medstar-dubai · 3 years
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Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure used for reshaping and reconstructing the nose. It helps in shaping the nose as desired by the patient.
In some cases, rhinoplasty is performed to reshape the nose while in some cases it is used for reconstruction of the lost nose structure. It is also used for surgically correcting a deviated septum and is known as septoplasty. But in either case, the results are a new nose and a happy patient.
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medstar-dubai · 3 years
Rhinoplasty : A Popular Nose Surgery
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What is Rhinoplasty ?
Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure used for reshaping and reconstructing the nose. It helps in shaping the nose as desired by the patient.
In some cases, rhinoplasty is performed to reshape the nose while in some cases it is used for reconstruction of the lost nose structure. It is also used for surgically correcting a deviated septum and is known as septoplasty. But in either case, the results are a new nose and a happy patient.
How is a rhinoplasty performed ?
Rhinoplasty is performed by a certified plastic surgeon under anaesthesia as an outpatient procedure.
Photographs of the face in different profiles are taken for records and to compare before-after results.
The procedure starts with local or general anaesthesia according to the comfort of the patient. Surgeons will make incisions inside of nostrils and reshape or reconstruct the bone or cartilage of the nose. Sutures are used to stitch back the incisions and dressing is applied over the nose.
Why is rhinoplasty needed ?
Rhinoplasty is also known as a nose job. The nose is a facial feature that might not get noticed instantly but it is a prominent feature enhancing the aesthetic proportions of the face. It is used for:
Reshaping nose in cases of:
Patients unhappy with their nose shape
Abnormally large nose according to the face proportion of the patient
Flat nose
The crooked shape of the nose
Abnormal shape of the tip of the nose
Weird shape and size of nostrils
Reconstruction of the nose is done in cases of loss of nose structure due to:
Birth defects
It is also used to treat breathing or snoring problems
What are the different types of rhinoplasty surgery?
There are many different types of rhinoplasty based on the type of incisions, purpose and part of the nose treated. Different types of rhinoplasty procedures are:
Resizing rhinoplasty
This includes reduction rhinoplasty and augmentation rhinoplasty for the resizing of the nose by removing or adding nasal tissues.
Reduction rhinoplasty reduces the size of the nose and related nasal structures by removing cartilage and bone from the nose.
Augmentation rhinoplasty is a shaping procedure of the existing structure of the nose with the help of adding cartilage graft to increase the size of the nose.
Refining rhinoplasty
This rhinoplasty is used to refine the shape of the tip of the nose when people are not satisfied with their shape like it can be too pointy or too blunt. It helps in achieving the tip of the nose as desired by the patient.
Reconstructive rhinoplasty
Reconstructive rhinoplasty is used for reconstructing the lost structure of the nose due to certain cancer or trauma to the nose.
Revision or Secondary Rhinoplasty
It is used to correct the unsatisfactory results or complications of the previous rhinoplasty.
Closed Rhinoplasty
Closed rhinoplasty is performed by making incisions inside the nostrils of the patient to reshape the nasal structures. Due to its approach, it is also known as endonasal rhinoplasty. It leaves no visible scars with fast healing.
Open Rhinoplasty
Open rhinoplasty is performed by making incisions outside the nostrils at the columella of the nose. It is also known as external rhinoplasty. It is the preferred approach for rhinoplasty as it helps in better visibility during the procedure.
Liquid Rhinoplasty
Liquid rhinoplasty is the only non-surgical option for altering the nose shape and size. In this rhinoplasty dermal filler-hyaluronic acid injections are used to reshape the nose. It is a temporary, virtually painless, quick and scarless procedure.
Septoplasty is the surgical procedure of correcting a deviated septum to unblock the nose and help with breathing or snoring problems of the patient. In this procedure, nasal septum tissues are reshaped, reconstructed or repositioned to straighten deviated or crooked septum.
What are the Risks of Rhinoplasty surgery ?
