mewtarot · 4 years
hellooooo I would like a pendulum question :) if I were to start this week and moving forward being healthy/working out will I get my dream body/mind before school physically starts back up again ? my initials: D.C.T and a fact about myself I am lazy but sometimes I do get a brust of motivation that usually gets me going :)
Pendulum says YES
Hopefully that isn’t because the pandemic remains so bad that in-person schooling remains a pipe dream <3
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mewtarot · 4 years
Is the flourite crystal going to work? i’m S♐️
Pendulum says YES
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mewtarot · 4 years
Hiii. I'm K and a my favorite emoji is 🥺. I wonder if I know my future husband and is it the person I have in mind? Thank you so much!!!
that’s a YES to both
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mewtarot · 4 years
pendulum please! 💕 is what i’m manifesting coming to fruition? -N
Pendulum says YES
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mewtarot · 4 years
Okay I’ve only had two questions so far, and I’m unexpectedly tired, though I’m pretty sure that’s due to life events + time of day. and not due to focusing on readings. Continue sending in questions, and I’ll answer any more tomorrow.
Pendulum readings
yooooooo I’ve been absent for ages I know but I’ve got a pendulum now, and while it’s been reasonably helpful for me I want to see if it indeed works with questions anyone else might ask of it.
first 10-15 people (depending on my energy) in my inbox with YES/NO questions will get an answer from my pendulum. For free. I just ask that you let me know how helpful it was after the fact.
Questions alone are fine, but I’d prefer if you include an initial or identifying emoji, and a small fact about yourself so I can get a feel for your energy. First come, first served, and limited to tonight (Aug 1 2020)
Just like tarot readings, if you want me to answer privately, just say so in your ask
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mewtarot · 4 years
Is s 💅🏽 done with me? M 🤓
I’m sorry, my pendulum was very consistently swinging on the line between yes and no  (but when I asked “is this a question you’re willing to answer?” it said yes) so I’m gonna interpret that as “the answer is unclear” Sorry I don’t have a better answer for you
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mewtarot · 4 years
Hi, does the queen of swords represent me or HJ (Pisces) in the tarot reading I had? And then same question, but with the knight of cups? I’m not sure which is for which but I got those two cards. Thank you for your help! -AF (Aries)
Hi there,
I had to split these into yes/no questions, so here are the questions I asked and their answers:
Does the Queen of Swords represent HJ? NO
Does the Queen of Swords represent AF? YES
Does the Knight of Cups represent AF? NO
Does the Knight of Cups represent HJ? Hesitant YES - it spun for a while instead of answering straight away, but it did settle on an answer eventually.
I hope that helps
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mewtarot · 4 years
Pendulum readings
yooooooo I’ve been absent for ages I know but I’ve got a pendulum now, and while it’s been reasonably helpful for me I want to see if it indeed works with questions anyone else might ask of it.
first 10-15 people (depending on my energy) in my inbox with YES/NO questions will get an answer from my pendulum. For free. I just ask that you let me know how helpful it was after the fact.
Questions alone are fine, but I’d prefer if you include an initial or identifying emoji, and a small fact about yourself so I can get a feel for your energy. First come, first served, and limited to tonight (Aug 1 2020)
Just like tarot readings, if you want me to answer privately, just say so in your ask
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mewtarot · 5 years
What kind of magical person do you think I am based on my blog/personality?
💗Pink: Sweet and kind, would go out of their way to help others. Usually bubbly and happy and is your average magical girl complete with ribbons and bows and sparkles. Typically the leader of the group
❤️Red: Passionate and hot headed, sometimes their emotions come off a bit too strong especially when they’re upset but they’re fiercely protective of the people they care about. They’re the one who blindly rushes into situations without thinking it through first
💛🧡Yellow and/or orange: Kind, nurturing and positive. They’re either the most mature/parental and serene and supportive of the group or they’re sporty and energetic and always ready for a friendly competition
💚Green: The strong older sibling type, they’re nurturing and always there when you need them even when you think you don’t and care for you as though they’ve known you all their life.
