Hot take
From my furry pal we need to hop off mikes Schmidt's sholng for like two seconds and write something sweet for once. He works a fucking 9-9 job he is NOT having sex or knows what hes doing if he is, not in a cute way in an awkward way stop lying to yourselves 😭😭‼️‼️
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Just a thought but I feel like anyone who likes Brahms Heelshire had a crush on wybie from Coraline as a kid. Don't Tell me I'm wrong cuz I'm not.
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Head cannons I have for the squid game staff:
In honor of my finding a new obsession even tho I don't have Netflix and can't/haven't watched the show I'm gonna explain my head cannons I have for the Games staff. :) (if I'm wrong with anything I say tell me please. Don't Let me embarrass myself on the internet -•-)
Last updated: 10/6/21
Circle (worker)
Circles are the lowest rank. They're workers who's main task is to keep the contestants in check.
Personally I feel like circles are overly tough or at least they try to be to prove themselves. Circles are seen as bottom of the barrel sorta expendable worker. It's really like circles need to be quiet, take commands and deal with the contestants.
Because of that they want to move up the ranks and try hard to prove that they should be respected and should be able to be a triangle at least.
Circles exteriors are tough and pretty hard to see past but once they make friends with their coworkers They are definitely protective.
It's hard being a circle out here from the other ranks basically bullying you to contestants yelling bad trying to kill you to escape.
Some weakness they have are animals. Circles love love LOVVVVEEE animals and pets. Once they have a work family I feel as though they would talk about their pets alot.
"oh josh! How's the owl and cat?" "Oh you know... they're getting along but they wake me up in the middle of the night one more time I'm SCREAMING"
Being as protective as they are if the build a little friendship with a contestant they are 100% telling them the winning strategy to the games and will help them in anyway they can.
If a contestant yells and degrades another circle that they're friends with, it's over for that contestant.
Triangle (Soldier)
Triangles are very much happy with where they are in the ranks. Triangles are soldiers and won't hesitate to put people in their place.
That being said they're kinda... boring. They don't really do much. They're just there as guards.
Saying that I feel like they would try to make work interesting by doing the only thing they can which is developing relationship with their coworkers.
I think their relationships are more of looking out for eachother then they are actually being friends. It's like "We are "Friends" beacuse I see you everyday and it's convenient"
Triangles weakness are Also animals but specificly cats. They are all cat guys. At the sight of a grey stripped cat on the side of the road their hearts break. They instantly stop, take it home and name it "Baby chulo nugget Bartholomew Thee stallion Ramirez Edgar Rufus the third". They brag about their pet babies to eachother alot and at this point it's kinda like a competition.
"Oh well my baby banana bread learned how to stand on her hind legs!" "Oh yeah my daughter mochi learned how to speak!" "Ha! Fools! My little one Dango knows how to use his self serve food station!" *BIG GASP*
They also like making bets on which contestants will beat which games. It's like toned down gambling though. No placing money bets, only shift bets.
Square (superiors)
Squares are superiors and have a god complex. No questions.
Squares definitely don't like Eachother and have no Intent to be friends. Yes. They'll talk to eachother but no they won't say anything personal.
Squares are all mighty and probably love getting that power high when they order someone to do something.
Although squares are rude and cold they would pick out certain people in the lower roles and attach themselves to them.
The squares treat the circle or triangle they chose as a little pet/comfort person. They boss then around a lot more then anyone else but in a little smug and funny way. They crack jokes and if their friend gets yelled at by another superior the two supervisors exchange words and practically throw hands.
The squares would die for their comfort guard and mean it. Squares take their friends emotions and problems VERY serious.
"Oh you feel sick? Then lay down for a bit and eat something! I'm not having you work! Stay in the back and avoid orders in the most respectful way possible and don't get caught!"
They are the definition of teddy bears. They are big body, big build and tough looking but kind once you get to know them.
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