Like any other surgical cosmetic procedure, rhinoplasty has surgical risks associated with it, like:
Breathing difficulties
A numb nose
An asymmetrical nose
Allergic reaction to anaesthesia
These risks can be easily avoided by choosing certified and experienced cosmetic surgeons for rhinoplasty.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of rhinoplasty ?
Rhinoplasty can help in balancing the face proportions of the face resulting in a pleasant appearance of the face.
Reconstruction of lost bone structure helps in reducing infections of the nose.
Improved airflow
Reduced mouth breathing and snoring
Boosts the confidence and self-esteem of the patient
Rhinoplasty can result in asymmetry in the shape of nostrils or unsatisfactory results.
Post-rhinoplasty complication of bleeding and infections
Limitations and unsatisfactory results due to thick skin of the tip of the nose and anatomy of the nose
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medstar-dubai · 3 years
Know the Basic Information about Tummy Tuck Surgery
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What is Tummy Tuck Surgery ?
Tummy Tuck is also called as Abdominoplasty. This is a cosmetic surgery. People undergo surgery for flatten their abdomen by removing excess fat and skin. It is popular surgery which helps in
·  tightening the muscles
·  giving definition to the abs
·  better posture
Tummy tuck is usually a safe procedure which gives permanent results as long the patient maintains a healthy lifestyle.
Are Tummy Tucks Safe ?
Like all other surgeries, tummy tuck surgery has risks. That risks include bleeding, infection and complications from anesthesia. Actually, this is a very safe procedure. Always Ask your surgeon about the potential risks before deciding to have the procedure.
Though, the results are usually permanent, remember that significant weight gain or loss may affect the appearance of the abdomen.
Why do Tummy Tuck ? What is the difference between Liposuction and Tummy Tuck ?
Tummy Tuck is a popular surgery performed to remove the excess loose skin around the abdomen area which can arise due to pregnancies or due to rapid weight loss.
In this procedure, an incision is made in the bottom of the skin near the abdominal wall. For this reason it is different from liposuction. The surgeon sews the muscle in the abdominal wall and after that he stretches the skin over the abdomen and cut back the extra skin. Unlike Liposuction where cannulas are used for reducing fat from a particular area. Both procedures are done under general anaesthesia.
Who is the right candidate ?
People whose health is good but they have large fat deposit or loose skin around abdomen, they are right candidate for this procedure.
Who is not the right candidate ?
We do not recommend this treatment for people who have a BMI over 30 years of age or who are planning to become pregnant or who are on a weight loss program or who have heart problems.
Benefits of Tummy Tuck Surgery :-
1. This makes your muscles tight.
2. Your abs get a proper shape.
3. You get better posture.
4. Your body figure stays maintained and that reflects your healthy lifestyle.
5. Body fat is removed.
6. Stubborn fat cells that do not respond to fat burning workouts are removed.
7. You get a slimmer body with the perfect contours that enhance our overall appearance.
8. You lose weight.
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medstar-dubai · 3 years
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What is the Gynecomastia ?
Gynecomastia is the problem of growth of male breast tissue and so it also called as male boobs. Gynecomastia is a cosmetic surgery process by which the extra fat and/or glandular tissue around the male breast is eliminated for a toned, flatter and contoured masculine chest. Mostly body builders are undergoing to this surgery.
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medstar-dubai · 3 years
What is Circumcision ? Benefits and Treatment
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Circumcision is a surgical procedure in which your foreskin is removed, the skin covering the tip of the penis. This is an ancient practice, that is done in religious rituals. Now a days, many parents have their sons circumcised for religious or other reasons. Circumcision is done for family tradition, personal hygiene or preventive health care. Sometimes you have to be circumcised for medical reasons, such as when the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back over the glans. In other cases, like in certain regions of Africa, circumcision is recommended for older boys or men to decrease the risk of certain sexually transmitted infections.
