lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
A/N: here’s my first Umbrella Academy fic! I got so many good prompts in my inbox and decided to write this fic featuring a stubborn Five and two mischievous older brothers. I also gave Five a new nickname; “Fiver”. Idk, I just liked it. I have another UA fic in the works, so stay tuned!
I used these prompts: “no hard feeling if u don’t write this but maybe a fic with lee!five being stubborn and insisting he’s “not even that ticklish” so klaus dares him to like try to keep his arms up or not laugh and bc he’s got a big ego he can’t turn down the challenge lmao?? ilysm x” from @ticklishraspberries and
“Could you write Klaus and Diego finding out that Five’s ticklish and just. Using the opportunity to wreck him and tease the hell out of him because “oh my god super tough angry Five is TICKLISH that’s adorable”??” from a lovely anon!
Boredom and curiosity was a deadly combo for Klaus. It always ended with getting him in trouble in some way, but that wasn’t going to stop him.
He wandered through the house trying to find a sibling to pester when he came across Five sitting on the couch in the den, reading a book. Although he looked content and peaceful, Klaus was about to ruin that. He crept up behind Five and poked both of sides, eliciting a shriek of surprise from his normally stoic older-younger brother.
“Oh-ho! What is this? I forgot how ticklish you are.” Klaus mused while continuing to squeeze his sibling’s sides. Five squirmed in his seat and spun around to grab Klaus’s hands.
“That’s enough. I’m not ticklish.”
That caught Klaus by surprise.
“Oh really?”
“Yes, really.” Five deadpanned, returning to his book. “I’m not a child.”
“Shut up.”
A moment of silence. “Okay, if you’re so tough and definitely not ticklish, I wanna give you a challenge. If you can keep your arms above your head for 15 seconds while I tickle you, I’ll buy you a drink.”
Five paused. “Klaus don’t be stupid.”
“C’mon, Five! You refusing to take this challenge just makes me think that you’re too ticklish to handle it.”
“Oh fuck you, fine. I’ll fuckin do it.”
Five marked his page and set his book on the side table, and laid down on his back on the couch. Klaus didn’t hesitate in straddling his legs, a predatory grin on his face. A small tremor of nerves fluttered in Five’s chest, but he squared his shoulders and took a deep breath. He was not about to let Klaus have the satisfaction of being right.
“Arms up, Fiver.”
Five rolled his eyes as he put his arms up over his head. “This is childish.”
Klaus couldn’t help but smile at his stubborn brother. “Okay ready? One-“ and before even saying two, Klaus dug his fingers under Five’s arms, scribbling away. Five squealed and both of his arms shot down immediately. Klaus burst out into laughter of his own. “Oh this is too good! You didn’t even last one second!”
Due to Klaus’s hands still being trapped in his armpits, Five was stuck still giggling. “Yohou bahastard! I wasn’t reheady!” Klaus withdrew his hands and Five took a deep breath.
“So…you’re telling me that if I really count to 3 and give you time to brace yourself, that you’ll be able to keep your arms up?”
Five stood strong. “Absolutely.”
“Alright, you said it. Arms up.”
Five put his arms up more hesitantly than the first time, but nevertheless did so with a smug smirk on his face. As Klaus began his countdown, he inched his claw-shaped hands closer to Five’s body. As he followed Klaus’s fingers with his eyes, Five’s smirk melted into a nervous smile.
“Three…two..” and before he even touched Five he burst into giggles and slammed his arms down. Klaus huffed, both amused and slightly frustrated.
“I haven’t even touched you yet!”
Five took a shaky breath and said “Wait wait wahait, let me try again.” He started to put his arms up a third time, but couldn’t keep himself from giggling every time he started to lift his arms further, until ultimately he brought them down again. This stubborn battle probably would have gone on longer, had Diego not waltzed into the room and seen the scenario playing out on the couch.
“Uhhh what are you guys doing?” He questioned, tentatively.
Klaus smirked. “Five here is currently losing a bet I made him. He seems to be having trouble keeping his arms up while I tickle him, why don’t you help him keep them up Diego?”
