merhog-shadow · 5 months
hi, I have a question for you, how do you live underwater, are you not bored alone? and keep a gift from me *she gave him a box of cakes*
Shadow tilted his head at the visitor.
"That is technically two questions made one." He grumbled. "I am never truly alone. There are others like me, I chose to live in solitude. There is plenty for me to do."
He glanced at the box of cakes and gave it a sniff. "Thank you... I suppose."
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merhog-shadow · 8 months
Shadow followed Sonic's eyes as he observed the guard before quickly returning his crimson eyes to the hedgehog. Seeing the mischief in his eyes made the merhog slightly worried but also a little excited.
He tilted his head curiously when the notion of escaping mer hunters being 'entertaining'. Shadow listened regardless, he had no choice to after all. His ears took in plan with growing interest.
"And you are sure that will work? Distracting them until they are no longer able to chase you?" He asked, gripping one of the bars with his webbed and clawed hands.
"Not that I am really in a position to suggest a plan." He commented, his tail pressing to the opposite side of the cage from Sonic. With a sigh, Shadow gave a nod. "If you are certain this will work. I'm all for it."
Despite loathing the surface, the black and red Merhog did sometimes enjoy sun bathing. Especially in summer. The warmth was rather pleasing on his fur and scales. Though the sand that clung to him when he purposefully beached himself was something he could do without.
He laid flat on his stomach on the warm sandy beach, the fluke of his tail remaining in the water so he knew how far ashore he was. He was calm and comfortable. Though his ears stood tall and attentive, listening for any Land Crawlers who may be getting too near.
Unfortunately, his ears caught the sound of rapid foot falls too late as he suddenly perked his head up and spotted a blue figure standing atop a nearby hill. He froze, hoping that, despite the white sand beneath him, the blue Land Crawler wouldn't see him.
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merhog-shadow · 9 months
Glaring down at the dark, muddy-looking water, the merhog cringed. The scent of the ocean had been replaced by the smell of damp wood and decaying plants. He curled up in his cage, his tail wrapping around him like a snake coiling around itself.
He paid his captors no mind as he closed his eyes and curled tighter around himself, hoping desperately that Sonic would find them sooner rather than later. This was his worst nightmare come to life. He'd done so much to avoid this very situation. He couldn't blame Sonic for it though, he had allowed his own guard to drop.
By the time Sonic had found them, Shadow's tail had become dry, not so dry as to be painful but enough to be concerning. Dark ears perked and ruby eyes snapped open at the familiar voice that called for him.
Shadow lifted his head and looked in the direction of the voice, his tail giving a slight flick of joy before he snapped his attention to his snoozing guard. Shadow carefully unwound himself and looked back to Sonic.
"Sonic, the other two are in the cabin." Shadow whispered back. "Do you have a plan to get me out?" He hoped he did, though from the impression that Sonic made on him earlier, Shadow felt like the blue hedgehog wasn't really one for pre-planning.
Despite loathing the surface, the black and red Merhog did sometimes enjoy sun bathing. Especially in summer. The warmth was rather pleasing on his fur and scales. Though the sand that clung to him when he purposefully beached himself was something he could do without.
He laid flat on his stomach on the warm sandy beach, the fluke of his tail remaining in the water so he knew how far ashore he was. He was calm and comfortable. Though his ears stood tall and attentive, listening for any Land Crawlers who may be getting too near.
Unfortunately, his ears caught the sound of rapid foot falls too late as he suddenly perked his head up and spotted a blue figure standing atop a nearby hill. He froze, hoping that, despite the white sand beneath him, the blue Land Crawler wouldn't see him.
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merhog-shadow · 9 months
As he was dragged toward and into the boat, Shadow thrashed his tail and threw clawed swipes at his captors, missing each swing as he was tossed into the uncomfortable cage.
His ruby irises glowed dangerously bright as he hissed at the trio, his tail smacking the cage in an attempt to break it. His ears listened to them speak as he attempted to free himself. "Release me, foul land scum!" He snarled, not expecting them to actually obey him. He wasn't really in the best spot to make demands of the three.