Benefits of Circumcision
1. Decreased risk of urinary tract infections : Newborns who are circumcised are less likely to have a urinary tract infection. Especially in one-year-olds. UTIs are about 10 times more common in uncircumcised men than in circumcised men. If a serious infection occurs early in life, it can later lead to kidney problems.
2. Better hygiene : This helps keep the end of the penis clean.
3. Decreased risk of sexually transmitted diseases : Circumcision decreases the risk of certain sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. However, even if one is circumcised, all safe sexual practices must still be completed.
4. Decreased risk of penile problems : Penile problems, for example, irritation, inflammation, and infection, are more common in uncircumcised people.
5. Reduced risk of penile cancer : Penis Cancer is less common in circumcised men. Also, cervix Cancer was found to be less common in wife of circumcised men.
Risks associated with Circumcision
There are certain risks involved in any surgery, just as there are in circumcision. The risks include pain, bleeding, and infection. It can also cause side effects related to anesthesia.
Note : Circumcision does not affect fertility. Some people claim that circumcision either increases or intensifies the lack of sharpness, reducing sexual pleasure in later life. But nothing like that has been proven, so there is no such thing.
What is done during Circumcision ?
After the anaesthesia, the foreskin is released from the head of the penis, and the excess foreskin is cut off. If done early after the baby is born, the process takes 5 to 10 minutes. In newborns, the circumcision usually heals in seven to ten days. In boys and adults, healing may take longer.
Treatment of Circumcision ?
Alisklamp is a latest disposable circumcision clamp device. It has been recently introduced in India, and works using advanced circumcision technique. Circumcision using the Alisklamp method is very simple and safe. After cleaning the area, doctors give the local anaesthesia. Sometimes just a local anesthetic spray is also enough. The Alisklamp device has two parts such as one is plastic tube and second is plastic clamp. During the surgery, the plastic tube is kept on the glans penis to secure it. The additional foreskin is pulled over the plastic tube. The clamp is then applied on the plastic tube over the foreskin, which strangulates the foreskin in a 360 degree. There is no bleeding, and because the supply of nerve is cut off, there is no sensation of pain also. The additional foreskin which is on the plastic tube above the clamp is removed by making a clean cut on it.
What care should be taken following Circumcision ?
The important thing is to keep the area as clean as possible. Smoothly clean with warm water — don't use diaper wipes. Circumcision discloses the sensitive skin of the tip of the penis (glans). In babies, nappies can scrape against the glans, making it sore. Some times, as needed, your doctors may recommend putting a pat of petroleum jelly on the baby’s penis or on the front of the diaper for three  to five days to reduce any potential discomfort that leads to friction against the diaper. You may be advised to use an antibacterial cream for up to a week. After treating the penis, wash it with soap and water in the time of normal bathing. For adults, sex should be avoided until the wound has healed, to avoid it reopening.
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medstar-dubai · 3 years
Common Diseases treated by a Proctologist
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Common Diseases treated by a Proctologist are as follows :-
1. Piles
Piles, also commonly known as Haemorrhoids, causes swelling of the blood vessels in the anal region. Piles occur when pressure builds upon these blood vessels, causing them to swell. They are further classified into internal or external piles and also in 4 grades depending on the size and growth of the condition.
2. Constipation
Constipation means having less than three intestine movements a week. It also means passing stools very rarely, passing hard stools, or having any kind of difficulty in clearing the intestine.
3. Anal fistula
An Anal Fistula is a subway that runs from inside the anus or rectum (the hole your body uses to get clear from solid waste) to somewhere in the skin around it. Generally, it spreads an infection that didn’t heal the right way. Your doctor can heal the fistula, but for that, you will need surgery.
4. Hernia
Hernia is a condition in which we have weakness or our abdominal wall opens that often results in bulging of fat or an organ such as the intestine occupies space under the skin. The opening in the abdominal wall through which the fat or organs put off is called the Hernia defect.
Hernia can affect anybody. Statistically, one-in-ten of us will have a hernia at some point in our lives. It is found in both genders, can occur at any age, and sometimes babies may be born with it.
