lloya-art · 22 days
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lloya-art · 2 months
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I'm late, but I really wanted to paint their Valentine's Day! These two are so cute
Empyrean Weeping AU by @cupcakeslushie
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lloya-art · 3 months
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Post movie bad end for Leo
And Donnie, who...yeah, sometimes forgets that his brother isn't around anymore
bonus: just a room
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lloya-art · 3 months
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Take me over the walls below.
Fly forever. Don't let me go.
I need a savior to heal my pain
When I become my worst enemy
The enemy.
STARSET “My demons”
This lines are just cry from the Leo’s heart! We know that Leo will do everything for his brothers but this poor guy needs help too
I love Leosagi moments so much!
Amazing Empyrean Weeping AU by @cupcakeslushie
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lloya-art · 3 months
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Take me over the walls below.
Fly forever. Don't let me go.
I need a savior to heal my pain
When I become my worst enemy
The enemy.
STARSET “My demons”
This lines are just cry from the Leo’s heart! We know that Leo will do everything for his brothers but this poor guy needs help too
I love Leosagi moments so much!
Amazing Empyrean Weeping AU by @cupcakeslushie
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lloya-art · 3 months
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Fashion is my profession ✨
5 minutes before:
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lloya-art · 3 months
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Hueso: Look on the bright side, you'll get used to the crushing loneliness!
Two years later
Leo: You’ve been portal chopped
And Leo really was ready to spend the rest of his life in crushing loneliness…
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lloya-art · 3 months
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(I) A rise to leadership
Pun intended bc Leo would love it
Has this been done yet? Of course, but i love ranting about my favorite characters and boy, rise tmnt has so much to rant about (well, the whole tmnt franchise has enough material to speak for HOURS buttt rise lives forever in my heart so yeah i'm biased). Might talk about mutant mayhem in the future idk.
Leonardo Hamato/Splinterson has always been the leader, the one that carries the weight of carrying the team and following splinter's steps as the next "head" of the family (as said by splinter in the 2012 tmnt). And yeah in much of the versions of the turtles, this is a very important aspect of his personality, it's his literal purpose; it's the catalyst for a lot of the narratives and storylines seen across the tmnt universe: His fights with Raph, his anxiety, his inferiority complex, his constant wish to be better, how he sometimes neglects (or simply goes against?)his brother's feelings in order to keep them and the team itself safe.
Being the leader is both the weight and medal that comes with being Leonardo, that sisyphean task that we will always see try to accomplish over and over again.
So if we want to explore why he is a great leader... shouldn't we take that weight off his shoulders?
And that my people, it's what rise does perfectly. The best way to prove that Leo is a great leader? To show us how he can handle the team from the shadows, let us see how well he knows his team's strengths and shortcomings.
But don't just make him want to be the leader, no no, show us why we should all trust him to.
First of all: Leo panicking at the face of danger, might be useful sometimes.
Honest to god: i think the rise writers and animators are amazing. They're so GOOD at showing us important pieces of the characters even without directly saying it.
First of all, he doesn't have a fight or flight response because he straight up waves his ōdachi directly at anything that attacks him and his brothers (bro has kill om sight sense, he literally sliced warren one time, remember?). He will always have the advantage, even when surprised. Also the way he lightens up the situation with his witty banter and one liners when stress is too much? Extra points for keeping team morale up👍
Or in a different case, leo's panic when the mad dogs get in trouble upon a stronger rival. Why is it great? Because even though he's losing his absolute shit, he's able to act and take the next conscious step; even when it's used for laughs: He calls for his father when his family is in danger. It may sometimes be a funny gag ; like in "Flushed but never forgotten" or soul fucking wrenching like when they're attacked by shredder and RAPH IS PROTECTING DONNIE AND LEO SCREAMS AND I- *ehem*. But he knows splinter it's capable of defending them, he trained them after all (this may be arguable when talking about season 1 splint but well, he still recognizes his father as a ninja and his master).
And thus, the next marvel of Leo:
B) He's completely aware of the team's abilities
He's a middle child, he has seen everything, and the most perfect example of it: Many unhappy returns.
He trusts his siblings completely, sure he looks out for them and supports them when needed (while being sarcastic about it), but he knows they're amazing at the hero thing.
I wouldn't doubt it if Splinter; being with Leo most of the episode saw just how in control he was of the situation and went: "dude...why are you not the one leading the team? You're...actually so smart wtf????"
C)He knows how to dial down his brother's enthusiasm and calls out his father's faults (and sometimes hypocrisy)
Remember the paper thieves episode?
That's peak leader Leo
The whole team was full on trying to get killed for the lols, and what does he do? Pulls them to the side and explains why they should start with something more simple and gives a speech on why focusing on the "easier task" it's still a good hero job (look out for the small/weaker ones, right?)
Not only that, but he's the one that constantly calls out his dad's mess ups, remaining by his brother's side and defending them (THIS IS NOT A SPLINTER SLANDER, I'M SAD DAD SUPPORTER AND I WILL TALK ABOUT IT LATER) seen as one of the YouTube shorts or when splints nags then about keeping secrets from him: he stands for his team, "you are not supposed to do that/you do the same thing you yell at us for"
He both inspires and defends his team, and hey; a leader is not the one that orders, but the one that motivates and supports you.