When the engine roared to life, Shadow looked out the cage at Sonic, fear growing in his eyes. He let out a sigh before letting his usually tough facade break.
"Sonic! Help me!" He nearly pleaded to his new friend, a hand reaching out of the cage toward the blue hedgehog.
Despite loathing the surface, the black and red Merhog did sometimes enjoy sun bathing. Especially in summer. The warmth was rather pleasing on his fur and scales. Though the sand that clung to him when he purposefully beached himself was something he could do without.
He laid flat on his stomach on the warm sandy beach, the fluke of his tail remaining in the water so he knew how far ashore he was. He was calm and comfortable. Though his ears stood tall and attentive, listening for any Land Crawlers who may be getting too near.
Unfortunately, his ears caught the sound of rapid foot falls too late as he suddenly perked his head up and spotted a blue figure standing atop a nearby hill. He froze, hoping that, despite the white sand beneath him, the blue Land Crawler wouldn't see him.
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merhog-shadow · 9 months
Shadow listened closely, his ears fully trained on Sonic, his glowing crimson eyes watching him closely. Mountains that pierced the clouds, infinite cities and wildernesses. It almost made the merhog long to explore the surface himself. 'Almost' being the key word there.
His attention peaked at the mention of space. "You have touched the stars?" He asked, leaning in with deep interest. When he noticed that he seemed a bit too interested in Sonic's space travel experience, he leaned away. "Not that I have much interest in space..." He tried to sound like he hadn't just shown his guilty pleasure to Sonic.
Were it not for the conversation between the two, Shadow would have sensed the looming danger. But he was too engrossed in the conversation, his defenses were lowered.
"So... what was space like?" He shyly asked, laying his head down on his arms, looking up at Sonic. Shadow felt very comfortable around the blue hedgehog. He rarely felt comfortable being around anyone.
Despite loathing the surface, the black and red Merhog did sometimes enjoy sun bathing. Especially in summer. The warmth was rather pleasing on his fur and scales. Though the sand that clung to him when he purposefully beached himself was something he could do without.
He laid flat on his stomach on the warm sandy beach, the fluke of his tail remaining in the water so he knew how far ashore he was. He was calm and comfortable. Though his ears stood tall and attentive, listening for any Land Crawlers who may be getting too near.
Unfortunately, his ears caught the sound of rapid foot falls too late as he suddenly perked his head up and spotted a blue figure standing atop a nearby hill. He froze, hoping that, despite the white sand beneath him, the blue Land Crawler wouldn't see him.
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merhog-shadow · 9 months
"The mer-hunters speak of how other land dwellers do not believe we merfolk exist. They seek to capture us to prove otherwise and to put us in tanks like simple fish." Shadow explained.
When Sonic struck a pose, Shadow couldn't help a smile from curling the corners of his mouth.
At the offer to talk more, Shadow's tail rose from the water as it gave an eager swish. The merhog lowered himself into the water again as he lifted off the sandbar and swam closer, coming up to rest at the edge of the water so Sonic could sit in the sand.
"I would like that very much. You have sparked my interest in the surface world. I would like to learn of all that you have seen." He spoke, settling in. He made sure his whole tail was in the water so he wouldn't need Sonic's help again.
"You seem to be the migratory type. Would you mind if I asked what all you have seen?" He asked, resting his head on one hand.
Despite loathing the surface, the black and red Merhog did sometimes enjoy sun bathing. Especially in summer. The warmth was rather pleasing on his fur and scales. Though the sand that clung to him when he purposefully beached himself was something he could do without.
He laid flat on his stomach on the warm sandy beach, the fluke of his tail remaining in the water so he knew how far ashore he was. He was calm and comfortable. Though his ears stood tall and attentive, listening for any Land Crawlers who may be getting too near.
Unfortunately, his ears caught the sound of rapid foot falls too late as he suddenly perked his head up and spotted a blue figure standing atop a nearby hill. He froze, hoping that, despite the white sand beneath him, the blue Land Crawler wouldn't see him.
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merhog-shadow · 9 months
The merhog's ears were forward and listening as the hedgehog spoke, his head tilting slightly at the mention of someone who looked like him and shared his name.