💙Blue: Smart, sensible and reserved. The one who thinks things through and formulates a plan before blindly rushing into situations. They may come off as distant or overly worried but they care deeply for the safety and well-being of others
💜Purple: Another mature one. Shrouded in mystery and secrecy. Though they at first don’t seem to want to open up and keep prefer to keep their distance one you get to know them that air of mystery will start to fade away. Regardless, there's no doubt that they’re always there for you when you need them most
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mewtarot · 5 years
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A 31 Day Tarot Challenge for The Month of October, Inspired by The Major Arcana.
I’m bringing this challenge back because it did a lot of good for a lot of people.
If you participated in the past, I invite you to participate again, with the intent of helping you see how much you’ve grown.
If you’ve never taken this challenge, I believe it will provide you with a great amount of personal insight and growth.
Each question has been written with the hopes of helping you gain greater insight into yourself, and the world around you.
Remember, each question may be answered with as many or as few cards as you feel are required. Some answers will easily come from one card, some may require several cards.
I encourage you to photograph your cards and journal your answers with the tag,

1. As I begin this journey into self, where would it be best serving for me to initially focus my energy?
2. What can I expect to creatively manifest within the upcoming days ahead?
3. In order to have prosperity, and a nurturing love for self and others, where should I focus my energy?
4. As I gain greater stability and balance, what should I remember to guard myself from?
5. Is there anything I am considering that I could perhaps make a better decision on later?
6. What is it that my soul craves the most right now?
7. As I draw my focus outward, what do I need to keep in mind in order to maintain a positive outlook?
8. I wish to conquer my fears and live within a state of harmony. In order to make this my reality, what should I focus upon?
9. I will allow myself a day of rest, retreat, and sanctuary. As I remain within quiet refuge, what shall I let be my mantra?
10. What do I need to do I order to be released from that which no longer serves me?
11. At times it can be difficult to find a balance between our desires and our needs. What is it that I desire, and what is it that I need?
12. I release control, and in doing so I am rewarded with new perspective. What is the first thing I notice?

13. How can I be more prepared to deal with loss?
14. In which ways do I connect to my higher self already? Which areas have I yet to venture upon?
15. The journey of healing requires dedication and an open heart, what is the first step I need to take in order to allow myself to heal from the past.
16. Fears flourish within the darkness, what is it that my fears have to reveal to me?
17. That which I do, is that which will come back to me. How can I remember to always keep this in mind?
18. Through the moonlight my intuition radiates, what is it I am not seeing?
19. What are my daily allowances to refresh my body, rest my mind and nurture my spirit?
20. A mirror reveals more than just my reflection. How might I be a negative influence to myself?
21. Have I achieved things in the past year that are in accordance to my life plans? Am I on the right track for success?
22. Change is upon the horizon, what does the future hold for me?
23. How can I use that which the future holds to strengthen myself through the unknown?
24. As a being of peace, and serenity, I make the choice to know only love and light. How can I best maintain this outlook?
25. How do I feel about my image and how other people respond to it? In which ways am I setting examples for people to follow?
26. My shadow self is an extension of my inner layers; how can I begin to peel through to reveal the source of my pain?
27. What ignites my desire to look beyond that which my eyes allow me to see?
28. The veil is thinning this time of the year, what message do my spirit guides have for me?
29. What should I look for in order to connect better with other people?
30. In what ways can I best inspire others around me?
31. I wish to look upon my world with a new perspective, and feel a greater sense of connectivity. In order to make this my reality, where must I focus my energy?
These questions were written by @leelahel, @thecacklingmo0n, and @tarot-dreams.
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mewtarot · 5 years
Mew's Relationship Spread
I'll give it a cooler name if I think of one lol
Last night, I made a post mentioning a new spread I put together for my own use, and I got such a useful answer from it, I offered an equivalent reading to the first person who asked.
The first person to ask was AM (who asked not to be tagged, but agreed that I may post the reading publicly) asking about her relationship with BT.
read using the Mystical Cats tarot, which I adore
here you go, AM:
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1. Q: How does BT perceive your relationship?
A: Seven of Sea, reversed
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This is an interesting card, because upright it indicates daydreams, illusion, or confusion, and in contrast, when reversed it suggests seeing through those illusions; seeing clearly. (The world continues to exist after the bubble is popped.) It's a bit of a roundabout answer given the wording of the question, but as far as I can tell, BT thinks your relationship is straightforward, or at least he isn't concerned with being confused about it.