A predatory gleam of older brother mischief lit up Diego’s eyes, and he walked over to a now thrashing and begging Five on the couch. “Anything for my dear brother.” He said with a grin.
Diego pulled both of Five arms up over his head and sat on his forearms. With Diego pinning his arms and Klaus sitting on his legs, he was truly fucked.
“Guys I swear to god don’t you fucking dare, this is chIHIHILDIHIHISH!!!” In the middle of Five’s complaining, both brothers went to work demolishing him. Klaus skittered his painted nails across Five’s lower tummy, while Diego scratched at his neck and ears. Five squeaked and burst into a fit of bubbly boyish giggling. He felt his face heating up from hearing himself laugh like that, but he couldn’t put too much thought into it since his mind was scrambling with the sensation of four devilish hands on him.
Diego laughed. “Still just as ticklish as when we were kids.” Five was squirming like mad, and both brothers had to struggle to keep him pinned down.
“Damn Five, stop floundering like a fish! Just relax!”
“You still wanna tell me you’re not ticklish?” Klaus teased.
Klaus skittered his nails down Five’s schoolboy shorts-clad legs, while musing aloud. “Hmm, I wonder if your ticklish spot is still the same. Riiiiiight…” and he squeezed the space right above Five’s knee eliciting a desperate shriek. He grinned. “Here.”
Five’s thrashing became even more desperate, his heels drumming against the couch in an attempt to escape the torturous fingers scribbling over his knees. Diego moved his hands down to tickle under his arms again, and now Five was really in hell.
Klaus grinned. “Yknow Five, you really shouldn’t wear shorts all the time. It makes your ticklish spot so accessible.”
Five squealed and shook his head wildly. “STOHOHOP IHIHIT!!!!”
A string of giggly threats was hurled at both of his brothers, cursing their existence and promising deadly things in their sleep. But they couldn’t help but smile. They hadn’t heard Five laugh like this in years. He used to be the main subject of Hargreeves family tickle fights, due to his small stature and amazing laugh. But since the siblings had drifted apart and since found each other again, it had been a long time since they just did things annoy their younger brother just because they could.
Klaus and Diego shared a familiar smile, knowing where this part ended.
“And the begging begins!” Klaus announced. He momentarily paused his torment on Five’s legs to push up his shirt. This caused Five’s laughter-laced begging to grow even more frantic.
“Klahaus, plehehehese!! Plehehese don’t!”
“Don’t what?” He asked innocently.
“Yohou fuhuhucker!! You know whahat!”
“Yeah, I do. But I’m gonna do it anyway.” Klaus pressed his lips to Five’s bare stomach and blew a long raspberry onto his skin. Five squealed and kicked his legs more, trying go throw him off. Diego let out a loud laugh at the noise that came out of Five’s mouth, and strengthened his hold on his arms. Klaus blew raspberry after raspberry on different areas of his stomach.
“AAAAAAHAHA!!! The beheheard makes it soho much woHORSE!!”
Klaus paused for a moment and laughed.
“Yeah I didn’t have that when we were kids.”
He rubbed his face into Five’s soft skin, relishing in the peal of laughter it brought. Five arched his back and tried to wrench his hands free from Diego’s iron grip.
“PLEHEHEASE!!!!” He squealed, shaking his head frantically. Diego looked down at Five; his face was bright red and eyes were squeezed shut, a helpless smile on his face. His hair was wild from his squirming, and when he opened his eyes they were sparkly and brimming with tears of laughter. Despite Diego’s surly exterior, his heart melted at the sight. It was nice to see Five so happy, considering that he was robbed of most of his childhood.
“As much as I’m enjoying this,” Diego said with another pinch to his rib cage, “I think we better give him a breather.” Klaus reluctantly withdrew his hands, and he and Diego got off of their brother. Five curled up on his side, still overcome with residual giggles from the tingly feeling still ghosting over his skin.
“Yohohou suck.” He muttered, still smiling.
“Yeah yeah, we know.” Diego said with a grin as he ruffled Five’s already-messy hair.
“Even though you didn’t win our bet, I’ll still buy you that drink cause I’m such a good brother. Cmon lets go.” Klaus added.