When the soaked surface dweller spoke of how Shadow had reacted to him, he simply nodded.
"We do not speak with Land Crawlers. They hunt us merfolk." Shadow started but then chose to focus on his own experience. "I rarely speak to anyone."
With a flick of an ear and a curious tilt of his head, he added. "But I wish to speak with you. You are different, kind. I am curious." He straightened his head. "I am Shadow of the Depths. The few to speak of me simply call me Shadow." He introduced, letting out a polite chitter from his throat.
Despite loathing the surface, the black and red Merhog did sometimes enjoy sun bathing. Especially in summer. The warmth was rather pleasing on his fur and scales. Though the sand that clung to him when he purposefully beached himself was something he could do without.
He laid flat on his stomach on the warm sandy beach, the fluke of his tail remaining in the water so he knew how far ashore he was. He was calm and comfortable. Though his ears stood tall and attentive, listening for any Land Crawlers who may be getting too near.
Unfortunately, his ears caught the sound of rapid foot falls too late as he suddenly perked his head up and spotted a blue figure standing atop a nearby hill. He froze, hoping that, despite the white sand beneath him, the blue Land Crawler wouldn't see him.
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merhog-shadow · 9 months
Whilst Shadow hated needing help, he was glad that this land dweller promised to make this as quick a process as possible. Though he didn't care for how the fabric of his gloves felt on his dry scales.
He did what he could to help, pushing himself backward with his hands. As more of his tail met the water, he started to feel more confident in his movements. When he felt he was deep enough in, his instinct spurred him into turning sharply and diving into the water, swimming a fair distance away.
Though he had a mind to disappear into the dark waters, never to see the hedgehog again, Shadow hesitated. The top of his head surfaced so he could look back at his savior. Before the surface dweller could leave, the dark merhog slowly swam back to him, stopping a few paces away. He settled on the sandbar below him and raised his head further out of the water.
"Thank you." He spoke, his eyes locked onto the blue one.
Despite loathing the surface, the black and red Merhog did sometimes enjoy sun bathing. Especially in summer. The warmth was rather pleasing on his fur and scales. Though the sand that clung to him when he purposefully beached himself was something he could do without.
He laid flat on his stomach on the warm sandy beach, the fluke of his tail remaining in the water so he knew how far ashore he was. He was calm and comfortable. Though his ears stood tall and attentive, listening for any Land Crawlers who may be getting too near.
Unfortunately, his ears caught the sound of rapid foot falls too late as he suddenly perked his head up and spotted a blue figure standing atop a nearby hill. He froze, hoping that, despite the white sand beneath him, the blue Land Crawler wouldn't see him.
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merhog-shadow · 9 months
Shadow was pleased that his hiss had given the hedgehog pause. He was never a fan of Land Crawlers and for good reason. Though when the blue one tried to speak to him, the merhog's fur that had once stood on end, eased a little. Hearing a voice other than his own was kind of pleasant, even if it was the voice of a finless.
Regrettably, Shadow had to agree that he had allowed himself to become a little too dry during his sun bathing. Another obstacle that was keeping him from returning to the water on his own. When asked if he needed help, the shark took a moment to consider it before relaxing his posture a bit.
"Nnngh...Yes..." He grumbled quietly. He rarely spoke to other merfolk so speaking to a surface dweller felt especially odd for him. Yet not entirely unpleasant. He allowed his dry, sandy chest to plop back on the beach, completely dropping any signs of aggression.
"Just mind your grip, Land Crawler. Hands off the fins." The fins at his hips raised and dropped to accent his warning.
Despite loathing the surface, the black and red Merhog did sometimes enjoy sun bathing. Especially in summer. The warmth was rather pleasing on his fur and scales. Though the sand that clung to him when he purposefully beached himself was something he could do without.
He laid flat on his stomach on the warm sandy beach, the fluke of his tail remaining in the water so he knew how far ashore he was. He was calm and comfortable. Though his ears stood tall and attentive, listening for any Land Crawlers who may be getting too near.
