mellamo-eason · 4 years
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Swinging on top of the hill with bunch of audience. KIANG #20200216 (at Bernal Heights Park, San Francisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ptD6FF4Um_3ucK4DCvyoE2oIM-BDlxuH0Zps0/?igshid=fiqdqtwb5x0a
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mellamo-eason · 4 years
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How long have you not feel that you have a great day? Like everything is just right. #20200202 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8VvyBYlRM8aT3DNAEbs9Hql3E1nMQvyIpnlqY0/?igshid=onbqmr9odrqx
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mellamo-eason · 4 years
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Got my hat at the end of the orientation. #hat #noogler #20200128 https://www.instagram.com/p/B74miSYFK1JrMphtQ7Lhg7ie7ivE2fzNbhKIno0/?igshid=hpi4u5zgd7c0
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mellamo-eason · 4 years
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Woo hoo! Now it's official and as you see, I am jumping. The excitement is beyond describing when I realized all the efforts and sufferings paid off. Still have a long way to go but wanna indulge myself and celebrate the milestone. Shoutout to all the people who encouraged and helped me throughout the journey. あの......雖然不太真實但還是很興奮RRRRR,夢想還是有可能會實現,共勉之啊!!! Software Engineer (Google Assistant) @ Mountain View, CA Come and play with me! #noogler #onboard #20200127 #拜託大家勤洗手戴口罩保重身體健康 #wearingmask #mambaspirit (at Google) https://www.instagram.com/p/B71xEq1F3N4Lhf1IZFHqiWE0oG0lUGTHp6sIBY0/?igshid=1t4v22c6lglkj
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mellamo-eason · 4 years
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Never easy. #20200116 (at Oracle HQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ZemdqFt1L4X7iTrtxLlr3irWKbdpBaOFQ5TQ0/?igshid=1vtlgwoirhq9j
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mellamo-eason · 4 years
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這次回來完成了一些任務,參加婚禮、當伴郎、跟老友們吃一堆美食喇低賽、投票,心滿意足😋 雖然每次的離別總是惆悵,但我更想紀念相聚的每一天。 最重要的還是謝謝我的家人❤️ 大家下次見😃 #backtoreality #family #friends https://www.instagram.com/p/B7PmAonFiwPXt_tEUvpcG6MMXL3coJs6SQ8SvE0/?igshid=1xfdzaecu8258
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mellamo-eason · 5 years
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#20190729 #pier39 #alcatrazisland https://www.instagram.com/p/B4DO461FRSnSxa8tiSrxJb9fOMCeVVNl-9Ebrg0/?igshid=1g4quk0a3upc5
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mellamo-eason · 5 years
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From the seawater to fresh water. #20190602 #pikeplacemarket #lakeunionpark (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B39AUY7l47J1PfPjuhjtAj8Ha1rqfpkqEfuOIs0/?igshid=a0jtgeymnq03
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mellamo-eason · 5 years
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Best subway station in NY. #20190528 (at World Trade Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B38HFAHFU2l_vBTA8HbBAcVzfycohDS14-g-Gs0/?igshid=s39dsph4cpxa
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mellamo-eason · 5 years
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還記得看著這個風景的當下心情是很緊張焦慮的。 #20190521 #brooklynbridge #dumbo #underpressure (at Brooklyn Bridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/B38GliOFao2ibD4i05Bw6d7y4H-dndnLdeoSB40/?igshid=1xvk1t1t32j7s
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mellamo-eason · 5 years
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It’s my pleasure to have met all of you in my life. It means a lot to me. Let’s meet up some time in the future. (I hope I had a picture that includes everyone but I don’t. 😢 Please remember you are in my heart. #menu ) #20190518 #classmates #mism2018 #graduation https://www.instagram.com/p/B36QuLRlinAaQBQ6XbieDLnHRAyPjvpkssgnZc0/?igshid=5zj3eqsb6kig
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mellamo-eason · 5 years
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Super thanks for the support from my family.❤️❤️❤️ Congrats to my little sister for graduation. Always love you all.😘 #20190518 #graduation #masterdegree #familytrip https://www.instagram.com/p/B36ONvcl3SbNO9R3aFo1IkF8JTbb70-dGR2jxg0/?igshid=1hph333r89m1
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mellamo-eason · 5 years
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#20190516 #niagarafalls #familytrip (at Niagara Falls USA Side) https://www.instagram.com/p/B36IsS2l8eyv4iLOMyiQ7YMBY-73YPZU0HHPhI0/?igshid=6guyuk52k43n
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mellamo-eason · 5 years
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#20190405 #capitol #film #om2n #fujic200 (at United States Capitol) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3fuQMmFrqS55fzPrGIj47O7NuNf48uAZ6xBN40/?igshid=1vf4n5x49hgdv
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mellamo-eason · 5 years
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#20190406 #film #om2n #fujic200 (at Jefferson Memorial) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3aQz2PFtfdMUbVRz2FLLVvzDQPTddHyDbNIg80/?igshid=33gwamjhaafz
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mellamo-eason · 5 years
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I was lucky enough to enjoy the cherry blossom season in DC. I would say it is a must go spot in everyone’s life. Believe it or not. 水到哭的DC,一年最盛開只有1-2週,如果下雨就縮短了,出發前可以查一下公園處的預測,看看什麼時候會是全開~ #20190404 #dc #cherryblossom (at Washington DC, USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3YyK5YFUdtsY4WrbCQn4chtPJgUc8-hpay7v40/?igshid=1galsaehcg29x
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mellamo-eason · 5 years
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A breath during the spring break. #Cleveland #lakeerie #20190310 (at Cleveland, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Ls0KUlA1aE3Eg_1-8l8Coo4GWt8CStAWdq0o0/?igshid=4en7mwmb481g
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