D) He's their personal hype man
Cue back to point B, he is amazed by his siblings abilities, even if he dies hide it sometimes. Remember when mikey wanted to go on a solo mission? He's fully on board and never doubts mikey is in control of the situation (sure he does go to "save him" with the others later on but come on, you all heard the call and saw Raph panicking. He trusts him but he's still his little brother y'know?)
He knows Donnie is an absolutely genious and is completely aware of Raph's dedication to the hero gig and responsability.
April and Splints? He knows they're completely capable of holding their own and willingly helps them when the situation calls for it.
And this is it please be free to add anything you might like and tell me if i'm making sense??? Idk i just love him a lot😞
HECK EVEN CASEY, A LITERAL BOY HE JUST MET. He is aware of casey's passion and abilities; i mean, if his own future self trusts him as the only one capable to fix everything, why shouldn't he?
Conclusion: Leo quite literally grew to deserve the role of the leader.
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lloya-art · 4 months
✨The girls✨
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lloya-art · 4 months
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Considering how the Foot Clan seemed to show up right after the Turtles stopped Warren & Hypno, they were probably watching & waiting for the chance to grab the key anyway & would have probably gotten the key no matter what happened.
Which I hope Leo eventually realises & doesn't go through life with the belief that his small act of teenage rebellion & messing around because he still wanted to hold onto his childhood were the reason that the apocalypse nearly happened.
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lloya-art · 4 months
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…Leo had finally learned to stop waiting with baited breath for his brothers to burst into his cell of the Battle Nexus, grab him by the wrist and pull him out of this mess. It had been too many days; he didn’t know how much longer they’d even bother to look for him.
A year later, I'm back in this fandom, and yeh... the emotions from reading it are the same as they were a year ago. It's powerful!
A song for more atmosphere:
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lloya-art · 5 months
✦ Cosmic Dread ✦
Requested by @livewire11211 for our campaign @tmnt4p !!! Thank you again 💜
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Funky green channel, red-blue channel, and lines
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lloya-art · 8 months
Your SF art is amazing!! 😭😭💔💔
Oaoaoaoa Thank you SO MUCH❤️❤️
I follow your work and I’m so happy to hear it from you!❤️
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lloya-art · 8 months
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Активно переезжаю туда
Сидит довольный
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lloya-art · 9 months
The cold breeze from the lake blows through my clothes. I stand by the shore, intentionally drawn into the abyss of my obsessive thoughts.
I feel a longing engulf me, and my heart pounds with an incredible desire - to be near you.
My body shudders and a lump comes to my throat that doesn't bode well.
My breathing becomes ragged, and everything blurs into a hazy pall.
The insistent wind continues to ruthlessly flutter and tangle my hair, overwhelming me more with its chill. I close my eyes and visualize your face, feel the warmth of your touch, and laughter rings in my ears.
I still wonder why you left. We were strong together, we were two parts of a whole. I still believe that our contact was sincere and magical, like the reflection of a starry sky in the dark waters of a lake.
But all I have left are ghostly memories that now hurt my heart.
More than anything, I want to be by your side right now, enjoying every moment together.
Each new day robs me of the chance to see your smile and listen to the sound of your voice.
The cold wind continues to blow off the lake and I continue to stand here, surrounded by emptiness.
The only thing I have left is to hold these beautiful moments in my heart and hope.
Hope that we will be together soon.
Only on the other side.
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lloya-art · 9 months
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Life in plastic, it’s fantastic?
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lloya-art · 9 months
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Последняя надежда
Антон не знал, как в тот день добрался до дома. Очередное выступление на площади и поход в общежитие ясно отражались в его памяти, но все, что произошло потом, как в тумане. Страшное известие, больница, полицейский участок, отчаянный крик о помощи - все проносилось в гудящей голове короткими и несвязанными обрывками.
Чувствовал Звездочкин себя плохо: толстый слой помады, смешавшийся со слезами, неприятно раздражал кожу, отчего сильно опухшие глаза болели еще больше. Голова кружилась, а желудок отвратительно ныл. Но стоило увидеть газету с жирным заголовком «Сколько еще молодежи заберут экзамены?» как в сознание резко что-то ударило. Алкогольное состояние мигом сошло на нет, и слезы, которых, казалось, уже не должно было остаться, вновь полились из глаз. И с каких пор Антон стал так часто плакать? Но сейчас он не мог контролировать вырывающиеся наружу чувства. Вот так и происходит: пьешь, чтобы забыться, всеми силами надеешься, что полегчает, но одна фотография и все снова по кругу. Он скомкал свежий номер новостей и выкинул, как хотелось думать, в мусорку. На деле же всего лишь на пол.
Некогда любимый костюм Дипломатора сейчас вызывал невыносимое отвращение, хотелось поскорее снять его, выкинуть или даже сжечь, лишь бы эти куски ткани больше никогда не попадались ему на глаза. Но что-то мешало так поступить. Возможно, таким образом он хотел себя наказать, поэтому не решался вставать с места. Он продолжал сидеть. Просто сидеть, пытаясь о чем-то думать, что-то делать.
Но скоро он снова найдет оставленный «на потом» запас крепкого виски. А мысль, что алкоголь способен заглушить давящее в груди чувство вины снова станет его последней надеждой. А костюм злосчастного героя совсем скоро отправится в шкаф, где ему будет суждено пролежать далеко не один день.
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