marchoftimes · 2 days
My moon in the 12th house and same 😭
My Suns there too..luminaries in the 12th will light up the subconscious fr
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marchoftimes · 3 days
My 12H Saturn and my constant fear based dreams :/
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marchoftimes · 5 days
I rly like 2H synastry
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marchoftimes · 5 days
My partner has 5 placements in my 12h and I dream about them every single night…
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marchoftimes · 7 days
You can become so entwined with the person you have 8H and 12H synastry with which is why it can be dangerous because it can lead to obsession or codependency. Every word that’s said by the other carries weight to the point where it tugs on your heartstrings evoking something within you that can make your entire body react. Everyday that’s spent with the other, the more you become imbued, wanting more and aching when they’re not near. They pull qualities and evoke things within you that you’ve neatly tucked and stored away; causing you to self evaluate. They show you the full range of the human experience, the highs and lows and the in-betweens. They pull out the ugliest and tenderest parts of yourself; pulling out things within you even you didn’t know were waiting to reveal itself. The same person that provides you encompassing peace can just as easily provide a deep unsettledness as your fears and shadows will become known to you. It’s easy to fixate on the connection and person, creating obsession and leaving everything outside of your connection to wilt. It will take death of the old self you once knew to keep the connection alive and it will take death to release this connection as it’s all-consuming. Once the connection ends, you will forever be changed.
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marchoftimes · 9 days
mars in the 12th house overlay/synastry
please do not copy or repeat my work anywhere
mars in the 12th house is a mystical, alluring and beautifully contradicting synastry placement.
in this overlay, we have mars, the fiery and confrontational celestial body. when you mix that with the 12th house, being an elusive, murky swamp of reminiscence, there is a lot of conflicting energies. on one hand, the fieriness of mars has the potential to boil out the impurities of the watery house and cleanse them of tainted habits. on the other hand, water can extinguish fire completely.
the first glimpse of this person ignites a spiritual pull towards one another. both, but typically the mars, feel an insatiable curiosity towards the other. it's like a dark, faint-lighted party where they can't take their eyes off each other.
mars in this connection wants to untwine the soul of the house, diving head first into their whirling and opaque waters. however, they quickly realize they need to slow down and restrain their impulsivity in order to be abundant in this connection. the house is cautious of mars, and may be scared away if mars does not tread carefully. trust is very blurred in this overlay, both wanting to be in control of the vulnerability shown to each other.
the house is an oasis of water that mars stumbled upon. mars will need to relinquish its aggressive nature in order to penetrate the shy and mysterious aura the house emanates. mars frantically texting "why are you ignoring me?" while the house is asleep vibes.
how aware one is of their subconscious will be how aware they are of what's going on beneath the surface of this overlay. there is a very passive energy when it comes to disputes and arguments. hidden conflict is a theme because of the timidity of both parties. there is potential for destruction if open & honest communication is not at the forefront of this connection.
mars is almost drowned in the dim haze of the house, causing a tendency for delusion and false impressions. both mars and the house feel like a piece of the puzzle is missing, because of their preconceived notion of who this person is.
this linkage will be a sensual and otherworldly bond. sex feels like you are traveling to astral planes through each other. like you are pulling their walls away, and reaching into the depths of their soul.
it is a powerful coming-together, but if either parties aren't looking or prepared for 12th house activation, it can be just as powerfully draining and cataclysmic.
mars can reach parts of the house that they may not be used to, especially if the house person has an inactive or empty 12th house. it can have the energy of "wait, you noticed that?" after the mars pointed out something the house only ever thought to themselves.
12th house connections are notoriously tragic, as the 12th house itself is a very impenetrable retreat in the natal chart. the house person may initially be full of lust for the mars person, which in time bleeds into insecurity or resentment. this is due to the nature of the 12th house bringing unconscious wounds and trauma to the surface when triggered by someone like mars.
however, this synastry is spiritually elevated and beautifully transcending if the challenging energies are balanced and nurtured. these bonds are meant to trigger change and emotional discomfort.
songs that may resonate:
like a tattoo - sade she - harry styles how to disappear - lana del rey rose blood - mazzy star
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marchoftimes · 10 days
8th House Synastry - What's the fuss?
Why is it controversial?