Unfortunately, his ears caught the sound of rapid foot falls too late as he suddenly perked his head up and spotted a blue figure standing atop a nearby hill. He froze, hoping that, despite the white sand beneath him, the blue Land Crawler wouldn't see him.
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merhog-shadow · 9 months
Shadow had been too transfixed on the Land Crawler to realize how late it was getting. Only when he realized that the two legged one was changing colour did he notice how dark the sky was getting. Yet instinct kept him still, his clawed hands pressed to the sand as his ever brightening ruby eyes stared.
The instant the strange hedgehog locked his eyes on him, his head lowered to the sand and his back began to arch, his tail fin lifting from the water in a, rather pathetic looking, defensive display. His body movements were instinctual but his staring eyes questioned why the once dark blue hedgehog changed colour. Damn his curiosity.
When the odd Land Crawler's feet hit the sand, Shadow's full instinct kicked in. His arms pushed his chest off the sand slightly as he let out a defensive hiss, his tail slapping the water behind him. He was too far up the beach to flee back into the ocean, his powerful tail now just an anchor that prevented quick movements. If it weren't for his claws and fangs, he'd be completely defenseless.
Despite loathing the surface, the black and red Merhog did sometimes enjoy sun bathing. Especially in summer. The warmth was rather pleasing on his fur and scales. Though the sand that clung to him when he purposefully beached himself was something he could do without.
He laid flat on his stomach on the warm sandy beach, the fluke of his tail remaining in the water so he knew how far ashore he was. He was calm and comfortable. Though his ears stood tall and attentive, listening for any Land Crawlers who may be getting too near.
Unfortunately, his ears caught the sound of rapid foot falls too late as he suddenly perked his head up and spotted a blue figure standing atop a nearby hill. He froze, hoping that, despite the white sand beneath him, the blue Land Crawler wouldn't see him.
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merhog-shadow · 9 months
Despite loathing the surface, the black and red Merhog did sometimes enjoy sun bathing. Especially in summer. The warmth was rather pleasing on his fur and scales. Though the sand that clung to him when he purposefully beached himself was something he could do without.
He laid flat on his stomach on the warm sandy beach, the fluke of his tail remaining in the water so he knew how far ashore he was. He was calm and comfortable. Though his ears stood tall and attentive, listening for any Land Crawlers who may be getting too near.
Unfortunately, his ears caught the sound of rapid foot falls too late as he suddenly perked his head up and spotted a blue figure standing atop a nearby hill. He froze, hoping that, despite the white sand beneath him, the blue Land Crawler wouldn't see him.
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merhog-shadow · 2 years
If you saw Sonic in his werehog form how would you respond? Would you attack him or run? I'm honestly curious. And sorry if this sounded rude to u.
“Were....hog? What’s that?” He asked, tilting his head to the right. “If it’s something possibly dangerous then of course I’d flee from it. It probably can’t swim, anyway.”
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merhog-shadow · 2 years
Have you ever wanted to meet Sonic? Since others seem to ask a lot about him I was wondering if u ever wanted to meet him.
“I’ve never heard of this ‘Sonic’ person you surface creatures talk about.” Shadow commented, lounging on a rock. “I’d only want to meet him if he was worth all the chatter.”
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merhog-shadow · 2 years
If you could be any other creature other then a merhog what would it be and why?
Shadow hummed in thought. “I’d be a shark.”
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merhog-shadow · 2 years
Is sonic in this-? And is he a merhog to or-
"Sonic? Who's that?" Shadow tilted his head curiously.
(OOC: Sonic is not in this blog, but he is a part of the Merhog AU. He is not a merhog, he is a stock standard land hedgehog.)
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merhog-shadow · 3 years
To my Sonic Friends, sorry.
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merhog-shadow · 3 years
Hello, Ramune here from Twitter! How would you react if Sonic transformed into a merhog? 🌊 🐠 🐟
"If that were to happen, I..." He paused a moment. "...I would help him get use to swimming with the tail. And help him find food to eat. And... and let him live in my cave with me..." Shadow's tan muzzle darkened with a soft blush.
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