Hernia Surgery is one of the most commonly performed operations worldwide with millions of cases being treated every year.
5. Pilonidal Sinus
A Pilonidal Sinus is also known as Pilonidal Cyst Disease, Pilonidal Abcess or Sacrococcygeal Fistula. This is a cyst (small sac) or hole in the skin.
It develops over the tailbone at the top of the gap between rump. Usually, the cyst contains hair and skin debris. More than one cyst may develop and these are connect by hole under the skin.
6. Circumcision
Circumcision is a surgical procedure in which your foreskin is removed, the skin covering the tip of the penis. This is an ancient practice, that is done in religious rituals.
Now a days, many parents have their sons circumcised for religious or other reasons. Circumcision is done for family tradition, personal hygiene or preventive health care. Sometimes you have to be circumcised for medical reasons, such as when the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back over the glans. In other cases, like in certain regions of Africa, circumcision is recommended for older boys or men to decrease the risk of certain sexually transmitted infections.
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medstar-dubai · 3 years
Top 7 Dieting Myths and Truth Behind It
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Eating less will burn more calories and then you may lose weight. Do you believe this ? and Do you know other some typical facts about dieting ?
Every day people get to know a new fact about weight loss and they start following it without confirming it. Like this, there are many myths about dieting spread by friends, relatives, neighbors, bloggers, and YouTubers worldwide that have been blindly trusted and accepted by people. Though not all of them are wrong, people just waste their time as well as their energy.
Portia de Rossi, in her book “Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain”, says that, “The diet industry is making a lot of money selling us fad diets, nonfat foods absolute chemicals, gym community, and pills while we lose a piece of our self-esteem every time we fail /another diet or overleap to use the gym community we could barely afford.” That’s true.
Following are the top 7 myths that you should stop bothering when you decided to get a diet.
1. Skip your meals and you will lose weight
The most common and weirdest of all. Skipping meals for a long time rather increases your tendency to eat more food at once. You end up gaining more fat. By studying, it is reported that if a person endures at only 1200 calories a day, he regains his lost weight in 4 to 5 years. In addition, starving for a long period leads to digestive problems and affects gallstones. So to keep you well, please maintain a proper and healthy diet.
2. Eating after 8 p.m. stores fatter in the body
Calories have nothing to do with time. Your digestive system works at night the same way as it does in the morning or noontime. This myth holds only for unhealthy or overeating and then soon after going to sleep. You should have your meals on time but that doesn’t mean you cannot eat late-night. If you feel hungry at night, you can have light food and then go for a walk around your home before sleeping.
3. Stop eating all your favorite foods
The main reason why most people fear to diet. You must correct yourselves. Are eating your favorite food is not a problem but eating too much food, that causes problems. Even if you are on a diet, you are free to eat whatever you like.
Just include a proper amount of all the carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, etc. in your food and eat on time with discipline.
4. Exercising is enough and more for weight loss
A common myth that almost all people follow in the wrong way. If you eat too much every day and then exercise every day to burn calories, it will not be of any use. The truth is that for a healthy and fit body you need a balanced diet and regular exercise.
5. Carbohydrates are against the weight loss process
I think that every person has who wish to lose weight. This myth is valid only if you increase the number of carbs that you consume daily. Like other nutrients, for healthy eating, carbohydrates are also very important. Removing them from your diet will only form malfunctioning in your digestive system. Ultimately, what matters is how much you eat, and not what you eat.
6. Not eating breakfast help in losing weight
The reality is just the opposite of this. Not having breakfast does not lead to weight loss or calorie loss. Rather it creates your tendency to eat more food because as time passes, you become hungry and hunger does not wait for healthy eating.
7. Eating “low-fat” labeled foods reduce fat
Many people are fooled by these “low-fat” labels on the packaged foods. Instead of reducing your fat, you gain extra fat if you eat twice this food as the original full-fat food. Always remember that you must check the content of each ingredient in the packaging before buying these products. To add flavor to these foods, the manufacturers add more sugar and fats. As a result, you may end up getting extra pounds of weight.