2. Q: how does AM (yourself) perceive your relationship?
A: Nine of Sky, reversed
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Instead of dreams, if this card were upright, it would represent nightmares, or being helpless against something you fear. Reversed, it indicates a readiness to confront those fears or obstacles. This is not a friendly sort of competition like the Five of Fire would indicate, it's fiercer and more desperate. This probably relates to why you asked me this question: you see this relationship as a source of stress or conflict.
Interestingly, with both of these cards suggesting some variant of dreams, I get the feeling that neither of you has the whole picture. Alternately, it could just be highlighting how much your perspectives differ, that the other's perspective probably seems surprising and incompatible with your own.
If neither of you has the whole picture, that leads perfectly into the scripted question for card 3
3. Q: What is a truth that AM may have missed?
side note, when I drafted this spread, I left the "about this relationship" qualifier out of the sentence because I thought it was implied given the previous two questions, but for both your reading and my own, it appears to be sightly more personal advice, so that's definitely something I'll have to keep in mind when writing up this spread properly for anyone else to use.
A: Sea Kitten.
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Like all the Kittens in this deck, the Sea Kitten represents exploration and learning and new experiences. Since this is the Kitten of the Sea, those new experiences are primarily emotional, or related specifically to this relationship. There's two ways to interpret this, and I'll share both, but given the other context you shared privately, I suspect the first is more relevant.
(interpretation a) What have you learned about yourself since you first met BT or since your relationship was new? You have learned how far you can splash into the sea without getting swept away, and you can trust your own judgement going forward.
(interpretation b) You are still learning and testing the waters. Give yourself time to gain experience and you will learn all you need to in order to navigate this situation confidently. In the meantime, it doesn't hurt to be cautious. Emotions, like the Sea, are a powerful force, and easy to lose yourself in.
4. Q: If this relationship is already good, what is a good step AM can take to make it even better? If it's not, what is a first step AM can take to improve the situation?
A: Three of Sky
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This card depicts cats who run around wildly and knock things over with no regard for the fact that they may be breaking things. The guidebook says it best: don't compromise your own standards for the sake of companionship. Slightly more generically, this card warns against standing with the type of people who will start drama for their own amusement with no regard for others. (the reversal, which I actually got in this same position in my initial reading with this spread, reminds you not to be the person that starts drama, and also that the people who do start drama are going to reap what they sow, and soon. Which isn't particularly relevant to your spread, but it was interesting that the same card showed up in the same place for both of us. I guess this deck is just really set on the 'avoid drama' instruction, lol)
and the optional fifth card, which felt right to include
5. Q: Is this relationship worth AM's energy?
A: The Hermit, reversed
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this isn't a straightforward answer. The reversal here draws attention to how isolating yourself (away from everyone) can be harmful. But even so, I can't see either orientation of The Hermit as avocating focusing on one relationship over all others. Make sure you find the right balance for your life and well-being. (but as the Sea Kitten points out, you probably have enough experience to trust your own judgement)
The highlights that stuck out to me from this: you perceive more conflict than BT does (though perhaps neither of you have a clear view of your relationship). and you need to take care of yourself whether or not you pursue this relationship. And be encouraged: you can trust your own judgement.
I hope that helps :) Let me know. I'm always interested in feedback (especially if something was wrong, so I can figure out why and fix it in future readings)
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mewtarot · 5 years
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mewtarot · 5 years
I just improvised a relationship spread and I'll make a post about it when I'm not procrastinating on going to bed, but it really helped me get my head on straight about a situation I was overthinking and I'd like to spread the love.
it is late, and I don't want to overcommit my energy, but the first person to send me a message asking for a reading with this spread, I will happily do so. romantic, platonic, or familial - any sort of relationship.
four card spread, with an optional fifth that I won't promise to include. (any later requests made between when I get the first, and when I edit the post, I may still do the readings this weekend, but I make no promises.)