As Five dragged himself off the couch, Diego and Klaus both slung an arm around him and the three brothers headed out the door.
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
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i’m fearless now, but it cost my soul
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
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- song of achilles
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
me when i get a New Interest™️ that i’m excited to share with everyone:
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my long-suffering friends and followers:
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
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…as i am for the fate of the world.
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
Okay but I just KNOW that Dave took advantage of Klaus wearing crop tops all the time,, thanks for coming to my TED talk
tummy kisses that make klaus giggle so much
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
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Dean and Jody hugging.
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
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☂️  the umbrella academy:
number five + shit
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
Very lovely content ❤ Ticklish five is a godsend, honestly. This is exactly how I imagined they would be, those cuties
Like A Violin (Vanya, Five)
Summary: Five asks Vanya to help him hide from their siblings’ antics, but she doesn’t understand why. He does his best to explain. (I just finished this show and holy fuck…Y’all. Anyway, @amazingmsme kept me alive with cute headcanons, so here’s a fic based on something we were talking about earlier today! I hope you guys enjoy!)
Loud laughter rings throughout the hallways of the Umbrella Academy, and Vanya Hargreeves sits alone in her bedroom, ear pressed against the wall.
She recognizes the sound immediately as Diego’s shrill laugh, his stuttering words ringing out between each giggle. She can’t help the small, sad smile that quirks on her lips at the adorable, familiar sound.
However, it’s only familiar from a distance.
Despite their father’s strict attitude, tickle fights are actually quite common in the Umbrella Academy, except when it comes to Vanya. Just like everything, she is left out.
Well, aside from today, it seems.
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
The Umbrella Academy HCs
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Yay! I do! Don’t be mistaken, I still don’t accept headcanon/fic requests XD but I was ready to write these anyway so might as well do it now. (yes I cannot getting into a new series without producing tickle trash headcanons *bows*). 
Number 1:
LUTHER!! He’s so sweeeet, I think he’s super awkward about being tickled xD Like he’s so huge, and his sensitivity is not extreme but still above average, and he makes these very weird squirmy movements when he’s tickled.
Because he’s so big it’s very easy to poke or tickle his side, or scratch at his lower back, and he’ll stumble away and let out weird noises. And then stare at his attacker as if they offended him greatly. “Don’t.”
It’s hard to tickle him into hysterics just one on one because he’ll break free, so just quick tickles are the most common thing in the family.
Once in a while he just needs a good gang-up in which he gets tickled to at least a few tears, but his siblings will need some very good motivation to risk their lives for such a thing, so it’s not an everyday event.
Digging one’s own grave can be done easily by tickling, teasing and annnoying Luther to the point of awakening his ler- side, and once it’s out it won’t back down before his victim has almost all of their life tickled out of them. The only person who goes through all this most of the time, even though he does not get away with it, is Diego.
With his strength Luther will pin his victim down and tickle all of their worst spots until they can barely laugh anymore, and he won’t be merciful about it even after that.
Other than revenge tickles he doesn’t really do it. When his brothers ask to participate in ganging up on one of the others he prefers to stay out of it, whenever he receives a quick poke/tickle he won’t retaliate, and he does not initiate tickle fights.
Only with his s/o (and/) or Allison he would initiate sweet and loving tickles, but more on the affectionate side rather than how his siblings just prefer to murder each other with tickles.
He often chases after others’ tickle fights whenever he hears laughter coming from anywhere because they are being loud and father will get angry if they won’t stop it right. now. Which gave young Luther the weird nickname of the ‘tickle police’. 
Number 2:
Diego my baaaby! Like I’ve seen a lot of lee Five fans already and I get it, but I will bet all my money on Diego being the dorkiest cutest most hilarious lee.
With powers just to slash people with knives he doesn’t have any special advantages in tickle fights, and with his stubborn, rebellious nature it’s very easy to provoke him to participate in tickle fights he can’t win.
Not that it’s necessary, since he himself is one of the main initiaters. He is the only fool to often draw out ler Luther, drawn into their rivalry and thinking he can beat him, and often ending up suffering from the consequences.