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When someone infiltrates your 8th house, you lose a version of yourself, that will only ever belong to that person. Usually, you meet such a person in your youth, or at the beginning of your love life.
That person will bring your deepest desiring, loving, and intimate self. They allow you to take a deep dive into yourself. But here's the catch; once the connection ends, they take that version of you with them.
After such a transformative relationship, you might be stronger and more resilient, but it would be rather challenging to love someone else with that level of desire and intimacy. In comparison, every relationship afterward will feel like a little scratch on the surface. You see, you have permanently changed, and you won't be able to conjure that version of yourself again. The pain of 8th house synastry is different because you are not only mourning the relationship or the person but also your past version that died with the death of the connection.
The levels of passion, desire, and love in such a connection are laced with insanity, such that it's impossible to sustain long-term. It's like the connection burns and with it, you are burning too. And that fire is what kills your old self. You might change for the better or have more convenient/compatible relationships, however, it would be desperately hard to replicate the levels of passion and intimacy you experienced with that person who triggered your 8th house.
Note: This is especially true with Sun in 8th house. I talk more in-depth about 8th house synatsry from both the house and planet POVs here!
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marchoftimes · 10 days
Ceres, (also referred to Greek goddess Demeter) is named after a Roman goddess; mostly known for her maternal presence, unconditional love for her daughter, and agricultural skills. She is the mother of Persephone, Goddess of Spring and in her story, Hades (Pluto), King of the dead, lures Persephone into going to the underworld away from her mother to be with him. Ceres is devastated and does everything in her might to locate her daughter and bring her back home leaving her crops behind to wilt.
Eventually, after much time spent in grief, Ceres finally finds Persephone. She declares to Hades that if she can’t have her daughter back she’ll make sure nothing will ever grow on earth again. Persephone is given 6 pomegranate seeds being forced to eat them as pomegranates commonly symbolize the bonding of a relationship (such as marriage) that would permit her from being able to leave the underworld whenever she pleases. Hades negotiates with Ceres proclaiming that if he gets to keep her held in the underworld for 6 months, Persephone can reunite with her again once Spring comes around.
Ceres is not an official planet, but it’s one if not the biggest dwarf planet in the solar system, so I always take note when I see its prominence in someone’s chart. I natally have Ceres conjunct my Sun and NN, and her story rings very true to me. If I was in Ceres’ shoes, I'd do the same. I’ve met many people with a prominent Ceres in their charts and they all sort of show up similarly. Cerian energy is always incredibly nurturing and comforting; one knows what to say to comfort others, they provide solace, are non-judgemental, very mindful, considerate, protective, loving, caring, and welcoming to just about anybody. Ceres also represents familial relationships, service, cycles, nourishment, fertility and reproduction, attachment and separation, agriculture, and bringing in/providing something.
If Ceres is prominent in your chart, how does it show up in your life?
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marchoftimes · 11 days
hello! Love your post about 6th house saturn! Would love to know if it's still the same if Saturn's in retrograde motion?
Likely to experience more of the harder lessons regarding 6h topics. When a planets retrograde in the chart it means you’re kind of learning things backwards so for you, you may take a little longer to learn how to apply Saturn to your life surrounding 6h topics. You may deal with lessons regarding your 6th house (work, routine, priorities, health, pets, duties etc.) and fail to learn then the first time, so your met with another one. One step forward two steps backwards kind of, but eventually you’re meant to know how to work with your Saturn. I also think retrograde planets in the chart makes one have to learn how to use the energy of the planet in their own unique way, so your way of going about 6h topics might be completely different from those around you.
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marchoftimes · 11 days
6H Saturn
The 6th house deals with the more practical areas of life. It's how one decides what to eat for dinner, what appointments to make, what our priorities are, how to care for one’s health, what responsibilities we have and how to go about them, etc. It also sometimes points to what individual work we put out in the world.
With Saturn, the planet of structure, delays, restriction/limitation, time, patience, hardships, lessons, concentration, growing pains, and orderliness being placed in the 6th house, this can manifest in a few different ways. This can easily make somebody a workaholic to the point where their life revolves around working. Saturn 6h folks are very well disciplined and have a crazy work ethic; sometimes too much to where they don’t give themselves room to breathe. Their loved ones often have to force them to take breaks and ease up on whatever workload they’re dealing with because of their laser focus. They can be very hard on themselves. They can also be very tenacious when working on their craft; they’re precise in their work and wants to be the best at whatever it is they’re focused on, but if they don’t personally feel satisfied, they immediately point out everything wrong with whatever it is they’re working on.