if you're interested, send me your initials and theirs (or if they're the same letters, some additional way to distinguish how I focus on each of you throughout the spread) and a random fact about yourself as an exchange of energy
I'll edit this post when I accept someone's request or I go to bed. (if the latter, I'll follow up tomorrow, but I was hoping to do this reading and write it up for you before I go to bed)
EDIT: energy dropped faster than I expected. still feel free to send in your request but I won't get to it until tomorrow night
EDIT 2: CLAIMED. I'll get to that reading tonight. If this goes smoothly I may offer the same reading again, perhaps on a broader scale. :)
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mewtarot · 5 years
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tarot deck is coming along! as usual meanings are in the captions :)
i got a lot of asks after my last tarot post abt whether or not these will be available as a physical deck and the answer is hell yeah!! i would love to produce and sell these… i’m checking out different options so updates will be coming 👀
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mewtarot · 5 years
I just posted this on my Instagram and I thought I’d share! It’s way easier to just drop your answers in the tags so feel free to do that if you want to 😊💖
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mewtarot · 5 years
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Have you watched Detective Pikachu? If not, you should. I really enjoyed it and I was able to gasp at how cute Psyduck looks in the big screen. Finding every Pokémon included in every scene was part of the experience, though I probably missed most of them because some shots were busy! That’s the reason why I have been in the Pokémon mood ever since, the Pokemon Tarot by Eliza Bohnen at Lampflower has proven to be a great buddy, and the perfect example of how tarot mixes well with just about anything you imagine.
My Pokémon knowledge is not as deep and vast as my boyfriend’s, so I took the opportunity to share our two very different interests over this deck. I explained to him the traditional meaning of the cards, and he offered his insight about why certain Pokémon could have been chosen for each card. We had a really good time, and I think this is one of the best experiences that this deck offers: being able to work with a tarot deck from a known, cheered place that conveys, at the same time, the traditional tarot ideas with a renewed and out of the ordinary approach.
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The artwork is very nice: the rich, saturated hues are probably my favourite thing about the cards. They are vibrant and fresh - and even the darker cards have splashes of colour, so the general outcome is very cohesive. Each card was hand-drawn, inked, and coloured with alcohol-based markers. I like how, in most cards, more than one Pokémon is chosen - I think this add a lot of depth to the card, as each Pokémon adds a layer of interpretation. Most of the traditional symbols have been substituted for other elements that fit better within the theme - or even for Pokémon themselves! For example, the lobster that usually appears in The Moon is a cute Corphish here.
Though it is based on the Rider Waite Tarot, there are a few changes. Aside from the obvious re-interpretations which are natural in any tarot deck, there are also shifts in the names of the cards. Some of the major arcana are pluralized, “Lovers” has become “Love,” “Wheel of Fortune” has become “Fortune,” and “Hanged Man” has become “Sojourner”. The suits are also renamed: swords are claws, cups are scales, pentacles are coins, and wands are orbs. Additionally, the court cards have also been renamed both to degender them and to make them better fit the Pokémon genre: pages are trainers, knights are leaders, queens are elites, and kings are champions. I would have loved to read why each Pokémon made it into each card, but there is no companion guide available for this deck - and anyway, as I mentioned earlier, exploring the cards and coming up with own conclusions is an awesome experience, especially if there’s someone to share it with!!
The Pokemon Tarot offers a great chance to combine two different interests in a single deck. Both the tarot and the Pokémon worlds are extensive and plentiful of details, so building your own meanings and evolving them (*wink*) according to neighbouring cards or different enquiries is fascinating. It is a beautiful fan-art rendition, and its vibrant colours and expressive artwork are a delight to the eyes. You can find more details about it here, and even see the full gallery here - so don’t leave without checking the wonderful cards yourself!
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mewtarot · 5 years
so this is the last thing i’m going to say on this subject
if a tarot reader advertises paid services, then that is what they do. paid readings. do not try to get past that. do not try to twist or flat out ignore rules to get a free reading. if people are advertising for paid readings and you want a reading, then only contact them for that–nothing free.
it baffles me that tarot readers are literally being treated with so much disrespect. we are not obliged to be kind to people who flat out IGNORE our rules when we set and try to get free services,
if an artist was opening up for strictly paid commissions, would you go to said artist and ask for a free piece or for an art exchange if you didn’t know them, and if you’ve never spoken to them? would you flat out ignore their rules, prices, and posts just so you can find someway to get a free service from them?no! 
there are tons of tarot readers who offer free services–go to them if you don’t want to pay . but don’t come to people who are not offering free services, exchanges, ETC., and get mad when we set you straight.
and don’t reblog or comment if you’re okay with the actions i’ve called out above or if you don’t believe tarot readers should charge for readings.
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