(For Diego it’s fun to tickle attack Luther because it might be the only way to make their leader number one look ‘uncool’ and Luther does get butthurt and embarrassed over it, so all the more reason to risk his life and dignity for it).
Despite his many losses against Luther, he does find a lot of satisfaction in tickling Five and Klaus. Yes, he may be one of the biggest lees but he’s also the biggest ler.
He is more ticklish than Luther, maybe less ticklish than Five and Klaus or almost the same, but he definitely has the most embarrassing and uncharacteristic laugh.
He’s got quite the amazing endurance when he’s getting tickled to death, like he can continue laughing forever and ever without running out of breath but he will get more and more embarrassed and his body will end up too tired to squirm and wriggle, so it will take a long time to break through his stubborn facade but in the end, he will beg the other to stop.
Ler Diego is always smirking and grinning, he enjoys having any upperhand just too much. He’s proud of his tickle skills too when it comes to wrecking Five and Klaus.
He’s careful with his sisters especially Allison because she can play very very dirty.
Number 3:
Young Allison plays dirty in tickle fights and everyone knows it. No one will tickle and provoke her unless they are in it together, to tickle her and shut her up quick enough before she can utter out any of her rumors.
She has used rumors of brothers unable to escape before they get tickled or even increasing their ticklishness in any sort of way, and Five, Diego, Ben and even Luther all experienced the terror at least once.
With Vanya she can be affectionate and tickle her playfully. She also enjoys tickling Luther- not in the Diego-way of I’m gonna embarrass and humiliate you to death, but just to be playful without going too far.
She’s mildly ticklish herself and not too shy about it.
By the time she gets older and stops using her powers to get any sort of advantage, she still is a decent opponent in tickle fights, but just like Luther she won’t use her skills unless she has to, and is barely ever the first one to start a fight.
Her laughs and giggles are considered very charming by everyone and she even looks charming when she’s tickled, adding to her siblings’ frustration. It’s unfair to look so charming when tickled mercilessly.
She gets over a tickle attack real soon too, unlike the others.
Only her s/o (and/) or Luther knows that when tickled at the right spot, she can snort, and it’s absolutely hilarious.
Number 4:
With ler Klaus it doesn’t matter if he’s sober or high: he can be very annoying. His fingers are nimble and quick and he’s very vocal in his teasing and taunting.
Klaus would just stand behind someone, tickle them randomly and then casually shrug about it. What? Did he do anything wrong?
He’s that cringy tickler that uses all the stupid lines, like the “Don’t what?” “Tickle me!” -thing, and “What’s so funny? Why are you laughing? Why should I stop, isn’t this funny? Aren’t you having fun~?” 
He’s done ‘this little piggy’ to Five before and it’s been haunting poor Five forever since. 
Klaus himself is very ticklish anywhere, and he doesn’t mind being tickled that much. He always begs very loudly and his laughter is hysterical, but he won’t feel vengeful after a tickle attack and just smiles merrily about it.
He is the kind of person who will flinch, curl up and giggle before he even gets tickled, begging for mercy before it’s even started.
As kids, he used to have tickle fights with Ben, and after his death they still talk about it sometimes.
Ben will tease Klaus about it too, and Klaus sometimes just wishes aloud that he could annoy him like when they were kids. 
Klaus is very expressive about tickle fights, thinking it’s a fun and useful activity. Sometimes when Diego and Luther are having a falling out he will just say: “can’t you guys just have a tickle fight and get it over with?” 
For people like Five who are embarrassed by just the act and even the word ‘tickle’ this is very annoying.
Number 5:
Like said previously ^ embarrassed by the entire act and word of tickling and anything related to it. and it all gets even worse then he’s an old man in a kid’s body.
Past 5: Not very tickly like his brothers Diego and Klaus but still a very annoying factor to the family with his constant use of his powers and popping up anywhere at random moments whenever he pleases.
Of course he had to be taken care of with merciless tickles and they often did it together. 
Present 5: Very fun to tickle because he’s not just butthurt like Luther or flustered and embarrassed like Diego, he is desperate and very fussy and angry while not looking angry at all because he has a 13-year old face. 
No YOU SHALL NOT DARE TO TICKLE HIM he is older than they are, and wiser, and tickling is so childish and stupid and he will get angry if they do it! - which still happens so yeah. 