So, please stop trusting dieting myths, and if you want to get a diet, consult experts and dieticians for a diet so that they suit your body type.
Medstar Blog
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medstar-dubai · 3 years
What is Piles ?, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options of Piles
Piles, also commonly known as Haemorrhoids, causes swelling of the blood vessels in the anal region. Piles occur when pressure builds upon these blood vessels, causing them to swell. They are further classified into internal or external piles and also in 4 grades depending on the size and growth of the condition.
Types of Piles 
Internal Piles : Are commonly positioned between 2 and 4 centimetres above the opening of the anus. External piles : Occur on the outside edge of the anus. These are painful in nature.
Grades and Stages of Piles ( Haemorrhoids )
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Causes of Piles
Constipation - Most common cause
Hard stools/Stretching during bowel movement
Defective toilet habits (Sitting on the toilet for a long time ex. reading)
Family history
Pregnancy and childbirth
Lifting heavyweights
Symptoms of Piles
Painless bleeding while passing stools
Feeling a lump outside the anus
Pruritus ani or itching around the anus
Fecal soiling of undergarments
If a blood clot creates in the piles, it leads to a severely painful swelling that worsens with bowel movement and sitting.
Treatment Options of Piles
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As mentioned above, Piles are classified into four grades. At Medstar, we provide the treatment option depending on Grades.
MCDPA is a non-surgical option that involves Medication, Constac, Dietary modifications. Physio and Ayurveda to treat Grade 1 & Early grade 2 piles 
LASER HAEMORRHOIDOPLASTY ( LHP ) aka Laser procedure for Piles is usually suggested for Advanced-grade 2 and early Grade 3 piles. The patient can go home the same day and return back to normal activities from day 3. No cuts no stitches are involved. 
MIPH ( Minimally Invasive Procedure for Haemorrhoids) aka Stapler surgery for piles is suggested for Advanced-grade 3 and Grade 4 piles. This procedure does not involve any cuts or stitches and the patient can go home the same day and can return back to his normal activities from day 5. 
Below is an in-depth understanding shared for all the  treatment options.
Renowned proctologist, Dr. Ashwin Porwal has invented  MCDPA which is a non-surgical method to cure the piles with the help of:   
1. Medication - Creams ( Anoac ) and stool softeners are used.
2. Constac - A herbal preparation formulated by Ayurvedic doctors
at Healing Hands & Herbs.
3. Diet - Counselling by a qualified nutritionist to correct make a diet chart that is conducive to dietary imbalances and healthy gut habits.
4. Physiotherapy - Pelvic floor physiotherapy helps to strengthen 
muscles in the region.
5. Ayurveda therapy - This includes about 6 sessions of enema with medicated herbal oils. 
2. LASER HAEMORRHOIDOPLASTY ( LHP ) aka Laser treatment for Piles
This is the preferred treatment for advanced grade 2 and early grade 3 piles. This procedure is performed under minor general anaesthesia and takes about 20-40 minutes. Through the natural anal opening, laser energy is applied using special radially emitting fibres. Controlled release of laser energy causes evaporation leading to haemorrhoidal mass contraction.
3. MIPH ( Minimally Invasive Procedure for Haemorrhoids) aka PPH ( Procedure for Prolapse and Haemorrhoids ) aka Stapler Haemorrhoidopexy
• This is a procedure invented by Dr Antonio Longo and Introduced in Dubai by Dr Ashwin Porwal. This process is a popular as a selection of Grade 3 and Grade 4 prolapsed piles.
• The procedure is usually performed under a meagre amount of general anaesthesia and takes about 25-30 minutes. Using the circular stapler, the mucosa which is liable for prolapse of Haemorrhoids is circumferentially removed and the prolapsed Haemorrhoids are extracted up back to their natural position.
To know more about piles and their treatment options click here : https://medstarhc.com/services/piles/
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