moves the whole time, able to evade them without even thinking because you saw them from a mile away. But he wouldn’t stop talking. That’s always how he got you; opening his mouth and letting pretty words fall out of it. So when he said that the sunlight made your eyes a different shade, a prettier shade, you lost your touch. It was replaced by a boot to the stomach.
You let out a sound you didn’t even know you could make, a rush of air blowing past your lips. You hit the ground hard, half expecting a plume of dirt to come up around your shoulders. Leon is over you in an instant, locking your arms across your chest. He’s grinning. The sun outlines him like a halo.
“Yield,” he says, lips wrapping around his teeth in an obnoxious grin.
“Never,” you say, pushing back against him. You know it won’t matter so much, he’s always been stronger than you.
“You just don’t know when to quit, do you?” he asks, teasing. You notice your legs are still free, remaining unpinned by his. You finally return his grin.
“Never have,” you answer, managing to force your leg between his chest and yours. You plant your foot against him as best you can and give a hard kick. It’s enough to loosen his grip on you, and you’re back on your feet in minutes. You shake the dirt off of your shoulders.
You feel more at ease now, more in control. So long as Leon stays quiet, you might actually win this one. You put the voice in your head to bed, the one that says you’re still going to lose.
Leon tilts his head a bit, grin still hanging on his lips. He squares again, feet shoulder width apart. You could mirror his stance without even thinking. You know his strategies, you know his moves, you know the way his body works. He bounces on the balls of his feet before he swings, it gives him more momentum. He blocks too often with his right forearm, it’s covered in bruises that make it a weak spot. Yes, you know him. That doesn’t always make it easier.
You’re circling one another, waiting for the other to strike. Leon likes to bide his time; he knows you hate going on the offense so he tries to make you, tries to goad you into it. You often fall for it, but you’re trying not to. But he’s still grinning at you, which is mildly infuriating, like an itch you can’t quite reach.
“You’re thinking too much,” he says. You raise a brow. “Are we just going to stare at each other, or are we going to finish this? I’d like to get something to eat, and half the mess hall will be closed by the time we’re done,”
“Then hit me,” you return. “Finish it,”
He lets a breath escape him in what seems like a chuckle. You try to ignore it. “Why don’t you hit me, huh? Why do I have to do all the work?”
“Because when you swing, your balance is off. Makes you easier to topple,”
“You’re a quick learner,”
He rushes you then, throwing a right hook that would most certainly hurt if it were to connect with your jaw. You angle your head back at the right moment, using his forward momentum against him. You slip behind him, spinning on your heel. Before you can regret it, you send a hard kick into his back. The satisfaction rises in your throat when he stumbles. He turns to face you. The sunset is peeking at you over his head. You smile. He laughs as he swings again, and you duck beneath the fist hurtling at your nose. He grunts when he takes a punch to the kidney, but you doubt it even hurt that much. It’s a dance of fists and feet, attempting to land a single blow on the other. You can see the sheen of sweat on his brow, something you try to ignore. If you think about it too long, you’ll be face down in the dirt below. You throw a punch, one that lands hard against the smooth planes of his cheek. You worry it will bruise. You push it down. When you’d first started this, he didn’t care if you bruised. He said it would motivate you to do better.
Use everything to your advantage, even losses, he’d said.
Four hours. Within four hours you had managed to lose every fight against Leon you’d started. They didn’t even last that long, so there was no telling exactly how many you’d lost. A kick to the back of your knees sends you down this time, his forearm coming to rest around your throat. His labored breath is hot against the shell of your ear.
“Yield,” he says. The anger in you is too much.
“Fuck you,” you say, ramming your elbow into his ribs. He grunts, the wave of breath cascading over your shoulder. It gives you enough of an edge to wriggle out of his grasp.
You swing with abandon now, anger and frustration and exhaustion haunting your body and movements like a poltergeist. It’s only a matter of moments before your back is on the ground and his boot is pressing into your chest.
“Yield,” he says again. You grit your teeth, feeling tears resting in your eyes. You will not cry in front of him. With anger and resentment, you hammer your palm into his leg twice, signifying your yield. He relents, allowing you to stand.
“You let your anger get the best of you,” he says, turning you forcefully to dust the dirt from your back. “It makes you sloppy,”
“I’ll show you sloppy,” you say, stepping away from him. He laughs.
“I’m serious,” he says, schooling his features as you look at him. “You need to stamp it out or use it to your advantage,”
“I don’t know how to do that,” you say. Your voice is hoarse from the lump in your throat. Defeat weighs heavy on your bones.
“You will learn,” he promises. “Use everything to your advantage,”
The punch to the jaw is a shock to the system. It wakes you up in a way. You feel that anger coming back, that refusal to accept defeat. With a breath, you swing your leg up, landing a solid kick to his side that knocks the wind out of him. Taking hold of the moment, you land a right hook to his face, which causes him to stumble. You can hardly believe your eyes when he falls to the ground. You stand above him, triumphant.
“Yield,” you say. You’re not even pinning him, just sort of hovering near him, hands on your hips.
He’s grinning at you. It’s not teasing, it’s not to get a rise out of you. It’s the most genuine smile you’ve ever seen on him. Without a word, he taps out. Two hard beats against the ground are like the sweetest melody you’ve ever heard. Even in your exhaustion, you can’t help but thrust your fists in the air in celebration.