His siblings love to remind him of their past tickle fights, and that alone is enough to make him totally flustered.
He is very easy to tease and embarrass in general, and whenever he’s tickled out of breath he will hold up his finger and try to rant at his attacker but only a string of hard to understand words will come out in a squeaky voice. he is not built to endure a lot of tickling. 
He blushes a lot! 
Five is so ticklish that he can only rant before and after he gets tickled- it’s hard for him to get out any protests out in between. His laughter can be various and is very entertaining for anyone who subjects him to the tickling. It can go from shrieking to loud howling and pathetic whining. 
When they were kids, chasing 5 until he was too exhausted to teleport anywhere else and then tickle him to death was definitely a thing.
Klaus one time states that with a power like Five’s he would just jump behind anyone and tickle them, and while Five’s not that childish kind of person, he does see his point and uses it in times of need. 
Still, ler Five is very rare because he is so embarrassed and snarky about everything hahaha. 
Number 6:
Ben as a child was known for his very ticklish neck and it was super sweet. 
He used to tag along in gang-tickles against others but was never a victim himself. 
In present day he will support Klaus verbally in tickle fights or warn him when others are after him. 
Number 7:
Vanya, being left out from when she was young, never felt like participating in tickle fights / gang tickles and often stayed in the background, but that did make her very observant. 
She knows each of her siblings’ weaknesses from doing all that observing, and is ready to use the information when needed.
Only with Allison she would sometimes be involved in soft tickle fights but nothing like what the others made each other go through. 
She has developed a jealousy of ticklish Allison being so charming.
Vanya’s ticklishness is pretty bad, she is very jumpy and she easily gets a very red face.  
As kids, she sometimes helped Five hide or flee when he was being chased by the other tickle monsters in the family.
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
Incorrect Umbrella Academy #28
Allison: We’re all out of snacks
Klaus: I’m right here
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
You’ve seen Umbrella Academy right? Got any headcanons for the siblings? :D
YES I DO! I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH! I’ll do headcanons in order of their numbers. Putting it under the cut cause I got carried away & they got longer than expected 
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
tua positivity post
Listen. I know these characters are all messed up in their own way, but I like to think about all the little quirks that make them more lovely than not. (Don't mind my little rant if you're not into it, I just have so many emotions.) Also - some spoilers.
Luther, for one (ha), is commonly viewed as controlling. It's a little true, I admit, but I also think he's a very protective person. As we see in episode 6, it just takes a little real-world common sense and an understanding soul to help him realize that he "doesn't need a mission to exist." He can be so tender and reasonable when he's not forced to play a role! (Caring for his plant bb on the moon, holding Diego to stop him from beating up 5, looking after 5 when he seems distressed, etc.) There's also an innocence there that I admire when it comes to doing the right or wrong thing, but also makes me shake my head when he takes it too far. You guys, he's really trying his best to be good. He just needs to take a breath and examine the situation he's in from a new perspective.
I've never really known how to feel about Diego, but I know that he has a lot of heart and passion for what he believes in. This might make him act irrational or even childlike sometimes, but it's not bad to have emotions the way he lets himself do. Although sometimes antagonistic towards Luther and Allison, I feel those attitudes stem from a sense of inadequacy as a child; Diego just wants to lead his siblings and protect them like Luther does. He wants a fair and just world, and he's not above taking the shit end of the stick in life to eventually make it to that point (getting a job as a janitor, joining the police force, etc.) We see that a lot through his relationship with Patch, I think. They had similar goals, just different methods.
Allison? I don't really feel like I've seen enough of her character to know her that well, but even though she has manipulated people for her gain, the regret she displays and her efforts to do better are so so important. I doubt there's a single person who wouldn't do the same in her position at least once. Resisting temptation in an attempt to build a real life for herself is a sign of commitment to reality, which is hard to find in 2019. Her efforts to be a good sister to Vanya are so sweet, too. She truly cares for her, which becomes so clear and blunt and obvious in the last few episodes. Not to mention how much she loves her daughter... She's such a caring woman.