6h Saturn people feel like they have to work 10x harder than their peers because they feel limited or restricted when it comes to dealing with 6th house topics. Routine can feel like a drag to these people; they have so many responsibilities and before one has their saturn return, it often feels burdensome or overwhelming; or the other way around where a 6h saturn person absolutely needs routine otherwise they feel entirely way too scattered within their space and shut down. Saturn in the 6th can make an individual have some health concerns as well. Every person I've met with a 6h saturn has dealt with either major anxiety/depression, chronic pain, peculiar allergies, struggles with fatigue, or has some underlying health concern.
Overall, Saturn in the 6th helps one determine what’s most important to them, establish a routine and a sense of order in their life; often after going through some kind of hardship revolving around 6h topics.
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marchoftimes · 12 days
It’s my bday today with a lovely Sun-Jup-Venus conjunction in the sky :)
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marchoftimes · 13 days
Venus square Neptune
I have this aspect in my own chart and I've known many people with it in theirs. When Venus squares your Neptune, you can often brush past people’s flaws by magnifying and highlighting the good things about them to the point where you're not seeing the other clearly. Oftentimes these folks don’t see people for who they are because they unconsciously choose to only see another's positive qualities, looking at them through a rose colored lens or placing them on a pedestal higher than where they place themselves, which is why it’s so important for people with this aspect to learn the importance of somewhat detaching themselves from the other and to examine whether or not they're projecting their ideals and expectations. The idea of a person will always be more appealing than the actual person who's standing in front of us. Wishful thinking is huge with this aspect and it can be incredibly destructive as they can perceive something to be greater than it is or put high unrealistic expectations on others.
With this aspect, you kind of choose what you want to see in a person, especially in romantic relationships and when the illusion breaks, what’s underneath can be deeply unsettling for one with a Venus-Neptune square. This is one of the hardest aspects a person can have on their Venus in my opinion because it puts a veil over one's Venus beautifying everything; even the ugly. Red flags turn into a pretty pink and once that veil is lifted we have a hard time forgiving ourselves for not seeing the obvious blaring cautionary signs or for not being rational enough. Tina turner, Whitney Houston, Diane Keaton, Joan Collins, and Stevie Nicks all have this aspect in their charts and all have faced major challenges in regards to their romantic relationships.
These people may attract partners who may not always have their best interests; they may date people who portray themselves as one kind of person when they're the complete opposite, get into a relationship with somebody who is deceiving, or they may face a painful unrequited love. They can often take rejection personally as if it reflects something about themselves, but the truth is rejection is to protect us from those who aren't the right person for us. Neptune is a very distorting and illusive planet when harshly aspecting another planet. These people have a hard time saying no and often fall into people pleasing tendencies as well. Dating is confusing, exhausting and oftentimes very heartbreaking. These people may feel a sense of sorrow for putting in so much effort towards their relationships or a towards person that did not reciprocate.
In romance, Venus-Neptune people are often looking for the love of their life. They're hopeless romantics waiting to cross paths with the one. Venus-Neptune people go through the ringer when it comes to dating and over time they become discouraged and soon realize that maybe their fantasy was never going to come true. Because of this cyclical pain and rejection, they can become entirely closed off to romance by creating ideals that absolutely no one can fulfill.
They can also get into a relationship with someone who does love them, but if it’s not the kind of grandiose fairytale love the Venus-Neptune person is seeking or if the person doesn’t perfectly match their ideals or meet their expectations, they can exit the relationship out of dissatisfaction. A good way to combat this is to ask yourself if you yourself could fulfill all of the things you seek in a partner. This is the challenge because Venus-Neptune folks are hardcore lovers and they tend to repress that part of themselves if they’ve faced enough turmoil in their relationships, or like I said create unrealistic expectations in others, ruining their chance of being in a healthy relationship.