“Holy shit,” you gasp, extending your hand to him to help him up. “I actually won,”
When he’s standing in front of you, half drenched in sweat and smiling at you with so much pride, it’s hard to deny how beautiful he is. Constructed by the gods, you might say if he ever asked. You’re laughing, cackling actually, and he grips the sides of your head as he laughs with you. Your nose is bleeding, you can taste the rust on your lips. He brings your forehead to his, celebrating with you even though this was definitely a blow to his ego. 
After a few moments of bliss, you realize how close you are and how unprofessional it looks, and you back away. You’re both still grinning as he unwraps his knuckles.
“Don’t let this go to your head,” he teases, dropping the wrappings into the trash. The sun has nearly fully set. “You’re not the heavyweight champion or anything,”
“But, damn, don’t I feel like it,” you muse, smiling so wide that your cheeks hurt. He shoves your shoulder.
“Let’s get something to eat,” he says, grabbing your hand like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Maybe it is.
The mess hall is practically empty when you arrive, save for a few stragglers and the staff. Your usual seats are open, which is a relief. You feel like you can’t breathe when you set your tray down on the table. Leon sits beside you, like he always does, knocking his shoulder into yours.
“You have not won the war,” he teases. You roll your eyes. “Tomorrow night, you’re going down,”
“Who knows?” you return, sinking your teeth into a hard roll. “Maybe this is the start of your losing streak,”
He grins, stealing a piece of broccoli from your tray. In response, you shove the tray his way, a silent gesture to allow him as many as he would like.
You hate it here. It’s hard and trying, and it often makes you want to run away and live in the woods. But Leon makes it passable. Sometimes, after a particularly hard day, all you want to do is hit him. The thought brings comfort to you, settles it over your bones like a warm blanket. It makes your relationship with him strange, sure, but it works somehow. You hit him, he hits you, you get dinner, and the world can turn again. You don’t remember the last time someone had this effect on you, especially in this way.
Sometimes you wonder, on the days where the woods look like your best option, if he would come with you. Leon doesn’t like it here either, but he’s good at it. He’s good at following orders, he’s good with sparring, he doesn’t lose. He’s the star pupil if you’ve ever seen one. But there’s a part of you that thinks he might follow you. Maybe it would be under the guise of protecting you against bears and other woodland fauna, but you think he might just like an escape. Maybe he would go with simply because it was you.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks, knocking his shoulder into yours again. You look at him through your lashes.
“What comes after?” you wonder aloud. He quirks a brow, asking for elaboration. “When we leave? When I am no longer allowed to conquer you?”
He laughs at this. “I wouldn’t go that far,”
“I am David, you were my Goliath,” you say. He shakes his head.
“I don’t know what comes after,” he says. “I’m sure I’ll find a way to knock you on your ass every now and then,”
Something brightens in your chest. “A noble cause,”
“I’m serious,” he says. Your smile falters for a moment. “I think we’ll figure it out. One day, we won’t have to bruise each other anymore,”
“Maybe I’m only doing it to get your attention,” you tease.
“It’s working,”
The statement makes your cheeks flush. “Don’t get sentimental on me now. There’s no place for that kind of talk here,”
He laughs. “You sound like Krauser,”
“Take that back,” you grin. He shrugs, then laughs when you playfully hit his shoulder. He looks around for a moment, gauging your surroundings.
“I meant it,” he says after a while. You look at him. “That we could make it work. Guess I’m sentimental when it comes to you,”
You roll your eyes. “You say that like you’re about to confess your love for me, Kennedy,”
He laughs, a real laugh that rumbles in his chest and warms your flesh. You like when he laughs like this, and you like it even more when you’re the one who causes it.
“Would that be such a bad thing?” he asks. His head is bent toward you, closing you into his space. He smells like dirt and cedar, a scent that you would let choke you.
It wouldn’t be a bad thing if you were anywhere else, anyone else. But you’re not. You’re you and he’s him, and you’re stuck somewhere that bleeds the love out of you one punch at a time. If you were in a coffee shop on a dreary street with a warm mug in your hands to unfreeze them from the rain, it wouldn’t be a bad thing. It would be a wonderful thing.
“Here?” you say. “With me? Yes, that would be a bad thing,”
He grins at you. “Then I’m not confessing my love for you,” he says. “But if we were in the woods somewhere, lost and wandering, I would,”
Your heart hammers in your chest. “In this hypothetical situation, lost in the woods and confessing love, I would welcome your confession,”
The conversation dies with that. You know your days will continue, the secret dream of the woods stuck in your heart somewhere. You refuse to allow that to be beaten out of you. You would spend your life trying to reach whatever woodland he dreamt up.
He walks you back to your bunks, like he always does. There’s something lingering between you, but it’s not a fire worth stoking, not now. His smiles are easy, his jokes even easier, and you allow things to continue as normal. That seems easier.
“Same time tomorrow?” he asks, voice soft and sweet and low. You let it wash over you. You grin.
“Only if you’re prepared to lose again,” you tease. He laughs, a low whisper of air.
And he kisses you, soft and sweet like honey on a sugar roll. Plush against him, you feel like putty, ready to be molded to do whatever he could ever need. When he pulls away, he lingers in your orbit for a moment. Your eyes remain closed, just standing in the feel of him.
“I will not be losing tomorrow,” he says. “I won’t go easy on you,”
With that, he’s gone. He’s never gone easy on you, so it’s not much of a threat. But that doesn’t mean he’s never soft. He’s always soft for you.
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kittzy2 · 25 days
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Pain breaks the rhythm
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The kiss
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kittzy2 · 27 days
i love this man so fuckin much, THE EYES OMGGG😭😭💖💖💘💘😭
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KYLE "GAZ" GARRICK Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023)
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