Oh my GOD, Klaus though! I've heard so many good things as well as I've thought of them, despite the fact he didn't help Patch. Like, clearly he makes poor decisions. Sometimes he's not all there. But!! He's crazy empathetic for his family and cares for them so much. Comforting Diego when Grace dies the second time, comforting Allison when they got their tattoos, comforting Luther when he found out about his trip to the moon, helping 5 with his eye thing, trying to free Vanya, his kindness towards Ben... Just so much emotion and empathy and devotion. And he never treats Vanya lesser than himself, most likely because they both were treated similarly. Think about it! Klaus has a power, but in terms of usefulness? I'm just saying... His family makes him the lookout for a reason. Him and Vanya both want attention and to be a part of the group. And all the things he went through... All that trauma, I wish he would talk to people about it. He talks so much, but never about the deep stuff because no one listens. After all, "does it matter? it's Klaus." Please give him some real self worth and not the fabricated, showy kind. 
Five is such a great character, too. One of my favorites if I'm being honest. So much irritation and controlled rage in such a small body, christ on a cracker. I don't want to belittle his obvious skills and maturity at ALL because it's a source of tension for him, but I just think he's so cute. He could do with some more genuine happiness, like in his loving relationship with Delores. Not to mention he's so smart and calculating! He's creative and responsible and resourceful and /snarky/ and I'm so here for it. I'm so sad that he feels he doesn't belong anywhere (like all his siblings, come to think of it), because he deserves that much after all the isolation and horrible things he had to do to get back to his family... It all makes him appear so cold and callous, but his family understands how much he really cares. They know who he really is.
Ben is just fantastic. A bookish, witty, caring boy that never got the chance to grow up in the land of the living. Despite that, he very clearly serves as a voice of reason for his brother in his toughest times. He was their support, their encouragement, their glue. Everyone always has something kind to say in his memory. I think the fact that he still acts boyish outside of his wisdom-filled speeches is so adorable and so accurate for a teenage boy. Let him enjoy the wild side of life too, you cowards.
And lastly, Vanya. That poor girl. That brave woman. Despite all of the abuse and the lack of affection or care, she still grew to realize that she deserves a spot in life, too. She deserves the same chance as everyone else. She's sweet, she's thoughful, she's observant, she's talented, she's funny... You can see it if you just look for it through all the repressed and shameful emotions. She knows everything about her siblings: where Luther and Allison went when they were sad, Diego's attachment to Grace, Klaus' drug problems, Five's favorite snacks, Ben's place in the house as their support system, all of it. I just wish she could have felt more a part of it herself, y'know? I mean clearly Five cared for her because he called out for her when he got lost in time, just like he did for Ben and his dad, too. She deserves all the love and DEFINITELY a better relationship than what she had with Harold. 
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
Destiel tickle head cannons?
- Dean will ALWAYS put up a fight and pretend he hates being tickled to everyone except for Cas, Cas is the only one that Dean feels comfortable letting go enough to actually sort of admit he likes it when Cas tickles him to pieces
- grace/mojo tickles are SO good and SO sneaky and can get Dean at any time even when he’s in public or with his brother or friends… and then suddenly there’s tickly buzzing tendrils of grace crawling around and through and over his sensitive spots and Dean’s already lost when the sparks move to his hips and sides, making him double over
- Castiel’s eyes shine particularly blue when he’s ravaged and exhausted and wrecked with tickles, so Dean does whatever he can to get Cas to look like that
- they are the DEFINITION of tickles turning into cuddles turning into tickles ��
- lazy smooching on the bed on a weekend morning when they have no where else to be and Cas just wants to trace his fingers all over Dean’s back and neck, making him shiver, but he won’t ramp it up until Dean either asks for more verbally (unlikely) or through his actions
- Dean would say Cas has the sweetest laugh in the world and Cas would say Dean has the sweetest laugh in the room
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lucidcupid67-blog · 5 years
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You know what the worst part of being dead is? You’re stuck. Nowhere to go. No way to change. That’s the real torture, if you got to know. Watching your brother take for granted everything you lost and pissing it all away.
Klaus and Ben Hargreeves in The Umbrella Academy (2019–)
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