Something a Venus-Neptune individual should know is that the love that they so badly want does exist because they exist and that they don’t need to go over and beyond to receive the love they deserve; they should never plead someone to love them. They need to provide the love that they so badly want to offer another person to themselves first. They also need to determine whether or not their ideals are rooted in reality. Self love, self appreciation, and self examination are deeply needed to be practiced when one has this aspect.
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marchoftimes · 14 days
helloo!! i’d love to know the lilith sextile moon aspect plays out in a synastry. Me (moon) and my bf (lilith) have this sextile at a 0° orb; exact)
Lilith person can encourage moon person to reveal the darker aspects of themselves. Lilith can be a catalyst for the moon person to discover their more subconscious needs and desires, along with providing space for the moon to express the more sensitive parts of themselves. Moon person helps lilith open up and express the more repressed parts of themselves or open up about past pains that may have been left unhealed. There’s an opportunity for creating a very strong emotional bond between each other; feeling like they understand one another’s depths like no other.
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marchoftimes · 15 days
We have Moon-mars synastry in my 8H and we broke the bed…
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marchoftimes · 17 days
I literally cried when I read this , I have moon in virgo and Gemini Venus, and everything you said is more that accurate to me , I'm 19 right now and I'm literally on the edge of not believing in love anymore , it's sooo tiring i feel so exhausted after every relationship and I don't even know why + I have moon opposite Uranus and square Venus too and I'm dying here 😭
It'll get better with time! You're still young. The only advice I can give is to focus on you and the right one will come at the right time, there's no rush. Make sure you're not overextending and are staying true to yourself. If you don't know what your needs/core values are in relationships, it's a good time to sit down and reflect as it's your 8h profection year which includes facing situations revolving around intimacy and transforming them in some way.
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marchoftimes · 17 days
Venus square Moon
Venus is our relationships with others; our style of loving and ways of creating interpersonal relationships, and our moon can basically show how we function in and navigate these relationships on a psychological level and what our core needs are. With these planets squaring each other, this can show that at some point in their lives the person with this aspect has gone through emotionally painful connections. Because of this, it can make people have a hard time moving on from the hiccups in their romantic lives. They tend to carry baggage from one relationship to the other to the point where they feel the need to give up altogether when it comes to love. I’ve seen this aspect in a lot of people who had turbulent love lives especially in the first half of their lives. They can blindly jump into relationships because they feel so good in the moment and tend to forget to ask themselves if what the other person embodies, or what qualities they have is what they want for the long term. The moon is a fluctuating planet, so what it is that these people are looking for, especially in romantic relationships often changes. One with a venus-moon square must determine is whether or not the person they're involved with can provide their fundamental needs in the relationship.
Another thing I've seen with this aspect is self sabotage in relationships. Knowing something isn’t working out yet staying complacent because the process of leaving is much too hard, staying in an unfulfilling relationship because they don’t want to hurt the other person’s feelings, desiring love so badly yet running for the hills when someone enters their life, not emotionally opening up because of past relationship wounds, etc. The person with this aspect almost feels apprehensive/hesitant when it comes to forming intimate relationships because of everything else that comes with it because of the baggage they carry from relationship to relationship. In relationships you may find yourself overly compromising with your partners as well. Make sure you're not being overly considerate or overextending yourself just to make the other people in your life happy. By doing that, you’re only abandoning your own needs. These folks have giant hearts and want to be loved so badly, but because of that, they’d be willing to sacrifice their own autonomy or needs for another person’s, or completely refrain from developing intimate connections despite their desires due to the cyclical disappointments they seem to face in their relationships.
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marchoftimes · 17 days
People hate saturn because of its “unmerciful” presence, but without saturn, there’d be no order. Lessons that are imposed on you make you stronger and gives you grit. It’s not to punish you which is what a lot of people perceive saturn to be; a punishing planet that applies restriction in their life to work against them, but the thing is, if one is willing to work with saturn rather than against it, it can bring them some of the most eye opening wisdom and long withstanding rewards after overcoming the challenges they had to go through in order to grow. That's why saturn finds its joy in the 12th house. Without retracting and stepping outside of yourself to see an issue or situation objectively or for what it is, you can't free yourself from self limiting beliefs or the things that hold you back. Saturn wants you to face the things you really don’t want to think about or deal with in life so you can overcome them and liberate yourself from your limitations.
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